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WPCA Approved Minutes, Regular Meeting 04/07/2009


Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Richard Aries, Robert Dickinson, Frank Ferrero, Ed Havens, Jr., and Michael Patitucci

Members Absent: Carol Fletterick

Alternates Present:     Thomas Deming sitting in for Carol Fletterick
                                Richard Siedman sitting in for Michael Patitucci until his arrival

Alternates Absent:      

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                        Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the April 7, 2009 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.

Chairman Carino appointed Mr. Thomas Deming to sit in for Ms. Carol Fletterick.  Also, Chairman Carino appointed Mr. Richard Siedman to sit in for Mr. Michael Patitucci.


        March 3, 2009 – Regular Meeting

Chairman Carino requested the following correction to the minutes: On page 2, Item C1-New Business-Pollution Control Budget for FY2009/2010 (Review and Approval); Paragraph #3, last sentence change the word from “after” years to “for” years.  Therefore, the sentence should read as follows: “these are the four pump stations that were upgraded in the past; therefore, this page represents the established cost of these debt services that the Town has been paying for years.”

Mr. Ed Havens suggested the following corrections to the minutes: On page #3, Item 3-Robert Rules of Order (Discussion), 2nd sentence, add the word “a” to the sentence.  The sentence should read as follows: “Chairman Carino reported that this information is a guide as to how to effectively run meetings in a professional manner.”

On page 4, Item D-Communications and Reports, 2nd paragraph, 1st sentence, add the wording “a question”.  The sentence should read as follows: “Mr. Richard Siedman asked a question concerning the financing as he heard that the bonding has stopped from the State.”  The Authority agreed to these changes and a motion was made as follows:

Motion to accept the Mach 3, 2009 minutes as corrected.

Motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      Commercial User Fee Adjustments

Mr. Shaw explained each of the adjustments listed on Exhibit A as follows:

959 Sullivan Avenue: The Water Company provides meter readings for the different businesses located in this shopping plaza.  Apparently, one business moved across the street from the shopping plaza to 1006 Sullivan Avenue; an adjustment needed to be made for 959 Sullivan Avenue; this adjustment is reflected in the 1006 Sullivan Avenue account.

1496 John Fitch Blvd.: There is an individual flow meter for this property that measures just their sanitary water.  The property owner has provided Mr. Shaw with the flow figures from this meter.  The flow figure is just over 70,000 gallons which is the meter reading that the Water Company has provided to the Town.  Chairman Carino asked Mr. Shaw how he has come up with this information.  Mr. Shaw responded that the WPCA approves individual flow meters.  Once approved, Mr. Shaw sends a letter to the property owner providing the rules that they are to comply with and to provide meter readings on company letterhead at the start of each year.

306 Governor’s Hwy.: In this particular case, the adjustment is due to a transcription/clerical error.

1742 Ellington Road: This is a small business that didn’t show any flow figure.  In this particular case, the owner was charged the minimum assuming that his business was on well.  Upon discussion with the Water Company and the property owner, it was determined that this particular property was in fact connected to a single meter that serves a number of units.  Responding to a question from Chairman Carino, Mr. Shaw explained that this flow figure is already included among the other flows as measured by a single meter under account number 330460.

300 Rye Street: The Water Company provided two meter readings for this location and one of the meters has not been used in several years; however, the Water Company reported this meter reading as water consumption.  There is only one meter that now serves this location.

104 Gordon Drive: This is the mobil pet grooming business.  The owner went out of business and she sent in a letter stating that her business stopped in January.  Therefore, she has been prorated for the first seven months of the fiscal year.

50 Talbot Lane:  The new CEO was informed of the reporting requirement, and submitted the meter readings late.

Mr. Deming asked for ALDI’s flow figure; Mr. Shaw responded that they have to provide the flow figures of water coming out of the chillers into the Town system.  As of right now, they have been billed only for water consumption provided by the water company.  They will be required to provide flow meter reports for the operation of the pump station.

Motion to approve the Commercial User Fee adjustments for FY 2008/2009, in accordance with the Memorandum from Mr. Shaw dated April 7, 2009 (see Exhibit A.)

Motion was made by Mr. Thomas Deming
Seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously

        2.      Review Policy on the Prorated User Charge Adjustment

Mr. Michael Patitucci arrived at 7:18 p.m.

Included with the Agenda was a draft copy of an amendment of the current Prorated User Charge Regulation (Exhibit B1); a copy of the current Prorated User Charge Adjustment Policy was distributed (see Exhibit B2).  Mr. Shaw explained that in reviewing this policy the attempt was to look for a means of providing an equitable way of handling a residential unit that had no way to use the sewer system.  It was decided that if a resident was not connected to a potable water supply, it could not use the sewer system.  There was a consensus to accept Mr. Shaw’s recommendations to make changes to the Policy on the Prorated User Charge Adjustment as presented on Exhibit B1, with the requirement that the user fee must be paid at the time of billing in order to be eligible for a refund; Mr. Shaw will review the changes to the policy with the Town Attorney and will be placed on the agenda for a Public Hearing in June 2009.


Mr. Shaw reported that on March 19th, 2009 the Town staff opened bid proposals for the Treatment Plant Upgrade project.  The Town received eight (8) proposals.  The apparent low bidder was C. H. Nickerson from Torrington, CT with a bid proposal of $30,503,739.  Mr. Shaw stated that the Consulting Engineer had estimated $37,900,000 cost for this project.  The next step will be to evaluate the bids, then submit a request to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to award the contract.

Mr. Richard Aries arrived at 7:30 p.m.

At the last WPCA meeting, Mr. Shaw was asked to provide a year to date expenditure report for the Pollution Control Operating Report (See Exhibit C.)  Mr. Shaw reviewed this report with the Authority and explained that government accounting is fund accounting or accrual accounting.




Chairman Carino asked Mr. Shaw if he had anything more to say concerning the Prorate Sewer User Charges; Mr. Shaw responded he did not have anything more to say concerning this issue.



Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 p.m.

Was made by Mr. Thomas Deming
Seconded by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary