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WPCA Approved Minutes 12/06/2011, Regular Meeting

Members Present:        Richard Aries, Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson, and Edward Havens, Jr.

Members Absent: Frank Ferrero, Carol Fletterick, and William Vees

Alternates Present:     Nancy Mulroy sitting in for Carol Fletterick
                                Richard Siedman

Staff Present:          C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                                Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary
                                Tim Friend, Treatment Plant Supervisor

Others Present:         Andrew Krar, P.E. of Design Professionals, Inc.
                                Tony Bruno, Metal Testing Company
                                Karen Isherwood, Isherwood Civil Engineer
                                Dennis A. Dievert, Jr., P.E., Wright-Pierce
Chairman Richard Aries called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the December 6, 2011 Regular Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA).

Chairman Richard Aries appointed Ms. Nancy Mulroy to sit in for Carol Fletterick.


        1.      October 4, 2011, Regular Meeting

Motion was made to accept the minutes of the October 4, 2011 Regular Meeting as presented.

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Joseph Carino

The motion was amended to include the following change on the minutes: Item C1, motion at the top of page 3, where it says, near the end, “…will be conditional upon the sewer line having been installed and inspected by the Town staff…”Chairman Aries recommended substituting that language with the following: “will be conditional upon the installed sewer line having been inspected by the Town staff…”.

Motion was made to accept the minutes of the October 4, 2011 Regular Meeting as amended.

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      Metal Testing Company, 66 Kimberly Drive (Approval to Connect)

Mr. Andy Krar from Design Professionals engineering firm, was in attendance representing the applicant for a new proposed building.  Mr. Krar explained that Metal Testing Company is located at 88 Kimberly Drive; this business is currently connected to the Town sewer.  The project involves the construction of a new proposed 13,000 square ft addition to their existing building.  This will require the connection of the proposed building to the existing sanitary sewer in Kimberly Drive.  The project involves a 6 inch sewer lateral at 4.5 or 5% slope from the existing sewer main to the sampling manhole.  The applicant will be providing an easement in favor of the Town for monitoring purposes.

Chairman Richard Aries asked the applicant for more information on the type of business.  Mr. Tony Bruno an employee of the business was present and responded that currently at the existing facility, they do metal cleaning of titanium and other things.  This business is under compliance will all, State and Federal regulations.

There will be two bathrooms in the proposed building.  Mr. Krar explained that there may be floor drains for the bathrooms; however, there will be no floor drains in the shop areas.   Mr. Krar also reported that there will be no trench drains in the shop area or near the garages; therefore, the oil/water separator will be removed from the plans.

In response to Mr. Joseph Carino’s question, Mr. Bruno responded that in the new proposed building, they will be using the same process but essentially increasing the quantity of the process.  Chairman Aries asked if there is a policy for monitoring of the manhole.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that he is provided with monitoring reports from DEEP; and if the Town staff suspect that there is a problem of contamination, the Town staff have the option to sample the wastewater discharge at the manhole.  The P&Z Commission approved the presented plans, however, the applicant will submit final revised plans to reflect the removal of the oil/water separator.

Motion was made to approve the connection to the Town’s sewerage system of a proposed commercial building to be located on Kimberly Drive as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Metals Testing Company, 66 Kimberly Drive, South Windsor, CT”, prepared by Design Professionals, South Windsor, CT, Project No.: 3064, Dated 09/26/11.  The approval is subject to the following conditions: (1) a draft of an easement in favor of the Town to allow access to the manhole on the building sewer for monitoring purposes; the easement must be reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney; (2) applicant needs to submit final revised plans without the oil/water separator because there will be no floor drains; (3) final technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department; and (4) Final Authority approval and acceptance of the sanitary sewerage connection will be conditional upon the sewer line having been installed and inspected by the Town staff, and upon the written verification of the Town staff that said sanitary sewer line was installed in substantial conformance with the design plans approved by the Authority, and meeting all regulations and appropriate technical specifications relating to sanitary sewer construction.

Motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Mr. Joseph Carino
The motion carried unanimously

        2.      Carter Mario Law Office, 218 Buckland Road (Approval to Connect)

Ms. Karen Isherwood from Isherwood Civil Engineering was in attendance representing the applicant for a proposed new development on Buckland Road.  This is the northern parcel of a project that was approved years ago known as Tuscan Hills.  The project involves the addition of a single story, professional office building approximately 4,750 square ft. with twenty-one (21) parking spaces.  The plan is to extend the sewer main at 2% slope from the existing drainage pipe.  This project plan has been approved by P&Z Commission and the Inland/Wetlands Commission.  Ms. Isherwood explained that she was asked by the Town Engineer, to bring up the elevation of the sanitary invert in the building from the 18 inch drainage pipe that is crossing.

Motion was made to approve the application for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for a proposed law office building located at 218 Buckland Road, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Carter Mario Law Office, Site Plan Modification, Tuscan Hills, 218 Buckland Road, South Windsor, CT”  Prepared by Isherwood Civil Engineer, South Windsor, CT; Project No.: 1003, Dated 8/15/2011 “Grading/Utilities Plan” Sheet No.: C-2, Revised on 9/6/2011 and 10/4/2011.  This approval is subject to the following conditions: (1) a draft of an easement allowing the Town access to manhole on the building sewer for monitoring purposes; the easement must be reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney; (2) Elevation of sanitary invert be revised as requested by Town Engineer; (3) Final technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department; and (4) Final Authority approval and acceptance of the sanitary sewerage connection will be conditional upon the sewer line having been installed and inspected by the Town staff, and upon the written verification of the Town staff that said sanitary sewer line was installed in substantial conformance with the design plans approved by the Authority, and meeting all regulations and appropriate technical specifications relating to sanitary sewer construction.

The motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Ms. Nancy Mulroy
The motion carried unanimously

        3.      223 Nutmeg Road South (Approval to Connect)

Ms. Karen Isherwood from Isherwood Civil Engineering was in attendance representing the applicant, AA Landscaping.  This property is about 1.4 acre lot located in an industrial zone on Nutmeg Road South.  The application is for a contractor’s yard for landscaping services.  This is a proposed 4,000 square feet providing seven parking spaces.  This includes four garage doors on the west side of the building and a gravel lot for vehicle storage.  There will be a single bathroom and no floor drains in the building; this involves a proposed sewer connection for the bathroom only.

Mr. Shaw explained that due to the fact that is in an industrial zone, a monitoring manhole is required; therefore, there will be an easement granted to the Town for monitoring purposes.  

Mr. Ed Havens asked if there is any Town requirement for the trucks that will be parked inside, but there is no floor drains and grease interceptors.  Mr. Shaw responded that there is a grit interceptor requirement if there is floor drainage connected to the sewer.  

Mr. Richard Siedman arrived to the meeting at 7:27 p.m.

Chairman Richard Aries asked if there is a time when floor drains are required.  Mr. Shaw responded that the Town does not require floor drains; however, if the applicant chose to do that, they will need to take out a permit and Mr. Shaw will be notified of those permits.

Mr. Robert Dickinson asked if there will be any chemical treatments on site.  Ms. Isherwood responded that the applicant will be doing some chemical treatments like fertilizers; but there will be no fertilizer storage on site.

Motion was made to approve the application for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for a proposed 4,000 square ft. building located at 223 Buckland Road, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Site Plan, AA Landscaping, 223 Nutmeg Road South, South Windsor, Ct”  Prepared by Isherwood Civil Engineer, South Windsor, CT; Project No.: 1017, Dated 10/17/2011 “Grading/Utilities Plan” Sheet No.: C-2, Revised on 11/22/2011 and 12/1/2011.  This approval is subject to the following conditions: (1) a draft of an easement allowing the Town access to manhole on the building sewer for monitoring purposes; the easement must be reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney; (2) final technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department; and (3) Final Authority approval and acceptance of the sanitary sewerage connection will be conditional upon the sewer line having been installed and inspected by the Town staff, and upon the written verification of the Town staff that said sanitary sewer line was installed in substantial conformance with the design plans approved by the Authority, and meeting all regulations and appropriate technical specifications relating to sanitary sewer construction.

