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IWA 12-6-00

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Betty Warren, Carol Heffler, Audrey Wasik, Barbara Kelly, Audrey Delnicki, John O’Connell, Richard Nicholson and Philip Forzley

STAFF PRESENT:  Jeffrey H. Folger, Environmental Planner/
Conservation Officer

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Richard Muller sitting for John Phillps

ITEM:  Correspondence and Reports

Meeting schedule for 2001

It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to approve the 2001 meeting schedule (Attachment A).


Jeff submitted the budget with a couple of changes.  There is an additional $500.00 for mileage and an additional $900.00 for advertising.


DEP has sent comments on the IWA regulations that were submitted to them.  It has been decided by the Commission that this can be reviewed when the yearly review is done.

Christmas party

IWA Christmas party is on Monday, December 18, 2000 at 6:30 p.m. at The Mill On The River.  Audrey Wasik will need an accurate count.

ITEM:  Minutes

It was the general consensus of the Commission to approve October 18, 2000 minutes with suggested correction and November 1, 2000 minutes.

ITEM:  Conservation Commission

There are two Girl Scout Troops interested in adopting parcels on a long-term basis in order to perform management projects.

ITEM:  Wetland Officers Report

Krawski – 130 Buckland Road

A second violation notice has been issued to Mr. Krawski.  He will have until January 6, 2000 to determine regulated areas and submit a restoration plan.  If this is not met, a cease and desist order will bed issued.

Connecticut River

Jeff informed members that the owner of the floodplain area adjacent to the Connecticut River where a violation has occurred is Constantine Zariphes of 1653 Main Street.  A letter will be sent and more information will be provided at a later date.

Evergreen Walk, LLC

There will be a site walk on Friday, December 8, 2000 between 2:00-2:30 p.m. for anyone interested.

Rockville Savings Bank

This application had been denied by the Planning & Zoning Commission.  Jay Giles from Fuss & O’Neil will be contacted regarding this application.  Further information on this application will be given at a later date.

ITEM:  Public Hearing

Appl. #00-55P – Carla’s Pasta, southerly of Governor’s Highway and easterly of Nutmeg Road South (Assessor’s map #59, parcel #38) I zone.

Mr. Ray Nelson from Messier Associates came before the Commission to represent this application.  Mr. Nelson explained that he is present to discuss a proposed subdivision, which is called Constitution Landing Subdivision.  There is a drainage ditch system, which leads to a large detention basin.  The run off from the detention basins then goes into the Town’s detention basin, which is on the other side of Route 5.  One percent to two percent slopes have been designed in order to direct sheet flow away from the buildings, and into a drainage ditch, which will be constructed along the edge of the property.  Mitigation will take place on the east side of the drainage ditch.  During construction, normal E & S measures will be taken.

Chaiperson Warren stated that revised plans are necessary.

Mr. John Ianni came before the Commission.  Mr. Ianni described the different plants that are being proposed for mitigation.  The mitigation area is intended to link to the existing red maple forested swamp to the ditch.  The mitigation area will be seeded with a mixture that contains 36 species of plants.  The wetlands that are being proposed to be disturbed is minor if you look at the functions and values of the wetlands.

The disturbance to the wetlands is approximately 3,000 square feet with a creation area of about 4,800 square feet.  Mr. Ianni felt the mitigation area would be more functional wetlands than what exists presently.  There will be a dry swale, which will carry the stormwater.  Dry swales are very effective as a pollutant removal.

Mr. Ianni responding to the Commission explained that dry swales are probably not as effective as wetlands, but the key is to get a thick vegetative covering.

The roof run-off will be put into a sub-service infiltration system.  Mr. Ianni informed the Commission that he would be working with the Landscape Architect in distributing the species that are proposed for the site.  During the establishment period of the mitigated area, it is important to keep phragmites out of the area.  This could be accomplished by going in and hand picking the phragmites.  It is also recommended that the area be monitored for a three-year period.

Answering questions from the Commission, Mr. Ianni explained that there is no surface water in the wetland, it is strictly a high ground water table.

The area being mitigated will have an easement placed on it.  If anything is done in this area, they will need Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission approval.

Due to elevations it would be impossible to have a wet swale, even though a wet swale would be preferred.

There was a lengthy discussion regarding prudent and feasible alternatives.  Although the Commission agreed with the explanation of the applicant, it was felt that this issue should be stated in the application.  This will be necessary for the next scheduled meeting.

It was described by the applicant that the building is dictated by the manufacturing equipment that is used in the building.  There was every attempt possible, but 100’ radius is necessary for emergency vehicles and snow removal equipment to maneuver inside the property.

Continue this application until the next scheduled meeting.

ITEM:  New Business

Appl. #00-53P – Watson Farms

Attorney Ed Lassman came before the Commission to represent this application.  He explained that this application is for the construction for 72 senior citizen apartments.  CHFA will hold the mortgage, so a lower interest rate is guaranteed.  The project will be controlled through various covenants and enforced by CHFA.  This housing will provide senior citizens lower rents.  The units consist of one or two bedrooms.  Attorney Lassman explained that The Housing Authority is a co-applicant on this project.  Time is essential because CHFA will only entertain applications during the month of January.  If the applicant is not received by CHFA on time, the project will have to be postponed for one year.

Mr. Jeff Sager from Metro Reality came before the Commission.  He explained that the goal for this development is to improve the quality of life for Seniors by providing an environment where residents can live independently on fixed or limited incomes.  The housing will be available to people 62 and above.  The development features single level living with one or two bedrooms.  There will also be one bathroom, kitchen with an eating nook and a living room.  One third of the units have one bedroom and 2/3’s are two bedrooms.  The one bedroom units are approximately 800 square feet and the two bedroom units are 950 square feet.  The architectural style will be New England with pitched roofs, peaks over the windows, headers over the windows and doors, maintenance free vinyl siding, white corner boards, architectural roof shingles, large windows and shutters.  There will be a community room that is 1200 square feet, which can hold 90-100 people.

Mrs. Janet Prior who is the Director of the Housing Authority came before the Commission.  Right now there are 70-units of senior housing with a waiting list that is three years long.  In order to provide housing for the Seniors, they have found that more housing is necessary.  In 1987-1988 the land that is being used for this proposed project was purchased by the Town.

Peter DeMallie from Design Professionals came before the Commission. To discuss the wetlands on the property.  He explained that the project is called Watson Farms.  There is 8.7 acres with 35.5% impervious coverage.  There is 0.68 acres of wetlands on the site and we are not proposing any activity within the wetlands themselves.  There will be about 1 acre of upland review that will be disturbed and significant excavation on the site in order to achieve the grades we would like and do drywells on the site.  At this time they do not have any rights to go into the property until the property is acquired.  A stormwater management system has been designed for this site which has zero net increase in runoff.  When the land is acquired they would like to do test pits in order to see if ground water infiltration of the roof run off is favorable.  If so, they would redesign the project to reduce the size of the detention basin and re-grade to accommodate the reduced detention basin and drywells.  At this point they could either come back to the Commission for approval or get approval through Jeff Folger.

Mr. Galen Semprebon a Professional Engineer with Design Professionals came before the Commission.  He explained that standard manholes would be used with some piping and a baysaver separation unit to help augment the removal of suspended particles.  The detention basin is designed to detain a 2 to 100 year storm and discharge out of the controlled outlet structure.  Discharge will be through a pipe to a 200-foot long swale, which will ultimately discharge back to the wetlands.  The site will be on public water and public sewer.

Jeff Folger suggested the following, which will be implemented into the plan:

Doubling up of some of the erosion controls along the bottom slopes will be doubled up particularly along the edge of the wetlands.
4’ deep sumps on the catch
A detail of the baysaver unit.
Preparation of a final planting plan for the detention basin and the outlet swale.
Test pits will be done within the roadway and detention basin area.

Answering questions from the Commission, Mr. Semprebon explained the test pits will most likely be done during the summer and construction would be late fall or early spring.

Chairperson Warren said she is concerned of the fact that staff has not had a lot of time to review the changes on the plan because they have just been introduced at tonight’s meeting and the applicant would like an answer at tonight’s meeting.

Mr. Semprebon explained that the system as designed is functional.  The test pits are not necessary from a water quality point of view, but certainly would be an added benefit.

Mr. Ed Pawlak a Soil Scientist with Connecticut Ecosystems came before the Commission.  He explained that the site was inspected in October and November.  The wetlands were delineated and it was found that the soils on the property are sandy outwash soils.  Mr. Pawlak gave the Commission a description of the two wetlands found on the property.  He also felt that the mitigation being proposed would compensate for the functions that would be lost.

Commission members discussed the timeframe for a maintenance plan on the catch basins.  They also discussed the flow of the water on the site.

Mr. Ray Jefferson a Landscape Architect came before the Commission to present the planting plan that will be used for this site.

Jeff commented that he felt a wet mix on the bottom of the basins as well as on the sides would be appropriate.  He stated that he also felt the stormwater plan and landscaping plan are both very good.  Jeff felt work needs to be done regarding the short term impacts associated with construction.  An approval condition could be put into place for this item.

Commissioner Heffler stated she has not heard anything tonight that would prevent her from voting on this application with conditions in place.

Commissioner Wasik asked if the Faircloth skimmer would be something that could work on this project.  Mr. Galen Semprbon answered yes explaining that the unit would connect to the outlet structure with an upright pipe surrounded with  stone and fabric which would connect to the outlet structure with a berm in between to allow a pooling area that slowly drains down into the pipe.  As the pool drops the pipe floats down so that it is always picking up water from the top.

Motion to:      extend the meeting past 10:00 p.m. in order to finish agenda items.

