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WPCA Approved Minutes 03/03/2009

REVISED MINUTES                                                    REGULAR MEETING
SPRENKEL ROOM                           PAGE 1                 MARCH 3, 2009


Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson, Frank Ferrero, Carol Fletterick, and Ed Havens, Jr.

Members Absent: Richard Aries, and Michael Patitucci

Alternates Present:     Thomas Deming sitting in for Richard Aries
                        Richard Siedman sitting in for Michael Patitucci

Alternates Absent:      

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the March 3, 2009 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.


December 2, 2008 – Regular Meeting

Motion to approve the December 2, 2008 minutes as presented.

Motion was made by Mr. Frank Ferrero
Seconded by Mr. Thomas Deming
The motion carried unanimously

February 10, 2009 – Regular Meeting

Mr. Frank Ferrero suggested the following changes: On page 3, Item G-Unfinished Business/Prorate Sewer User Charges, 1st paragraph after the motion, in the first sentence change the word from “are” to “if.”  Therefore, the sentence should read as follows: “Chairman Carino asked the Authority if there are any comments on the motion and a short discussion ensued.”

Also, on the second sentence, Mr. Frank Ferrero asked to specify the type of meeting that he had attended; therefore, the sentence should read as follows: “Mr. Frank Ferrero pointed out that he has attended a Home Builders Association meeting where builders throughout the state were in attendance.”  With no further changes, Mr. Ferrero moved to accept the minutes as follows:

Motion to approve the February 10, 2009 minutes as corrected.

Motion was made by Mr. Frank Ferrero
Seconded by Mr. Thomas Deming
The motion carried unanimously


1.      Pollution Control Budget for FY2009/2010 (Review and Approval)

Included with the Agenda was the Pollution Control Budget (Exhibit A-Page 1-5).  Mr. Fred Shaw reported that this budget represents a 4% increase over current years of budget.  However, he had the opportunity to review the budget with the Town Manager; it was recommended to bring the budget inline with all the other budgets in Town at 3.5%.  In order to bring the budget to 3.5%, Mr. Shaw is requesting approval from the Authority to eliminate under the Department equipment a piece of equipment that the Town wanted to purchase for $12,000.

Mr. Shaw reviewed with the Authority the major changes or project impacts on the Budget.  Mr. Shaw explained that there is an increase due to salary and union contract wage increases; additional overtime hours for sludge dewatering; increase in costs for FICA, health insurance, W/C, Pension and wage increases; Increase in quantities and costs for odor control chemicals; Increase in costs for contractor services for sludge transport, building maintenance, HVAC and SCADA maintenance; increase cost for equipment calibration and certification and an increase cost for intertown sewer services for MDC, Vernon, and Manchester.  Mr. Shaw also explained that there is a reduction in expenditures for repair supplies; decrease in expenditures for utilities and a reduction in expenditures for capital improvements and Department equipment – please see Exhibit A, page 2 for more detail information.

Mr. Shaw reviewed with the Authority the sources of revenue (Exhibit A, Page 3).  On Pages 4 and 5 of Exhibit A, the debt service and capital improvements are summarized.  Mr. Shaw explained that the Town of South Windsor pays user fees to the Town of Vernon under the terms of the intertown sewer agreement.  Also, the Town has a state grant for the UV System.  Another debt service is the Pleasant Valley Pump Station Upgrade; and the submersible pump stations upgrade which are funded through the low interest loan through the Clean Water Fund; these are the four pump stations that were upgraded in the past, therefore, this page represents the established cost of these debt services that the Town has been paying for years.  In addition to the one mentioned there is the capital improvement to fund unanticipated repairs such as manhole and pipe rehabilitations.

Mr. Shaw also explained that he is requesting another $70,000 for the Lawrence Road/Cliffwood Road Sewer Extension Phase II.  Mr. Shaw explained that he requested $550,000 in this budget for the Ellington Road Dry Pit Pump Station upgrade.  The referendum question for upgrading the four dry pit pump stations was not approved.  The Town is trying do upgrade one pump station each year.  This is a project that will involve a construction period of one year.  Chairman Carino explained that the Town needs to inform the people that the increase in user fees will include the fee to run the system, but also the fee to upgrade the pumping stations.  After a short discussion on keeping the public informed, Mr. Shaw stated that he will use every mean available including the Town website to keep the public informed.

Mr. Siedman asked Mr. Shaw to provide, on a monthly basis, an up-to-date expenditure report; so that the Authority can get an idea on a monthly basis of the expenditures.  With no further discussion, the Authority moved to vote on this Item.

Motion to approve the Pollution Control Budget for FY 2009/2010, as prepared (see Exhibit A.)

Motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Thomas Deming
The motion carried unanimously

2.      Industrial/Commercial Sewer Billing List for FY2009/2010 (Approval to Bill)

Mr. Shaw distributed a copy of the FY 2007/2008 Industrial/Commercial Sewer User Charge Billing list for the review and approval of the Authority, (see Exhibit B). Mr. Shaw explained that when compared with last years billing list, it represents a 5% increase in total flow, and a 20.2% increase in revenues.  He explained that some of the figures will be reduced; as some customers who were given approval to meter water not discharged to the sewers, have not yet submitted meter records.

Mr. Siedman expressed his concerns.  He noticed that some businesses, for example, Mitchells, the water usage are estimated each year and have not changed from year to year, he is questioning if they are getting billed appropriately.

Mr. Shaw will also look into 90 Brookfield Street.

Motion to approve the Industrial/Commercial Sewer Billing List for FY2009/2010 based on the list discussed at this meeting, see Exhibit B.

Motion was made by Mr. Frank Ferrero
Motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously

Mr. Shaw did understand Mr. Siedman’s concern and therefore he will review the estimates and see if there is a more accurate means to measure the flow for those locations where the business is served by a well.

3.      Robert Rules of Order (Discussion)

Mr. Shaw distributed a copy of information that was presented at the Town meeting arranged for the purpose of understanding the Roberts Rules of Order (see Exhibit C.)  Chairman Carino reported that this information is a guide as to how to effectively run meetings in a professional manner.  He stated that the problem that he sees in the meeting is that everybody tends to talk at the same time.  He stated that he will need to recognize one member at a time, and everybody should have an opportunity to speak. This will help the meeting to progress in an orderly fashion to accomplish everything on the agenda.

Chairman Carino has not been able to ask the questions that were raised by him at previous meetings to the Town Attorney.  However, he did specify that in order to speak to the Town Attorney, he will need to go first to the Town Manager’s Office.  This item will be added to the agenda after getting the answers to questions raised from the Town Attorney.


In regards to the Treatment Plant upgrade, Mr. Shaw reported that the project is out to bid; the Town is receiving lot of interest.  It has been suggested to extend the bid opening date by one week to allow some of the contractors to better assimilate the information that is required.  Therefore, the opening day will be March 19th at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

Mr. Richard Siedman asked a question concerning the financing as he heard that the bonding has stopped from the State.  Mr. Shaw answered that the Town is still in a good chance to get the Clean Water Fund.  The Town is proceeding forward with the anticipation that the grant is available.  One of the reasons for increasing the users charge rate is to be able to meet the future debt service.  Initially the Town will have to retain certain funds as a set-a-side to meet the requirement of the grant.

Mr. Siedman expressed his concerned that the Town should be sure that the contractors are required to meet all appropriate employment laws concerning hiring legal aliens.




1.      Prorate Sewer User Charges (Continue Discussion from last meeting)

Chairman Carino asked Mr. Shaw if he had anything to report on the Prorate Sewer User Charges.  Mr. Shaw did not report on this item.  Chairman Carino explained to the group that at the last WPCA meeting it was voted against going to Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.) because based on the investigation that was done the C.O. system in South Windsor raises some concerns for the accuracy and accountability of the system. Everyone agreed that Fred was going to look at the legal aspects of how to be able to do something for people who have a legitimate claim for delaying the user charges.



Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 p.m.

Was made by Mr. Thomas Deming
Seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Originally Posted: March 10, 2009
Date Approved: April 7, 2009