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WPCA Approved Minutes, Regular Meeting 05-05-2009

Members Present:                Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson, Frank Ferrero, Ed Havens, Jr., Carol Fletterick and Michael    Patitucci

Members Absent:         Richard Aries

Alternates Present:     Thomas Deming sitting in for Richard Aries
                                Richard Siedman sitting in for Michael Patitucci until his arrival at 7:35 p.m.

Alternates Absent:      None

Staff Present:          C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                        Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary

Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the May 5, 2009 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.  Chairman Carino appointed Mr. Thomas Deming to sit in for Mr. Richard Aries.  Also, Chairman Carino appointed Mr. Richard Siedman to sit in for Mr. Michael Patitucci.

April 7, 2009 – Regular Meeting

Motion to accept the April 7, 2009 minutes as stated.

Motion was made by Mr. Havens
Seconded by Mr. Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously.


  • Lawrence Road Sewer Construction, Phase 2 (for approval)
Mr. Shaw stated that Phase 1 has been completed and construction on Phase 2 is set to begin.  Jeff Dollittle, Town Engineer, made the presentation, stating that with Phase 1 being completed last fall, 2 residents have already tied into the system.  Phase 2 will include the southern part of Cliffwood Drive with 6 residences that do not currently have sewer available to them and the southern section of Lawrence Road with 2 residences not having sewer currently available.  Mr. Doolittle described how and why the sewer line is designed as it is: based on health codes regarding distance from wells, landscaping issues and the need to extend the line for 2 residences (approximately 110 ft and 1 additional manhole).  The estimate from Gerber Construction for this part of Cliffwood Drive is approximately $154,000.  Mr. Deming wanted to know if these 2 residences would be assessed extra for the additional 110 ft of the extended line.  Mr. Shaw said that not normally would a special rate be assessed.  Assessment is based on frontage.  Mr. Doolittle stated that this part of the project, which could begin in June, includes 610 ft of sewer pipe and 4 manholes.  Mr. Shaw stated that there is $70,000 in next year’s budget to insure sufficient funds for Phase 2 and that July 1, 2009 is the likely start date.  Mr. Shaw stated that stimulus money is possible, that application has been made for $2.9 million for 4 pump stations.  Mr. Carino asked about the bidding on this project.  Mr. Shaw said that we got a good price for this last fall and that first Phase (done by Gerber Construction also) went well, without the need for contingencies.  Mr. Doolittle said the cost of Phase 1 was approximately $230,000.  Mr. Doolittle then reviewed the Lawrence Road section of Phase 2, which entails 580 ft to connect 2 houses.  Mr. Deming questioned recouping of the cost of construction for this section based upon connecting only 2 houses.  Mr. Shaw stated that the standard assessment would be applied.  Mr. Shaw emphasized that when the project was originally proposed it was stated that the subsequent assessments would be less than the cost of the project.  The Lawrence Road part of the project would cost approximately $121,000, bringing the total cost for Phase 2 to approximately $275,000.  Mr. Carino questioned Mr. Doolittle as to how many more Phase 1 residents might be planning to connect.  Mr. Doolittle said in addition to the 2 already connected, several more have made inquiries – 1 definitely, 2 or 3 potentially at this time.  Mr. Carino speculated that it would be in the property owner’s interest to connect to the sewer line at the time of construction, but Mr. Doolittle indicated that was not feasible based upon: different equipment used by the contractor to connect the resident to the lateral, and the Town requires the main line is complete, tested and cleaned prior to allowing residents to connect.  Mr. Shaw said a letter would be sent out this week notifying residents that Gerber Construction would be in the area and they can connect it they want.

A motion to add to Agenda item C.1. the approval and acceptance of the northern sewer extension Phase 1 on Lawrence Road with a five year, $2,500.00 bond as recommended by the Town Engineering Division in a memo dated May 4, 2009 (Exhibit A).

Motion was made by Mr. Deming
Seconded by Mr. Siedman
The motion carried unanimously.
A motion to approve Phase 1 completion of the northern sewer extension on Lawrence Road with a five year, $2,500.00 bond from Gerber Construction for pipe protrusions.

Mr. Carino asked Mr. Doolittle what was the cause of the protrusions in the pipe.  Mr. Doolittle said a video inspection of the plastic pipe was done and  that a manufacturing defect seemed the most likely cause.  He also stated that the pipe did pass all normal tests and the manufacturer’s representative feels there isn’t any problem.

Motion was made by Mr. Havens
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously.

A motion to approve Phase 2 Design of Lawrence Road Sewer Construction as shown on plans entitled “Cliffwood Drive Sewer Extension” and “Lawrence Road South Sewer” dated 4/29/09, prepared by the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.

Mr. Siedman questioned if Lawrence Road would be repaved after completion of this project.  Mr. Doolittle stated that a good section of Lawrence Road will be reconstructed and that Cliffwood

Drive will be patched.  He stated that Lawrence Road was patched during Phase 1 in anticipation of Phase 2.
Resident, Bud Levinski, 36 Cliffwood Drive asked to comment on the Cliffwood Drive extension.  He felt the original design was slightly flawed as it did not accommodate all the houses it was supposed to be designed to take care of.  Mr. Levinski would like the decision to extend the line be due to this poor design, not just to accommodate 2 houses.

Motion was made by Mr. Ferrero
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously.

  • Commercial User Charge Adjustment
Mr. Shaw noted that the adjustment for1 South Satellite Road was due to incorrect information originally sent by the water company.  Mr. Shaw stated that this is not unusual with the MDC.  They have 2 separate records, one includes the adjustment, the other does not.  The MDC tends to send the information without the adjustment.  He has a letter from the water company certifying the correct information.

A motion to approve the recommended Commercial User Charge Adjustments for FY 2008/2009 (Exhibit B).

Motion was made by Mr. Ferrero
Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously.

  • Review Proposed Sewer Use Charges for FY 2009/2010 (Exhibit B.2)
Mr. Shaw reviewed the information sent to the State.  Mr. Siedman questioned if there is a way to charge residents based on water usage, not by assessment?  Can modification be made due to age, usage, income?  Mr. Ferrero feels something should be done for seniors.  Mr. Shaw said he is looking into it, but that there are problems with the quality of the information received by MDC and CT Water already in regard to commercial use.  It was determined that a 2 tiered system would be researched by Mr. Shaw along with the ability of the town to manage this system.  The concern is for some help for senior/low income residents.

Reviewed with no action required.

  • Set Time and Date for Public Hearing for Sewer Use Charges and Prorated User Charge Policy
A motion to set 6:30 p.m. on June 2, 2009 as the time and date for Public Hearing for Sewer Use Charges for FY 2009/2010 and Prorated User Charge Policy.

Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously.

  • 45 South Satellite Road – Request to use private meter for lawn sprinkler system
Mr. Shaw inspected the facility, determined the feasibility of a meter to measure just the amount of water used for the sprinkler system and recommended granting their request for the meter.  Mr. Shaw specified that they would have to comply with all the following requirements:  have a meter, keep a log,  make sure the meter is kept in good working order, at the end of the year they must provide a letter stating the meter reading for the preceding year, we can randomly spot check the meter, doing due diligence.  

A motion to approve use of private meter for lawn sprinkler system at 45 South Satellite Road.

Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Havens
The motion carried unanimously

  • Transfer funds from Completed Capital Projects to Sewer Reserve Fund Balance
Mr. Carino commented on the substantial amount unused.  Mr. Shaw stated that the Dry Pit Pump Stations upgrade did not go beyond the design stage (costing approximately $63,000).  Mr. Shaw clarified that the $1,438,200 had been set aside for the pump stations on the assumption of a loan from the State through the Clean Water Fund.   The cost of the project was spread out over several years and the actual cost would have been approximately $2.9 million.        

A motion to approve transfer of funds from Completed Capital Projects to Sewer Reserve Fund Balance as recommended in Mr. Shaw’s memo dated May 5, 2009 (Exhibit C).

Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Shaw stated that a grant application and a request to award the contract were submitted to the State and we are awaiting their approval to award the contract to C.H. Nickerson for the upgrading of the treatment plant.  With grant approval expected there will be additional paperwork to be completed and an interim financial obligation agreement to be signed – all part of the process to get the grant.  Mr. Shaw will provide the project summary to the members for their review of the financial data used.  The estimated grant would be 22 – 23 %.  Work could begin as soon as the State gives its approval.  In response to Mr. Ferrero’s questioning of the estimated $38 million cost of the project, Mr. Shaw stated that in addition to the $30.5 million for the bid, included are $4.5 for the engineer, $300,000-$400,000 for insurance and 5% for contingency.  When Mr. Deming questioned what contingencies, Mr. Shaw stated that allowances are made for unforeseen difficulties.  The pumping stations are separate at $2.75 million.  The estimates are conservative and expected to come down.  Mr. Ferrero questioned how any stimulus money affects this project.  Mr. Shaw responded that stimulus money passed through the Clean Water Fund brought us the grant money for the plant.  Mr. Shaw stated there is a federal application in for the pumping stations.  He said they sounded interested in the questions they asked, but he does not know the details yet.

Mr. Shaw presented an adjustment to the Residential Billing List FY 2006-2007 for the WCPA’s approval.

Motion to approve adjustment to Residential Billing FY 2006-2007 for Account # 325080, 74 Saginaw St., from: $480 to: $240 due to change in status from 2 family to single family as recommended in Mr. Shaw’s memo dated May 5, 2009 (Exhibit D).

Was made by Mr. Ferrero
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously.





Mr. Siedman noted that the change to the Prorated User Charge Policy discussed at the last WCPA meeting will be presented at the Public Hearing set for June 2, 2009.  Mr. Shaw has received a response from the attorney and has sent Mr. Mitchell a copy of the regulation.  Mr. Carino has also spoken to Mr. Mitchell.  It is expected that Mr. Mitchell will be attending the June 2, 2009 Public Hearing as this item will be on the agenda.




Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m.

Was made by Mr. Deming
Seconded by Mr. Havens
The motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,

Donna Thompson
Recording Secretary

Approved June 2, 2009