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WPCA Minutes, Regular Meeting 9/2/08


Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson, Frank Ferrero, Carol Fletterick, Ed Havens Jr., and Michael Patitucci

Members Absent: Richard Aries

Alternates Present:     Thomas Deming sitting in for Richard Aries
                                Richard Siedman

Alternates Absent:      None

Staff Present:          C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control

Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the September 2, 2008 Special Meeting of the W.P.C.A.


1.      July 15, 2008
2.      August 18, 2008 Public Hearing
3.      August 18, 2008 Special Meeting

Chairman Carino stated that he had some difficulty reading the minutes; therefore, he suggested postponing any actions on the minutes until further being reviewed by him and Mr. Shaw.

Motion to postpone any actions on the above mentioned minutes until further reviewed by Chairman Carino and Mr. Shaw.

Motion was made by Chairman Carino
Motion was seconded by Mr. Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously


1.      Residential Sewer User Charge Billing for FY 2008/2009 (Approval)

A memorandum (Exhibit A) from Fred Shaw dated September 2, 2008, was submitted for approval for the billing for residential user fees for Fiscal Year 2008/2009.  The total residential count was 7955 units, and the revenue totaled $2,436,464.

Motion was made to approve the Residential Sewer User Charge Billing for FY 2008/2009, as shown on Exhibit A.

Motion was made by Mr. Patitucci
Motion was seconded by Mr. Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously

        2.      Evergreen Way User Charge for FY2007/2008 (Adjustment Approval)

Mr. Shaw reported in a memorandum dated September 2, 2008 (Exhibit B,) that an error was found in the Fiscal Year 2007/2008 bill for account number 313390. The incorrect bill totaled $264, but should have been $25,835.10.  The owner has been notified and is anticipating a corrected bill.  The Town's Information Technology Department will review this matter with the financial software manufacturer to determine why the system did not identify the error upon audit of the system.

Motion to approve the adjustment of Evergreen Way User Charge from $264 to $25,835.10 for the FY2007/2008 user bill, in accordance with the Memorandum from Mr. Shaw dated September 2, 2008 (See Exhibit B.)

Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Mr. Patitucci
The motion carried unanimously

Town Council was meeting this evening, to approve a resolution to fund the two projects (upgrade of the Treatment Plant and pump stations) and have them placed on the referendum on November 4, 2008.

Ed Havens, Jr. asked if there was any value in hiring a public relations firm.  Fred Shaw explained that an informational brochure had been put together; however, the Town's attorneys have withheld it explaining that it should be released only after the Town Council has decided to appropriate the funds and place the projects as referendum questions.  After a date has been set for the referendum, the special attorney will decide what information can be released to the public.

Chairman Carino asked if there was any progress in putting meters in sewer lines going into Vernon.  Mr. Shaw responded that he had spoken with the Town Attorney, the attorney is about to submit his opinion within the next few days.  

Chairman Carino also asked Mr. Shaw if he had any comments on a new business (Aerospace) at 32 South Satellite Road.  Mr. Shaw replied that this was a new business in Town that has petitioned the State Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for a permit to discharge.  They have also provided Mr. Shaw with an application.  This business tests for cracks using a dye-penetrant which is a hazardous waste requiring separate disposal.  A list of chemicals has been sent to State DEP for their review.  The business will go through the DEP permit process which requires that the company place a notice in the paper.  

Mr. Thomas Deming asked if there were any other similar business in Town.  Mr. Shaw responded there was and the business is monitored and submits it's testing to the State and to the Town for review.  

Chairman Carino asked Mr. Shaw if he had given any thought to Mr. John Mitchell's request that the Authority  reconsider it policy concerning requiring payment of prorated residential sewer user charges at the time of connection  Mr. Mitchell recommended that billing for sewer user charges should commence at the time of the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.).  Fred Shaw replied that he had given it thought.  He explained that the problem with basing the billing on the issuance of the c.o. is that a residence may be occupied without a c.o.; and that, facilities connected to the sewer may be used before a unit is occupied.

Chairman Carino asked Fred Shaw to put together a list of pros and cons for each alternative in this matter for discussion at the next WPCA meeting.

Chairman Carino inquired whether the Town still had an easement at the Benedict Drive pump station now that CT Water has purchased that location.  Mr. Shaw replied that the water company has taken over everything now; the Avery Heights Water Association would like to give to the Town the property behind the pump station while retaining the parcel up front for themselves.  The Town has prepared a report outlining the issues concerning this subject.  This report was previously provided to Council, but no decision has yet been made.  The equipment from the Avery Height water pump station has been removed and the pump station was destroyed.  One of the issues involves whether the Town will choose to accept the risk and responsibility of a small dam located on the property.

Chairman Carino stated the annual report would be due in October and would like a picture of the Commission submitted.  Mr. Shaw stated that at the October meeting there would be a draft of the annual report available for WPCA review.

Chairman Carino discussed the August 18th Public Hearing.  He felt that the meeting was not held in an orderly manner and requested the assistance of WPCA members to refrain from cross talk among other members and the public during the public hearings.  Chairman Carino would like to have one person speaking at a time and when they are done he will then ask for questions or comments.

E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda)



In regards to the Fats, Oils, and Grease regulations (FOG), Mr. Deming asked Mr. Shaw if everyone was in compliance.  Mr. Shaw responded that there was one that had a change of

ownerships, but that everyone else had installed an interceptor.  The Health Department is inspecting interceptors to ensure that they are operating and being properly maintained in compliance with the Town FOG regulations.  Those businesses with interceptors appear to be in compliance.


There was no "Motion To Go Into Executive Session To Discuss Pending Claims".  However, Chairman Carino asked if item H needed to be reworded.  He pointed out that as it is currently worded, there would be items that couldn't be discussed (personnel items etc.).  Mr. Carino suggested that a more appropriate wording for the agenda item could be - MOTION TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION.  Mr. Shaw answered that he would look into the wording.

After discussion on the above Item, the Authority moved to add Item C-3 to the agenda.

Motion to add to the Agenda Item C-3 "Public Information Brochure for the referendum".

Motion was made by Mrs. Fletterick
The motion was seconded by Mr. Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously


        3.      Public Information Brochure for the referendum

Motion to adopt as a position of the Water Pollution Control Authority in the matter of a public informational brochure for the referendum questions - "WPCA feels that adequate and proper information should be presented to the public consistent with the proper timing and written by the proper authority."

Motion was made by Mr. Deming
The motion was seconded by Mr. Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:54 p.m.

The motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Elizabeth Locicero
Recording Secretary                                             

Originally Posted: September 9, 2008
        Date Approved: October 7, 2008