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WPCA Approved Minutes 11/06/2013, Regular Meeting
A motion was made for Mr. William Vees to act as Chairman of the meeting this evening, until Chairman Richard Aries arrival.

The motion was made by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion was seconded by Mr. Donald Antaya
The motion carried unanimously

Mr. William Vees, acting Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the November 6, 2013 Regular Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA).


        Members Present:        Richard Aries (arrived at 7:12 p.m.), Donald Antaya, Carol Fletterick, Vicki Paliulis and William Vees

        Members Absent: Robert Dickinson

        Alternates Present:     Ed Havens, Jr. sitting in for Vicki Paliulis (until her arrival)
                                Richard Siedman sitting in for Robert Dickinson

        Staff Present:          C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                                Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

        Others Present:         Robert Silig, Applicant
                                Jay Wahlberg, Interim Finance Director
                                Ana Kreck, Town Resident

Mr. William Vees appointed Mr. Ed Havens, Jr. to sit in for Chairman Richard Aries; Mr. Richard Siedman was appointed to sit in for Mr. Robert Dickinson.


        1.      October 15, 2013, Special Meeting

Motion was made to accept the minutes of the October 15, 2013 special meeting as presented.

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion carried unanimously

                Ms. Vicky Paliulis arrived at 7:10 p.m.


        1.      Free Spirit Farm, LLC., 112 Pheasant Way – (Approval for Commercial Use)

This application involves the use of the residential property located at 112 Pheasant Way, South Windsor, CT for commercial business purposes.  Mr. Fred Shaw explained that the house is connected to the sewer and Mr. Robert Silig, property owner, would like to use his house bathroom facility for his customers.  Mr. Robert Silig, was present this evening and explained that he has four acres of land which is used as a horse farm since 1965.  The nature of his business is to show horses and to do boarding and training of other people horses.  Mr. Silig explained that they are not opened to the public; is a private farm where people drop off their horses to be trained.  He explained that he would like to be able to provide his house facilities for people to use if they may have to use the bathroom.  He further explained that his land was previously identified by the Planning and Zoning Regulations as a home agriculture entity and now is considered a commercial entity.

Chairman Richard Aries asked if this sewer user account needs to be changed from residential to commercial; Mr. Shaw responded that this will be a second charge for the commercial use.  The decision is for the Authority to make, however, there are other residences in Town who are billed a second charge for the use of their residential property for commercial purposes.  They function both as residence and a business.  Upon approval of the Authority, Mr. Silig will receive two bills; one charge for the residential use of the property and the second charge will be for commercial use of the property.

Chairman Richard Aries arrived at 7:12 p.m.; therefore, a motion was made for Richard Aries to act as Chairman of the meeting.

The motion was made by Mr. William Vees
The motion was seconded by Mr. William Antaya
Motion carried unanimously

Motion was made to accept the change in use of the property located at 112 Pheasant Way from residential to combined residential/commercial – agricultural use as shown on plans entitled “Existing Conditions Site Plan, Prepared for Robert Selig, 1080 Avery Street & 112 Pheasant Way”; Prepared by Alford Associates, Inc., Windsor, CT; Dated October 2013.  This approval is subject to the sewer user fees for commercial and residential use of the property.

The motion was made by Ms. Vicki Paliulis
The motion was seconded by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
Mr. Richard Siedman recused himself from voting on this application as he is an abutter

Mr. Richard Siedman requested to move on to Item C6 “Elections of Officers.”

Motion was made to go to Item C6 “Election of Officers”.

The motion was made by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

        6.      Election of Officers

Motion was made to nominate Mr. Richard Aries as Chairman of the WPCA.

Motion ws made by Mr. Richard Siedman
Seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

Motion was made to nominate Mr. William Vees as Vice Chairperson of the WPCA.

Motion was made by Mr. Richard Siedman
Seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion carried unanimouslya

Motion was made to nominate Ms. Carol Fletterick as Secretary of the WPCA.

Motion was made by Chairman Richard Aries
Seconded by Ms. Carol Paliulis
The motion carried unanimously

Motion was made to go to item C3 “Fund Balance Reserve Transfer – (Discussion with Interim Director of Finance; and Adoption of Resolution)”.

The motion was made by Mr. William Vees
The motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously


        3.      Fund Balance Reserve Transfer – (Discussion with Interim Director of Finance; and Adoption of Resolution)

Included with the Agenda was a “Budget Modification Request” from the Finance Department to the WPCA - A copy of said resolution is attached hereto as Exhibit A.  Mr. Jay Wahlberg, Interim Director of Finance, was in attendance this evening seeking approval to transfer funds from the Fund Balance to close out the WPCA budget.  He explained that budget transfers are required to balance the expenditures in conformity with general accounting principles.  In the WPCA budget, the largest expenses were represented by unbudgeted expenditures for the debt service payments for the Treatment Plant upgrade in the amount of $105,680 and in the Utilities account for the electricity for the Treatment Plant.  Mr. Shaw explained that after the budget was set for fiscal year 2012/2013, it was discovered, that the best option for the Town was to begin sooner payment of the debt service on the Treatment Plant upgrade, instead of waiting until September 2013.  Therefore, it was decided to begin paying the dept service in October 2012.  This was something that the Authority had not budgeted for; the money was taken out of the fund balance reserve.  In terms of the utility expenses, Mr. Shaw explained that although the Treatment Plant is new and it is very energy efficient, new treatment processes are required by the State.  While it is more efficient in removing things like BOD, suspended solids and nitrogen it does requires more energy to do so.

Mr. Jay Wahlberg explained that the 3rd page of Exhibit A shows how the budget is going to look once the transfer is completed.  Chairman Richard Aries asked for the possibility of having a column that will show the difference between the original budget and the final budget revenues and expenses.  Mr. Shaw explained that the report is now available; he will bring the report listing all the accounts and what their original appropriated amounts were; what was the amount expended and what’s the available balance.  A request was also made at the last meeting to get those reports and to provide them on a monthly basis.

Mr. William Vees asked when was the original and the final budget determined.  Mr. Shaw responded that the original budget was previously approved by the WPCA.  The final expenditures are determined after the transfers are made.  Mr. Shaw explained what each of the Object/Account numbers represents.

Chairman Richard asked Mr. Shaw to explain object/account number 00371 in the amount of $105,688 as it is a high expense.  Mr. Shaw responded that once the Treatment Plant was a year into construction, they began to transport liquid sludge.  He explained that in the past object/account #00371 funds were used only to pay for the transport of dry sludge only; and the payment for the disposal of dry sludge at another facility was covered under object/account #00390.  However, when the Town went out for competitive bidding for liquid sludge transport/disposal, the Town got a better price for combining both the transport and disposal of liquid sludge into a single contract.  Now, instead of paying for that out of accounts 00371 and 00390, it is taken out of just one account (00371).  Account number 00390 involves a number of other expenses.  With no further questions to Mr. Wahlberg the Authority moved to approve the transfer of funds.

Mr. Donald Antaya moved that said resolution be adopted as reads on Exhibit A and the motion was seconded by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.  Upon roll call vote, Chairman Richard Aries declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted.

        4.      Enterprise Fund – (Discussion with Interim Director of Finance)

Information had been included with the Agenda for the Authority to review (Exhibits B and C) and obtain an idea of the benefits of Enterprise Fund reporting that clearly show the financial state of the WPCA operations.  Mr. Walhberg was in attendance to explain the advantages of adopting an enterprise fund.  He explained that an enterprise fund provides a better way of presenting the financial health of an organization.  In order to have an enterprise fund, all the assets and the debt service have to be brought on to the balance sheet.  Also, included with the Agenda was a copy of the town of Brookfield Enterprise Fund which is an example of how the WPCA budget statement might look like (Exhibit C); the income statements and cash flows will be in the annual report.  All the reserves will go into the equity portion of the statement which is going to be a restricted balance.  A discussion ensued and Chairman Richard Aries explained that some of the language in the enterprise fund accounting description that was provided to the Authority (Exhibit B) seems inapplicable to the Authority as if refers to how the city or the town utilizes general fund; he explained that the WPCA is a self standing operation.  Also the document suggests that setting up an enterprise fund may require going out to referendum or getting approval of the Town to do so.  Mr. Shaw responded that it will be necessary to obtain a legal response from the Town Attorney as to whether the authority to establish such a fund involves the Town Council or the WPCA.  Chairman Richard Aries asked if setting up an Enterprise Fund is going to add administrative cost to do it.  Mr. Wahlberg responded that this will be administered by the Town’s Finance Department.  Also, with this method, the Authority will be able to see the line item of the reserve fund balances on a monthly basis.  There was a consensus of those WPCA members present that the enterprise fund should be the type of fund that the Authority will like to have in place.  A legal question will be referred to the Town Attorney to determine whose authority will be to establish the ordinance for the enterprise fund.  There were no further questions.  Mr. Jay Wahlberg left the meeting at 8:15 pm.

A motion was made to move to Item G2 “Unfinished Business/Commercial and Residential Condominiums Sewer Billing Policy (Discussion)”.

The motion was made by Mr. William Vees
Motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion carried unanimously


        2.      Commercial and Residential Condominiums Sewer Billing Policy (Discussion)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that Mr. Robert Dickinson is unable to attend WPCA meetings that would be held on Wednesdays.  He has requested a change in the meeting schedule so that in the future when there is conflict in meeting the first Tuesday of the month due to elections, instead of meeting the next day, make it the second Tuesday of the month.  Chairman Richard Aries reported that Mr. Robert Dickinson also has indicated that he rather not having the Authority move forward with Item G2 until next meeting.  Chairman Richard Aries commented that he rather leave the schedule as is and during the October meeting determine whether or not there will be a conflict in obtaining a quorum to meet the first Wednesday in November.  A discussion ensued with regards to the commercial and residential condominiums sewer billing policy.  Ms. Ana Ketch resident of Westage Condominiums was in attendance.  Chairman Richard Aries asked Mr. Fred Shaw to explain the current billing procedure for commercial and residential condominiums.  

Mr. Shaw reported that currently the residential condominiums are each charged the minimum flat rate.  There are twelve condominiums associations in Town; two of those associations are provided water by the CT Water Company; and the CT Water Company provides meters for each unit.  The other ten condominium associations are provided water by the Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) for which they only provide one or two meters for the whole complex.

In terms of the commercial condominiums the Town bills the property owner or the association for the meter reading for the whole building; whether there is one meter in the case of MDC servicing the building or CT Water Company servicing the building.  All the flow coming from a single building regardless of the number of units gets a single billing that they can distribute among themselves.

Mr. Richard Siedman expressed that there is inequity between commercial condominiums and residential condominiums.  For example, the commercial condominium located on Oakland Road consists of 25 units with one meter, yet they get one bill in the amount of $374; but the residential condominiums each get billed $374 per unit.  He feels that both commercial and residential condominiums should be billed the same.

Ms. Ana Kreck, Town resident, explained that she lives in Westage Condominiums in a one bedroom unit and does not produce the same amount of water that it may be produced in a house with 4 or 5 bedrooms.  This is a concern that other people living in Westage Condominiums also have.  She expressed that people buying a 1 or 2 bedrooms condominium is because is an affordable place for people to live; therefore, it is unfair for her to pay the same amount for sewer as a large home.  Mr. Havens, Jr. responded that senior residents are also having the same concern.  Chairman Richard Aries responded that it has been discussed in the Task Force Committee meetings as to making a change of the sewer rate billing to a more equitable method; there are a lot of options and ways of approaching this problem which makes the issue very complex.

Mr. Ed Havens asked with regards to commercial accounts if is advisable to ask the Town Attorney if the Authority could pass an ordinance or make a rule that effective 2015 all commercial condos are expected to install individual meters.  Mr. Ed Havens, Jr. expressed that going forward in the future the Authority should recommend installing individual meters per building.  Mr. Richard Siedman would like to see the Authority billing the Oakland Road commercial condominiums the minimum charge per unit plus overage.  Mr. William Vees asked Ms. Kreck if she believe it would be helpful to bill more frequently instead of once a year.  Ms. Kreck responded that it will be better; Mr. Shaw responded that the option was taken into consideration however there will be an increase in administrative cost to do that.  This will be further discussed at the next WPCA meeting.

A motion was made to go back to Item C2 “Planning Grant Amendment for the Sanitary Sewer System Evaluation – (Adoption of Resolution)

The motion was made by Mr. William Vees
The motion was made by Mr. William Antaya
The motion carried unanimously


        2.      Planning Grant Amendment for the Sanitary Sewer System Evaluation – (Adoption of Resolution)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that this involves the existing State planning grant that the Town has received for the System Evaluation.  Apparently the amendments that the Town submitted based upon the guidance from the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) was not done correctly.  DEEP has now provided different forms and in order to process the right documentations the Authority has to adopt the same resolution that was previously adopted by the Authority on July 2011.  A copy of said resolution is attached hereto as Exhibit D.  A short discussion ensued.

Mr. Ed Havens, Jr. moved that said resolution be adopted as reads on Exhibit D and the motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Paliulis.  Upon roll call vote the Chairman declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted.

        5.      WPCA Calendar for 2014 (Review and Approve)

Included with the Agenda was the WPCA Calendar for 2014 (see Exhibit E).  The Authority reviewed the calendar; the November meeting will be on a Wednesday due to elections.

Motion was made to approve the WPCA meetings Calendar for 2014 as presented in the Memorandum dated October 30, 2013 attached hereto as Exhibit E.

The motion was made by Mr. William Vees
The motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously


        Ana Kreck, Town Resident – Westage Condominiums


        Mr. Ed Havens, Jr. departed at 9:00 p.m.


        1.      174 Farnham Road – Unbilled User Charges (Discussion)

Included with the Agenda was a copy of the letter that was sent to the previous owner of 174 Farnham Road listing all of the unbilled user charges (see Exhibit F1).  In the previous meeting a request was made to indicate what the impact was going to be for each of the property owners (see Exhibit F2).  The user fee for the current owner is the current charge which property owner has been billed.  The previous property owner from 2005 until 2013 should have been billed $2372.  Before that there were two previous owners and in each case the applicable user fees was added up in those years by ownership of the property (see Exhibit F2).

A discussion ensued and there was a consensus that all previous owners for the property located at 174 Farnham Road should be individually billed for sewer.  A bill will be prepared and sent out to the previous owner from 2005 through 2013; also, the effort will be made to try to find the previous owners to the property prior to 2005 and bill them accordingly.

Motion was made to bill the previous owner of 174 Farnham Road, South Windsor, CT for unbilled sewer user charges during FY 2005-2013.

Motion was made by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion was seconded by Mr. Donald Antaya
The motion carried unanimously



        Motion was made to adjourn at 9:20 p.m.

        The motion was made by Mr. Richard Siedman
        The motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary