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WPCA Approved Minutes, Regular Meeting 03/02/2010
                                WATER POLLUTION CONTROL AUTHORITY
                                        TOWN OF SOUTH WINDSOR

MINUTES                                                                             REGULAR MEETING
SPRENKEL ROOM                           PAGE 1                      MARCH 2, 2010


        Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Thomas Deming, Robert Dickinson,         Carol Fletterick, Edward Havens, Jr., and William Vees
        Members Absent: Frank Ferrero

        Alternates Present:     Richard Aries and Richard Siedman sitting in for Mr. Frank Ferrero
        Staff Present:          C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                                Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

        Others:                 Keith Yagaloff, Councilor, WPCA Liaison

Chairman Joseph Carino called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the March 2, 2010 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.


        1.      January 5, 2010 – Regular Meeting

                Motion was made to approve the WPCA Regular minutes of January 5, 2010, as presented.

                Motion was made by Edward Havens, Jr.
                Motion was seconded by Mr. Thomas Deming
                The motion carried unanimously


        1.      Pollution Control Budget FY 2010/2011 (Approval)

Mr. Shaw presented the W.P.C.A. and Pollution Control Budgets to the Authority.  A copy of both budgets was mailed to the members along with the agenda; a copy was also provided to Councilor Keith Yagaloff (See Exhibit A and Exhibit B.)

Mr. Shaw stated that the budget represents an increase of 2.6% compared to last year’s budget, of which ½% is due to the additional of the 53rd pay period for that year.  He gave an explanation of the changes made to the Pollution Control budget; these items are shown in Exhibit A on page 2.  He summarized the areas of major cost increases such as union and management wage increases and the 53rd pay period; also, there was a major increase in the employee benefits due to increased costs for health insurance and defined benefit pensions, and cost for Nitrogen Credits.  On the other hand, he explained that there were decreases in costs for overtime hours, cell phone service and frame relay rental; additional costs reductions were due to revised estimates for sludge disposal and a decreases in the purchase of department equipment.  Also, under Operating Materials, there was a decrease in the use of chemicals, equipment repair and sludge transportation attributable to the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) upgrade project.

Answering questions from Chairman Carino, Mr. Fred Shaw indicated that the use of chemicals had been reduced by cutting back on the polymer used for dewatering wastewater sludge in preparation for transport to the MDC for final disposal.  As a result of the WPCF upgrade project, a different dewatering method will be used.  The nitrogen credits are also subject to change as a result of the WPCF upgrade project.

In reviewing the budget proposal, questions were raised concerning the overtime which represented 12% of the amount budgeted for wages.  Mr. Shaw explained that there are numerous reasons for overtime, including routine planned maintenance, response to pump station alarms and treatment plant alarms, sewer blockages, and weekend dewatering operations.  Mr. Richard Siedman questioned the possibility of hiring two more people to work the stagger shifts, rather than paying overtime.  Mr. Deming stated that he had previously questioned the overtime and he was informed that it was more cost effective to have the overtime hours rather than hiring more people at a regular pay because of the other benefits that it will include.  Mr. Fred Shaw added that these two people have to be trained, have to pass the state exams and become certified operators; it takes two years to complete the training.  Mr. Shaw also explained that currently the Treatment Plant is under-staffed because there are only 9 employees in charge of maintaining the 11 pump stations, 130 miles of sewer line and the plant.  Councilor Keith Yagaloff explained that in comparing the Pollution Control overtime with other Departments, is different because the economy is not affecting the Pollution Control Department work and there is a fixed amount of work that needs to be done; also because there is only 9 employees to operate the work.  Chairman Carino suggested that the Human Resources Department could advise to whether it would be cost effective to hire two people to work the stagger shifts as oppose to the overtime.

In further reviewing the FY2010/2011 proposed budget, Councilor Yagaloff acknowledged that the proposed budget, with the preliminary estimates of Operation and Management expenses, is acceptable for presentation to Town Council members.  Mr. Shaw explained that on page 2, the debt service includes the State Grant for the UV System, two low interest loans for the upgrade of the Pleasant Valley Pump Station, the Submersible Pump Station Upgrade, and the Town’s share of the upgrade of the Vernon Treatment Plant.  

