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WPCA Approved Minutes 01/04/2011, Public Hearing

REVISED MINUTES                                                PUBLIC HEARING
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                PAGE 1         JANUARY 4, 2011


Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Thomas Deming, Robert Dickinson, Frank Ferrero,  Edward Havens, Jr., and William Vees

Member Absent:          Carol Fletterick

Alternates Absent:      Richard Aries and Richard Siedman

Staff Present:          C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                                Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

Public Participation:   Stephanie Gudrian, 59 Cliffwood Drive, South Windsor, CT
                                Carol Corcoran, 74 Lawrence Road, South Windsor, CT
                                Alan Witkin, 64 Lawrence Road, South Windsor, CT
                                Jim Gerrity, 278 Lawrence Road, South Windsor, CT
                                Charlos Waltos, 239 Lawrence Road, South Windsor, CT
                                Roger Hildebrand, 43 Cliffwood Drive, South Windsor, CT

Chairman Joseph Carino called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the January 4, 2011 Public Hearing of the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA).

1.      Proposed sewer assessments for properties on Lawrence Road and Cliffwood Drive.

        The Legal Notice (Exhibit A) was read into the record by Ether A. Diaz, WPCA Recording Secretary.

Chairman Joseph Carino explained that the public hearing was conducted to provide an opportunity to the public to ask their questions or offer comments.  He further explained that the Town sewer installations are following the procedures and policies of the Town.  Chairman Carino turned the meeting over to Mr. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control to further explain this matter.

Mr. Shaw’s opening remarks reviewed the past history which began in 1995 with the first petition for sewers on Lawrence Road was submitted to the WPCA.  The Town at that time did not have the funds with which to extend sewers.  Fortunately, the Town was able to save money in reserve fund and also combine their efforts with another Town project for some road improvements in that area which helped to make the project feasible.  The proposed sewer assessments are based upon the formulas in the Rules and Regulations of the Water Pollution Control Authority, and they are benefit assessments rather than cost assessments.  There are options for the repayment of the sewer assessments which involves paying off the principal or pay the principal in installments over a 15 year period at a 6% interest.  The 6% interest was based upon the previous bond cost of the last sewer project.  Mr. Fred Shaw will review with the Town Attorney if the 6% interest could be reduced to a lower rate.  The last time the Town borrowed funds for a sewer project was when the Town received a Clean Water fund loan to finance the upgrade of submersible pump stations.  The interest rate for this project was 2%.

Chairman Carino opened the floor to the public.  The following Town residents addressed their questions and/or comments to the Authority:

Stephanie Gudrian of 59 Cliffwood Drive, South Windsor, CT came before the Authority and asked for the possibility of splitting the sewer assessment fee into two payments; make one payment on the first year and the other half on the second year.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that the remaining balance can be paid at any time with no penalties.  He also mentioned that the State Statutes do allow qualified senior citizens, who have meet certain tax freeze requirements, to pay off the interest and defer the payment of the principle until such time as the property is sold or the owner dies.

Carol Corcoran of 74 Lawrence Road, South Windsor, CT expressed concern on the 6% interest rate.  She explained that it is hurting the people that are on fixed or limited income like her.  She stated that she cannot afford to hook up to the sewer; however her septic tank is working fine.  Truthfully, she said, she will be dead by the time her house is hooked up to the sewers.  Mr. Fred Shaw repeated that there was a Town program for tax relief.  If a property owner qualifies for this program, they will be eligible to participate in the deferment of the principle payment of the sewer assessments, which was very helpful to residents in the past.  Mr. Shaw will provide more information to the property owners on this particular program.

Alan Witkin of 64 Lawrence Road, South Windsor, CT thanked the Water Pollution Control Authority for installing sewers on Lawrence Road.  He stated that he moved into Town back in 1969 and it was evident that they were in desperate need of having sewers on Lawrence Road.  However, he asked if there are any federal funds involved in putting in the sewers; “does the Town get reimbursed”?  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that there are funds from the federal governments which are made available through the Clean Water fund, however, such funds are only available for upgrading or building new treatment plants, and is not intended for collection system construction.

Mr. Witkin asked if the benefit assessment is based on the frontage of the property.  Mr. Fred Shaw answered that the benefit assessment is based upon a formula that includes a consideration of front and rear line dimensions plus depth of property.  Mr. Witkin also asked does it make a difference, if for example, there are two houses, one on either side of the street.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded no, it does not make a difference.  The assessments are based upon the individual lot dimensions.

Mr. Witkin also asked if it is admissible or permissible for him to put in a second lateral off to the side of his property should he build a barn.  Mr. Shaw responded that he would need to come back to the WPCA for approval.  Mr. Witkin stated that he is still assessed for the full frontage of his property even though the sewer only comes to about 5 feet on to his property.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that he is assessed the benefit for the fact that the sewer is available for connection.

Jim Gerrity of 278 Lawrence Road, South Windsor, CT came before the Authority and expressed that he has sent a letter to Mr. Shaw requesting consideration to not be assessed for his sewer until the time of connection to the sewer lateral that was provided on

Cliffwood Drive; he just wanted to know the proper procedure to initiate the process.  Mr. Shaw responded that this matter will be reviewed and an answer will be provided in a timely manner.

Charles Waltos of 239 Lawrence Road, South Windsor, CT came before the Authority reporting that back in 2006 an engineer designed septic system had been installed for his property because sewers were unavailable.  Within a year and a half after the installation he was notified that sewer was going to be installed in Lawrence Road.

In 2005 he went before the WPCA and petitioned for the approval of the Authority to construct sewers on Lawrence Road because it was expensive to put in an engineered system; the engineered system would cost about $35,000.  Mr. Waltos explained that he recently received a certified letter stating that he has a bill for an assessment to pay.  Because of the engineered system he was required to install, he is requesting that his sewer assessment fee to be waived/or deferred.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that attached with the certified letter was a draft of the proposed sewer assessments; it was not a bill.  These assessments have not yet been established or set by the WPCA.

Roger Hildebrand of 43 Cliffwood Drive, South Windsor, CT thanked the Authority for placing the sewers in this area.  However, he explained that it is his understanding that the sewer discharges goes to the Town of Vernon, so he asked if he will be paying the sewer fees to the Town of South Windsor or the Town of Vernon.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that Town resident are paying the South Windsor rates which are billed by the Town.

Wayne Chaltus of 249 Lawrence Road asked is there is some sort of state statute that says that the property owner is responsible for sewer assessments even those that chose not to connect to the sewer.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that the Water Pollution Control Authority regulations are based upon the powers and authorities granted to them by the State Statutes.  If the Town installs sewer at their cost, the Town can then assess at any time after the completion of that project for the assessment benefits, regardless of whether the property owner connects to the new sewer line.

There were no further questions or comments from the public; and there were no questions or comments from members of the Authority to the public.  Therefore, Chairman Carino declared the public hearing closed at 7:00 p.m.


Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Originally Posted: January 11, 2011
Approved Date: March 1, 2011