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WPCA Approved Minutes 07/09/2013, Regular Meeting

Members Present:                Richard Aries, Donald Antaya, and William Vees

Members Absent:         Robert Dickinson, Carol Fletterick, and Vicki Paliulis

Alternates Present:     Ed Havens, Jr. sitting in for Carol Fletterick

Alternates Absent:      Richard Siedman

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                        Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

Others: Andrew Krar, Design Professionals, Inc.
                Robert Urso, Applicant for Nutmeg Village
                Robert Arsenault, P.E., for Sullivan Place Centers
                Victor Berman, Town Resident
                Michael Moriarty, Town Resident
                James Giulietti, Applicant for 174 Farnham Road
                Lisa Muscanell, Wright-Pierce
                Denise A. Dievert, P.E., Wright-Pierce

Chairman Richard Aries called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the July 9, 2013 Regular Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA).


        1.      June 4, 2013 – Public Hearing

                Motion was made to accept the minutes of the June 4, 2013 Public Hearing as presented.

        Motion was made by Mr. Antaya
        Seconded by Mr. Will Vees
        Motion carried unanimously

        2.      June 4, 2013 – Regular Meeting

                The following change was made to the minutes of the June 4, 2013 Regular Meeting

On Page 7 – Item 2 “Major Home Occupation”, fourth line down reads as follows “only one which services the business and an up chair”.  Mr. Donald Antaya explained that it should be “upstairs” not “up chair”; therefore, the sentence should read as follows “He explained that it would be very difficult to find a location for a meter because she has two pumps outside, only one of which services the business and the upstairs residential unit.

Motion was made to accept the minutes of the June 4, 2013 regular meeting as amended.

Motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Donald Antaya
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      Nutmeg Village, Pleasant Valley Road (Final Approval to Connect)

Mr. Andrew Krar of Design Professionals was in attendance presenting this application.  This project consists of 155 residential housing units; of which 15 will be single family homes.  Mr. Krar explained that on April 2, 2013, the Authority gave conceptual approval for the request to be allowed to connect more than one residential unit to a single sewer lateral.  The pump station will be constructed just to the north of the brook and from the pump station there will be a force main which will be about 550 feet long.  The remainder of the sanitary sewage will gravity flow into Pleasant Valley Road.  Included with the plans was the design for the pump station.

Mr. Shaw explained that he did not know that the design for the pump station was submitted with the application; therefore, he has not yet reviewed the design.  Mr. Krar explained that a general design of the gravity for the system is included in the site plans that he prepared.

Mr. Williams Vees asked if all of the multi units will have individual meters for the water.  Mr. Krar responded no; in all likelihood each of the buildings will have one single meter and the bill will be paid by the homeowner’s association.  Chairman Richard Aries explained to Mr. Krar that there have been discussions in the Town about revising the billing structure for sewer user fees which may require an individual meter for each residence.  Mr. Fred Shaw explained that when the Water Pollution Control Authority bills individually those users, they are not going to be billing the association; they will be billing the individual owners.  Therefore, each residential unit will have to have their own meter.  Mr. Krar responded that if this is something that the WPCA is contemplating now, then they will need to have a sub meter for each of the tenants.  Chairman Aries explained that a final decision has not been made yet.  He asked to what degree it will be problematic for the developer to have individual meters installed.  Mr. Krar responded that it will be quite of a substantial cost in providing water service laterals to each unit.  Mr. Robert Ursa, applicant, explained that at the April WPCA regular meeting it was discussed that the CT Water Company does requires individual meters but MDC does not has such a requirement.  He explained that he himself lives in a condominium and the association pays their bill each year.  Chairman Aries responded that he does understand that the condo association is in charge of paying one bill, however, there have been discussions on changing to a billing process based upon meter readings for each residential unit; the matter has yet to be decided.  Mr. Ursa responded that one of the reasons why they previously came in front of the Authority was because of the cost that it was going to incur on the project; and he was under the impression that the Authority kind of agreed to one lateral per unit.  Mr. Shaw responded that the discussion focused on sewer lateral and it focused on the fact that the applicant might needed to provide a water meter going into each individual residential unit.  He explained that this is a separate consideration and it involves interior plumbing; in terms of the water service line going to each separate residential unit, sufficient space needs to available provided for installation of a meter if in the future it becomes a Town requirement.

Mr. Krar explained that he does not want to have individual laterals to each unit.  Chairman Aries expressed that he feels uncomfortable requesting meters installed when in fact the policy has not yet changed.  However, he requested to put on the agenda for next meeting an item to have a general discussion to whether or not the Authority is going to change the sewer billing regulation so as to prepare for the possible changes and properly notify any further developer that the Authority will require individual water meters.

Motion was made to approve the plans as presented for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for proposed 155 unit multi-family development on Pleasant Valley Road, South Windsor, CT and as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Nutmeg Village-A Planned Community, Resubdivision-Site Plan of Development – Special Exception – Pleasant Valley Road, South Windsor, CT”; Designed by Design Professionals, South Windsor, CT; Project No.: 1308; Dated 5/15/2012; Pages PP-1 through PP-4 “Plan & Profiles” Revision Dates: 6/15/12, 7/6/12, 5/2/13 and 6/21/13. This approval is contingent upon the following conditions: (1) An Association Agreement that defines its responsibility for the maintenance of the pump station through contractor services, and that annual budgets shall set aside funds for this purpose; (2) the satisfactory review and approval by Town staff of the pump station design.

Motion was made by Mr. Donald Antaya
The motion was seconded by Mr. William Vees
The motion carried unanimously

        2.      Sullivan Place Centers, Sullivan Avenue (Final Approval to Connect)

Mr. Robert Arsenault was in attendance to present the application for Sullivan Place Centers.  He explained that this project has been approved by Inland Wetlands Commission.  This project is for two buildings which consist of 12,600 square feet of retail during phases 1 and 2 of the project; Phase 3 of the project consists of a 19,200 square feet office building.  Mr. Arsenault explained that currently there is a 12 inch sanitary sewer main on Hillside Avenue and there is an existing 8 inch line that comes across the street.  Mr. Arsenault proposed three additional new manholes to serve buildings 1 and 2; those manholes are elements of the gravity system involving an 8 inch pipe.  Due to the general slope of the land, the future office building will require a pump system of its own; therefore, he proposed to run a force main line through phase 1.  Mr. Arsenault reported that the original plans that were submitted show a two inch force main for building 3 and in discussions with the mechanic engineer, he is not sure if it should be a 2 or a 2.5 inch; therefore, Mr. Arsenault proposed instead to install a four inch pvc sleeve and to cap it; once the actual size of the main is determined it will be then be put inside the sleeve.

Mr. William Vees asked what’s going in the building; Mr. Arsenault responded that they are proposed retail use for both buildings with multi tenants.  Mr. William Vees asked if individual meters will be installed for each building.  Mr. Arsenault responded that these buildings will be served by the CT Water Company which requires individual meters.

Mr. Shaw recommended that the northern end of the proposed 4” pipe (duct) needs to be properly capped at the manhole and the slope of the gravity line shall be at least 1% to account for the small flow rate.

Motion was made to approve the plans as presented for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for two proposed commercial buildings on Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, CT and as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Sullivan Place Centers”, Prepared by Robert J. Arsenault, P.E. , East Hartford, CT; Project No.: 212022, “site Improvement Plan”, sheet 2 of 5, dated 9-04-12; This approval is subject to the following conditions: (1) The slope of the gravity line shall be at least 1%; (2) the northern end of the proposed 4” pipe (duct) needs to be properly capped at the manhole; (3) show elevation of southern end of 4” pipe sleeve; (4) the engineer shall determine the amount of developed acreage for the purposes of calculating the sewer connection charge; (5) field verify the location of the existing sewer lateral.

Motion was made by Mr. William Vees
Motion was seconded by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously

Motion was made to go to Item E – Public Participation

The motion was made by Mr. William Vees
The motion was seconded by Mr. Donald Antaya
The motion carried unanimously

E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda)

Mr. Victor Berman of 16 Lavender Lane, South Windsor, CT was in attendance this evening to express his concerns about the Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) water charge for been a resident of a non participating town.  Mr. Berman explained that he received a $39.00 surcharge which increased to $98.00 last quarter in addition to his water bill.  He explained that this surcharge is for those residents of towns that do not participate in both the sewers and water from MDC.  Mr. Berman feels that not only he needs to pay the Town’s sewer charge but also a surcharge from the MDC so that the MDC can expand their sewer system.

Chairman Richard Aries explained that a letter was received from the MDC warning the Town basically to be prepared to respond to residents of the Town as the MDC was increasing their rates.  Mr. Fred Shaw explained that for a number of years the MDC spread their cost among members and non members Towns; they have been advised by their financial consultants that they can no longer do this. Mr. Shaw explained that whether the Town of South Windsor is a member of the MDC or not, the member towns are paying their fair share of maintaining the water treatment facility; but they are also paying for these services through taxes and other sources in addition to their water bills.  They are actually paying a much greater fee for both water and sewer services than South Windsor residents.  Mr. Shaw also explained that the Town Manager and he have been assured by an MDC executive that South Windsor isn’t paying any more than any other town member resident for water services.  To be an MDC member, not only would the Town residents have to pay their water bill, but they will also have to pay for an MDC sewer user bill.  The MDC is finding too that they cannot cover their operating cost using a rate structure based upon water meter readings.  Mr. Berman was advised that if he wants to pursue this matter he can certainly communicate his concerns to State Representative, Bill Aman.

Mr. Michael Moriarty of 415 Chapel Road, South Windsor, CT was also in attendance this evening seeking a reconsideration of his previous request to waive his sewer connection fee.  He explained that at the last WPCA meeting the Authority denied waiving the fee; he received the letter from the Authority and asked the Authority to reconsider their decision based on a couple of points that he highlighted from the letter.  He explained that based on his understanding of the letter, the Authority denied his request because apparently his inquiry was made in the Building Department which was the incorrect department for the Town and that the second reason was that the proper plan for the septic system would have shown dimensions of the septic system from the corners of the house.  He explained that before the work was performed he used the Town website and learned that septic permits are obtained through the Health Department; however, he initially went to the WPCA office asking where he can obtain a lay out of his septic system.  He explained that there is no Health Department listed in the building; it is actually called Sanitation which is confusing.  He explained that he was directed by the WPCA office staff to go the next door which is the Town’s Building Department, Engineering Department and Sanitation Department; therefore, he ultimately thought he was in the right place when he was asking for a location plan for his septic system.  He explained that upon his request he received a copy of the drawing listed as Appendix A (see Exhibit A).  Following that drawing he had all of the equipment and trees dropped on the side of the property, right where the garage is represented in the drawing.  He explained that he had issues with his septic system after performing a lot of work in his back yard and upon having these issues, he revisited the Town asking for the location of his septic system and Appendix B was given to him which shows the correct lay out of the leaching field.

Chairman Richard Aries explained that one of the questions raised during discussion was whether or not the Town has any liability based upon inaccurate maps or plans provided when these maps/plans are not prepared by the Town.

Mr. Moriarty explained that a frustrating factor for him was that the second time he asked for a layout of his septic system, he was provided again with Appendix A.  After him telling the staff that it was the wrong drawing, the staff went to the Health Department file and pulled out Appendix B which is the correct drawing (see Exhibit A).

Chairman Richard Aries asked Mr. Moriarty if from his very first inquiry that he made, he was very clear to the staff that he had some work to be done and asked for the location of the septic tank; or did he asked for a building plan.  Mr. Moriarty responded that he does have the correct terminology to distinguish between a building plan and a septic system.

Mr. Fred Shaw explained that the second time Mr. Moriarty came in to the Town, he spoke to Mr. Bob Grillo who works in the Engineering Department.  He also explained that Mr. Moriarty asked for a drawing that shows the location of the septic system and that’s in the Health Department which is right next to the Engineering Department.

Mr. Grillo went into the Health Department/Sanitarian file and pulled out Appendix B; later, Mr. Shaw stated that in checking with the Town Sanitarian who was in charge of the Health Department records, Appendix B was the only drawing in the file for this address.  Also, he explained that anyone that asks for a plan that shows the location of the septic system would be directed by the staff to the Health Department.

Chairman Richard Aries requested to go into Executive Session to further discuss this matter.

Motion was made at 8:05 p.m. to go into Executive Session to discuss this claim.

The motion was made by Chairman Richard Aries
The motion was seconded by Mr. William Vees
The motion carried unanimously


The following members were in the Executive Session: Chairman Richard Aries, Donald Antaya, Ed Havens, Jr., William Vees; including Town staff Fred Shaw and Recording Secretary Ether Diaz.

A discussion ensued with regards to 415 Chapel Road, South Windsor, CT; the Executive Session adjourned at 8:13 p.m.  Chairman Richard Aries called the meeting to order at 8:13 p.m. and explained to Mr. Moriarty that based upon the information he provided this evening to the Authority, they decided to refund 50% of the sewer connection fee with the understanding that there will be an agreement limiting the Town’s liability.  Mr. Moriarty agreed to the terms of this decision.

A motion was made to offer to Mr. Moriarty of 415 Chapel Road, a 50% reduction of the sewer connection fee with the understanding that there will be an agreement limiting the Town’s liability to be prepared by the WPCA and which must be signed by Mr. Moriarty.

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens
The motion was seconded by Mr. Donald Antaya
The motion carried unanimously

Public Participation ended at 8:20 p.m.

Motion was made to go back to Item C- New Business

Motion was made by Mr. Donald Antaya
The motion was seconded by Mr. Ed Havens
The motion carried unanimously


Motion was made to go to Item C5 - 174 Farnham Road - Unbilled User Charges (Discussion)

The motion was made by Mr. William Vees
The motion was seconded by Mr. Ed Havens
The motion carried unanimously

        5.      174 Farnham Road - Unbilled User Charges (Discussion)

Mr. James Giulietti, former owner of property located at 174 Farnham Road, South Windsor, CT was in attendance this evening.  Mr. Fred Shaw provided a copy of a letter he has sent to Mr. Giulietti with a list showing the unbilled user charges for the property located at 174 Farnham Road (see Exhibit B).  Mr. Fred Shaw explained that Mr. Giulietti was in the process of closing on the house which he purchased in 2005.  During the closing process, the question came up as to whether if there were any outstanding sewer bills and in this way it was determined that no sewer bills were ever assessed to this property although the house was believed to be connected to the sewer.  Mr. Shaw explained that Mr. Giulietti has never been billed for sewer.  Mr. Shaw further explained that when someone wants to connect to the sewer, the normal process is to take out a drain layer permit which requires the town inspector to go out to inspect and confirm that the connection has been made; once the connection is verified, the inspector will sign off on the permit and then the house is added to the sewer billing list.  In the Town’s Engineering office, there is a copy of an incomplete drain layers permit dated 1981; it does not include an inspection report to confirm that the sewer connection was ever completed.  To confirm whether or not the house was connected to the sanitary sewer, dye was put in to the system by Town staff and thereby confirmed that the house at 174 Farnham Road was connected to the sewer.  Mr. Shaw provided Mr. Giulietti with a list of previous year’s annual residential flat sewer rates that Mr. Giulietti or the previous owner would’ve been billed had the Town known that they were connected to the sewer.

Mr. Shaw explained that money has been placed in escrow until this issue has been resolved.  The current owner will get the bill for the next fiscal year.

Mr. William Vees asked Mr. Giulietti if he ever received a bill for sewer; Mr. Giulietti responded that he never received a bill.  Chairman Aries recommended seeking legal opinion from the Town’s Attorney with regards to what is the Town’s right with regards to retro active billing on a residential house; there was a consensus to seek for the Town Attorney’s legal opinion on this matter.

Motion was made to go back to Item C3 - Phase II Inflow/Infiltration Study (Engineer Report)

Motion was made by Mr. Donald Antaya
The motion was seconded by Mr. William Vees
The motion carried unanimously

        3.      Phase II Inflow/Infiltration Study (Engineer Report)

A copy of the Executive Summary for the Inflow and Infiltration Sewer System Evaluation Phase II was included with the Agenda for review (see Exhibit C).  Mr. Denise Dievert, Jr., Project Manager from Wright-Pierce Engineers was in attendance to provide the project overview during Phase II and also to provide information concerning the GIS mapping project.  He explained that during the initial Phase I Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) Evaluation, 14 meters were installed in manholes upstream of the Clark Street Pump Station to evaluate the sewer system and identify areas experiencing significant I/I and to recommend areas where further field investigations would be required.  During the evaluation it was determined that excessive flows (I/I) were coming into the collection system which warranted further investigation.  A scope of service to perform further investigations (Phase II) was approved by the Authority.  As part of this study, seven flow meters were installed and monitored for a period of 6 weeks; pump station run times was recorded and 120 manholes were opened and inspected in search for sources of I/I.  He also explained that continuous flow monitoring was performed upstream of the Clark Street Pump Station.

Lisa of Wright-Pierce was also in attendance and reported that inspections were performed on 119 manholes using NASSCO (National Association of Sewer Service Companies) level 1.  An additional 235 manholes were inspected as part of the GPS locating project; these manholes were incorporated in to the Phase II I/I recommendations.  Of the 354 combined inspected manholes, 33 manholes were rated level 4 and 5 which are considered requiring immediate replacement or rehabilitation.  Ms. Muscanell referred to the top slide on page 3 of the power point presentation (see Exhibit D).  She explained that the picture shows a gusher coming through the joint at about 10 gpm (gallons per minute).  The bottom picture is showing heavy attached deposits in the manhole which requires immediate attention.

Mr. Dievert presented a video to the Authority; in this video members of the Authority were able to see ground water entering the collection system.  

On page 3 of the power point presentation, Ms. Muscannel explained that the bottom slide is a picture of approximately 105 gpm of infiltration in the 353 inspected manholes; a total of 84 gpm of infiltration was estimated in the manholes rated 4 or 5.

Mr. Fred Shaw explained that the total amount of extraneous water represented 150,000 gallons per day which could be reduced by 100,000 gallons a day by repairing the 33 manholes.

Ms. Muscanell explained that continuous flow monitoring was performed as part of the Phase II Evaluation at seven locations for a period of six weeks; she explained the results of these inspections (See graph on Page 5 of Exhibit D.)  For example, the flow metering graph shows that flow meter-site 3 which is located on Nutmeg Road, has inflow and infiltration.  The green line of the graph represents rain events; the red line represents that is responding to the rain, meaning that there is some rain getting into the system.

Ms. Muscanell explained that night time flow isolations during high groundwater conditions were conducted in 95 sewer manholes throughout the entire collection system; 96,500 linear feet (18 miles) of sewer pipes met the threshold for cost effectiveness; based on the estimated night time high-groundwater infiltration rates, it was recommended to conduct closed circuit television inspections.

Mr. Dievert explained that upon review of the Sewer System Evaluation Survey completed, he recommended having house to house inspections to identify sources of inflow in areas suspected of having sump pumps; also to conduct closed circuit television inspections.  Additional manhole inspections were recommended to identify the condition of the manholes and infiltration sources.  Also rehabilitation methods were recommended for the 33 manholes with NASCCO ratings of “4” and “5”.  Mr. Dievert will present a proposal for the Capital Improvement Project Planning.

                GIS Mapping Project (Engineer Report)

Mr. Dennis Dievert explained that this project consisted of gathering information for the Town in an effort to complete the mapping of the sewer lines throughout the Town; approximately 10 miles of sewer pipe in Town were inspected; manholes were opened and inspected.  The Town GIS Department was provided with a database to be incorporated in the Town’s sewer mapping system.

        5.      174 Farnham Road – Unbilled User Charges (Discussion)
                Previously discussed – see above.

        6.      274 Nutmeg Road (Private Meter Approval)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that a request was made to put in a private meter to monitor the lawn sprinkler system for the property located at 274 Nutmeg Road, South Windsor, CT (see Exhibit E).  Mr. Shaw inspected the facility and looked for feasible locations for locating a meter on a dedicated line for the lawn sprinkler system.  A location was found and therefore, Mr. Shaw recommended approval to allow the installation of a private meter at 274 Nutmeg Road, South Windsor, CT.

Motion was made to approve the use of one private water meter at 274 Nutmeg Road, South Windsor, CT, which may be used to measure the amount of water that is not discharged to the sewer; this approval is subject to meeting the program requirements for use of the private meters.

A motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr
A motion was seconded by Mr. Donald Antaya
The motion carried unanimously

        7.      Conceptual Approval Policy (Discussion)

Chairman Richard Aries explained that the Authority granted conceptual approval instead of final approval of the application for the Town Square Evergreen Walk Project at the previous meeting.  He reported that the applicant explained their proposal and discussed a variety of different things for the future, and it seemed appropriate at that moment to grant conceptual approval for the application because the applicant was talking about what they were planning to do in the future; however, they were seeking final approval of the project as presented at that meeting.  A discussion ensued as to waving the use of “conceptual approval”; Chairman Aries would rather use the term “general discussion” or “preliminary discussion” instead when the applicant is seeking some guidance from the Authority on a proposed project.


User Charge Impact (Water Consumption Average 64,000 gallons)

Included with the agenda was a copy of the User Charge Impact in terms of 64,000 gallons pursuant to the request of Mr. Robert Dickinson (see Exhibit F).  This information was previously presented to the Authority.  Mr. Shaw also provided the frequency distribution of water consumption and what the impact would be on projected revenues.  Mr. Robert Dickinson previously requested this information, however; he was not in attendance this evening.  Therefore, the information provided will be further discussed at the next WPCA Agenda.

E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the Agenda)

        There was no further public participation at this time.



Town Square at Evergreen Walk (Final Approval to Connect)

Chairman Richard Aries explained that at the last WPCA meeting, the Authority granted conceptual approval to the Town Square at Evergreen Walk application, when in fact the applicant was seeking final approval.  Mr. Shaw explained the project; Chairman Aries recommended granting final approval of the application as previously presented.

Motion was made to give final approval of the proposed plans as presented for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for commercial buildings at Evergreen Walk; as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Town Square at Evergreen Walk, Tamarack Avenue, South Windsor, Connecticut, Final Development Plan” Prepared by Fuss & O’Neill, Manchester, CT; Project No.: 02000481.A60; Dated: 4-25-2011 and Revised on 5/28/2013; “Utility Plan”, Page CU-101, CU-102, CU-103 and CU-502 “Sanitary Sewer Details”, Dated 04/25/2011; Revised on 8/5/2011, 9/9/2011.  This approval is subject to the following conditions: (1) individual meters will be installed for each commercial condominium unit; and (2) asbuilt drawing must be provided to the Town.

The motion was made by Mr. William Vees
The motion was seconded by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously

A motion was made to go back to item D – COMMUNICATIONS AND REPORTS

The motion was made by Mr. Donald Antaya
The motion was seconded by Mr. William Vees
The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Shaw reported that there was an error concerning the classification of a single lot in the previously approved Sewer Service Area Map.  The map will be revised to incorporate any changes that need to be made and will be presented for approval at the next WPCA meeting.



Motion was made to adjourn at 9:45 p.m.

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Mr. William Vees
The motion carried unanimously

        Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary