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IWA 7-11-01

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Betty Warren, Carol Heffler, Audrey Delnicki, Barbara Kelly, John O’Connell and Jack Phillips
STAFF PRESENT:  Jeffrey H. Folger, Environmental Planner/ Conservation Officer


ITEM:  Correspondence

The Town council has discussed the conservation easement changes, which were well received.  The Town Attorney, Barry Guliano, will let the Commission know when the public hearing is scheduled.

Commissioner Kelly told Commission members about the Roundtable meeting that was held.  There will be meetings held twice a year.  In the springtime the Chairperson of each Commission and another member will be invited to attend.  This meeting will be held to address issues and update Commissions on the strategic planning progress.  Books will be made for each Commission members.

ITEM:  Conservation Commission

IWA/CC received approval to purchase a storage shed, which will be placed at the Wildlife Sanctuary.  A flatbed trailer was also purchased in order to locate the mower to various locations.

An educational poster (sign) will be erected at the Nevers Road Witch Hazel planting site   The 18” x 2’ sign will inform individuals about the Witch Hazel project.

ITEM:  Wetland Officer’s Report

(Attachment A)

Baggot Farms

All requests made by the Town will be complied with.

ITEM:  New Business

Appl. #01-28P, Willowbrook Golf Course

Chairperson Warren stated that the Commission is here to determine if a public hearing is necessary on this application.  It is not the Commissions intention to review the application or have a presentation.  Because of the impact and large number of neighbors on the perimeter of this project, a public hearing would be necessary.

Commissioner Heffler stated she would rather hear the scope of the project during the public hearing and also felt the impact on the community and the amount of proposed impact to the wetlands represent a significant activity which makes it necessary to hold a public hearing.

Motion to:      hold a public hearing on July 25, 2001 for appl. #01-28P due to public interest and significant impacts – Willowbrook Golf Course – Brookfield Street – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for the construction of an 18-hole golf course, clubhouse, driving range, and associated improvements on 84 acres located easterly of Brookfield Street, southerly of Greenfield Street, westerly of Skyline Drive (Assessor’s Map #124, parcel #77) RR Residential zone.

Was made by Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by Commissioner Phillips
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to:      Adjourn the meeting at 7: 25 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Kelly
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Respectfully submitted

___________________________                ________________________
Deborah W. Reid, Recording Secretary                Date Approved