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WPCA Approved Minutes 04/06/2010 Regular Meeting

MINUTES                                                                REGULAR MEETING
SPRENKEL ROOM                           PAGE 1                 APRIL 6, 2010


Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Thomas Deming, Carol Fletterick, Edward Havens, Jr., and William Vees

Members Absent: Robert Dickinson, Frank Ferrero

Alternates Present:     Richard Aries sitting in for Robert Dickinson; and
                                Richard Siedman sitting in for Frank Ferrero

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                        Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

Others:         Tomek Grajewski, P.E., Zuvic Associates, Inc.
                Bruce A. Maneeley, Applicant
                Jay Ussery, P.E., J. R. Russo & Associates, LLC
                Paul Guarino, Applicant

Chairman Joseph Carino called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the April 6, 2010 Special Meeting of the W.P.C.A.


        1.      March 2, 2010, Regular Meeting

Mr. Ed Havens, Jr. made a grammatical correction to the March 2, 2010 minutes.  He asked that a comma and the word “and” be added to the second sentence of the 2nd paragraph on page 2.

Motion was made to approve the March 2, 2010 Minutes, as amended.

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Siedman
The motion carried unanimously

        2.      March 23, 2010, Special Meeting

Motion was made to approve the March 23, 2010 Special Meeting Minutes as presented.

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      Folsom Property Management, 138 Rye Street—(Approval to Connect)

Mr. Shaw gave opening remarks and explained that the road was private; the applicant is requesting to connect their site to the existing public building sewer on Rye Street by means of extension of a main sewer line on the private road.  Their septic system has failed.

Mr. Tomek Grajewski, P.E., of Zuvic Associates, Inc. was in attendance to present this application.  He gave a brief overview of the site and explained that back in 2007 the proposal was to build addition on to the back of the building to support a car wash facility including a water separator.  At that time, the system was designed with the option to possibly cap the system for future connection of the bathrooms in the existing building.  Today, they are changing that option.  The current proposal is to use an 8 inch line to connect the existing building to a proposed private sewer on George Road and to extend said sewer to the public sewer main on Rye Street.

Answering questions from the Authority, Mr. Grajewski answered that there is public water at this site, there is only one tenant and an 8 inch pipe was suggested by the Town Engineer, Jeffrey Doolittle as a possible extension in the future.

Mr. Fred Shaw explained that it was also suggested that the slope of the main sewer line in George Street shall be 0.5%, and the building sewage slope should be shown at a minimum slope of 2%.  In further reviewing the plans, Mr. Fred Shaw explained that upon approval of the application, a draft easement for the sewer is required for review by the Town Attorney.

Motion was made to accept the application for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for commercial building located at 138 Ryes Street, South Windsor, CT; as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Folsom Property Management, LLC., 138Rye Street, South Windsor, Connecticut; Prepared by Zuvic Associates, Inc., Rocky Hill, CT; File No. 1463, Sheet 1, Dated March 24, 2010”.This motion is subject to the following conditions: (1) the slope of the main sewer line in George Street shall be 0.5%; (2) the building sewage slope should be shown at a minimum slope of 2%; and (3) a draft of a private easement between the property owners for the installation and maintenance of the sewer must be obtained, reviewed, and approved by the Town Attorney.

Motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Siedman
The motion carried unanimously

        2.      Maneeley’s Banquet Facility– (Approval to Connect)

Mr. Tomek Grajewski, P.E., of Zuvic Associates, Inc. also presented this application.  This is a proposed 6000 square feet pavilion.  This involves a proposed force main approximately 100 feet away from an existing cleanout for a forcemain serving a building connected to the sewer on Commerce Way.  It is proposed to convert the existing cleanout into a manhole and install back flow preventers.

Members of the Authority expressed their concerns on having the existing building and the proposed pavilion used at the same time and having flow pumped from either location at the same time.  Mr. Grajewski answered that there will be no cooking at this location; the food will be catered to this location; and that the proposed pavilion and the existing building is not intended to be used at the same time.  He also explained that the proposed system is well over designed to prevent any backflows in either direction, and there is 200 gallons storage tank proposed for the pavilion.

The applicant, Mr. Bruce Maneely explained that the maximum capacity between both facilities is 750 people.  However, he explained, that they are looking at a maximum of 450 people a year.  In approving this application, Chairman Carino explained that it will be subject to the applicant’s engineer providing more details to the Town for the pump system and forcemain connection; also, the Town Engineering Department evaluation of this system has to consider the feasibility of both facilities being operated at the maximum capacity.

Motion was made to approve the application for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for proposed building located at 65 Rye Street, South Windsor, CT; as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Proposed Sewer and Water Connection” Prepared for Bruce A. Maneeley, Real Estate, LLC, 65 Rye Street, South Windsor, Connecticut; Prepared by Zuvic Associates, Inc., Rocky Hill, CT; File 1601, Sheet 1, Dated March 25, 2010”.This motion is subject to the following conditions: (1) the applicant engineer must provide more details of the pump system and forcemain connection; (2) the Town Engineering Department must inspect and approve this system meeting all Town regulations and appropriate technical specifications relating to sanitary sewer construction.

Motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously

        3.      Homes by Guarino, Griffin Road (Conceptual Approval)

Mr. Jay Ussery, P.E. of J. R. Russo & Associates, LLC., was in attendance representing this application.  He has come before the Authority seeking advice as to the sewer location that they are proposing for to service four proposed single family residences, on Griffin Road, South Windsor.  He explained that the properties are on the Town line.  Currently there is a sanitary sewer that is located at the intersection of Robert Drive and Griffin Road.  Under one option, two of the houses could be connected to a sewer on Abbe Road, and two could be serviced by a main on Griffin Road.  This option, however, would not permit basement service.

Mr. Usseery explained that a second option would involve extension of the sewer main on Griffin Road and service all four houses.  This option would allow basement service to all four houses and this option would be more cost effective.  Under this option, it would be necessary to extend a sewer main on Abbe Road.

Chairman Carino expressed that he feels the Town will benefit more from Option 2.  This will mean less tearing up of the road and less responsibility of the Town to maintain the sewer on Abbe Road.  Mr. Fred Shaw recommended that if the Developer chose to connect to the Town sewer on Griffin Road, a private cross country sewer line would be required and an easement agreement addressing the issues of maintenance of the sewer would be required.

                Chairman Carino cast a vote from the members expressing their suggestions for the Developer.  

Mr. Richard Aries asked if it is fair to dictate to the Developer which way to go for sewer connection.  Chairman Carino responded that the Applicant has come to the Authority requesting suggestions on which way to proceed for sewer connection.  This is a conceptual approval that is being requested of the WPCA.  Should the applicant decides to change his options, he will need to come back to the Authority and we will review and consider the application.  With this said, a vote was cast and it was all in favor of Option 2 which involves connection to the sewer main on Griffin Road to serve the four proposed single family homes rather than connection to the sewer main on Abbe Road.

Conceptual approval was given for the option involving connection of all four proposed residential units to the existing sewer main on Griffin Road, as specifically marked in orange, on plans “Sanitary Sewer Alternatives, Guarino Subdivision, Griffin Road & Abbe Road, South Windsor, CT, Dated 4-6-2010 by J. R. Russo & Associates, LLC.  This conceptual decision is with the understanding that a draft of the Association Agreement that defines the responsibility for the private sewer line maintenance must be obtained, reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney; (2) Applicant must return to the Water Pollution Control Authority for final approval.

        4.      Industrial/Commercial User Charge Adjustment for FY2009/2010

Mr. Shaw distributed a Memorandum to the Authority (see Exhibit A) requesting Commercial User Charge Adjustments for the following addresses: 52-58 Connecticut Avenue, 1170 Ellington Road, 400 Chapel Road, 104 Gordon Drive.  He explained that the commercial property owners are required to maintain a log of private meter readings and submit to the Town in January of each year a written meter report on company letterhead for the proceeding calendar year.  In the case of 959 Sullivan Avenue, 1019 Strong Road and 60 Deming Street, the property owners had provided the meter readings after having been billed.  Mr. Shaw explained that 104 Gordon Drive is the mobil pet grooming business.  The owner went out of business last year.  Mr. Shaw did remove this property from the system; however, apparently it was only removed for the last fiscal year.  Therefore, a bill was prepared for this property.

There was a consensus allowing Mr. Fred Shaw to adjust the billing as requested, requesting that Mr. Shaw write to the companies who submitted the information late and review the program requirements which allow for this consideration and that in the future, any report received after January, will not be acceptable for private meter adjustments on the sewer bill.

Motion to approve the Commercial User Fee adjustments for FY 2009/2010, in accordance with the Memorandum from Mr. Shaw dated April 6, 2010 (see Exhibit A.)

Motion was made by Mr. Richard Aries
Seconded by Mr. Siedman
The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Fred Shaw did not have anything to report.  However, Mr. Richard Siedman explained that he would like to see the commercial condominiums being billed as residential condominiums.  He believes that the commercial condominiums should have individual meters same as residential condominiums and that they should be billed separately.  A discussion ensued, and it was decided that Mr. Fred Shaw will provide information reflecting how many commercial condominium have only one meter vs. residential condominiums having one meter per unit.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.

The motion was made by Mr. Thomas Deming
Seconded by Mr. Siedman
A vote was cast, and the motion failed

Chairman Carino talked about the joint meeting that was held with the Town Council and explained that a suggestion was made by the Town Manager to hold a meeting with representatives from the Town Council, the Town staff and the Water Pollution Control Authority to establish the definition for a Capital item.  Chairman Carino explained that in this meeting it was decided that one person from each political party be represented by the WPCA.  Chairman Carino suggested at first, that he and Ed Havens, Jr. be the two representatives, however, Mr. Ed Havens, Jr. felt that probably it will be a good idea to have the Chairman and Mr. Richard Aries be the two representatives from the Authority.  In that meeting, members of the WPCA did not have any objection to have Richard Aries be representative, although he is an alternate.  Chairman Carino asked the members of the Authority again, and the Authority agreed to have the Chairman and Mr. Aries represent the Authority in this matter.






        Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m.

        Motion was made by Mr. Thomas Deming
        The motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Aries
        The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary