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WPCA Approved Minutes 01/02/2013, Regular Meeting

REVISED MINUTES                                              REGULAR MEETING
SPRENKEL ROOM                           PAGE 1               JANUARY 2, 2013

Members Present:                Richard Aries, Vicki Paliulis, and William Vees

Members Absent:         Donald Antaya, Robert Dickinson, and Carol Fletterick

Alternates Present:     Ed Havens, Jr. sitting in for Carol Fletterick
                                Richard Siedman sitting in for Robert Dickinson

Staff Present:          C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                                Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

Chairman Richard Aries called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the January 2, 2013 Regular Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA).

Chairman Aries appointed Mr. Richard Siedman to sit in for Mr. Robert Dickinson and Mr. Ed Havens, Jr. to sit in for Ms. Carol Fletterick.


        December 4, 2012 – Regular Meeting

        The minutes were grammatically corrected.

Motion was made to approve the minutes of the December 4, 2012 Regular Meeting as amended.

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      Preliminary Discussion of proposed Budget FY 13/14

Included with the Agenda was a Draft copy of the proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2013/2014 (see Exhibit A).  Mr. Fred Shaw explained that the Town is using the Town of Tolland budget format as a model.  Mr. Shaw distributed the Commentary Page (see Exhibit B), which describes for each Department and/or Division what their main responsibilities are.  The changes in the budget for FY 2013/2014 are also discussed in the Commentary Page.  The accomplishments for the past year are listed as well as the goals and objectives for next fiscal year.  Mr. Shaw explained that one of the Program Goals for FY 2013/2014 is to complete the Phase II Inflow/Infiltration (I/I) Study.  Another goal is that once it is determined where sources of I/I of water are coming from, the Town will apply for Clean Water Fund Grant to remove or repair those sources.  A third goal is to clean an average of 45 miles of sewer lines; up until a couple of years ago, 45 miles of sewer lines were cleaned each year.  However, with the upgrade of the Treatment Plant and the increase in preventive maintenance requirements for the new equipment, there has been insufficient staff available to keep up with the line cleaning requirements.  Also, there are a number of cross country sewer lines in Town (about 70) that are not in the rights-of-way.  These sewer lines pass through the woods and wetland areas present a challenge to maintain.  Because of this, another goal will be to complete rights-of-way sewer maintenance survey and prepare an annual budget for vegetation control.  It was also recommended to include in the form (Exhibit B) personnel staffing for each Division and some standard performance measures.

Mr. William Vees asked in reference to the accomplishments listed in the Commentary Page (see Exhibit B), why “the Town may have to purchase” nitrogen credits with regards to the nitrogen removal.  Mr. Shaw responded that the Town is required to reduce the amount of total nitrogen in the Plant discharge that ultimately flows to the Long Island Sound.  It is DEEP goal to reduce the amount of nitrogen discharged from wastewater treatment plants to Long Island Sound by 64% by the year 2014.  The old Treatment Plant was not designed to remove nitrogen and every year the amount of pounds that the Town is suppose to remove increases.  Mr. Shaw prepared a graph chart that shows the Treatment Plant nitrogen removal (see Exhibit C).  He explained that with the new Treatment Plant Upgrade, the Town is very close to the goal now; however, the Town may or may not have to pay nitrogen credits this next year.  In the budget $2,000 is set aside in anticipation that the Town might have to pay something for nitrogen credits.

Mr. Shaw discussed the Debt Service; he explained that he is proposing to increase the debt service in FY13/14 by $118,180 for the Dry Pit Pump Station Upgrades.  The total debt service will increase from $195,000 to $313,810.  In regard to Capital Improvements, funds will be set aside in the special reserve for Manhole Rehabilitation and Inflow/Infiltration Removal.  Also, in this current fiscal year, $700,000 was set aside in preparation of making the 1/20th payment next year for the Treatment Plant Upgrade Project.  As previously discussed, the information provided by the State was inaccurate and the Town subsequently determined that the best alternative was to begin paying the debt service this fiscal year.  Therefore, he proposed to set aside $560,000 to fund the earlier than anticipated debt service for the Treatment Plant.

Mr. William Vees asked why there is a debt service to the Town of Vernon.  Mr. Shaw responded that the Town is served by the Town of Vernon.  The Town had the opportunity to continue to flow to Vernon or build three new pump stations and keep the flow in Town.  It was determined that the best option for the Town was to flow to Vernon.  Town of Vernon Treatment Plant was upgraded; and the Town has a debt service share for that upgrade.

Mr. Shaw also proposed the contribution to the Reserve Funds (see Exhibit D).  A total of $252,399 will be set aside in accordance with those objectives expressed in the Reserve Fund Policy that was adopted by the Authority in October, 2011.  A full contribution as planned could not be made at this time to the Replacement Reserve for FY13/14.  The Operating budget includes O&M, debt service, and capital projects; this is a plan to be established over a five year period.  Mr. Fred Shaw will request to the Director of Finance to identify in the reports, funds that are set aside for the Operating Reserve and for the Replacement Reserve.

Mr. Shaw reported that the engineering consultant, years ago, informed him to expect about a 2% increase in the Plant operating costs.  Although the Town invested in equipment that was energy efficient, there is a very high expenditure for electricity associated with operation of the new equipment.  Mr. Shaw will meet with a CL&P representative about looking at alternatives ways to provide energy (gas or electric) for the new Plant equipment.

Mr. William Vees expressed that the number of emergency call-out or alarms has dramatically increased from 73 in FY 2010/2011 to 148 in FY 2011/2012.  He asked what the reason for this increase is.  Mr. Shaw explained that a lot of that is for emergency call before you dig requests for utility mark-outs.  He explained that the Pollution Control staff has the as-built drawings that show the locations of the sewers and storm drainage systems; and therefore, are the ones to be called out after hours to answer the emergency calls to mark out underground utilities.  The intent is to reduce in the future that overtime by getting more Public Works staff trained to respond to such call outs.  Mr. Shaw also explained that the decrease in overtime is due to Treatment Plant improvements and the use of monitoring equipment such as SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition).  This equipment allows the on-call staff to determine whether or not the alarm requires that they need to go to the Plant or pumping station to resolve a problem.

                Mr. Shaw also submitted a pie chart (see Exhibit E).  The pie chart shows how the expenditures are distributed in the budget for FY 2013/2014.

        2.      Discussion of a proposed project to update Town GIS Sewer Mapping

Mr. Shaw reported that in putting together the GIS mapping for the Town which includes a map of the Town sewer system, the Engineering Department didn’t have all of the as-built drawings.  The engineering firm that is doing the I/I study for the Town has been asked to take on this project.  They were asked to go in the field and take the measurements necessary to determine elevations and produce as-builts for the Town in order to complete the GIS sewer map.  There is a draft Scope of Service for this project and the Town staff is in the process of further discussion with the consultant engineering firm.


        1.      Sewer System Evaluation Project (Update)

As discussed during the last meeting, more I/I evaluations need to be done.  Mr. Shaw has not yet received the amendment of the draft agreement for Phase I services to be able to shift funds around and begin to do more I/I study.  Once he obtains the amendment, he will forward this information to the Authority.

        2.      Dry Pit Pump Station Upgrade (Progress Report)

This project has been substantially completed.  In the Barrington Estates Pump Station more paving work needs to be done.  A different impeller was installed in the Barrington Estates pump station and has been very successful; there haven’t been any more pumps clogging.  There are a few punch list items at each of those stations that the contractor will need to finish up during the winter months.

        3.      Task Force Committee (Discussion)

                No meeting has been scheduled as of yet.




        1.      Discussion of Email Consensus Voting

At the previous meeting there was some discussion as to what is the legality of soliciting a consensus vote via email or by telephone calls on a time sensitive matter.  Chairman Richard Aries prepared a Legal Services Request Form with questions pertaining to this subject matter for the Town Attorney to respond (see Exhibit F).

        2.      Amendment to the draft Agreement for the Phase I – Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) Study

Mr. Shaw reported that he has not yet received the amendment to the draft agreement for the Phase I – Inflow and Infiltration Study.  Once he receives a copy, he will pass it on to the Authority for review and approval.



        Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.

        The motion was made by Mr. Richard Siedman
        The motion was seconded by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
        The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Approved Date: February 5, 2013