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WPCA Minutes, Regular Meeting 4/1/08

Members Present:        Joe Carino, Richard Aries (arrived at 7:15 p.m.), Frank Ferrero (arrived at 8:30 p.m.), Carol Fletterick, and Ed Havens Jr.

Members Absent: Robert Dickinson, Michael Patitucci

Alternates Present:     Thomas Deming sitting in for (Richard Aries until his arrival), sitting in for (Frank Ferrero until his arrival), and sitting in for (Michael Patitucci - absent)
                                Richard Siedman sitting in for Robert Dickinson

Alternates Absent:      None

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control

Others: Galen Semprebon, Design Professions, Inc.
                Jeremy J. Smith, representing G&S Scrap Metal, Inc.
                Tim Coon, J. R. Russo & Associates
                Robert Mannarino, Developer
                Gary Bazzano, Town Council Member
                Cary Prague, Deputy Mayor
                Jim Throwe, Town Resident
                Joan Walsh, Town Resident
                Keith Yagaloff, Town Council Member
Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the April 1, 2008 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.


        1.      March 4, 2008 - Regular Meeting

The March 4, 2008 minutes were modified as follows:

On page 4, Item D: Communications and Reports - 2nd paragraph, last sentence, "It is important to have this conformance with …" - add the word in after the word this.  Therefore, the sentence should read as follows: "It is important to have this in conformance with the State plan and the Town's sewer service area to be eligible for grants and loans."

Motion to approve the minutes of March 4, 2008 Regular Meeting as amended.

The motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Siedman
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      G&S Scrap Metal, LLC., 444 Nutmeg Road North (Approval to connect)

Mr. Semprebon was in attendance representing the applicant.  He explained that this property is located on Nutmeg Road North and is lot 17 of the subdivision industrial park.  This is a 10 acre lot.  He is proposing to build a 40,000 square feet commercial building to house G&S Scrap Metal, presently located on Route 5.  G&S Scrap Metal is a sorting operation business, where people bring in their metal for recycling; there is no processing.  There is a small office component, and they are proposing a sewer connection, a 6 inch lateral to the sewer main right into the existing manhole in Nutmeg Road North; the sewer will service the proposed office bathrooms.  Answering questions from the Authority, Mr. Semprebon stated that there will be no floor drains, and there will be no vehicle maintenance at the site.

Motion to approve the application as presented for connection to the Town's sewerage system for a proposed commercial building located at 444 Nutmeg Road North, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled "G&S Scrap Metal, LLC, 444 Nutmeg Road North, South Windsor, Connecticut"; Prepared by Design Professionals, South Windsor, CT;  Sheet No.: 4 of 7, "Topographic Plan", Job No.: 2508, Drawing No.: G:\jobs\2509\2509-topographic.dwg, Dated 2-05-08; Revision Date: 2/26/08 and 3/17/08; and subject to the following condition: (1) final technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.

Motion was made by Mr. Deming (sitting in for Mr. Aries)
Seconded by Mrs. Fletterick
Mr. Siedman abstained from this vote
The motion carried unanimously

        2.      Zagorski/Shea Interior Lot, 1576 Main Street (Approval to connect)

Mr. Shaw reported, for the record, that this is another property out of the Town sewer service area and not in compliance with OPM Plan of Conservation and Development.  The Town is attempting to adjust those limits of the sewer service area as defined by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).  However, the Town's sewer system has adequate reserve capacity and the subdivision has been approved by Planning and Zoning.

Mr. Tim Coon was in attendance and reported this is a subdivision on Main Street, Lot B.  He is requesting to connect to the Town's sewerage system with a 6 inch PVC pipe at 2% slope; there are four proposed cleanouts spaced at 100 ft. intervals.  This application received approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission.  They are providing cleanouts at 300 feet on their property.

Motion to approve the connection to the Town's sewerage system of Zagorski/Shea Interior Lot Subdivison, 1576 Main Street, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled "Subdivision/Interior Lot, 1576 Main Street, South Windsor, Connecticut"; Prepared by J.R. Russo & Associates, East Windsor, CT; Sheet 3 of 4 "Special Exception Use/Interior Lot - Topographic Plan", No.: 2007-025, Dated 10-8-07, Revision Date: 10-8-07; and subject to the following condition: (1) final technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.

Motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Siedman
The motion carried unanimously

        3.      Dzen Tree Farm Subdivision Plan, Maskel Road, and Barbara Hill Road (Approval to connect)

Mr. Robert Manarino, the applicant was in attendance this evening.  This is a proposed 64 lot subdivision located to the west of Barbara Hill Road and to the east of Maskel Road.  This application has received approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission, Inland/Wetlands Commission, and the Town Council.

Mr. Shaw reported that a sewer easement will need to be provided for the cross country line; this easement must be approved by the Town Attorney.  Also, the access gravel road must be extended for the entire length of the cross country line in accordance with the Town Public Improvement Specifications.

Mr. Mannarino also asked for the possibility of obtaining a Developer's Agreement should anyone connect on Barbara Hill Road.  Chairman Carino answered that it would not be taken into consideration as part of this application; however, the Authority will take it under advisement.  Mr. Mannarino was suggested to apply for a Developer's Agreement.

Motion to approve the connection to the Town's sewerage system of Dzen Tree Farm Subdivision, Mannarino Builders, Inc., located at Maskel Road and Barbara Hill Road, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled "Dzen Tree Farm Subdivision"; Prepared by Alford Associates, Inc., Windsor, CT; Sheets G3 "Dzen Tree Farm, Topographic and Conservation Plan", Dated 8/29/07, Revision Dates: 10-19-07, 1-9-08, 1-16-08, 1-30-08, 2-22-08, and 3-4-08; Sheets SAN P/P 1 - SAN P/P 2 "Dzen Tree Farm, Plan/Profile of Sanitary Sewer"'; and Sheet P/P 1 through P/P 7 inclusive "Dzen Tree Farm, Plan/Profile", dated 8/29/08, revision date: 3-4-08; and subject to the following conditions: (1) the applicant needs to extend the gravel access road specifically shown on Sheet G3 of the plans to the full length of the cross country sewer line as required by the Town; also the final map is required to show the gravel access road based on Town's specifications.

Motion was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mr. Siedman
Mr. Havens, Jr. abstained from the vote
The motion carried unanimously

        4.      MDC Alternative to Treatment Plant Upgrade (Discussion)

A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the MDC alternative to the Treatment Plant upgrade.  The agenda included pages of the analysis that was done in 2002 which describes the different basic components for each of the different kinds of upgrades (See Exhibit A.)  The first page, Table 5.5-3 - the Baseline improvement involves upgrading the current treatment process without nitrogen removal.  The Town is required to clean up the wastewater and to remove nitrogen or pay for nitrogen credits issued by the State.  The Denite Filter option will reduce nitrogen to a greater level.  The Modified Ludzach-Ettinger (MLE) process is the alternative that includes these improvements of the Baseline alternative but adds the additional capability to reduce nitrogen.  The last alternative was to pump to the Metropolitan District Commission (MDC).  The second page, Table 5.5-4 reflects 2002 present value.  These figures will be different now in terms of magnitude but not in the order of cost effectiveness.  The MDC alternative was determined to be the highest cost alternative.  And the lowest cost effective alternative was the MLE process.  The findings of the Facility Plan which included this comparison were presented in a public hearing of the Town Council in November of 2002.  It was approved by WPCA, Town Council and DEP.  And this was for the basis, authorization for proceeding with the design of the treatment plant upgrade involving the MLE process.

Chairman Carino stated that the analysis being discussed represents only one small part of what the Town's total cost will be to join the MDC; it does not reflects all of the other costs that the Town will incur if they join the MDC.  Therefore, he is looking for a comparison number of what it costs to join MDC today compare to what is going to cost the Town to update the Treatment Plant.

Mr. James Throwe was in attendance, and he reported that he was Chairman of the Sewer Commission from 1971 to 1977.  He was also on the Town Council from 1963 to 1967.  At that time it was discussed with MDC the alternative of joining them so that the Town wouldn't have to build the plant and run it.  At that time, MDC did not want the Town of South Windsor to join and if so, the Town will be assessed as a non-member Town, so they would pay a higher rate, a high connection fee, and annual contributions will have to be made.  Based on the numbers presented, the best alternative was to build the Treatment Plant.  On the other hand, he explained, that Pratt & Whitney is no longer using the MDC system, which has left the MDC with a capacity to take South Windsor.  Mr. Throwe has not seen the 2002 analysis; however, he recommends the Town to get a presentation from MDC as to what it will cost the Town on an annual basis, what the user cost will be per household, what the community has to pay, and whether or not the Town of South Windsor will become a regular or a non-regular member.  That information should be analyzed prior to making a decision because eliminating the plant to join the MDC may be an easy way out, but what needs to be taken in consideration is what the cost would be of taking the plant down in addition to the million dollars to join MDC.  Another recommendation is to look at what other town's expenses are for joining the MDC such as Wethersfield and West Hartford.

Mrs. Fletterick pointed out that a thorough analysis was presented and at that time the MDC was the most expensive alternative.  The other thing is that every minute spent arguing about this is costing more money; therefore, the Town should put their efforts into the MLE process and into trying to start CT DEP to approve some of these low cost loans.

Chairman Carino asked if the analysis represents how much the Town of South Windsor will pay on a yearly basis to join MDC?  Mr. Shaw responded no; however, he asked why pay more to refine the figures only to know what is already known - that, the MDC alternative is never going to be less expensive than the MLE process.  Mr. Aries added that there is ample evidence that exist today states that the user fees will definitely be higher if joining the MDC because of the infrastructure.  Mr. Keith Yagaloff expressed to the Authority that time is being wasted in moving ahead with the Treatment Plant upgrade.  Another study will delay the upgrade; the authority should not pay for a study that in his opinion is not reliable because it will never provide reliable answers as to how much South Windsor would need to contribute should they proceed with the Treatment Plant upgrade vs. MDC alternative.

Gary Bazzano stated he would like to know how much he is going to pay in the future for sewer use whether it is the South Windsor system or the MDC system.  He wants a specific number not a prorate number.  Mr. Shaw explained that it all depends on a policy decision of the Town Council, in consultation with WPCA, to determine the rate of user fee increases overtime.  Mr. Shaw also explained that the cost is based on the best estimate determined by the engineering consultant, but the longer the Town waits, the price goes up at $174,000 a month.

Mrs. Joan Walsh, a Town resident for 47 years expressed her concern as to why if it was approved to move forward with the Treatment Plant upgrade in 2002, how come six years later is still not corrected and it is still in discussion?  Mr. Shaw answered that the Town has done everything possible to move forward with this project.  South Windsor completed the design phase and submitted the plans to DEP back in December 2006 for its approval, and is still awaiting DEP comments.   The Town will need to make these improvements regardless of whether there are grants and loans available from the CT Clean Water Fund.  The Town requested a deviation from DEP to allow South Windsor to retain eligibility and still move forward so as to avoid higher construction costs.

Cary Prague, Deputy Mayor, stated that he has being approached many times by Town residents and is being asked if there is a better alternative and can the Town go to the MDC to see what is their latest costs.  He stated that he and Mr. Bazzano have met informally with the MDC staff and asked a few questions as to how much it would be if the Town joins MDC, what would the annual fees would be, and if the Town would be a non-member or a member.  He said that there are different scenarios since 2002, and therefore, he is requesting for the Town Manager, members of the Town Council or Mr. Shaw to meet with the MDC and simply asked what their projections will be for a 10 or 20 year contract to join the MDC.  

Overall, the question was raised by the Authority as to if Chairman Carino and the Councillors in attendance want to spend time, money, effort, resources, and delay everything.  Mr. Prague and Mr. Bazzano responded that all they need is an accurate number of how much the sewer fees are going to be, therefore, they are only suggesting for Mr. Shaw or the Town Manager to meet with the MDC staff and get the actual cost before making any definite decision.  Mr. Shaw explained that in order to determine what the debt service is going to be involves doing another analysis, not just meeting with MDC; Mr. Yagaloff agreed.  Therefore, Mr. Carino asked Mr. Shaw to just make a comparison over the next 20 years of what is going to cost the Town to join MDC vs. upgrading the Treatment Plant using the present worth value of the 2002 Facility Plan and then meet with the Town Council to review the analysis.

        5.      Industrial/Commercial Sewer Billing Adjustments for FY2007/2008

Mr. Shaw is requesting approval to adjust the Industrial/Commercial Sewer Billing for FY2007/2008 for the following properties: 690 Ellington Road, 735 John Fitch Blvd., 1530 Sullivan Avenue, and 50 Talbot Lane.  These adjustments are based upon the additional flow rates provided by either the firm or the water utility.

Motion to approve the adjustments to the Commercial User Charge Billing list for FY 2007/2008, in accordance wi the Memorandum from Mr. Shaw dated March 28, 2008 (see Exhibit B.)

Motion was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mr. Deming (sitting in for Mr. Patitucci)
The motion carried unanimously

        There were no further comments or reports.

E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda)



        1.      1333 and 1343 Sullivan Avenue - sewer connection report

Mr. Shaw reported that he received a copy of the agreement and will have the Town Attorney review the document; however, the Authority suggested reviewing the agreement at the next WPCA meeting.

Motion was made to postpone this Item until the May 2008 WPCA meeting.

Motion was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mrs. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

        2.      Election of Officers

Motion was made to elect Mr. Chairman Carino as Chairman of the WPCA.

Motion was made by Mr. Deming (sitting in for Mr. Patitucci)
Seconded by Mr. Aries
The motion carried unanimously

Motion was made to nominate Mr. Aries as Vice Chairperson of the WPCA.

Motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mrs. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

Motion was made to nominate Mrs. Fletterick as Secretary of the WPCA.

Motion was made by Mr. Ferrero
Seconded by Mr. Aries
The motion carried unanimously



        Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m.

The motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Deming (sitting in for Mr. Patitucci)
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Originally Posted: April 10, 2008
Date Approved: May 6, 2008