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WPCA Approved Minutes 06/07/2011, Public Hearing
Members Present:                Richard Aries, Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson, Carol Fleterick, Ed Havens, Jr., and William Vees

Members Absent:         Frank Ferrero

Alternates Absent:      Nancy Mulroy and Richard Siedman

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                        Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

Public Participation:   Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Trail, South Windsor, CT
                                Mayor John Pelkey, - 81 Norman Drive, South Windsor

1.      Proposed Sewer User Charges, Surcharges, Sewer Assessment Schedules, and Septic Disposal Fees for Fiscal Year           2011/2012.  (See Exhibit A)

Chairman Richard Aries called the Public Hearing to order at 6:30 p.m.

The Legal Notice (Exhibit A) was read into the record by Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary.

Mr. Fred Shaw explained that the user fees represent the fees required to cover the costs for the operation of the Water Pollution Control activities which involves the operation of the treatment plant, the operation of the pump stations and the maintenance of 130 miles of underground sewer pipe.  The total revenue stream also depend on other fees and charges such as dumping fees, permit fees, assessments, interest in lien fees, connection charges, internal service charges, and investments interest earnings.  The user rates are also intended to fund future debt service obligations such as the debt service for the treatment plant and the pump stations upgrade improvements; additional funds are also being set aside for operation reserve and equipment replacement reserve.

Chairman Aries opened the public hearing to the public for comments.

Resident, Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Trail came before the Authority to ask questions and express his concerns.  First of all, he explained that the decision has been made by the Town Council that the Treatment Plant Upgrade debt service will be paid through property taxes.  Therefore, he asked the Authority why they are setting money aside towards the 1 /20th payment of the Treatment Plant debt service when it should be the Town Council’s responsibility to set aside money.  Although, the public hearing is intended for the public to express their comments or concerns, Mr. Fred Shaw responded to Mr. Gonsalves that it was the Town Council who asked the Water Pollution Control Authority to make a contribution towards the 1/20th payment.

With that said, Mr. Gonsalves explained that as a Town tax payer he does not believe that the WPCA should set money aside for that purpose because if so, it will impact sewer user fees which will leave tax payers to pay the debt service through sewer taxes.

Chairman Richard Aries explained to Mr. Gonsalves that he has always been uncomfortable with the format of the public hearings, which are intended to give the opportunity to the public to express their comments and/or concerns but not for the Authority to answer any questions.  However, he explained to Mr. Gonsalves that he can get the answers to his questions by getting in contact with Mr. Fred Shaw or by attending the WPCA Regular meetings.

Mr. Gonsalves asked what good does it makes to have a public hearing and attend a public hearing when the Authority or the Town Council does not provide answers to any questions.  He feels that he should not need to either write a letter to Mr. Fred Shaw to obtain answers to his questions nor attend the regular meetings.  There are 15,000 tax payers, and they should all be informed, not just him.  Chairman Aries responded that each WPCA meeting is recorded; once they are transcribed they become part of the public record and are also available on the website.  So the public does have full access to the monthly meetings.

Mr. Don Gonsalves explained that back in Fiscal Year 2008/2009 a report was provided and the numbers were wrong.  However, he feels that the document is a valuable piece of information because it would eliminate tremendous amount of arguments between the WPCA and the Town Council.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that the actual figures were included in every single fiscal year up until the current the fiscal year in which the report was prepared.  The rest were based on projections.  Mr. Gonsalves answered that they were not projections; they were actual figures including a reserve of up to $57 million in 2013/2014.  Chairman Aries responded that any report that has projections in it is subject to the Authority periodically and regular revision and any adjustment is based upon changing facts.  Mr. Fred Shaw agreed that the report that Mr. Gonsalves was referring to did have an error included; which was a formula error in one of the columns.  He also explained that the report is a working document which is used to estimate WPCA future revenues and future expenditures.  The assumptions are reviewed every year and changed as necessary.  The reason why the report is not distributed is because it may be difficult for people who aren’t accustomed to working with reports like this one.  Mr. Gonsalves responded that if the Authority does have a working document then it should be provided to the Town Council.  

On another subject, Mr. Gonsalves asked if the Town sent the collapsed concrete pipe on Chapel Road to an engineering testing lab.  He feels that $900,000 is a lot of money for doing such a test.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that it hasn’t yet been sent, however the Town staff did save samples of the concrete pipe and the consulting engineer to be selected by the Town will do the evaluation of the pipe.  Chairman Richard Aries explained that the Authority hasn’t yet determined the scope of the project.  Mr. Fred Shaw added that the Town sent out a Request for Qualifications (RFQs) and then sent out Request for Proposals (RFPs) and an invitation to those engineering firms that responded to the RFQs to attend an interview.  The consultant will be selected based upon a quality selection basis.

Mayor John Pelkey came before the Authority and expressed the following comments.  First comment was in reference to the $900,000 that was presented by Mr. Fred Shaw for the study of the collapsed pipe on Chapel Road.  He explained that when this figure was presented to the Town Council, some members were shocked, but later on understood that the figure includes a complete analysis of the concrete pipe, including diverting the flow around the area.  Mayor Pelkey asked if in order to inspect the condition of the pipe does flow need to be diverted or can the pipe be inspected while there is flow.  Mr. Fred Shaw answered that there will be camera special equipment to inspect the pipes without having to divert the flow; the flow will be diverted only if there will be any rehabilitation or replacement of the pipe.

Mayor Pelkey asked for the components of the $900,000 to be explained.  Mr. Fred Shaw answered that it involves a inspection process which will involve the accumulation of data from TV inspection of the condition of the pipe.  Mayor Pelkey then suggested doing the study in a two step process, instead of all at once.  Mr. Shaw replied that the study would be broken down into a progressive of small studies/reports, or steps, one study/report justifying the need to continue further.

Chairman Aries asked Mayor Pelkey and Mr. Don Gonsales to attend the WPCA regular meeting this evening and asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

The motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

        Chairman Richard Aries declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Approved Date: July 12, 2011