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WPCA Minutes, Regular Meeting 3/4/08

MINUTES                                                                        REGULAR MEETING
SPRENKEL ROOM                           PAGE 1                 MARCH 4, 2008


Members Present:        Joe Carino, Richard Aries, Carol Fletterick, Ed Havens Jr., and Michael Patitucci

Members Absent: Robert Dickinson, Frank Ferrero

Alternates Present:     Thomas Deming sitting in for Robert Dickinson
                                Richard Siedman

Alternates Absent:      

Staff Present:          C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                                Kathy Middletown, Recording Secretary

Others:                 Tim Coon, J. R. Russo & Assoc.
Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


1.      February 5, 2008 - Regular Meeting

Motion to approve the minutes of February 5, 2008 Regular Meeting as presented.

The motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Aries
The motion carried unanimously


1.      Bruce A. Maneeley Real Estate, LLC., 136 Commerce Way (Approval to connect)

Mr. Coon from J. R. Russo & Associates was in attendance to represent the applicant.  There is a force main from an adjacent lot crossing this property.  They are proposing to put in a separate gravity sewer and tie into the existing manhole on Commerce Way.

Mr. Shaw explained that even though these two lots are owned by the same property owner, an easement is required for the force main.
Motion to approve the application as presented for connection to the Town's sewerage system of property located at 136 Commerce Way, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled "Bruce A. Maneeley Real Estate, LLC, 136 Commerce Way, South Windsor, Connecticut"; Prepared by J.R. Russo & Associates, East Windsor, CT; Sheet No.: 3 of 7, "Site Plan", No. 2007- 105, Dated 2-05-08; Revision Date: 2-05-08; and subject to the following conditions: (1) a final document of a private easement between the two lots must be reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney; (2) final technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.

Motion was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously

2.      Industrial/Commercial Sewer Billing List for FY2007/2008 (Approval to bill)

Mr. Shaw provided the Authority a copy of the proposed Industrial/Commercial Sewer Billing List for FY 2007/2008 for review and approval.  He reported that this list also includes some industrial commercial users in the town of Manchester, which are covered under the Intertown Agreement with the Town of South Windsor.  Most of the list is based upon flows from the water consumption reports provided by the MDC and the Connecticut Water companies.  In comparing this list with last year's list, there has been an increase of 4.6% in total flow, and a 15.1% increase in revenues.  Town businesses that use a private meter to measure the water usage that does not discharge to the sewer, have submitted their information with exception of Carla's Pasta.  Mr. Shaw explained that he has spoken to the Chief Executive Officer at Carla's Pasta and he is still waiting for the private water meter readings.  If the Authority approves it, these bills will be sent out by the end of this month.  Should Carla's Pasta submit their water meter records, Mr. Shaw will bring that information to the Authority at the April meeting for purposes of correcting or adjusting the bill.

The Authority reviewed the list carefully, and a lengthy discussion ensued.  There were several locations where the water companies have reported a zero metered flow or a flow significantly lower than last years flow.  In these cases, the companies are asked to review the numbers to make certain there were no mistakes in the consumption figures.  

Motion was made to approve the Industrial/Commercial Billing List for FY2007/2008, as shown in Exhibit A.

Motion was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mr. Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously

3.      Pollution Control Budget for FY2008/2009 (Approval)

A copy of the Pollution Control Budget for FY2008/2009 was distributed for review and approval by the Authority (see exhibit B.)  Mr. Shaw gave an explanation of the changes.  He explained that the budget represents an increase of 5.8% compared to last year's budget.  He reviewed it with the Public Works Department staff and with the Town Manager; Mr. Shaw reviewed the staff recommendations with the Authority.  Mr. Shaw summarized the areas of major cost increases such as wage rates and employee benefits.  He also explained that there was an increase in health and liability insurances; under Operating Materials there has been an increase in odor control chemicals and other chemicals and lubricants due to the cost of oil price increases; and also, there was a significant increase in utilities rates.

Mr. Shaw also explained that on the 2nd page, the Debt Service is listed because the Authority is required to pay their share for the Vernon Treatment Plant upgrade; also, there is a State grant that needs to be paid off; and the Authority has low interest loans through the State for two projects: (1) the upgrade of the Pleasant Valley Pump Station and (2) the four submersibles pump station upgrades.  Included with the budget, is an updated cost for the Lawrence Road Sewer Extension project previously approved by the Authority; and included also, is the WPCA budget which was not increased.   

Motion to approve the Pollution Control Budget for FY 2008/2009, as prepared (see Exhibit B.)

Motion was made by Mr. Deming
Seconded by Mr. Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously

Motion to add to the Agenda Item C4 - Closeout of Capital Projects.

The motion was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously

4.      Closeout of Capital Projects

Mr. Shaw explained that these projects (see Exhibit C) have been completed and must be closed out by transferring the remaining balances to the Capital Reserve Fund Balance.  There are two requests: (1) a request to close out these projects; (2) a requested to transfer $3,002,139 from the Capital Reserve Fund Balance to the Sewer Fund Operating Fund Balance as requested by the Finance Director, and recommended by the Town's Financial Advisors.

Motion to approve to close out items as shown in Memorandum by Mr. Shaw, dated March 4, 2008 (see Exhibit C.)

Motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

Motion to approve the transfer of $3,002,139 from the Capital Reserve Fund Balance to the Sewer Special Revenue Capital Reserve Fund Balance pursuing to Mr. Shaw's representation that this is in fact the correct figure and is recommended by the Town's Financial Advisors as a matter pertaining to standard accounting practices (see Exhibit C.)

Motion was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously


Chairman Carino asked Mr. Shaw to briefly discuss the issue of not receiving funding for the Treatment Plant Upgrade from the state; and also to report on what was discussed at the last Town Council meeting.

Mr. Shaw reported that in 2002 a study of the Town sewer system including all pump stations and collection system, the Treatment Plant, the condition of the system and how well it will continue to provide for the needs of the Town for the next twenty years was completed.  The Town's engineering consultant made recommendations to upgrade the plant facility and eight pump stations.  Also, a number of different alternative ways to upgrade the treatment plant were discussed taking in consideration what will be the most cost effective solution.  The value of the project was determined based upon future cost and benefits.  A plan to upgrade the Treatment Plant was selected, recommended, and accepted by the Town Staff, and reviewed by the Town Council in November 2002.  However, there has been a delay with the Clean Water Fund grants and loans provided by the State.  The Town staff submitted in December 2006 the design plans to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for review and their comments are expected shortly.  Now, there are some problems with the State.  The Town had to identify the sewer service areas which had to be consistent with the State Plan of Conservation and Development.    It is important to have this in conformance with the State plan and the Town's sewer service area to be eligible for grants and loans.

Mr. Shaw also gave a briefly discussion of an issue raised by one member of the Town Council; he was asked whether the Town should have gotten involved with MDC.  One of the consultant engineers for the Town was in attendance and gave to the Council Members a copy of the 2002 study of the Treatment Plant; included as one of the alternatives was joining MDC.  The MDC was determined to be the most costly alternative of all the alternatives taken in consideration.  However, some members requested another analysis for joining the MDC.  There was no consensus coming from the Town Council, and this may be discussed again.  

E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda)



1.      1333 and 1343 Sullivan Avenue - sewer connection report

Mr. Shaw explained that this property is a single lot on Sullivan Avenue.  There are two separate buildings on it; each of these buildings is separately owned.  Both of the buildings are connected to a single lateral.  In this situation, it is normally requested an individual lateral for each property or building to be in place, unless there is a good reason why two different properties must use the same lateral.  Mr. Shaw reviewed with the Authority a Chronology of Events (see Exhibit D.)  These properties years ago might have been under a single ownership, but the two buildings were connected back in 1987; the residential home was connected in May 1987 and the commercial building was connected in July 1987.  The Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) approved it for a one lot subdivision back in 1988.  And then P&Z had a public hearing in January 11, 2005 for 1343 Sullivan Avenue.  On February 2005, P&Z approved the conversion from a residential home to a commercial property.  Then WPCA approved in April 2005 the conversion but did not notice that there was a single lateral for the two buildings.  Mr. Shaw also explained that he talked to the property owner of 1343 Sullivan Avenue, and he was informed that there is an agreement between the two property owners, which can be provided to him if the Authority requests to see it.

Answering Mr. Deming's question, Mr. Shaw explained that the Authority is pursuing this to understand what happened, so as to avoid such a reoccurrence and to make sure that there is an agreement between the property owners for the maintenance of the single lateral.  

Chairman Carino stated that the Authority always require that there be a property agreement between the property owners that is acceptable to the Town.  He asked Mr. Shaw to obtain a copy of the agreement and have it reviewed by the Town Attorney.

2.      FOG Status Report

Mr. Shaw reported that in the previous meeting it was discussed that all the Town restaurants except one have received delivery of new grease interceptors.  The Authority requested Mr. Shaw to ask the Town Attorney if there is an intermediate step that could be taken to encourage the owner of this restaurant to come into compliance with the FOG regulations.  A letter was drafted and sent to the owner of this restaurant; Mr. Shaw, several days later, received a phone call from the restaurant owner reporting that he has the Grease Recovery Unit on the premises.

3.      Election of Officers

Chairman Carino asked to postpone this Item G3 until the next WPCA meeting because there are two regular members that are absent; also because Mr. Richard Siedman is joining the Authority for the first time.  Hopefully, the two absentees will be attending this meeting next month, if not, Mr. Siedman will be appointed to represent one of the regular members not in attendance.

Motion was made to postpone the elections until the April 2008 WPCA meeting to allow all members to be in attendance to vote.

Motion was made by Chairman Carino
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously



Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:32 p.m.

The motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Originally Posted: March 12, 2008
Date Approved: April 1, 2008