Was made by Commissioner Forzley
Seconded by Commissioner Wasik
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Motion to:      approve with conditions appl. #00-53P – Watson Farms – 700 Deming Street, Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for a site plan to construct a 72-unit elderly apartment complex, parking lot, drainage structures and associated improvements on a 8.7 acre parcel located northerly of Deming Street and easterly of Foster Street (Assessor’s map #40, 29, parcel #11, 7) RR zone.

Was made by Commissioner Forzley
Seconded by Commissioner Delnicki
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Standard terms and conditions.
We recommend a bond in the amount of $20,000. Be submitted to the P & Z Commission to ensure compliance with the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures.  The bond will be released when the site is stable.
We recommend a bond in the amount of $25,000. Be submitted to the P & Z Commission for the establishment of the stormwater control structures (detention basin and vegetative swale).  The bond to be held for two growing seasons to ensure proper establishment for proposed vegetation.
Town Engineer and Environmental Planner to review the location of the discharge from the detention basin to determine the best option for the discharge point of the proposed swale.
A phasing and comprehensive erosion and seimentation control plan to be submitted to the Commission for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Retaining wall to be installed along the northerly property line in order to preserve existing vegetation.  Final grading plan to be reviewed by Town Staff.
The feasibility of connecting roof leaders to drywells is to be examined.  Test pit data to be submitted to Town Staff for review.
Recommendations of Section 7.3.3 of the environmental assessment document entitled “Proposed Watson Farm” by REMA Ecological Services dated November 27, 2000 must be adopted and shown on the plan.
A planting scheme be devised for the detention basin and the filter swale.  Final plan to be reviewed by Jeff Folger

Appl. #00-54P – Route 5 Motor Cars

Mr. Galen Semprebon came before the Commission to represent this application.  He explained that presently there is an existing building on site with paved parking.  The remainder of the impervious surface is gravel.  There are no wetlands on the site, but two are adjacent to the site and there is an existing culvert and another wetland system at the rear of the site.  The site is presently vacant and our client is proposing to utilize the site to store and sell motor vehicles.  The vegetation on the gravel will be clear.  Jeff recommended a grass swale for water quality purposes along the southern side of the gravel area be integrated into the plan.  All runoff would be collected into the swale and then piped through a level spreader back into the wetland system.  The site would be graded in order to drain back into the swale.

Jeff told Commission members that this applications main purpose is to re-apply gravel over the existing gravel parking lot which happens to be within the upland review area.  The wetland is extremely poor and low quality wetland area.  Total acreage is 36,000 square feet.

Attorney Hal Cummings came before the Commission.  He explained that Mr. Treglia is the owner of Rte. 5 Motor Cars.  This company has been in business in South Windsor for 27 years.  The business is presently located at 713 John Fitch Boulevard.

Motion to:      approve with conditions appl. #00-54P – Route 5 Motor Cars – 1429 John Fitch Boulevard – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for the repair of an existing parking area on a 36,000 square foot lot located westerly of John Fitch Boulevard (Assessor’s map #97, parcel #13), I zone.

Was made by Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by Commissioner O’Connell
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

ITEM:  Old Business

Appl. #00-46P – J.E. Shepard Co.

Mr. Ray Nelson from Messier Associates came before the Commission.  He explained that the plans for this application were submitted last month.  There are two small additions which have been put on the plans.  Plants have been modified and there is a detail for the erosion control blanket.

Chairperson Warren stated that the Commission discovered that there has been work performed on the site without the application being approved and asked the status on the property.

Mr. Messier said that paving has been done and they were getting ready to do the final grading.

Commission members discussed this application in detail and many voiced their displeasure a the rate in which is application moved without the proper approvals.

Mr. Kip Shepard told  Commission members that if this project had not kept moving he felt they would have lost this customer.  He also informed the Commission that he had posted a bond in excess of what the Commission wanted trying to keep everyone happy.

Chairperson Warren felt careful planning could prevent this from happening again.

Motion to:      approve with conditions appl. #00-46P – J.E. Shepard Co., 100 Bidwell Road – Conservation application for a site plan to construct a 68,000 square foot parking lot, drainage structures and associated improvements on a 3.1 acre parcel located westerly of John Fitch Boulevard and southerly of Bidwell Road (Assessor’s map #59, parcel #38) I zone.

Was made by Commissioner Forzley
Seconded by Commissioner Kelly
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

ITEM:  Other Business

Discussion of Pond Estates open space

Commissioner Heffler wanted to inform other Commission members that after this Commission puts easements on applications nothing else is being done with them.

After a lengthy discussion regarding conservation easements, it was decided to invite Council Liaison Tom Delnicki and Town Attorney Barry Guliano to a meeting in order to discuss this matter further.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to:      adjourn the meeting at 11:15 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner O’Connell
Seconded by Commissioner Delnicki
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Respectfully submitted

______________________________               ______________________
Deborah W. Reid                                            Date Approved
Recording Secretary