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WPCA Approved Minutes 01/18/2012, Special Meeting


Members Present:                Richard Aries, Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson, Carol Fletterick and William Vees

Members Absent:         Ed Havens, Jr.

Alternates Absent:      Richard Siedman

Staff Present:          C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                        Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary
        Others Present:         Dennis A. Dievert, Jr., P.E., Wright-Pierce
Chairman Richard Aries called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the January 18, 2012 Special Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA).


        1.      December 11, 2011, Regular Meeting

Motion was made to accept the minutes of the December 6, 2011 Regular Meeting as presented.

The motion was made by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion was seconded by Mr. William Vees
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      Authorization to complete design for concrete pipe repair (Discussion & Approval)

Mr. Denise Dievert, Jr., P.E. from Wright-Pierce Engineers was in attendance this evening.  Mr. Fred Shaw reported that at the previous meeting the Authority received a report on the evaluation of the Town’s concrete gravity sewer lines through Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) and inspection.  At the meeting, Mr. Dievert reviewed the evaluation of the concrete sewer mains and manholes and divided the work into phases; he also divided the work into the work that needs immediate attention and the work that could be delayed for a number of years; this report also included a Capital Improvement Plan (see Exhibit A).

It was identified that sections of sewer pipe needed to be rehabilitated, and a figure of $791,000 was used at that time for both the design and the replacement of the sewer, and rehabilitation of the manholes.  Also, at the time on this report, they had not completed their Clark Street force main evaluation.  A draft report was submitted recently and the costs for the different alternatives were provided.  The engineer has determined that 80 feet of the gravity line at the top of the force main from the Clark Street pump station is in very poor condition and needs to be repaired or replaced.  The next step involves making a decision concerning moving forward with the replacement of the gravity concrete pipes, manhole rehabilitation, and replacement of the 80 feet of Clark Street pump station force main with a total project cost estimate of $859,000; this also includes $42,400 for the design cost and $128,000 for the 20% construction contingency-see Exhibit B.

Chairman Richard Aries asked Mr. Dennis Dievert how long it would take to complete the design phase.  Mr. Dievert responded that it will probably take two months if weather permits.

With regards to fully funding all of the repairs needed, Chairman Aries asked if when doing a design proposal and time goes by and things aren’t completely done, what would be the additional costs to revise the design phase.  Mr. Dievert responded that because is just a pipe replacement, he does not see a problem even if it didn’t get done until the fall or the following year.  Mr. Fred Shaw agreed.

Mr. Shaw was requesting approval to appropriate from the sewer reserve fund $42,400 for the purposes of completing the design of Phase I.  Mr. Dennis Dievert expressed that the motion should approve the dollar value contingent upon him revising the wording on the scope of services.  Mr. Shaw agreed and explained that the scope of services will be revised to include the force main, and eliminate the cost involved for the removal of grease from a section of sewer line.  The removal of grease will be performed by Town staff.

Motion was made to approve the appropriation from the sewer reserve fund of $42,400 for the purposes of completing design of recommended Phase I improvements to repair/replace concrete gravity sewer pipes and manholes and the replace of 80 feet of Clark Street pump station force main, as provided in the Wright-Pierce Sanitary Sewer System Evaluation Report.

The motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Mr. William Vees
The motion carried unanimously

        2.      Authorization to Amend Clean Water Fund Application (Approval)

Mr. Fred Shaw explained that in the course of doing the force main testing analysis, it was determined that additional testing needed to be performed in order to obtain a better idea of what was happening and what alternatives were available.  This change in the scope of services increased the cost from the original contract (see Exhibit C).  Mr. Shaw provided a copy of the amended contract to the Authority (see Exhibit D).

Mr. Dennis Dievert explained the costs involved in the amended contract are for the “additional non destructive testing” and “traffic control”.  He explained that the additional testing cost increased by $13,840; the costs are based on the actual dollars that were paid to James Slater for the excavation work to do the test.  However, in the original contract the traffic control was to be handled by the Town.  Based on information provided by DEEP, Wright-Pierce has decided that it will be very difficult to be reimbursed from the MBEWBE for this project.  So, they directly hired CT traffic control through the project so that they can apply the WBE% towards the total and be reimbursed.  

Mr. Dievert apologized for not requesting approval from the WPCA prior to performing the additional test; but it was an immediate decision to be taken.  Mr. William Vees asked if there is anything that could be done in the future to prevent that from happening again.  Mr. Dievert expressed that next time before doing any additional work and authorize anything over their fees he will obtain authorization from the Authority.

Motion was made to amend the contract to add $17,850 for additional funds needed for required non-destructive testing and traffic control.

The motion was made by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
Mr. William Vees opposed
The motion passed with a vote of 4 to 1 (Richard Aries, Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson and Carol Fletterick voted in favor; William Vees opposed).

Mr. Vees explained that he opposed because he has a problem with the way the situation was handled.  Chairman Aries understood and explained that there will be better communication next time similar circumstances arrive.

        1.      Treatment Plant Upgrade (Progress Report)

Mr. Fred Shaw explained that the substantial completion date of December 4, 2011 has been extended and approved by DEEP.  There are some design problems; principally the plant water system which is used to provide plant water to the various pumps and equipment.  The original design involved a pipe in the side wall of the effluent line and it was a very poor design.  The engineer has provided the revised designed and the contractor is installing the new pipe.  

Chairman Aries asked if that will incur additional cost.  Mr. Shaw responded that it will add some cost, but is one of those costs among a number of costs that will be reviewed and discussed with the engineer to determine to what extend it is responsibility of the Engineer.

Mr. Fred Shaw also reported that he has been discussing with DEEP administrator concerning the closeout of this project and the loan eligibility.  However, there are some potential change orders to be submitted.  It is expected for the Town Bond Counsel to review the final agreement.

Chairman Richard Aries asked if the 1/20th payment is included in the final calculations for this project.  In responding to Chairman Aries question, Mr. Shaw answered that the 1/20th payment is part of the final calculations for this project; however, the final amount of actual costs has yet to be determined.  Chairman Aries reported that the Town Council has created a Task Force Committee for discussing a variety of issues such as the WPCA budget and sewer user fees.  Mr. Bob Dickinson and Chairman Aries will be part of this Committee on behalf of the WPCA.  However, the Town Council has not yet indicated that they are not taking responsibility for the debt service payments.

        2.      Dry Pit Pump Station Upgrade (Progress Report)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that the project is progressing well.  He explained that the Barrington Estates pump station on Pleasant Valley Road was turned over to the Town back in the early 70s; this pump station was part of the apartment complex on Pleasant Valley Road and when it was turned over to the Town there were no as-built drawings.  Because of this, there was a problem in locating the force main.  The Town hired another contractor with specialized equipment to use ground penetration radar to locate the force main.  The Town incurred some additional expense due to that.  So far there is only one change order on this project.  The substantial completion date is August 4, 2012.

E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda)



There was no unfinished business.  However, a briefly discussion ensued regarding the Task Force Committee.  Mr. Joseph Carino expressed that he feels that one of the subjects to be discussed will be on the current sewer user fees and the need to have a reserve fund.  His recommendation to Chairman Aries was to use as a guide what the user fees have been over the last thirty years.  He expressed that in today’s economy, reducing the user fees to $240 is not realistic.

Mr. Fred Shaw explained that there were many years of the 80s and 90s that sewer user rates weren’t increased.  The user fees should have been higher in order to be fully funded.  He also explained that it is necessary to have a reserve fund for both, operations and equipment replacement.  The reserve fund will provide a financial plan that will allow planning for expected and unexpected expenses.  For example, the fact that there is only one force main going up hill for over a mile in length (5600 ft) is a concern.  The long term force main solution in cost about is of $2.4 million.  It will be the decision of the Authority as to how much to set aside for current and future expenses.  Also, the reserve fund will allow stabilization of sewer user rates.

Mr. William Vees expressed that it will be helpful to talk about and make a comparison as to what other utilities do in the State.    Mr. Richard Aries explained that to properly have a reserve fund, it is also necessary to use the reserve funds.  For example, the reserve fund will be used for the purposes of completing design of recommended Phase I improvements.  He also explained that the Authority will ultimately decide what’s best in managing the sewer system.




Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 p.m.

Motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Approved Date: February 7, 2012