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WPCA Approved Minutes, Regular Meeting 02/10/2009

REVISED MINUTES                                                    REGULAR MEETING
CAUCUS ROOM                             PAGE 1                 FEBRUARY 10, 2009


Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson, Frank Ferrero, and Ed Havens, Jr.

Members Absent: Richard Aries, Carol Fletterick, Michael Patitucci

Alternates Present:     Thomas Deming sitting in for Michael Patitucci

Alternates Absent:      Richard Siedman

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary


Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the February 10, 2009 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.

December 2, 2008 – Regular Meeting

Chairman Carino suggested the following corrections to the minutes of December 2, 2008.

On Page 2, Item C “New Business”, Item #1 “376 Pleasant Valley Road (approval to connect)”.  Chairman Carino suggested rewriting the first and second paragraph for various reasons.  On the first paragraph, the second sentence is confusing because it refers to renting the property.  The second paragraph reflects a prediction from the Authority that there will not be two property owners at this business.  Chairman Carino explained that the Authority cannot predict that there will never be two owners in this property; because anything can happen.  A few suggestions were made as to how rewrite the sentences to reflect the changes.  Mr. Shaw explained that if there is any change or condition added to the application the motion will need to be rewritten such as to reflect the change and a new approval letter will need to be sent to the applicant.  After a short discussion, the Authority asked Mr. Shaw to review the paragraphs and the motion and add it to the agenda for next meeting.

Chairman Carino also requested to add to the Agenda the “Robert Rules of Order” for further discussion at the next meeting.  Chairman Carino will also try to contact the Town Attorney to ask him few questions and concerns that he has.

On page 4, on the roll call vote, Chairman Carino explained that a roll call vote was done so as to know how many members were in favor of changing the system in place now and those that are not in favor.  However, on this roll call vote Mr. Richard Siedman will need to be removed from this action because he was not appointed to act on behalf of any absent member; therefore, his vote does not count and the result was three (3) nays vs. 4 (yays) that thought that the system in place should not be changed.

Mr. Ferrero stated that this roll call vote was not a final vote; this was done just so that the Authority can have an idea as to how many members were in favor of changing the system and how many were not in favor; everyone agreed with his comment.

There was a consensus to review the minutes and add this Item to the next meeting Agenda for review and approval.


  • WPCA Budget for FY2009/2010 (Review)

With the Agenda a draft copy of the WPCA Budget was included (see Exhibit A).  Mr. Fred Shaw reviewed with the Authority the Budget for FY 2009/2010 and explained that the budget does not represent any increase in funding over the current budget.  This budget will be directly submitted to the Town Council for review.  He also stated that he will discuss with the Authority at the next WPCA meeting the Operating Budget for this new fiscal year.  

Answering question from Mr. Ed Havens, Jr., Mr. Shaw responded that the current user charge was increased by 15% this year; however, next year he is projecting a 20% to 25% increase for sewer users.  Mr. Shaw explained that the user fees should be increased over the next three to five years so that debt service obligations can be funded.  Other financing options will be in consideration in the future, but the reality is that the plant is getting older, and the WPCA is solely dependable upon limited sources of revenue.  A significant decrease in revenue from the industrial commercial sector will certainly affect the Town.  

Mr. Shaw also reported that a pre bid meeting was held on Tuesday, February 3rd at the Treatment Plant and bids will be opened on March 12th.  Chairman Carino asked Mr. Shaw if there will be any efficiencies designed into the upgrade of the plant.  Mr. Shaw responded that yes, it will be more efficiency; there will be more equipment; and a new treatment process for the removal of nitrogen.

Chairman Carino stated that the Town should be following up with some information to the public explaining that due to the Treatment Plant Upgrade there will be additional cost in the future to support the upgrade.  Mr. Thomas Deming requested including with the bill literature to inform and educate the public of what is happening.  Mr. Shaw explained that other efforts will be made to inform the public.  During the treatment plant upgrade pictures will be posted on the Town’s website and every effort will be made to keep the public informed.  With no further discussion the Authority moved to approve the budget as presented.

Motion to approve the WPCA Budget for FY2009/2010 as presented by Mr. Shaw (see Exhibit A.)

The motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Deming
Motion carried unanimously


Mr. Shaw reported on the sewer plant upgrade; the Town went out to bid, a pre bid meeting was held on Tuesday, February 3rd at the Treatment Plant, and bids will be opened on March 12th.  Also, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has provided the Town with final approvals.  He also mentioned that along with the approval to advertise for bids, a letter was included which advised that there is another alternative process that the Town should consider for the nitrogen removal.  Mr. Shaw explained to the Authority that this process was an option that was considered in the beginning but was not considered more cost effective than the process that was selected for design purposes, a process approved by DEP years ago.



  • Prorate Sewer User Charges (Continue Discussion from last meeting)
Chairman Carino explained that Mr. Fred Shaw has provided the Authority with sufficient literature regarding the system that is in place for charging prorated sewer user charges.  Based on the information provided by Mr. Shaw charging sewer user fees at the time of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy is not the best system.  With that information, Chairman Carino called for a motion on this item.

Motion to retain the present system of prorated sewer user charges for reliable and accurate method of collection of sewer user fees; with the condition that the Superintendent considers whether there are any possible unique situations which would merit further consideration by the Water Pollution Control Authority.

Motion was made by Chairman Carino
Seconded by Mr. Dickinson

Chairman Carino asked the Authority if there are any comments on the motion and a short discussion ensued.  Mr. Frank Ferrero pointed out that he has attended a Home Builders Association meeting where builders throughout the state were in attendance.  In this meeting Mr. Ferrero asked the question about how Certificates of Co’s and drain layers permit are handled elsewhere.  Every single builder responded that the only town that uses the drain layer system is the Town of Avon; that probably represented 15 towns using the Co’s vs. one using the drain layers permit; therefore, he believes that the system in placed should be changed.  However, he is pleased with the fact that the Chairman is open to other considerations involving a possible unique situation.  With no further discussion, the vote was 3 to 1, with 1 abstained.

Chairman Carino, Robert Dickinson, and Ed Havens, Jr. voted in favor; Frank Ferrero voted against; and Thomas Deming abstaining.



Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 p.m.

Was made by Mr. Deming
Seconded by Mr. Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Originally Posted: February 18, 2009
Date Approved: March 3, 2009