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WPCA Approved Revised Minutes 06/05/2012, Regular Meeting

        Members Present:                Richard Aries, Donald Antaya, Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson, Carol Fletterick, Vicki Paliulis, and                                    William Vees

        Alternates Present:     Ed Havens, Jr.

        Alternates Absent:      Richard Siedman

        Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                                Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

        Others: Judy Schuler, Design Professionals, Inc.
                        Scott Shaw, Applicant
                        Town Resident
                        John Maciaga, Resident

Chairman Richard Aries called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the June 5, 2012 Regular Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA).


        April 3, 2012 – Regular Meeting

        Motion was made to accept the minutes of the April 3, 2012 regular meeting as presented.

Motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Donald Antaya
The motion carried unanimously

May 1, 2012 – Regular Meeting

Motion was made to accept the minutes of the May 1, 2012 regular meeting as presented.

Motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously


1.      ROSSCORP, LLC, 645 Sullivan Avenue (Approval to connect)

Ms. Judy Schuler of Design Professionals, Inc. presented the application for ROSSCORP, LLC located at 645 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, CT.  This property is currently vacant.  There are three commercial condo units on the property each separately owned; there is also a condo association agreement for the three condo units.  Presently, the building in the front of the property is owned by Bruce Maneeley; Scott Shaw owns 645 Sullivan Avenue; and David Cook owns the other unit.  The building in the front is connected to the sewer system located on Sullivan Avenue; the two buildings at the rear are currently connected to a septic system that runs through the rear of the property.  Mr. Scott Shaw is proposing to abandon the septic connection for 645 Sullivan Avenue, connecting a new lateral of 166 linear feet of pvc piping along the western property line, connecting to the existing sanitary manhole; which is the same location where 641 Sullivan Avenue connects to the building sewer.  Ms. Schuler explained that there was enough depth at the location so that the property can connect to the existing sanitary manhole.  As part of this project, the applicant will be submitting a minimal impact application to the Town for wetlands.

Chairman Aries asked if there is a FOG regulation to comply for the proposed restaurant; Mr. Shaw responded that the applicant has provided him with some information as to where the grease interceptor will be located.  There is a question about the proposed type of the automatic grease removal unit.  However, Mr. Shaw has contacted the manufacturer’s representative to make sure that the proposed grease interceptor meets certain standards that are required.

Ms. Judy Schuler provided Chairman Aries with letters from both David Cook and Bruce Maneeley stating their support for the application (see Exhibit A).  Mr. Joseph Carino asked if there is a maintenance agreement from the property owners should there be a problem with the sewer line.  Mr. Fred Shaw explained that he has received some documents concerning the condo ownership and requirements, which will be reviewed by the Town Attorney so there is a common ownership responsibility to maintain the common sewer of the pipe.

Motion was made to approve the application as presented for connection to the Town’s sewerage system of the commercial property located at 645 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Sewer Connection Plan – 645 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, CT  06074”; Prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT; Project No. 818.R, “Boundary & Topographic Plan”, Sheet No. CT-01, Dated 4-26-12, revised on 5/29/2012; this approval is subject to the following conditions: (1) Approval from the Town of South Windsor Inland/Wetlands Commission; (2) Installation of a grease interceptor meeting all Town and the State of CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) requirements; a general permit for the grease interceptor must be obtained from DEEP; (3) Town Attorney review and approval of the Association Agreement that defines the responsibility for the common sewer line maintenance; (4) Technical approval of the Town Engineering Department; and (5) Final Authority approval and acceptance of the sanitary sewerage connection will be conditional upon the installed sewer line having been inspected by the Town staff, and upon the written verification of the Town staff that said sanitary sewer line was installed in substantial conformance with the design plans approved by the Authority, and meeting all regulations and appropriate technical specifications relating to sanitary sewer construction.

Motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Mr. William Vees
Upon roll call vote, Chairman Aries declared the motion carried with a vote of 7 ayes (Richard Aries, Donald Antaya, Robert Dickinson, Carol Fletterick, Ed Havens, Jr., Vicki Paliulis, William Vees) and 1 abstained (Joseph Carino.)

Motion was made to go to Item E – Public Participation.

Motion was made by Mr. Donald Antaya
The motion was seconded by Mr. William Vees
The motion carried unanimously


        There was no public participation; the Authority moved to Item C – New Business.


        2.      FY 2012/2013 Sewer Rate Schedule (Discussion and approval)

Chairman Aries asked if anyone had any questions or comments on the budget presentation.  Mr. Robert Dickinson asked what the rates would be should they be based on 67,000 gallons, instead of 93,000 gallons.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that the 93,000 gallons was an average water use figure that was obtained years ago from an MDC survey of 1700 residential water customers.  However, he does not know what the rate would be if is based on 67,000 gallons because he does not know what the total flow is based upon water consumption reports.

Mr. Robert Dickinson prefers for the user fees be based on actual usage.  Mr. Ed Havens, Jr. expressed that he is not comfortable with the rate that has been proposed, although he understands the need for it.

Mr. William Vees reported that at the Public Hearing someone suggested the Authority gather all the facts first before raising the user fees.  He asked, what will be the consequence if the Authority does not increase the sewer user fees this year.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that the Authority wouldn’t be in a position to pay the $1.4 million for the 1/20th payment of the debt service to the Treatment Plant.  Also, they wouldn’t be able to complete the project to replace 1100 feet of corroded concrete pipe that is imminent of collapsing.  Mr. Dickinson moved to make a motion to approve the proposed sewer user charges recognizing that changes need to be made.

Motion was made to adopt the Sewer User Charges, Surcharges, Sewer Assessment Schedules and Septic Disposal Fees for FY 2012/2013, as presented this evening during the WPCA Public Hearing.

Motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Donald Antaya
The motion carried unanimously

3.      Set Date for July Meeting (Approval)

        Motion was made to schedule the July regular meeting for Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sprenkel Room of the Town   Hall.

Motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
Seconded by Joseph Carino
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      Treatment Plant Upgrade (Progress Report)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that some items on the punch list are still to be completed.  This project is close to completion.  He believes that the total dollar value of the change orders will be less than five percent.

        2.      Sewer System Evaluation Project (Update)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that the Town is out to bid for the replacement of the concrete pipes and rehabilitation of five manholes; also for the replacement of the 80-feet of force main on Clark Street.  There will be a pre bid meeting held at the Town Hall, in the Council Chambers on the 14th of June 2012 at 10:00 o’clock.  The bid opening will be on June 28, 2012.

        3.      Dry Pit Pump Station Upgrade (Progress Report)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported on the Pleasant Valley pump station by Pleasant Valley Condominiums.  He reported that the engineer has dropped the housing in place; the inside work should be finished by the end of this week.  The engineer will still have site work to do and put up the fence.  Residents have expressed how pleased they are by the appearance of the pump station and how well it matches with their units.

        4.      Task Force Committee (Discussion)

Included with the Agenda was a memorandum from the Task Force Committee meetings (see Exhibit B).  Included in the membership of the Task Force Committee, was Mr. Paul Lowry of CT Water Company.  Chairman Aries also explained that at the Task Force Committee meeting there have been discussions to determine if there was a more equitable and cost effective way to determine a user charge.

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that there are 469 houses on the eastern part of the Town that are served by the Town of Vernon.  In the last three years, Mr. Shaw looked at all of the water consumption reports in determining an average flow for each year.  The first year, the average was a little over 81,000; the next year the average flow for residential units was over 100,000; the average for the three years was more than 87,000 gallons.  Chairman Aries expressed concern about trying to really create a fair system by using water consumption.  He explained that the goal is to explore the cost for a new system, exploring how to achieve more fairness and then determining where low and high end variability is going to be.  Ms. Vicky Paliulis completely agreed with Chairman Aries, because it could be a difficult process to determine the user fees based on water consumption.  Mr. Vees explained that he understands the logic of basing the user fees on an average number, but being an engineer himself, he would like the data acquisition be based on actual current flow data.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that the CT Water Company and MDC can provide him with that data.  Also, he explained, that the water consumption base system would also involve a different level of administrative effort.


An unidentified resident of the Town of South Windsor commented that he got the feeling that “anyone can run a sewer pipe”.  “The key is to get someone to run the sewer plant for less money; and the Sewer Commission has got to realize the bottom line counts”.  He expressed that this is not just his feeling but others too.  To address his comment, Mr. William Vees responded that as members of the Town of South Windsor and volunteer members of the WPCA, they also care about the community and they want to do what is right for the community.

John Maciaga, Town resident and also member of the Task Force Committee reported there has been discussions regarding the charge methodology based on water usage.  However, water coming into a household is not necessarily equal to the amount of water going out of the household.  He explained that people water their lawn in the summer; also, somebody that might be using 20,000 gallons per quarter in the winter and maybe even in the spring could be using 60 or 80,000 gallons in the summer quarter.  So, should they be charged strictly on water usage, they are going to be paying a sewer charge for the water that is going onto their lawn or into their garden.  They shouldn’t be charged sewer charges for that water, because that water is not going into the sewers.  That is another complication and another factor to consider.  How can a resident be charged strictly on water usage when part of the water usage may not be going into the sewer system.  That is not fair either, he explained.  There was no further participation from the public.





        Motion was made to adjourn at 8:23 p.m.

        The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
        The motion was seconded by Mr. Joseph Carino
        The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Originally Posted: June 22, 2012
Approved Date: July 10, 2012