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WPCA Approved Minutes 12/03/2013, Regular Meeting

        Members Present:        Richard Aries, Robert Dickinson, Carol Fletterick, and William Vees

        Members Absent: Donald Antaya, Vicki Paliulis

        Alternates Present:     Ed Havens, Jr. sitting in for Donald Antaya

        Alternates Absent:      Richard Siedman

        Staff Present:          C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                                        Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

        Others Present:         Peter DeMallie, Design Professionals (SW Little League)
                                        Gerald Spanola, (Garbanzo Mediterranean Grill)
                                        Mr. Paul Estilow (Garbanzo Mediterranean Grill)
                                        Mr. James Greeson, Town resident
                                        Elizabeth Pendleton, Town Councillor

Chairman Richard Aries called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the December 3, 2013 Regular Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA).

Chairman Aries appointed Mr. Ed Havens, Jr. to sit in for Mr. Donald Antaya.


        1.      November 6, 2013, Regular Meeting

Motion was made to accept the minutes of the November 6, 2013 regular meeting as presented.

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Mr. William Vees
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      South Windsor Little League, New Concession Stand, 138 Ayers Road - (Approval to Connect)

Mr. Peter DeMallie of Design Professionals, Inc. presented the application for the South Windsor Little League located at 138 Ayers Road, South Windsor, CT.  This project consists of a new concession stand.  It is proposed to abandon the existing septic system and connect to the existing sanitary sewer with a 1 ½ inch force main to the existing manhole.  Mr. Shaw stated he did not yet receive any information concerning the pump system.  Mr. Ed Havens, Jr. asked whether or not this facility requires a grease trap; Mr. Peter DeMallie will provide to Mr. Shaw the details on the pump system and confirm the types of food to be served at the facility so as to determine whether or not a grease interceptor will be required.  Mr. Shaw stated that it was his understanding that there would be a grill used in heating food, but nothing would be connected to a drain and therefore, there would be not need for a grease interceptor.

Motion was made to approve the application as presented for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for the new South Windsor Little League concession stand located at 138 Ayers Road, South Windsor, CT; as more specifically shown on plans entitled “South Windsor Little League, New Concession Stand, 138 Ayers Road, South Windsor, CT, Site Plan Modification” Prepared by Design Professionals, South Windsor, CT; Project 1059.L, Dated 11-11-13; Sheet No. V-1 “Property and Topographic Plan” Dated 11-11-13; and subject to the following conditions: (1) The satisfactory review and approval by Town staff of the pump station design; (2) and that grease interceptor would not be required for the food to be served at the facility.

Motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously

        2.      Garbanzo Mediterranean Grill, Evergreen Walk – (Approval to Connect)

Mr. Gerald Spanola and Mr. Paul Estilow were in attendance this evening to present the application.  Mr. Spanola explained that this is a proposed restaurant that is going in to an existing building which is already connected to the sewer.  Mr. Estilow has provided calculations for the grease trap which has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Shaw.  Mr. William Vees asked who the Town will be billing for sewer charge.  Mr. Shaw responded that the property owner will be billed as the applicant will be leasing the space.

Motion was made to approve the application as presented for existing commercial building located in Evergreen Walk; as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Poag & McEwen Lifestyle Center –Connecticut, LLC; The Shops at Evergreen Walk” Prepared by Fuss & O’Neill, Inc. Manchester, CT; Project No. 2000481P10, Dated 05/08/03, sheet No. CU.1.3 “Utility Plan”, Revisions Dated: 1/13/04, 08/21/03, 07/24/03, 06/19/03, and 06/12/03; and subject to the following condition: (1) installation of an interior grease interceptor meeting all Town and the State of CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) requirements.

        Motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
        The motion was seconded by Mr. William Vees
        The motion carried unanimously

        3.      WPCA FY 2012/2013 Annual Report (Review and Approve)

A copy of the WPCA Annual Report FY2012/2013 was included with the Agenda for review and consideration of the Authority (see Exhibit A).  Mr. William Vees suggested making reference to the WPCA members responsibility; how they are citizens of the Town and volunteer members for the WPCA and they want to do what is right for the community.  Ms. Carol Fletterick recommended making a note that the Authority is committed to fulfilling its obligations under the State mandate but at the same time keeping in mind its financial fiscal responsibility.  It was also recommended to make note that the WPCA is part of the Task Force Committee.  Mr. Shaw also recommended making reference to the reserve fund policy.  Also, that the WPCA is considering, based upon completed engineering studies, future improvements which will involve planning now for future expenditures for those improvements to maintain the system.  A final draft of the WPCA Annual Report will be emailed to the Authority.

Motion was made to approve the WPCA Annual Report for FY 2012/2013 as presented and including the above mentioned recommendations made by members of the Authority.

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

Motion was made to go to Item E – Public Participation

The motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously


Mr. James Greeson of 1102 Dzen Way (Strawberry Fields Condominiums), South Windsor, CT was in attendance this evening to voice his concerns.  He attended the meeting to try to understand what changes the Authority might consider with regards to sewer use billing; primarily his concern was with regards to the billing for their club house.  He understands there has been some discussion about changing the sewer use charge based on water consumption.  In the case of their club house, the water meters services the club house and the irrigation system.  He asked what his options are, should the Authority consider charging sewer use based on water consumption.  Mr. Fred Shaw recommended to him to install a meter for the irrigation system for the purpose of measuring lawn sprinkler water that doesn’t go into the sewer system; a record of the meter readings must be maintained and submitted to the Town each year which will then be subtracted from the water consumption reported by the water company.

Mr. Liz Pendleton, Town Councilor was also in attendance this evening.  She expressed that she was just sitting in mostly to observe, however, she expressed that one of the things that bothered her for many years ago was Manchester hooking up to the Town’s sewer lines and the Town not collecting any funds in return for sewer use.  Chairman Richard Aries responded that there is an intertown agreement in place where residents or businesses of the Town of Manchester and the Town of Vernon that are hooked up to the town of South Windsor sewer system are required to pay the same fee that the Town residents or businesses are required to pay.  Mr. Shaw responded that the intertown agreement with the Town of Manchester goes back to the early 70s and it was modified again in 1981 to include other areas of the town.  Ms. Pendleton reported that she will be reporting and perhaps bringing up some concerns during the Task Force Committee meetings.

Motion was made to go to Item D-Communications and Reports

The motion was made by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Fred Shaw reported that he was invited to a meeting with the Mayor, the Town Manager and Chairman of the WPCA.  The meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, December 4, 2013 at 3:00 p.m.  The Mayor wanted to discuss sewer fees.

Chairman Richard Aries reported that when he thinks about getting moving on the whole issue of making a more equitable billing system, he still feels like there is not enough facts available.  He would like to have a better understanding on what will be the impact overall if the Authority makes a decision based on demographics.

Mr. Shaw explained that one of the problems that the MDC is going through now is their inability to raise revenue based on water consumption.  And one of the problems that the Town faces is that even though over the years people have reduced the amount of water use, they haven’t reduced the amount of contaminants they put in the water.  The cost to remove these contaminants represents more than 90% of the operating costs.  If the Authority starts basing the sewer billing on water consumption there will also be a significant cost increase for administration.

Mr. Shaw also reported that he was informed that at the last Town Council meeting, Mr. Don Gonsalves expressed his concerns on the Town Council’s lack of control over the WPCA and how he has requested reports from the Authority but were not provided to him.  Mr. Shaw reported that the reports that Mr. Gonsalves claims he didn’t receive (capital projects balance reports) are available to him and have been made available to him on various occasions.  Mr. Shaw is not sure what other reports Mr. Gonsalves is referring to as he has at no time requested additional information from the WPCA Office.  Chairman Richard Aries reported that at the last WPCA meeting the Interim Director of Finance was in attendance to discuss the possibility of creating a different way to present financial information concerning the WPCA Operations (enterprise fund).  He feels that Mr. Gonsalves does not quite understand how the reserves funds are set up.

Mr. Fred Shaw responded that the purpose of having an enterprise fund is to provide the assets and the debt service on a balance sheet which will appear to be more understandable for everyone.

Ms. Liz Pendleton reported that she received an email from Mr. Don Gonsalves to bring to the Authority in which he expressed concern on the current status of all WPCA reserves which he has been asking for years but no information has been provided.  In fact, he had a meeting with the Town Manager on Friday, November 22nd and asked him for the same information but still has not received the information.  He expressed that the reserves are the key to the WPCA budget; he is not asking about reserves for existing capital projects.  Also, he does not know why this information is not available.  He also expressed concerns with regards to the classification of capital versus maintenance and also approval of capital expenses.  He explained that the WPCA went to referendum for the pump stations yet they are spending other money on capital projects without a referendum.  Also, there is an expense item in the current WPCA budget which he does not understand and that is $560,000 for reserve debt service.

Mr. Shaw responded that originally, based on information that the State had provided, the Town was to begin paying the debt service on September 2013; $700,000 was set aside to meet the commitment to the Town Council to make the 1/20th payment in September 2013.  However, the Town had received erroneous information from the State on the debt service schedule for the Treatment Plant Upgrade after the time the budget was finalized for fiscal year 2012/2013.  The Authority had not appropriated any funds for fiscal year 2012/2013 to begin the early repayment of that debt when it was learned that the Town could save significant interest expense ($200,000) by starting to repay the debt service in October of 2012, and the Authority did so using the WPCA reserves ($560,000) that were set aside for future expenses.

Mr. Shaw also reported that there are no hidden reserves funds in the budget.  The Fund Balance represents about 3% of the total operating budget.  There is a policy in the regulations concerning reserve funds, but there is no money in those reserves yet.  Ms. Liz Pendleton asked Mr. Shaw to provide her with the reports so she may forward that information to Mr. Gonsalves.



        2.      Commercial and Residential Condominiums Sewer Billing Policy (Discussion)

Chairman Richard Aries reported that this item has been discussed many times and he will like to have a decision made.  He will like to get all the facts together on a variety of different proposed changes to determine whether or not a change will be made; some members of the authority have come up with various ideas on how they view a more equitable billing for the residential condominiums.  Mr. Robert Dickinson expressed that the billing could be base on the number of adults per unit.  

Chairman Aries explained that there is a challenge to determine the number of adults in a residence; there is a lot of variation over time.

Mr. Fred Shaw distributed information regarding the residential condominiums; this information was previously presented during one of the Task Force Committee meetings and during previous WPCA Meetings (Exhibit B).  Mr. Shaw explained that there are twelve residential condominiums associations in Town; two of them are served by the CT Water Company and they provide a water meter for each condo unit (Plum Ridge and Park View South); the other ten condominiums are served by the MDC and they have either one or two meters for the whole complex.  This is a comparison by using actual water consumption figures provided by the water utilities.  Mr. Shaw determined what the average water usage was per unit, using a flat rate, and what the user charge would be based upon water meter readings.  It shows that in the case where a flat rate is used, the total revenue would be $635,052; using the water meter the total revenue would be $419,275.47; there is a difference of $216,000.  A brief discussion ensued on various ideas for having a more equitable billing for the commercial and residential condominiums sewer billing; this item will be further discussed at the next meeting.

Motion was made to postpone this item for further discussion during the next WPCA meeting.

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously



        Motion was made to adjourn at 8:37 p.m.

        The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
        The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
        The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary