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WPCA Approved Minutes 07/10/2012, Regular Meeting

        Members Present:                Richard Aries, Donald Antaya, Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson, Carol Fletterick, and William Vees

        Members Absent:         Vicki Paliulis

        Alternates Present:     Ed Havens, Jr. sitting in for Vicki Paliulis

        Alternates Absent:      Richard Siedman

        Staff Present:          C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                                        Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

Chairman Richard Aries called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the July 10, 2012 Regular Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA).


        June 5, 2012 – Public Hearing

        The following changes were made to the minutes of the June 5, 2012 Public Hearing.

On Page 1, 4th paragraph, sixth line down, change the word from have to has; the sentence should read as follows: “which is close to the figures that he has been using.”

On Page 2, last paragraph, 2nd line down, remove the letter “d” from the word “closed”; the sentence should read as follows: “In response to Mr. Gonsalves comment that the 10% increase in sewer charges will be a total of about $275,000 extra in the reserve, Chairman Aries explained that it costs the Town close to $275,000 just for …”.

On Page 3, last paragraph, 1st sentence, add the letter d to the word change.  The sentence should read as follows: “Mr. Fred Shaw also reported that the debt service is another component of the budget, that hasn’t changed.”

Page 4, 2ND paragraph, the last sentence was revised to specify that “even with the 10% increase jump, the overall sewer user charge will be less than the average for this year across the state.”  The sentence should read as follows: “Although, 10% increase sound like a big jump, the resulting user fee is still going to be less than what the statewide average will be this year.”

Motion was made to accept the minutes of the June 5, 2012 public hearing as amended.

The motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

        June 5, 2012 – Regular Meeting

On page 3, Item C, third paragraph, change the dollar amount from $1.4 to $1.4 million.  The sentence should read as follows: “Mr. Fred Shaw responded that the Authority wouldn’t be in a position to pay the $1.4 million for the 1/20th payment of the debt service to the Treatment Plant.”

On Page 5, 1st paragraph, change the wording from “actual population” to “actual current flow data”.  The sentence should read as follows:  “Mr. Vees explained that he understands the logic of basing the user fees on an average number, but being an engineer himself, he would like to make a decision based on actual current flow data”.

Mr. Vees explained that at the June regular meeting, public participation was obtained from a resident in which comments were not included in the minutes.  Chairman Aries responded that there was some problem with the recorded tape and the individual’s name was not obtained for the record.  The Recording Secretary will review the minutes to include the attendance and participation of this Town resident.

Motion was made to accept the minutes of the June 5, 2012 regular meeting as amended.

The motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      972 Chapel Road (Approval of Change in Business Use)

The representative for this application was unable to attend the meeting.  Mr. Fred Shaw presented the application and explained that this is a proposed small cupcake bakery that is going in to an existing building.  This doesn’t fall into the category of a class 3 or class 4 food processing facility.  Therefore, it doesn’t technically require anything like a grease interceptor.  This is a very straight forward application for one small operation.  The building is already connected to the sewer; no dish washer or interceptor will be installed contrary to what was identified in the plans.  However, sinks are identified in the plans and there is no floor drains.

Chairman Aries asked if there will be an increase in flow should the applicant install a dishwasher.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded no, however, the only concern he will have is that should this kind of business require a grease interceptor it shouldn’t be located downstream of a dish washer.

For the record, the owner of this property lives at 972 Chapel Road, but the business is located at 454 Ellington Road, South Windsor, CT.

Motion was made to approve the application as presented for proposed change in business at 454 Ellington Road, South Windsor, CT, as more specifically shown on plans entitled: “Sugarbelle, 454 Ellington Road, South Windsor, CT  06074”, Prepared by The National Grinders Association, Lebanon, CT”.

The motion was made by Mr. Joseph Carino
The motion was seconded by Mr. Donald Antaya
The motion carried unanimously

        2.      Updated Commercial Sewer Billing – MDC Customers (Approval)

Included with the agenda was a copy of the Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) customers in Town that are served by the Town of South Windsor sewer system (see Exhibit A).  As previously reported, the MDC was having problems with their computer systems and couldn’t provide the Town in winter months flow consumption for the preceding 12 months period which is used as a basis for calculating sewer user charges.  Included with the commercial bills, a note was sent to everyone explaining that the Town will be using the previous years flow consumption water usage for the purpose of preparing the user charge bills; and that upon receiving the updated information from the MDC, the Town will make the proper billing adjustments.  The list shows what was billed in March 2012; the updated water consumptions that was recorded in the MDC recent report for the previous 12 month period and adjusted user rates calculated based upon the new information.  The last column shows those who were overbilled and those who were under billed.  The orange highlights are footnoted on the bottom of the page and indicate using private meters; adjustments were made accordingly.

Mr. Donald Antaya asked if the Town will allow the business owners more time to pay off what is owed.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that they do have thirty days in which to pay the bill; however, it is up to the Authority to decide.  However, this is what they would have been billed if the Town had the correct MDC water consumption data figures.  Mr. Aries responded that if someone comes in petitioning for additional time, he will allow the opportunity and listen to what they have to say.

Chairman Aries requested to immediately process the refund to the people who overpaid.  Mr. Fred Shaw explained that the money is available and the refunds will be made according to Town policy.

Motion was made to approve processing of refunds and billing to MDC Customers based on the updated Sewer Billing List for FY 2011/2012 (see Exhibit A).

The motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously

        3.      Phase I Sewer System Improvements – (Award Contract; Authorize notice to proceed)

A copy of the result of the bidding process for the Phase I Sewer System Improvements Project was sent to the Authority (see Exhibit B).  Mr. Fred Shaw reported that the apparent low bidder was Gerber Construction at a figure of $607,470.00.  He explained that one of the engineer responsibilities under the scope of services is to evaluate the bids and to recommend the qualified low bidder.  A copy of the Wright Pierce recommendation letter dated July 3rd was included with the Agenda (see Exhibit C).  The tabulation form simply represents the engineer making sure that all the numbers added up for the bid proposals that were received.

Mr. Fred Shaw explained that Gerber Construction has done work for the Town.  As part of this project, it was recommended, that as a condition of the award, that the contractor would provide a particular individual-a qualified supervisor/superintendent to make sure that the job goes smooth.  The contractor has agreed to have that particular individual involved in the job.  The Town is at a point now to move forward to the next step; WPCA has to authorize the award of the contract and issue the notice to proceed.  Upon receipt of the Notice to Proceed, a pre construction meeting will be scheduled.  The objective is to complete this project within 7 or 8 weeks.

Motion was made to award the contract to Gerber Construction for the Phase I Sewer System Improvements project and to authorize notice to proceed with this project.

The motion was made by Mr. Joseph Carino
The motion was seconded by Mr. Donald Antaya
The motion carried unanimously

        4.      Phase I Sewer System Improvements – Amend Engineering Services (Approval of administration and inspection fees)

A copy of the complete scope of work for the construction administration and inspection phase services was distributed (Exhibit D).  Mr. Shaw explained that the engineer is there to provide both inspection services and to make sure that the job is done according to the intent of the design and also to provide contract administration.  The amendment has been forwarded to the Town Attorney for approval.

Motion was made to approve the Amendment No. 2 of the Engineering Services Agreement for administration and inspection fees for the Phase I Sewer System Improvements (see Exhibit D), contingent upon the approval of the Town Attorney.

The motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
Upon roll call vote, Chairman Aries declared the motion carried with a vote of 6 ayes (Richard Aries, Donald Antaya, Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson, Carol Fletterick, and Ed Havens, Jr.) and 1 abstained (William Vees)

        5.      Clean Water Fund – Debt Service Schedule (Discussion)

As previously discussed, the Town had the option to begin making payments for the Treatment Plant this year or delay payment for one year and make the 1/20th payment next fiscal year in September 2013.  The Town requested that the State Treasurers Office calculate the debt service schedules for both options and the results showed that if the Town waited another year to pay the 1/20th payment, there will be a saving in interests.  With this information, the Task Force decided that the better option for the Town would be wait until next year to begin repayment of the loan and to pay, at that time, the 1/20th payment.  The Town Council would pay the debt service.  However, Mr. Shaw received on June 29, 2012, an email from the Department of Energy and Environmental protection (DEEP) regarding updated amortization schedules for the Treatment Plant Upgrade, where by they showed that the Town would pay more interest if the Town chose to wait until next year to begin loan repayment.  Mr. Shaw reported that while the budget appropriations for FY 2012/2013 were already approved, the Town could still begin repayment of the loan this year and come up with the $410,000 shortfall by closing out the three pump stations upgrade project and the Sewer Improvements Phase I Project later in the fiscal year.  There would be sufficient funds available after close out of these projects to meet the debt service payments.  The Town Manager is aware of this issue; the Authority will consider this matter again at the next meeting.


        1.      Treatment Plant Upgrade (Progress Report)

Mr. Shaw reported that equipment (dampers) was recently received for the odor control system.  In recent weeks there has been, no odor complaints received even without all the dampers installed.  The project is at 99.99% completion.  As previously reported, some residents on Main Street have expressed concern about viewing the Treatment Plant.  The Town recently received tentative approval from the State for eligibility of having the same contractor involved in installing a screen for the Treatment Plant.  Town staff is looking now at the final agreement; Mr. Shaw has selected two different types of trees as a natural boundary or screen.  Probably there will be some visibility through in some of the trees, but years ahead they will grow and provide a very effective screen.

        2.      Sewer System Evaluation Project (Update)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that the engineer has gotten the flow data for the wet season inflow and infiltration; they are in the process of preparing a report.  In preliminary statements it was reported that there are no problems with inflow.  The high flows that have been seen apparently are due to infiltration; the water underground getting into the pipe.  There are some areas which may require further investigation to determine where the sources of infiltration are and then make the recommendation to provide budget figures to correct the problem.  In some cases it may not be cost effective to try to remove all infiltration; it may cost more to repair the pipe than it will to handle the flow.

        3.      Dry Pit Pump Station Upgrade (Progress Report)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that the contractor is working on the last pump station; which is the Rye Street pump station.  He does not believe that the contractor is going to complete this project within the time allowed to complete the project which was the 3rd of August.  They are substantially complete with the pump station on Strong Road.  The design of the pump stations has been made to make them blend in to the area in which they are located.  Any kind of extension of time resulting in any cost to the Town will be paid by the contractor.

        4.      Task Force Committee (Discussion)

Chairman Richard Aries explained that at the last Task Force meeting there was discussion regarding the water usage discrepancies and consideration of different billing policies; another meeting is yet to be scheduled with regards to the subject of would it be more equitable to use water consumption rates rather than a flat rate to determine residential sewer user charges.

Mr. Joseph Carino expressed that after listening to the last Town Council meeting, his impression was that the Task Force Committee believes that they are to make the decision and direct the WPCA to do what they recommend.  Chairman Aries responded that it is well understood that the Task Force Committee is an advisory committee that will discuss issues and make recommendations; those recommendations will be then discussed and considered by the Authority.

Mr. Carino expressed that one item he is very much against is the statement that he continues to hear from two specific council members of billing the 10% or 20% of people that are not hooked up to sewer and still on septic system.  However, on the average, the septic tank users have their septic tanks cleaned about once every ten years for about $1500; technically these residents are paying about $150 yearly for their sewer service, Carino said.  Mr. Shaw stated that is an interesting statistic because normally the septic tank should be cleaned every two or three years depending on the amount of people living in the house.

Mr. Shaw reported that the more equitable system is to use water consumption figures provided by the water company.  However, it will be required that in order to gather this information that there be another layer of administrative cost and effort.  Mr. Shaw reported that in the past the WPCA considered the cost of using meter readings, however, this was done when there were fewer water customers.  The usage flat rate was based upon an average for sample of 1700 MDC users in Town; an average rate of 93,000 gallons was determined.  It was determined that while the more accurate distribution of the cost would be one based upon water usage, this approach would also increase the user charge.  It was also determined that use of a flat rate would keep user charge rates lower.  Mr. Shaw also reported that in order to make a decision, the distribution flow usage needs to be determined, the standard deviation, and what the revenue will be given a certain rate; this is information that the Task Force Committee is trying to gather to make the best decision for the user charge.

Mr. Shaw will try to obtain from the water companies information to determine what the residential flow usage is; this information will be analyzed in preparation for discussion at the next Task Force Committee.






        Motion was made to adjourn at 8:38 p.m.

        The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
        The motion was seconded by Mr. William Vees
        The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Approved Date: September 4, 2012