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WPCA Approved Minutes, Public Hearing 06/02/2009
Chairman Carino called the public hearing to order at 6:30 p.m.
Recording Secretary read legal notice into record.
1.                  Proposed Sewer User Charge Rates, Sewer Assessment Schedules, and Septic Disposal Fees for Fiscal Year 2009/2010.
Resident, Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Trail, was shocked to see the $365.00.  Based on Town Council meeting last night, it should not be that high.  Town Council will not like this.  Two sets of numbers were presented – should never have 2 sets of numbers – was very confusing. Need to make correction of $3.5 million.  What is the amount of reserve wanted?  Reserve is for paying off sewers, and for repairs and maintenance.  In future years it will be $800 and remain there.  How is the taxpayer going to be affected?  Wants WPCA to talk to Glastonbury who is in similar circumstances.  Wants projections done by financial people.  One set of numbers would make it much easier and better.
Mr. Shaw responded that the mistake was clerical not numerical.  Only page 1 was printed and copied, the second page was not printed due to an incorrect print setting.  The $365 is what was calculated as needed to meet debt for sewer.  There were not 2 sets of numbers, director of finance provided the $1.5 million on the spreadsheet in a way suggested by auditors, also there was a formula error in the column for FY 2013-2014 - it has been corrected going forward.  The projection is based on anticipated expenses and revenues.  Glastonbury had not determined what their user fees would be several months ago in relation to debt service for plant upgrade.  User fees are to cover operational and maintenance of sewer plant and line, debt service, capital projects, unforeseen matters as well.  All operational and maintenance must be paid by user fees collected.
Mr. Shaw stated the State generally allows the Towns to decide if debt service it is paid for out of user fees or property taxes or a special assessment.  South Windsor funds debt service through user fees.
Mr. Gonsalves said the Council took out $500,000 for the pump station.  Mr. Shaw said that it was not taken out, just recommended.  There was a misunderstanding about what is included in the reserve fund.  Mr. Gonsalves said we need an established policy, with one set of numbers.
Mr. Carino asked Mr. Gonsalves if Mr. Shaw responded to all his concerns – Yes.
Mayor Prague asked why the difference between $59 million and $17 million in reserve in 2024 – Mr. Shaw re-stated the clerical error.  Mayor Prague is more comfortable with the $17 million.
Mr. Shaw stated that this is more updated information.
Mr. Siedman stated that the Council suggested go to referendum for the pump station.  He feels that is a good idea.
2.                  Proposed Changes to Section 16.0 “Sewer Use Charges and the Collection Thereof,
Paragraph 16.5 B. “Prorate Charges”
There were no comments on the proposed changes.
Chairman Carino closed the public hearing at 7:12 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Donna Thompson
Recording Secretary