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WPCA Minutes, Regular Meeting 11/05/2008
                                TOWN OF SOUTH WINDSOR

MINUTES                                                    REGULAR MEETING
SPRENKEL ROOM                   PAGE 1                 NOVEMBER 5, 2008

Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Frank Ferrero, Ed Havens, Jr., and Michael Patitucci

Members Absent: Richard Aries, Robert Dickinson, Carol Fletterick

Alternates Present:     Thomas Deming sitting in for Carol Fletterick
                        Richard Siedman sitting in for Robert Dickinson

Alternates Absent:      

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the November 5, 2008 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.

October 7, 2008 – Regular Meeting

The following corrections were made to the minutes by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.:

Add the word “where”, to the last sentence of the second paragraph of page 4, Item 2 – Lawrence Road Sewer Plan (Approval).  The sentence should read as follows “One of the feedbacks received, was in the south section of Cliffwood Drive where there are no sewers and there are five or six houses that are not connected to a sewer on Cliffwood Drive.”

On page 6, first paragraph, first sentence change the word “prepared” to prepare.  The sentence should read as follows “He had his engineer prepare plans for sewer connection, but the Town thought that it was too close to the catch basins…”

Motion to accept the Minutes of October 7, 2008 with the corrections being made.

Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Siedman
The motion carried unanimously


  • W.P.C.A. Meeting Schedule for Calendar Year 2009 (for Approval)
Motion to approve the WPCA Meeting Schedule for Calendar Year 2009, as presented (Exhibit A.)

        Was made by Mr. Ferrero
        Seconded by Mr. Deming
        The motion carried unanimously


With the Agenda, a Memorandum (Exhibit B) was included requesting Board and Commission members to attend training on the Roberts Rules of Order.  This training has been scheduled for Monday, November 24, 2008 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

Chairman Carino also reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission gave approval to the Lawrence Road sewer proposal.  He also stated that he was surprised that the voters approved the Water Pollution Control Facility Upgrade, but they did not approve the Dry Pit Pumping Stations Upgrade.  He does not understand what the reason was because he feels that if the pumping station fails, the treatment plant will also fail.

Mr. Siedman stated that he did not think that everyone had enough information on the pumping stations.  Mr. Shaw responded that the explanatory text was reviewed by the State Election Enforcement, Committee and they decided whether or not the wording was proper.  Included in the original text there was a paragraph explaining where the four pump stations were located and how old they were; however, it was eliminated by this Committee.  Mr. Shaw explained that the Town will consider alternative means of upgrading these pump stations.  It is expected that there will be a budgetary request to appropriate funds under Capital projects to upgrade one pump each year.

As mentioned previously, the Treatment Plant Upgrade was approved.  Mr. Shaw reported that the Town will be looking at probably early January for bid advertising.  Also, the Town will need to receive approval from the State to advertise the bid and to award the contract.  The contract is anticipated to be signed in the spring of 2009 at the start of the construction phase.

Mr. Shaw also reported that the Lawrence Road sewer project Phase I has started; it is anticipated to take about a month to finish Phase I.  Answering Chairman Carino question, Mr. Shaw responded that Mr. Charles Waltos concern for the sewer assessment is still under advisement.




  • Prorate Sewer User Charges (Continue Discussion from last meeting)
A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the prorate sewer user charges.  This discussion was based upon Mr. John Mitchell’s previously request for the Town to assess prorated

sewer user fees at the time of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy (C.O.).  Mr. Shaw was asked to make an analysis of the time for issuance of a certificate of occupancy.  He looked at all the information in the Town’s computer system for the period of February 2007 through September 2008 (Exhibit C.)  Mr. Shaw explained that he made the analysis of time required for a number of different scenarios; time for completion of drain layer permits, time for completion of certificate of occupancy and comparisons of project times for completion of drain layer permits and associated certificates of occupancy.  Mr. Shaw claimed that the most relevant comparison was between the time of project’s drain layer permit completion and the completion of the certificate of occupancy.  Mr. Shaw concluded that the most relevant measure of the average value was the use of the geometric mean, and that, on average there was about 3 ½ months between the time the connection to the sewer is completed and the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.  Mr. Shaw was also asked to look at the building permits and to determine whether or not there is a permit date that signifies when the plumbing is completed.  Mr. Shaw reported that when the first building permit is taken out it opens up a file for that particular project; during the course of that project there are many other permits that may be issued; for example, (Exhibit D), includes the different types of permits issued by the Building Department.  What closes out the project and therefore all the previously issued building permits is the issuance of the C.O.  But in some cases, Town staff has observed that residents move into new homes before the issuance of the C.O.

Mr. Deming express that he feels is unfair to charge Mr. Mitchell with sewer user fees for four properties with no plumbing in.  Mr. Ferrero agrees with Mr. Deming and explained, that based on his inspections experiences, the toilet and the sink (finished plumbing) does not go in until the very last stage; it usually gets installed five days before the C.O. is being issued; therefore, he feels that the sewer user fees should commence at the time of the issuance of a C.O.

Mr. Deming asked if there is a possibility of giving Mr. Mitchell some type of break or work on an individual basis because he is paying sewer fees on houses that don’t have plumbing in them.  Chairman Carino answered that the Authority will always face someone with a unique situation; and because there is a unique situation, this is not a reason for the Town to go ahead and change the regulations to suit that particular situation.  The Town could not decide to work on every individual situation just to satisfy every unique situation because this will set precedence.  Chairman Carino asked Mr. Shaw to find out what surrounding Towns do in this matter.



Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:56 p.m.

Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Originally Posted: November 12, 2008
Date Approved: December 2, 2008