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Ms. Nancy Mulroy
The motion carried unanimously

Mr. Denis Dievert was present this evening on behalf of Wright-Pierce, the Town’s consultant engineering firm to present a report on the Sewer System Evaluation Project.  Therefore, Mr. Fred Shaw recommended moving to Item D1.

Motion was made to move to Item 1- Sewer System Evaluation Project (CCTV Evaluation of Gravity Sewer Main Piping Report).

Motion was made by Mr. Joseph Carino
The motion was seconded by Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      Sewer System Evaluation Project (CCTV Evaluation of Gravity Sewer Main Piping Report)

With the November meeting Agenda, a copy of the CCTV Evaluation of Gravity Sewer Main Piping Report was included for review.  Mr. Denise Dievert, Jr., P.E. from Wright-Pierce Engineers was in attendance to report on the first phase on the evaluation of the Town’s concrete gravity sewer lines through Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) and inspection (see Exhibit A).

Mr. Dievert explained that the goal of this evaluation is to take a look at the sewer system to identify potential areas of failure based on the evaluations conducted and recommend improvements and an implementation plan to avoid future potential failures as recently experienced at the intersection of Chapel Road and Clark Street.

In trying to identify the concrete gravity sewer piping, Wright-Pierce met with Tim Friend, Treatment Plant Supervisor and his staff and looked at the Town’s as built drawings, and hired a national water main cleaning company to televise about 15,000 feet of pipe.  About 5.2 miles of concrete gravity sewer piping was inspected.  The areas focused were on Chapel Road, John Fitch Boulevard, Pleasant Valley Road and Governor’s Highway.  Sewer manhole inspections were conducted on drop manholes or at a drop sewer connection 2 ft or greater above the main line pipe; manholes downstream of drop manholes, manholes at and downstream of 90 degree bends, manholes at an downstream of pump station force main discharges, and manholes at and downstream of steep changes in pipe grade. Twenty nine manholes inspections were completed with the help of WPCF staff.  The Town does not have a manhole numbering system; the manholes are numbered based on the stationing of the as built drawings.  So, Wright-Pierce assigned a number to the manholes starting with zero.

The National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) is a nationwide program where people are trained and certified to identify defects on a scale of 1 through 5.  Mr. Dievert referred to Figure 3 in handouts and explained that the numbers represents the assigned number of the manholes, and the stars refer to the manholes that were physically opened and inspected; the manholes numbered 39a, 39b and 39c are manholes not shown on the Town’s current sewer map.

In conducting the sewer manhole inspections it was offered that manhole #46, as an example, at the intersection of Pleasant Valley Road and John Fitch Blvd., was graded as excellent.  The walls are fairly uniform and the concrete is smooth.  On the other hand, manhole #1 located at the intersection of Clark Street and Chapel Road, while not necessarily requiring immediate attention, does have the potential to fail within the next zero to five years pursuant to NASSCO standards.

Wright-Pierce also hired a corrosion probe specialty firm to identify and test for corrosion related issues.  The manholes with Grade 3, 4, and 5 defects where assessed.  They did some hammer sounding testing to test the strength of the concrete paste on the interior walls of the manholes; they also did a pH testing of the concrete and they also shipped some sampling of concrete walls for further sulfate and chloride testing.  They recommended rehabilitation of the manholes with 15,000 psi hydroblast; in this process they apply concrete coating on the walls and apply epoxy liner which is resistant to any future corrosion.  The reason why they recommended to spray on concrete was because, while doing the hammering sounding testing, they noticed that manhole #1, for example, has lost about 2 inches of concrete reinforcement.

On September 19, 2011 through September 23, 2011 a CCTV inspection of 14, 425 feet was performed by NWMCC, targeting those areas where there was drop manholes, force main discharges, 90 degree bends and any areas of noticeable corrosion in the manholes.  The defects were identified and catalogued per NASSCO Standards (refer to Figure 7).  Mr. Dievert reported that the worst areas are at the force main discharge at Clark Street and Chapel Road and at the location where there is a 90 degree bend under the railroad track on John Fitch Blvd.  In general, Pleasant Valley Road, Nutmeg Road and John Fitch Blvd. were all in good shape.  He also explained that there are numerous alternatives for potential rehabilitation: Option one is the Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP), which would add a new interior liner in the pipe; this is not cost effective, he explained.  Option two is Pipe Bursting which involves breaking and pushing back the pipe to be replaced.  Option three is the Slip Lining; this is a potential alternative but is expensive.  The reason why this option was not recommended is because excavation of the road needs to be performed and the hydraulic capacity will be reduced.  Another disadvantage is that every service connection needs to be dug up and reconnected.  The fourth recommendation is the Open Excavation Pipe Replacement in the same trench.  This involves bypass pumping.

Wright-Pierce developed a fifteen (15) year Working Capital Improvements Plan (CPI).  The cost to perform the recommended repairs is approximately $2.25 million on Phase 1.  Because all of the improvements do not need immediate attention, the CIP is broken down into three phases.  In 2012, Wright-Pierce is recommending Phase 1 improvements which are strictly sewer replacement of the red areas on the map (See Exhibit A); this includes replacement of about 1400 feet of pipe on Chapel Road and end of Clark Street.  He also explained that what should also be addressed immediately are those areas where heavy grease was found on Governor’s Highway and Nutmeg Lane.  It is an area of concern that could potentially be a blockage.  

Mr. Tim Friend explained that for the first 10 or 12 years all of the wastewater from Sullivan Avenue down to the Treatment Plant came down through that line.  So, this grease blockage may be due to the amount of restaurants on Sullivan Avenue down to Route 5.

As part of the CPI, it was also recommended to complete Phase 2 in 2016.  He explained that there are potential problems in the future, not something that needs to be addressed immediately.  He recommended reline the sewer segment on Chapel Road because the pipes is currently structurally fine but showing signs of corrosion.  This will involve manholes #6 through #8 located on Chapel Road and manholes #17 through #22 located between Ellington Road and Long Hill Road.  And in 2020 it was recommended to do Phase 3 which is to just reline an additional section on Chapel Road.

Mr. Dievert reported that an ultrasonic test was performed on the Clark Street pump station force main and samples were taken to determine the thickness measurements on the outside of the pipe.  However, he does not have all the test results. He will plan report the results at the next WPCA January meeting.

The Authority will evaluate the consultant engineer recommendations and determine what the best and most cost effective recommendation is.  Mr. Shaw recommended having the consultant engineer make a presentation in a joint meeting with the Town Council.


        4.      178 Wheeler Road, Acct. #300601 (User Charge Adjustment)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that the property is 178 Smith Street, not 178 Wheeler Road.  There are three connected residential units at the corner of Wheeler Road and Smith Street known as 178, 180 and 182 Wheeler Road.  The property owner came before the Authority and received approval to run a sewer line for the first unit that they were going to connect (178 Wheeler Road).  The property owner did sell 178 Wheeler Road and they are been billed properly.  However, the property owner has not yet sold 180 and 182 Wheeler Road and is currently receiving bills for these units.  These two units do not have any facilities in there at all.    The property owner was billed for the three units.  Mr. Shaw requested approval to adjust this account to account for a single use account.   

Motion was made to adjust acct. #300601 for 178 Wheeler Road to account for a single sewer connection from the Commercial User Charge billing list For FY 2010/2011.

The motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Ms. Nancy Mulroy
The motion carried unanimously

        5.      2163 Ellington Road, Acct. #30331 (User Charge Adjustment)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that 2165 Ellington Road has been subdivided and sold off to create another lot which became 2163 Ellington Road.  The property owner of 2165 Ellington Road was billed for both properties; and the new property of 2163 Ellington Road was also billed.  Therefore, Mr. Shaw requested to adjust the Account for 2165 to account only for one property.

Motion was made to remove 2163 Ellington Road, Acct. #30331 from the Commercial User Charge billing list.

The motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Ms. Nancy Mulroy
The motion carried unanimously

        6.      Election of Officers

Chairman Richard Aries congratulated the Republicans counter parts with their successful election this year.  Mr. Joseph Carino expressed that regardless of the majority, the Authority have operated independently of the political policy and work together in trying to get the work done.

Motion was made to nominate Mr. Richard Aries as Chairperson of the WPCA.

The motion was made by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
There were no other nominations.

Motion was made to nominate Mr. Joseph Carino as Vice-Chairman of the WPCA

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
There were no other nominations.

Motion was made to nominate Ms. Carol Fletterick as Secretary of the WPCA.

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman
There were no other nominations; Chairman Richard Aries casted a vote to nominate himself as Chairperson of the WPCA, Mr. Joseph Carino as Vice-Chairman and Ms. Carol Fletterick as Secretary of the WPCA.  The motions were carried unanimously.

        7.      WPCA FY 2009/2010 Annual Report (Review and Approve)

A copy of the WPCA Annual Report was provided to the Authority for review and consideration (see Exhibit B.)  The only recommendation was on page 2, to clarify that the Town’s flat user charge of $340 was reduced to $288 during FY 2010/2011.

Motion was made to approve the WPCA Annual Report for FY 2010/2011 as amended to show FY 2010/2011 (see Exhibit B).

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion carried unanimously

        8.      WPCA Calendar for 2012 (Review and Approve)

With the Agenda, a copy of the WPCA 2012 Meeting Calendar was included for review and approval (see Exhibit C).  As previously discussed, if necessary, the January meeting may be rescheduled for a later time for presentation of the report from Wright-Pierce.  Also, after a short discussion, it was decided that the WPCA meetings will be held at the same time, seven o’clock.

Motion was made to approve the WPCA Calendar for 2012 as presented in the Memorandum from Mr. Fred Shaw dated December 1, 2011 attached hereto as Exhibit C.

The motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Ms. Nancy Mulroy
The motion carried unanimously


        2.      Treatment Plant Upgrade (Progress Report)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that the Treatment Plant Upgrade is progressing; is about 98% completed.  The substantial completion date has changed from the 4th of December to the end of the month.

        3.      Dry Pit Pump Station Upgrade (Progress Report)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that the project construction has begun.  There was a problem in finding the force main at the Barrington Estates station.  Therefore, there are a couple of change orders on this project.

Mr. Fred Shaw added an Item under Communications and Reports.  Mr. Shaw reported that there was an article in the Journal Inquirer about EPA watch list.  He received a phone call from the reporter on this matter while driving to an out of Town meeting.  He suggested to the reporter to contact the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP).  Mr. Shaw reported that he is not aware of any major violations and there is no enforcement action against the Town.  He also reported that back in 1972 there were design problems with the treatment plant but will be corrected in the current treatment plant upgrade.   During normal repairs or removal of equipment for repairs, DEEP is notified, however, this could cause momentarily disturbance in the Treatment efficiency which is not considered a violation.

This issue was raised by Councilor Yagaloff during the last Town Council meeting.  Mr. Tim Friend and Fred Shaw have contacted the DEEP Compliance Administrator.  They were unaware of this matter and they have requested copies of the articles; they will look into this and provide the Town with a report explaining their analysis.

Mr. Tim Friend reported that during the course of the operation of the Treatment Plant they will always be certain disruptions.  He submits to DEEP on a monthly basis the State reports.  In this reports if there is a violation of the standards there is an explanation as to what caused the violation.  The Town Manager will contact DEEP to get to the bottom of this issue and may also contact the Town’s legislator’s representatives to further pursue this matter.

E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda)






Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m.

Motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Joseph Carino
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary