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WPCA Approved Minutes 05/20/2014, Special Meeting

Members Present:                Richard Aries, Robert Dickinson, Carol Fletterick, Ed Havens, Jr. and Vicki Paliulis

Members Absent:         Donald Antaya, and William Vees

Alternates Present:     Richard Siedman sitting in for Mr. Donald Antaya

Staff Present:          C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                                Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

Others Present:         Councilor Liz Pendleton (Liaison to WPCA)
                                Councilor Stephen Wagner (Liaison to WPCA)
                                Mary Sullivan, Town Resident

Chairman Richard Aries called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the May 20, 2014 Special Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA).


        1.      Proposed Sewer Charge Discount Program (Discussion)

Chairman Richard Aries distributed the latest revision of the draft policy for the proposed sewer charge discount program (see Exhibit A).  The changes were made based upon the recommendations that were made during the last WPCA special meeting and based upon discussion with Andrea Cofrancesco of the Human Services Department.

Mr. Richard Siedman arrived at 7:06 p.m.  Chairman Richard Aries appointed Mr. Siedman to sit in for Mr. Donald Antaya.

Chairman Aries explained the revisions that were made to the policy.  He also explained that a legal opinion was received from Town Attorney, Andrew Lord with comments that the town must adopt an ordinance to implement this program (see Exhibit B.)  Council Stephen Wagner explained that two meetings need to be scheduled with the Town Council in order to pass the ordinance; one regular meeting is to introduce the ordinance to the Town Council and set the public hearing.  The second meeting is to have the public hearing to discuss and get approval for the ordinance.  It was recommended to request the assistance of the Town Attorney in writing the ordinance based upon the draft policy presented.

Motion was made to provide the Town Attorney with a draft copy of the proposed Sewer User Charge Abatement Program policy for his review and to move forward to create an ordinance subject to the same language presented in the draft policy (see Exhibit A).

The motion was made by Ms. Vicki Paliulis
The motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion carried unanimously

        2.      Commercial and Residential Condominiums Sewer Billing Policy (Discussion)

Chairman Richard Aries explained that there have been discussions concerning how to reform the current billing structure in a more equitable way.  He explained that there is a general understanding that the commercial and industrial users are getting charged less per gallon than the residential users.  The focus is been made on billing the commercial and industrial condominiums the same way as the residential condos. Earlier this evening, during the Task Force Committee meeting, there was a consensus that the industrial and commercial condominiums will in fact be billed the minimum flat fee plus proration.  Three options where reviewed and discussed for consideration of adjusting the sewer user charge from the current fee $374 per 93,000 gallons.  The options are as follows: to set the user charge rate of $350 per 74,000 gallons, $350 per 79,000 gallons, or $350 per 84,000 gallons (see Exhibit C).  A quick assessment was made and it was determined that the total revenue derived from each of the options decreases the budgetary needs; in order to stabilize the budget and prevent a shortfall of 3.1%, the minimum charge has to be changed for each of the options provided.  Therefore, it was recommended to instead adjust the sewer user charge rate for each option as follows: $345 per 74,000 gallons; $351 per 79,000 gallons and $356 per 84,000 gallons.  Chairman Richard Aries explained that the sewer fees are very reasonable compared to the local area towns.

Mr. Shaw distributed a document that provides more detailed information concerning the impact could on each user group that each option would have (see Exhibit D).  He explained that the column on the left shows single family users as distinct from the residential condominiums; it shows how each sub division in the residential group are billed. The industrial and commercial users are divided into three groups: the industrial and commercial users as distinguished from those that are industrial/commercial condominiums or apartments; however, based on previous discussions it was decided that in regards to the apartments, they would continue to be billed as they have been billed in the past.

Chairman Aries explained during the advisory meeting earlier this evening, a vote was taken to determine the general consensus concerning which of the three option would be recommended by the advisory committee.  Initially the vote was as follows: one vote for the $350 per 79,000 gallons; three votes for $356 per 84,000 gallons.  At that point and time there was a motion to recommend to the WPCA to consider adjusting the current sewer user charge from $374 to $350 per 79,000 gallons.  The vote on that motion was six in favor of it; one opposed, and two abstained.  Chairman Aries explained that he abstained from voting because he feels that the 84,000 gallons standard which reduces by a significant amount the flat fee from $374 to $356 was preferred because the cost impact to the commercial and industrial businesses would be less severe; the total percentage change in sewer rate would increase by 7.4 percent in comparison to the other two options that involved increase of 20.7% or 13.7%.  He referred to Attorney Lord’s comments about the importance of incremental increase in sewer user charges; small increases will not result in people appealing the decision; high increases will cause people moving to surrounding towns or even ending up in court to appeal the decision.

Town resident, Mary Sullivan of 102 Wyndemere Court was in attendance this evening and asked with regards to the assisted living “The Village” and “Emeritus”.  She asked how much each unit is billed.  Chairman Richard Aries responded that they are considered a business, therefore only one bill is sent to the owner of the development.

Chairman Aries reported that Councilor Stephen Wagner was one of the members that favored the $350 per 74,000 gallons option.  Councilor Wagner was asked to explain why he felt that option was the best to consider.  Councilor Wagner responded that his initial vote was for the 74,000 gallons as he believes is an option that brings the businesses closer to the billing procedure for the residential users; although he respects the consensus about the impact on some really large businesses.  However, his final vote was for the second option which was a flat sewer user rate of $351 per 79,000 gallons.

Chairman Aries explained that Councilor Liz Pendleton was the only member that initially voted in favor of the $351 per 79 gallons option.  She was asked to explain why she felt that was the best option to consider.  Councilor Pendleton responded that she “had to go with the middle of the road” option.  She believes that getting the commercial condos on board is a great way to go.

Chairman Aries explained that currently the proposal was to adjust the sewer user charges; however, they will certainly continue to look for other options that would be fair.  Mr. Richard Siedman expressed that he is concerned about the impact that this change will cause to the larger users; therefore, he was in favor of adjusting the sewer user charge to $356 per 84,000 gallons.  Mr. Ed Havens Jr., expressed that after hearing all the pros and cons his recommendation is to proceed with the third option which is $356 per 84,000 gallons.

Chairman Richard Aries asked for a vote for purposes of presenting at the public hearing an adjustment to the current sewer user charge.  Mr. Robert Dickinson made a motion as follows:

Motion was made to propose at the public hearing the sewer user rate schedule based on 82,000 gallons.

The motion failed due to lack of second in the motion.

Taking into consideration the impact that the larger businesses will encounter, Mr. Richard Siedman made a motion as follows:

Motion was made to propose at the public hearing the rate schedule based on 84,000 gallons condition upon Mr. Shaw’s final calculation of the rates.

The motion was seconded by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously

Councilor Liz Pendleton expressed that she feels very disheartened with the WPCA decision in respect to all the work and effort that the advisory committee has put into this subject matter, and after the advisory committee recommendation to set the user rate to $351 per 79,000 gallons.

Town resident, Mary Sullivan expressed that she along with many of her friends who live in Berry Patch are paying the maximum rate which is a concern.  Chairman Aries corrected her, and explained that she is actually paying a flat rate.  He also explained that the WPCA is one of the few utilities that she is going to encounter that is proposing to lower their annual sewer charge.  The WPCA will continue to look at ways to be more fair.

        3.      Pollution Control Budget FY 2014/2015 – (Discussion)

Included with the Agenda was a draft copy of the Water Pollution Control Authority Budget for fiscal year 2014/2015 (see Exhibit E).  This subject matter has been on the Agenda since February; the intent was to review the budget over a number of meetings.  The WPCA has discussed the operating budget, the debt service, capital projects and reserves.  The last budgetary matter that was reviewed at the last meeting was the WPCA budget for $700.

Chairman Aries asked Councilor Wagner if he had any questions or concerns regarding the budget as presented.  Councilor Wagner explained that this year budget is actually maintaining the fund balance constant.  However, on the financial report for 2012/2013 there was a very large difference between the predicted payment for the debt service of the treatment plant and the actual payment of the debt service.  This difference raised a lot of questions.  Therefore, Council Wagner has requested a list of all transactions made in fiscal year 2012/2013.

        4.      FY2014/2015 Pollution Control Budget, Sewer User Charge Rates, and User Charge Discount Policy (Approval of information to present at the Public Hearing)

Mr. Shaw suggested approving the proposed WPCA Budget for FY 2014/2015 as presented.  He also explained that an increase by 1.5% is proposed for the sewer assessment rates; this increase reflects the change in value of the dollar according to the urban price index (CPI-U).  Also, an increase by 1.5% is proposed in the rate for septic waste disposal and surcharges.

Motion was made to present for purposes of a public hearing the proposed FY2014/2015 Pollution Control Budget and increases in assessment rates of 1.5% which is based upon the change in the Urban CPI over the past year; 1.5% increases in rate for septic waste disposal and surcharges and the change in the user charge rate.

The motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion carried unanimously

        5.      Set Time and Date for Public Hearing for the FY2014/2015 Pollution Control Budget, Sewer User Charge Rates, and User Charge Discount Policy

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that at the last WPCA meeting the Public Hearing was scheduled for Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.  However, there is a conflict in booking of the room at that time as there will be another meeting shortly after the WPCA meeting in the same room.  Mr. Shaw proposed to change the public hearing to six o’clock on June 10th.

Motion was made to reschedule the WPCA Public Hearing for June 10, 2014 at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers for the Pollution Control Budget FY2014/2015 and to establish the proposed Sewer Charges and Benefit Assessment Rates for FY 2014/2015.

Motion was made by Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Siedman
The motion carried unanimously


Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary