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WPCA Regular Minutes 12/02/2008

Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson, Frank Ferrero, Carol Fletterick,
                        Ed Havens, Jr., and Michael Patitucci

Members Absent: Richard Aries

Alternates Present:     Thomas Deming sitting in for Richard Aries
                        Richard Siedman

Alternates Absent:      

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

Others: Louis Blanco, Applicant for 376 Pleasant Valley Road

Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the December 2, 2008 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.

November 5, 2008 – Regular Meeting

Mr. Ed Havens, Jr. suggested the following correction to the minutes of November 5, 2008:

On page 2, Item D “Communications and Reports”, Paragraph 4, last sentence, replace the words “in commencement” with “at the start”.  Therefore, the sentence should read as follows: “The contract is anticipated to be signed in the spring of 2009 at the start of the construction phase.”  There was a consensus to make this correction.

Motion was made to correct the minutes of November 5, 2008 as indicated.

Motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

Motion was made to approve the Minutes of November 5, 2008 as amended.

Motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously


  • 376 Pleasant Valley Road (approval to connect)
Mr. Shaw explained that this is an existing home which is already connected to the sewer on Pleasant Valley Road.  The applicant is constructing an office addition to the existing garage and wants to put in a bathroom in that addition; he wants to connect the bathroom to the existing house building sewer.  The addition and the use of the property as a minor business have been reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and the sewer connection has been reviewed and approved by the Town’s Engineering Department staff.  There will be sufficient slope in the line, and the Town does not anticipate any significant business related flow.

Chairman Carino made a recommendation that in approving this application it will be subject to the business continuance under the ownership of the property.  He explained that in the event that the owner decides to rent his business to someone else, an agreement defining the liability for the sewer between the owner and the renter should be in place.  Mr. Shaw explained, in the case of a major home occupation, if the owner rented the space to someone else, the owner will be responsible for the sewer maintenance; therefore, an agreement is not required by the Town.  With that understood, the Authority moved to make a motion.

Motion to approve the application as presented for connection of the garage bathroom to the existing building sewer, located at 376 Pleasant Valley Road, South Windsor, CT; as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Site Plan, #376 Pleasant Valley Road, Prepared for Louis Blanco, South Windsor, CT; Prepared by Aeschliman Land Surveying, PC, East Hartford, CT; Map No.: 208081-2, Dated 10-21-08, Revised Dates: 11-18-08 and 11-4-09.

Was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Shaw reported on the Treatment Plant Upgrade; the Town staff has met with the engineer to finalize the agreement for the construction Phase 1.  Additional drawings that were reviewed back in April 2007 were again reviewed to ensure that all necessary changes were made to the plans and the Town staff made recommendations concerning the changes.

Mr. Shaw also reported that the Robert Rules of Order training seminar took place on Monday, November 24th.  A copy of what was distributed will be sent to the Authority for review.  Chairman requested having this matter put on the agenda for discussion on the January 2009 meeting.

Mr. Havens, Jr. asked Mr. Shaw what would be the status of the dry pit pump stations.  Mr. Shaw answered that one of the options to consider involves upgrading a single pump station each year for the next four years.  The cost to upgrade a pump station would be included within the annual Departmental budgetary request.

Mr. Deming asked if there is a possibility of putting the dry pit pump stations upgrade in a Referendum next year; he believes that the explanatory text was not fully informative.  Chairman Carino agreed and commented that he feels that the voters did not approve the referendum question because they were not informed of the importance and how critical it is to update these pumping stations; he also offered to speak to the Mayor as to if there is a possibility of putting in again next year the dry pit pump stations in the Referendum.




  • Prorate Sewer User Charges (Continue Discussion from last meeting)
In the previous WPCA meeting, Mr. Shaw was asked to compare how other surrounding Towns start billing for sewer user charges for newly construction houses.  With the Agenda, Mr. Shaw included a matrix showing the different practices (Exhibit A).  Mr. Shaw explained that apparently it seems that most municipalities charge at the time of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy (C.O.).  A lengthy discussion followed and the following recommendations were made:

Chairman Carino explained that this discussion is a follow up on Mr. John Mitchell’s previous request for the Town to assess prorated sewer user fees at the time of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy (C.O.).  However, Chairman stated that based on the report that was presented by Mr. Shaw in previous meetings, billing at the time of the issuance of the drain layer permit is the best procedure to follow; the certificate of occupancy (C.O.) records is not the best option because it is not accurate and some of the buildings were occupied before the issuance of a C.O.

Mr. Dickinson agreed and recommended the continuance of billing sewer user charges at the time of the issuance of the drain layer permit, but allow the builder at a later date to provide the Town staff with evidence of the connection to city water.  Should this person provide the Town with such information, then that person may be eligible for a refund.

On the other hand, Mr. Siedman recommended to start the billing process after the water gets connected.  However, Mr. Shaw explained that the Building Department does not have a permit for that particular activity.  Therefore, trying to come up with the information as to who has been connected to sewer would mean additional administrative cost and the chance for a sewer connection bill to fall through the crack.

Mr. Ferrero still believes that is very unfair to charge someone for something that has not yet being used.  Based on the fact that other Towns are already billing at the time of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy, he believes that the Town should also follow that procedure.  Mr. Deming agrees and feels that each problem that arises should be resolved on an individual basis.

Ms. Carol Fletterick asked Mr. Shaw to find out if the Town of Glastonbury has any exemptions in place.

Chairman Carino explained that when the Town puts a sewer line in the road there is the choice to connect to it or not, and there is an assessment fee because the sewer is available whether or not there is a connection.  However, this discussion was initiated because a single developer felt that the system in place was not the best option.  He explained that Mr. John Mitchell was fully aware of the procedure and the cost prior to beginning the project.  He asked the Authority to keep in mind that the Town has operated on the drain layer permit record system for an extended period of time.  He also asked for a roll call vote as to how many of the members think that the Town needs to change the system.

Upon roll call vote the ayes and nays were as follows:

Ayes                            Nays

Thomas Deming                   Chairman Carino
Frank Ferrero                   Robert Dickinson
Michael Patitucci                       Carol Fletterick
                                        Ed Havens, Jr.

The vote was 3 to 4; Thomas Deming, Frank Ferrero, and Michael Patitucci voted in favor of changing the present system of prorated sewer user charges; Chairman Carino, Robert Dickinson, Carol Fletterick and Ed Havens, Jr. voted against changing the present system.  With no further discussion, Chairman asked Mr. Shaw to generate a report for review indicating the proposed changes to the system and evaluate whether it will be or not be beneficial to the Town.



Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.

Was made by Mr. Deming
Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Originally Posted: December 9, 2008; February 18, 2009
Date Approved: March 3, 2009