Mr. Fred Shaw stated that some clarification is needed from the Town Council; the resolution that was passed on March 1st needs to be further interpreted.  Councilor Keith Yagaloff explained that in the case of an existing bond, the debt service will be paid by the sewer user fees.  Mr. Shaw asked for clarification of Item 6 on the resolution.  Councilor Yagaloff explained that the Council’s plan was to amend Item number six on the resolution to allow the existing upgrade to continue.  However, he explained that the sewer treatment plant bonds needs to be issued with full faith and credit of the Town.  Mr. Shaw explained that there is not going to be any bonds for this project.  With that said, Councilor Yagaloff stated that the sewer treatment plant is an essential facility for the Town, and therefore, everyone should absorb the cost because everyone is being benefitted from it.  Since the loan will be paid for a 20 year note through taxes, the Town Council needs estimate of the annual cost.  Councilor Yagaloff recommended to the Authority that it should join the Capital Projects Committee for future capital projects budgeting.

Motion was made to accept the Pollution Control Budget FY 2010/2011 as presented by Mr. Fred Shaw and to be presented to the Town Council for review (see Exhibit A).

Motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
Motion was seconded by Mr. Thomas Deming
The motion passed with one abstained

Chairman Carino offered to have a special meeting for the purposes of reviewing in detail the budget; should the budget needs to be modified, a vote will be taken at that point.  There was a consensus that a special meeting is not needed at this time to review the budget; Mr. Shaw will provide detail information to Mr. Richard Siedman and William Vees for their review and understanding.  Should they have any further questions regarding the budget, they will make arrangements to meet with Mr. Shaw.

Mr. Fred Shaw reviewed with the Authority the WPCA Board and Commission Budget, which was not increased.

Motion was made to approve the WPCA Board and Commission Budget FY 2010/2011 as presented by Mr. Fred Shaw and to be presented to the Town Council for review (see Exhibit B).

Motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion carried unanimously

        2.      Industrial/Commercial User Charge Billing FY 2009/2010 (Approval)

With the Agenda a copy of the proposed Industrial/Commercial Sewer Billing List for FY 2009/2010 was included (see Exhibit C).  Most of the list is based upon flows from the water consumption reports provided by the MDC and the Connecticut Water companies.  In comparing this list with last year’s list, there has been a decrease of 3% in total flow, and 8.3% increase in revenues.  Town businesses that use a private meter to measure the water usage that does not discharge to the sewer, have submitted their information for the purposes of correcting or adjusting the bill.  Mr. Shaw reported that a survey was completed to confirm those businesses on wells, without meters, and have minimal (less than 93,000 per year) wastewater discharges.

The Authority reviewed the list carefully, and a lengthy discussion ensued.  Mr. Siedman expressed his concern on Wentworth Park Association.  This is a commercial building with one meter servicing 22 units.  He suggested changing the future policy to include one meter per unit and bill them as same as the residential units.  Mr. Havens, Jr. and Councilor Yagaloff agreed that this is a good issue to investigate.

Mr. Shaw reported corrections on the following accounts:

Mobil Oil Corporation, 249 Oakland Road: they failed to submit their meter reading; therefore, Mr. Fred Shaw used as an estimate the metered reading that was reported last year.  He will pursue the updated meter reading and the bill will be adjusted as necessary.

Account #380160: this is a laundry that had excess of wastewater solids; there is a separate surcharge for excess solids, however, when the rates for the sewer fees were set, the surcharge fees were not presented.  Mr. Shaw recommended including the surcharge rates in future public hearings.  In the meantime, Mr. Shaw will send a letter to the property owner explaining the policy.  Mr. Shaw will also review with the Town Attorney whether the surcharge may be assessed in this fiscal year.

98 Brookfield Street.  They have installed a meter.  They have to monitor and report on letterhead their meter flow in the future.

Also, there have been other businesses that have installed meters and completed a Town survey.  There was a location where the water company reported a significantly higher flow.  In this case, Mr. Shaw will confirm that the correct number was used.

Motion to approve the Industrial/Commercial Sewer Billing List for FY2009/2010 based on the list discussed at this meeting; and subject to correct the items discussed (see Exhibit C).

Motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
Motion was seconded by Mr. William Vees
The motion carried unanimously

        3.      FY 2011 Appropriations Request – Federal Assistance Application (Discussion)

Mr. Fred Shaw explained that the Town submitted Federal Assistance Applications to obtain stimulus funding for three different projects; the Upgrade of Three Dry Pit Wastewater Pumping Stations Project, the Outfall Structure Slope Stabilization Project, and the Energy Generation Project.  Members of the Authority were previously polled to authorize Chairman Carino to sign a support letter on behalf of the Authority to support these three appropriation requests.

Motion was made to formally acknowledge authorization to Chairman Carino to sign a letter signifying support of the Authority in Town efforts to apply to Federal Government for Stimulus funds for three Town Projects.

Motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
Motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion carried unanimously

        4.      Rules and Regulations (General Discussion)

Chairman Carino suggested postponing this Item until further notice from the Town Council advising the Authority in writing what are the Authority responsibilities.

Councilor Keith Yagaloff, explained that there was a difference of opinion from the Town Attorney and therefore, at the end of the Town Council meeting held on Monday, March 1st, Councilman Delnicki requested that the Town Attorney explain the differences between the legal opinions given in his June 1, 2009 letter and in his February 24, 2010; and to explain whether they are consistent or not.  He explained, that under the Statues and Town Ordinance, the Town Council has granted the WPCA to operate all aspects of the sewer system; however, the Town Council authorizes the WPCA to set fees based on the Town Ordinances.  He briefly explained what the Town Ordinance describes and he will forward to the Town Council that the Authority is requesting some guidance.  He also explained that there was an amendment to motion #7 specifying that the Town Council will meet with the WPCA to further discuss this matter.

There was a consensus that the rules and regulations will be modified to be consistent with the Town Ordinance upon receiving guidance from the Town Council, and the Town Attorney.

        5.      Lawrence Road Sewer Assessments (Discussion)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that Lawrence Road Project Phase I and Phase II are completed.  The next step is to consider the sewer assessments.  He explained that this project was done in two phases due to the funding; there are two different fiscal years so there are two different rates for both projects.  Mr. Fred Shaw needs the Authority to decide at what rate to do the assessments.  Upon answering Mr. Robert Dickinson’s question, Mr. Shaw responded that the regulations read that it will be assessed at the current rate on the completion of the project.  It was the consensus of Authority members that because the project is now completed, that the current rates shall be used to assess all the properties in Phase I and II.

Mr. Shaw explained that the Project Engineer, Robert Grillo is seeking recommendation from the Authority to accept the southern sewer extension on Lawrence Road and Cliffwood Drive, (see Memorandums-Exhibit D and E).

Motion was made for final acceptance of Lawrence Road sewer as recommended by the Town Engineering Division, Public Works Department.

Motion was made by Mr. Thomas Deming
Motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion carried unanimously

        6.      Schedule Special Meeting for March 23, 2010 (Connecticut Studio)

Chairman Carino reported that in efforts to help to expedite the Connecticut Studio Project, the Authority has been asked to present this application prior to the next WPCA meeting.  This application will be before the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 23rd at 7:30 p.m. and therefore, Mr. Fred Shaw is requesting to schedule a Special Meeting on the same day at 7:00 p.m.; unless possible arrangements to meet at 6:45 pm are necessary.

Motion was made to schedule a special meeting for March 23, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. to present the Connecticut Studio application.

Motion was made by Mr. Thomas Deming
Motion was seconded by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously

Motion was made to add Item 7. West Road Sewer Extension, to the agenda for discussion.

Motion was made by Mr. Richard Siedman
Motion was seconded by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously

        7.      West Road Sewer Extension

Mr. Shaw distributed to the Authority a copy of the Memorandum from Mr. Jeffrey Doolittle, Town Engineer (see Exhibit F).  He explained that the Town is installing a new sewer main on West Road for the new fire station, and reconstructing West Road south of the new fire station.  There are four houses on this section of West Road, and therefore, the Town Engineer is asking the Authority whether the Authority was planning to extend sanitary sewers on West Road to provide future service for these four houses before the road is reconstructed.  Mr. Shaw explained that as of yet, there has not been any petition from these residents for sewers.

A discussion ensued, and it was decided that should the Authority determine that they will extend sanitary sewers on West Road, it will be a Capital Project account and it will need to be approved by the Town Council.  Therefore, the Authority requested that Mr. Jeffery Doolittle send a letter to these residents inviting them to a public hearing to confirm whether or not they are interesting in connecting to sewer.  If it is determined that there is resident interest in extending the sewers, the Authority will present this project to the Town Council for approval.


        Keith Yagaloff





Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 p.m.

Motion was made by Mr. Thomas Deming
The motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary