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WPCA Approved Revised Minutes, 05/06/2014

Members Present:                Richard Aries, Donald Antaya, Robert Dickinson, Carol Fletterick, and Vicki Paliulis

Members Absent:         Ed Havens, Jr., and William Vees

Alternates Absent:      Richard Siedman

Staff Present:          C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                                Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

Others Present:         Genevieve Beaurivage, Applicant
                                Neal DeVaux, Applicant
                                Liz Pendleton, Councilor (WPCA Liaison)
                                Steven Wagner, Councilor (WPCA Liaison)

Chairman Richard Aries called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the May 6, 2014 Regular Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA).


        1.      March 4, 2014, Regular Meeting

Motion was made to accept the minutes of the March 4, 2014 regular meeting as presented.

The motion was made by Mr. Don Antaya
The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously

        2.      April 1, 2014, Regular Meeting

The minutes were grammatically corrected per Mr. Donald Antaya’s comments.

Motion was made to accept the minutes of the April 1, 2014 regular meeting as amended.

The motion was made by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion was seconded by Mr. Don Antaya
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      Giuseppina’s Bakery, 942 Sullivan Avenue – (Approval to Connect)

Mr. Neil Devaux and Genevieve Beaurivage, applicants were in attendance this evening.  Mr. Fred Shaw explained that this is an existing building unit in which the applicants are proposing to put in a bakery and they have provided site plans to the Building Department.  Mr. Shaw reviewed the site plans; he also reviewed the location and the calculations for sizing of the proposed automatic grease removal unit.  Mr. Shaw is satisfied with the selection and made recommendation to be approved.

Motion was made to approve the proposed use of an automated grease removal unit meeting all Town requirements at property located at 942 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, CT.

The motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Ms. Vicki Paliulis
The motion carried unanimously

        2.      DST Output, 125 Ellington Road – Private Meter (Approval to Use)

Included with the agenda was a letter from DST Output requesting approval for the use of two private meters (see Exhibit A) to measure the lawn irrigation system and for a humidifier that they have in place.  Mr. Shaw explained that the meter is for the sprinkler system and also for the humidification system; he inspected the location for the meter and is satisfied that it is the appropriate location for the meter.

Chairman Richard Aries asked Mr. Shaw to explain the responsibility of the applicant once a private meter is installed.  Mr. Shaw responded that they need to have the meter maintained and make sure that is accurately recording flow; also they need to maintain a log of the meter readings; they are required to provide that information if Town staff should come in and make a spot check; and each year in January, they are required to provide to the Town annual written reports of the meter readings for the previous calendar year.

Motion was made to approve the use of two private water meters at 125 Ellington Road, South Windsor, CT, which may be used to measure the amount of water that is not discharged to the sewer; this approval is subject to meeting the program requirements for use of the private meters.

The motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Mr. Don Antaya
The motion carried unanimously

        3.      Sullivan Centers, LLC., 935 Sullivan Avenue (Approval to Add Grease Trap for Restaurant Use)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that this developer’s project was previously reviewed by the Authority.  This is to provide a restaurant in one of the buildings; they are required to put in a passive outside grease interceptor.  They are proposing a 1,000 gallons grease interceptor.  The engineer for this project unfortunately could not make it this evening.  However, the engineer has provided the calculations to justify the size of the 1000 gallons grease interceptor.  Mr. Shaw explained that unlike the grease interceptor just approved for Giuseppina’s Bakery, (Item C1), this is an exterior underground tank.  It’s a passive grease interceptor which under current regulations has to be pumped out on a quarterly basis each year.  Mr. Shaw reviewed the plans and is satisfied with the proposed grease interceptor and therefore made recommendation to approve.

Motion was made to approve the installation and use of a 1000 gallon exterior passive grease interceptor meeting all Town requirements at property located at 935 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, CT.

The motion was made by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion was seconded by Mr. Don Antaya
The motion carried unanimously

        4.      Award Contract and Proceed with Construction Phase – Phase II Sewer System Improvements (Approval)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that this is the rehabilitation of the manholes to remove 100,000 gallons of extraneous flow per day from the system; this project was approved by the WPCA.  The Authority approved the design and going out to bid for this project.  Included with the agenda was a letter provided by the Consultant Engineer, Wright-Pierce which they reviewed the background of the lowest bidder and confirmed that they are a qualified bidder (see Exhibit B).  The lowest bidder is the company that is doing the monitoring for Phase II.  The bid price of $61,095.

Mr. Donald Antaya commented that the bid price is almost 60% lower than what was anticipated.  Mr. Shaw responded that it was anticipated to be $160,000; so he asked Wright-Pierce to explain the difference which they did in their letter.  Mr. Shaw was seeking approval from the Authority to award the contact to the lowest bidder and authorize notice to proceed with this project.

Motion was made to award the contract to National Water Main Cleaning Company (NWMCC) for the Phase II Sewer System Improvements project and to authorize the expenditure of funds for Phase II Sewer System Improvement Construction Phase.  The source of funding will be account no. 44641300-00320 Reserve for Capital Projects; and to authorize the notice to proceed with this project.

The motion was made by Ms. Vicki Paliulis
The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously

        5.      Commercial User Charge Adjustment FY2013/2014 – 10 Bidwell Road (Approval)

Mr. Fred Shaw explained that this company has a lawn sprinkler system which was previously approved by the WPCA.  They sent in their information on the meter readings to be reduced from the water company’s consumptions; however, in their letter they indicated that the meter readings were in cubic feet not gallons.  This was not noticed until very early in the billing cycle but the bills were already going out.  The meter flow was converted from gallons and Mr. Shaw indicated that the proper flow should have been 247,920 gallons instead of 746,128; he recommended approval to adjust the user charge from $3,000.88 to $907.05.

Motion was made to approve the adjustments of the Sewer User Charge from $3,000.88 to $997.05 for the sewer user bill FY 2013/2014 for property located at 10 Bidwell Road (See Exhibit C.)

The motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

        6.      Set Time and Date for Public Hearing for the FY2014/2015 Pollution Control Budget, Sewer User Charge Rates, and User            Charge Discount Policy

Chairman Richard Aries explained that this evening the Authority will discuss the proposed user charge rate and user charge discount policy in preparation for the Public Hearing in June.  However, the time is limited and Chairman Richard Aries has more questions for the Human Services Department and wants to seek legal opinion with regards to the proposed user charge discount policy.  Therefore, Chairman Aries recommended scheduling a special meeting.  There was a consensus to hold a special meeting on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sprenkel Room for purposes of discussing the proposed budget, user charge rate and the user charge discount policy in preparation for the Public Hearing.  The Authority also decided to reschedule the June 3, 2014 regular meeting to June 10th.

Motion was made to schedule the WPCA Public Hearing for Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers for the FY2014/2015 Pollution Control Budget, Sewer User Charge Rates, and User Charge Discount Policy.

The motion was made by Mr. Don Antaya
The motion was seconded by Ms. Vicki Paliulis
The motion carried unanimously

Motion was made to reschedule the WPCA regular meeting from Tuesday, June 3, 2014 to Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the Sprenkel Room.

The motion was made by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion was seconded by Mr. Don Antaya
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I – CCTV and Manhole Inspections

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that the CCTV and Manhole Inspections is a project that has been funded by the state, 55% grant.  This project involves the TV monitoring inspections of the sewer lines looking for infiltration and inflow.  The project has been completed and Wright-Pierce is in the process now of gathering and analyzing the information which will then be discussed with the WPCA.

Mr. Donald Antaya asked Fred Shaw when will the use of the Enterprise Fund will be in effect.  Mr. Shaw responded that he will ask the Town Manager but it will be as soon as it becomes available.  Councilor Wagner explained that the Town Council gave the Authority another year to prepare for the Enterprise Fund; he explained that the resolution basically says that 2015/16 fiscal year the WPCA will be using the enterprise fund.  Mr. Shaw explained that the WPCA was interested in doing it as soon as they could.  Councilor Wagner responded that’s great, but another resolution needs to be approved.

E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda)

Councilor Liz Pendleton was in attendance this evening.  She related that she took a tour of the South Windsor Sewer Treatment Plant and was very impressed with the facility; “it is an absolutely incredible facility” and the employees are very knowledgeable.



        1.      Proposed Sewer Charge Discount Program (Discussion)

Included with the Agenda was a draft copy of the Sewer User Charge Abatement Program which has been revised (see Exhibit D1).  Chairman Richard Aries distributed a copy of the revised Sewer User Charge Abatement Program policy (see Exhibit D2).  He explained the changes he has made.  For example, he made reference to the ordinance of the Town of South Windsor, without referencing the state program.

On Item A of the Sewer Use Charge Abatement Program Policy shows that the household maximum income for eligibility is $45,600.  The policy also includes the definition for household income.  Item B refers to the application for this program.

Chairman Aries explained that he will be seeking legal opinion with regards to whether or not a Town ordinance is required for this program.  He made reference to a statement recently made by Attorney Lord with regards to this program.  He explained that Attorney Lord has mentioned that with the Human Service Department staff cooperation the Authority could have the ability to do a retro active billing if someone is too late to get into the most upcoming billing cycle for this program.  Chairman Aries will ask the Human Services Department staff with regards to this option.

Councilor Liz Pendleton commented one Item B of the proposed draft policy and explained that the energy assistance is a different category; She explained that some people can have an income of over $45,600 and still be able to qualify for the energy assistance program.  Chairman Richard Aries responded that people who’s income is more than $45,000 could be eligible for other programs, but not for the sewer user charge discount program.  Councilor Pendleton asked the Authority to consider providing the discount to people whose income is over $45,600 but is having some type of a financial situation.  Chairman Aries responded that he like the thought, however, this is a new program that will be implemented and reviewed carefully.  He would like to see the impact on the budget of the WPCA first and how many people really do qualify for this program.

Ms. Vicki Paliulis suggested a revision of the chart.  She explained that the number should be rounded to the nearest hundreds.  She asked what percentage will be applied if the applicant’s income is $22,900; is it 35% or 25%.  Mr. Antaya recommended changing the amount from $22,900 to $22,901.  The proposed sewer discount policy and the application were further reviewed.  Chairman Aries explained that he will meet with Andrea Cofrancesco of Human Services Department to review and discuss the draft policy and application.  Also, a request will be submitted to the Town Attorney for his legal opinion.

        2.      Commercial and Residential Condominiums Sewer Billing Policy (Discussion)

Included with the agenda was a table listing different options of increasing the sewer rates; however the numbers were in the wrong box.  Mr. Shaw distributed a revised copy of the table (see Exhibit E).

Chairman Richard Aries explained that during the past Task Force Committee meeting there has been a lot of discussion about altering the entire dynamic between the commercial/industrial billings and residential billings.  He explained that Councilor Steve Wagner as well as Mr. Fred Shaw has worked very hard on providing different options about how to possibly make some adjustments that will lead to lowering the sewer user rate for the residential users but at the same time increasing the sewer rates for the commercial and industrial users.

Mr. Shaw explained that discussion has been about the formula, the dollar amount, the number of gallons and what was considered normal of waste water that the residents might discharge into the system.  Mr. Shaw presented information to the Authority that will allow them to make comparisons and be able to judge the impacts on the users; both the industrial/commercial users as well as the residential users.  The first option is what was recently billed this past April at the current rate of $374 per 93,000 gallons.  The second option is $350.00 per 69,000 gallons; the third option is $350 per 74,000 gallons and the last option is $350 per 84,000 gallons.  These options help to be able compare what will be the impact on each one of the businesses if those rates were changed.  Mr. Shaw also explained that with these options the commercial and industrial condominiums units will be charged a minimum flat rate per unit or a proration of the flow based on water use; this also includes the apartment units to be charged a minimum flat rate per unit or prorated based on water use.

Chairman Richard Aries asked on the assumptions to the apartment units which will be billed a minimum flat rate per unit based on flow.  Mr. Shaw responded that they will get at least the minimum flow; for example if they use 74,000 or less they will be billed $350.  Mr. Shaw explained that if the apartments or the industrial and commercial condo units use more than 74,000 gallons they will be prorated.  Chairman Aries explained that in looking at the chart, the least change for the commercial/industrial users raises their average by 15.8% ($350 per 84,000 gallons).  However, the commercial and industrial condominium users will be highly impacted with the other two options ($350 per 69,000 gallons or per 74,000 gallons).  Chairman Aries does not feel comfortable supporting this increase.

Councilor Wagner expressed that the Authority is trying to collect now less in the current budget.  Mr. Shaw responded that the reason is because he took into consideration the sewer charge abatement program which will be covered with the reserves to stabilize the user rates.  Also, there might be a 1.1% decrease in the amount of revenue for the 84,000 gallons option based upon current flows.

Mr. Shaw explained that there are other factors involved with the percentage increase.  Each of the option shows a methodology; Mr. Shaw will send out copies of that to members of the Authority.

Councilor Wagner expressed that at the last advisory committee meeting it was determined that the apartment user fees will double; and it was decided that the committee members weren’t very comfortable billing the apartments.  Chairman Richard Aries expressed that the numbers shown in the revised chart are based on the apartments income by the sewer charge been significantly increased.  He expressed that he supports a moderate change in the sewer fees, but he can’t support dramatically radical change in any direction.  Mr. Shaw was asked to remove the apartments form the chart.

Mr. Robert Dickinson expressed that Westage Condominiums are small units; they are like apartments.  He believes they should be billed differently.  Chairman Aries responded that people who live in an apartment is because that’s what they can afford; the taxes in a condo put them into a completely different category of property in his view, and therefore, when they get these bills, they get it because they are homeowners now.

Council Wagner expressed that it’s strange to him that the Authority want to treat all residential condos the same to the best of their ability.  He explained that the residential condos that are served by the CT Water Company are billed individually $374; however, the condos served by the Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) are not been billed individually the $374 user charge.  He explained that the water use in an apartment is so very low compared to the condominiums.  Therefore, he suggested that all condos should be treated the same.  Mr. Shaw explained that all residential condominiums are treated the same as a residential user; they are billed a flat rate per unit; there is twelve condominium associations in Town; two of which are served by the Connecticut Water Company and have individual meter for each unit.  The other ten condominiums are served by the MDC and there is one or two meter per complex.  The residential condominiums get a bill directly.  Mr. Wagner expressed that if all residential condominiums are treated the same, then he did the numbers wrong in the spreadsheets he presented; he though that the residential users served by the CT Water Company were charged the minimum flat rate per unit; and those served by MDC were getting charged based on flow.

On the other hand, Mr. Shaw explained that the commercial and industrial condominiums are billed based upon flow; the bills gets sent out to the association and it goes to the owner of the property.  Chairman Aries explained that Mr. Richard Siedman is not happy with that scenario.  He explained that Mr. Siedman feels that a condo owner of a commercial property should be billed individually.  Mr. Shaw responded that he is considering that option in his analysis.  Mr. Shaw also explained that it is important to inform the business sectors as they will be impacted by this change; either be sending some notification to the Chamber of Commerce to give a chance to people to know about it and be able to express their concerns.

Councilor Wagner expressed that one of the questions that have not been resolve was the situation like for example the Town Center where only one bill gets sent out to the property owner.  He understands that it is very complicated to figure out how many businesses flow are coming out of one pipe; however, in terms of fairness he asked why treat the “bike shop” who leases the unit differently than if he owns the place.  Chairman Aries responded that the reason is because there are benefits with ownership.

Councilor Pendleton raised the issue on the billing system for the commercial condominiums, for example, 400 Chapel Road “Bissell Commons Association” and Wentworth Park; she feels that they should be billed per unit.  Mr. Shaw explained that there are 31 condo units at Wentworth Park with individual meters served by the CT Water Company.  He explained that there are two different parks, one located on Felt Road and the other one located on Oakland Road.  He explained that when they came in for approval it was established at that point and time that as an association they will receive a single bill and that the association will divide it among the owners; the usage was calculated based upon total flow.  He also explained that Wentworth Park is currently billed for both of the parks a total of $966.67 flat rate.  With one of the proposed options ($350 per 84,000 gallons) they will be billed $10,850.  He also explained that in one of the analysis that was done before, comparing different rates in billing the industrial and commercial condos there was a difference of about $42,000 in revenue between what is been billed now and what could be billed.

With no further discussion, there was a consensus to remove the apartments from table and keep the same options for the commercial and industrial condominiums with the idea of reaching the budget.

        3.      Budget FY 2014/2015 – (Discussion)

Mr. Shaw reported that the budget has been previously discussed; the operating budget, debt service, capital reserves.  The only thing that was not discussed was the Water Pollution Control budget which was not increased from last year budget.

Chairman Richard Aries reported that he received an email from Councilor Steve Wagner seeking information on a specific line item in the budget.  Councilor Wagner explained that in the 2012/2013 budget the debt service was about $150,000.  However, the Town Manager decided that by paying off the sewer treatment plant debt service earlier the Town can save money.  Councilor Wagner wants to know what happened to the fund balance.

Mr. Fred Shaw explained that the Authority budgeted $700,000 to set aside t pay for the treatment plant upgrade.  However, the Authority began to repay the debt service early because the Town received erroneous information from the State on the debt service schedule for the Treatment Plant upgrade. The budget was finalized on fiscal year 2012/2013 before the error was discovered.  The Authority had not appropriated any funds during fiscal year 2012/2013 to begin the early repayment for that debt service.  It was learned that the Town could save significant funds by starting to repay the debt service in October of 2012 and the Authority did so out of the WPCA reserves ($700,000) plus $560,000 that wasn’t budgeted for anything out of the fund balance.  

Councilor Wagner explained that Mr. Don Gonsalves wants to know what happened to the reserve.  Mr. Antaya responded that Mr. Gonsalves is using a corporate balance sheet basis accounting versus the municipal accounting which are totally different.  Councilor Wagner requested for a report on all of the transactions made on the WPCA Budget during FY 2012/2013.



        Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:49 p.m.

        The motion was made by Mr. Donald Antaya
        The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
        The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary