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WPCA Minutes, Regular Meeting 11/7/07

Members Present:        Joe Carino, Richard Aries, Carol Fletterick, Ed Havens Jr., and R. Max Scheller

Members Absent: Robert Dickinson, Frank Ferrero

Alternates Present:     Thomas Deming sitting in for Robert Dickinson

Alternates Absent:      Susan Rose

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control

Others: Galen Semprebon, P.E., Design Professionals, Inc.

                Attorney Ralph Alexander, representing "The South Windsor Housing Authority & The Metro                         Realty Group."

                Bruce Kelley, owner - 617 Clark Street

Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the November 7, 2007 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.

Motion to move to Item C - NEW BUSINESS

Was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously


1.      Miller/20 Pierce Road (Approval to connect)

Mr. Galen Semprebon from Design Professinals, Inc., came before the Authority representing the application for 20 Pierce Road; he explained that this is a 4.19 acre property located at the corner of Pierce Road and Ellington Road.  This property has received approval from the Inland/Wetlands Commission for the proposed construction of a single-family home, garage, and barn.  Also, he explained that they are proposing to connect into the sewer, by coming out of the building with a lateral at 2% slope for about 125 feet and connect into a manhole.  Due to the depth of the sewer, they are proposing to install an inside drop in the manhole.

Motion to approve the application as presented for proposed residential home located at 20 Pierce Road, South Windsor for connection to the Town's sewerage system; and as more specifically shown on plans entitled "Kathryn A. Miller, 20 Pierce Road, South Windsor, Connecticut"; prepared by Design Professionals, South Windsor, CT.; Sheet No.: 1 of 1, Job No.: 1761, Drawing No.: G:\jobs\1761\1761_base.dwg; dated: July 19, 2007, with Revision Dates: 9-13/07, 10-8-07; and subject to final technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.

Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Aries
Motion carried unanimously.

2.      The South Windsor Housing Authority & The Metro Realty Group -
        83 Gerber Road (Concept Approval)

Mr. Shaw's opening remarks stated that this project is being proposed in the eastern part of the town, southside of Kelly Road near the South Windsor/Vernon Town line.  It is a proposed development involving eighty eight (88) unit of independent elderly housing (rental).  The project adjacent to the Gerber Scientific property and, as currently designed, will connect to a private sewer line, then to the public sewer on Diane Drive.  The developer was interested in whether or not the Town will consider taking over the private sewer pipe on the Gerber property.  Mr. Shaw reviewed with the developer the following alternatives: (1) connection to existing private sewer with all appropriate easements in place (2) to pump northward to the South Windsor system on Kelly Road, and (3) a gravity system to the Vernon sewer system.  However, such connection would require amending the current Intertown Sewer Agreement with the Town of Vernon.  Mr. Shaw discussed this matter with the Director of the Water Pollution Control of Vernon, Mr. David Ignatowicz; Mr. Ignatowicz brought this proposal to the Vernon WPCA on October 25th.  With the agenda, a copy of the letter from the Vernon WPCA was included (see Exhibit A), which explains that the Town of Vernon is agreeable to amend the contract.  The applicant is looking for the conceptual approval for either of these alternatives.

Mr. Galen Semprebon and Attorney Ralph Alexander were in attendance this evening representing the applicant.  They both explained to the Authority that conceptually, they designed the plans with sewer going through the private easement within the Gerber Scienfitic property that ultimately drains down to Diane Drive.  However, they are currently reviewing options as to what will be the most feasible direction to pursue.  They have a time period in order for this project to be funded; therefore, they are requesting conceptual approval from the Authority to either connect to Vernon or to South Windsor, in case the time to amend the Intertown Agreement exceeds the time constraints imposed on the developer.

Answering questions from the Authority, Mr. Shaw explained that he has not discussed this matter with the Town Engineer; he was just looking at the feasibility of going into the direction of Vernon.  With no further questions, Chairman Carino stated that he has reservations about this development, and in order to avoid any conflicts in his opinion, he will abstain from voting in this application.

Motion to provide conditional and conceptual approval of proposed plans submitted by The South Windsor Housing Authority & The Metro Realty Group as presented for a sewer connection on Kelly Road, which would either flow into the South Windsor system or to the  Vernon sewer system; and as more specifically shown on plans entitled "The Hillstead, Site Plan/Special Exception/Resubdivision, 25 Gerber Road, South Windsor, Connecticut"; Prepared by Design Professionals, South Windsor, CT; Sheet No.: 5 of 11, "Utility Plan" Job No.: 2525, Drawing No.: 2525\2525_utilities.dwg, dated: October 5, 2007, with Revision Dates: 10-22-07.  This approval is subject to the following conditions: review and approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department, Planning and Zoning Commission, and Inland/Wetlands Commission.  Also, the Town of South Windsor W.P.C.A. agrees to pursue amendment to the current Intertown Sewer agreement with the Town of Vernon to permit the connection of this proposed project to the Vernon sewer system.

Motion was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The vote was as follow: 5-0 with one abstention (voted in favor: Mr. Aries, Mr. Deming, Mr. Havens, Jr., Mrs. Fletterick; Chairman Carino abstained.)

3.      Kelley Subdivision - 617 Clark Street (Approval to connect)

Mr. Galen Semprebon from Design Professionals, Inc., gave the specific about the plan.  This is a four lot single family home located at 617 Clark Street.  Presently there is an existing lot and a proposed 3 lot subdivision.  The applicant received approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) for the two rear lots; however, they will be going back to P&Z to obtain approval for the fourth lot.  As part of the WPCA application, the applicant is proposing a 247 foot of 8" pipe at 1% slope and 3 building sewers, two of which will be 6" building sewers at 2% slope and the third building sewer would be a force main from a private pump station.  Answering questions from the Authority, Mr. Semprebon stated that this is all private property and there will be easements for the utilities; no cleanouts are necessary.

Motion to approve the application as presented for connection to the Town's sewerage system of a proposed three lot subdivision located at 617 Clark Street, as more specifically shown on plans entitled "Kelley Subdivision, Subdivision Plan, 617 Clark Street, South Windsor, Connecticut"; Prepared by Design Professionals, South Windsor, CT; Sheet No.: 4 of 6, "Topographic Plan", Job No.: 2423, Drawing No.: G:\jobs\2423\Wetlands\2423_Topo PZ2.dwg; Dated: 8/22/07 with revision dates: 9/12/07, 9/27/07, and 10/29/07.  This approval is subject to the following conditions: (1) provide an external electrical outlet with proper transfer switch meeting all appropriate code requirements for the purpose of providing auxiliary power (generator); (2) a draft of a private easement between the property owners must be reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney; (3) final technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.

Motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mrs. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

4.      124 Long Hill Road (Approval to adjust User Charge billing for FY2007/2008

Mr. Shaw reported that the property owner requested a drain layers permit back in June; the permit ran beyond the 30 days of issuance and their project was not completed until August.  At that time the Engineering Department collected the prorated user fee from the resident for FY2007/2008.  The permit should have being closed after the 30 days of issuance by the Engineering Department, but it was not.  Therefore, this property was added to the sewer billing list in September for FY 2007/2008.  Mr. Shaw discussed this matter with the Engineering Department, and has determined that all the charges due to the Town were collected; Mr. Shaw requested approval to adjust the user charge billing otherwise the resident would have paid twice for FY 2007/2008.

Motion to approve the adjustment of 124 Long Hill Road User Charge from $264 to $0 for the FY2007/2008 user bill, in accordance with the Memorandum from Mr. Shaw dated November 2, 2007 (See Exhibit B.)

Motion was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mrs. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

Motion to add to the agenda Item C5 based on a Memorandum presented by Mr. Shaw regarding 75 Saginaw Street.

Motion was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously

5.      75 Saginaw Street (Approval to adjust User Charge billing for FY2007/2008)

The property owner of 75 Saginaw Street received approval by the Town back in 1994 to have an accessory apartment; ever since then she has been billed as a two- family unit.  The property owner reported to the Building Department that she had made some changes to make the property back into a single family home.  In 2005, the Building Department Inspector went out and did an inspection, and determined that these changes had been made, but never notified the Assessor's Office of such changes.  Recently, the Assessor went out to do an inspection and confirmed that this property is a single-family house; Mr. Shaw requested adjustment to the residential billing list FY2007/2008 from $528 to $264.

Motion to approve the adjustment of 74 Saginaw Street User Charge from $528 to $264 for the FY2007/2008 sewer bill, in accordance with the Memorandum from Mr. Shaw dated November 7, 2007 (See Exhibit C.)

Motion was made by Mr. Deming
Seconded by Mr. Aries
The motion carried unanimously

Motion to go back to Item B - Acceptance of Previous Minutes

Motion was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mrs. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously


1.      September 4, 2007, Regular Meeting

Motion to accept the minutes of September 4, 2007 - Regular meeting.

Motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mrs. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

2.      Minutes of 10-2-07, Regular Meeting

The following corrections were made to the Minutes of October 2, 2007:

On page 2: Item C1-1359 Main Street; Third paragraph: The sentence read as follows: "Mr. Havens, Jr. asked if there is any right way required…."  The word right way should be right of way.  Therefore, the sentence should read as follows:  "Mr. Havens, Jr. asked if there is any right of way required…"

On page 4: Item C4 - Lawrence Road Sewer Extension; Second paragraph, first sentence read as follows: "It is the consensus of the Authority the use of funds for I/I and manhole rehabilitation…"  It was requested to spell out the word I/I; therefore, the sentence should read as follows: "It is the consensus of the Authority the use of funds for Inflow/Infiltration and manholes rehabilitation…"

Motion to accept the minutes of October 2, 2007, with corrections being made.

Motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mrs. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Shaw reported that a Special Meeting will be scheduled for November 19th between the Town Council and the Authority to present the final design of the treatment plant improvements and also to discuss the different options available to fund this project.  Also, the Town will notify people of this meeting who have expressed concerns in the past concerning the odors and other things.




1.      1333 and 1343 Sullivan Avenue sewer connection

        Mr. Shaw will report on this item at a later meeting.

2.      FOG Compliance Report (Update)

        Attached to the agenda, is a letter from the Town Attorney concerning implementation of the FOG Program (See Exhibit D1).  Mr. Shaw explained to the Town Attorney that the problem areas were identified.  Mr. Shaw provided another letter (Exhibit D2).  In this letter, the Town Attorney included a draft letter for the Authority to send out to the restaurants that are still not in compliance.  He recommended that the Authority establish a single "drop-dead" (date of December 31, 2007) for all businesses.

        Based on the recommendations from the Town Attorney, there was a consensus to establish January 21, 2008 as the date for business owners to come into compliance with the FOG Regulation.

        The vote was as follows: 4-1

Aries: Yea
Carino: Yea
Deming: Nay
Fletterick: Yea
Havens: Yea

Mr. Shaw also stated that the Town Attorney made other recommendations, such as: (1) a simple change in the language between the Town ordinance and the 9.2 WPCA regulations concerning the penalties; (2) the Town code should also make reference to the FOG regulations.  

3.      Lawrence Road Sewer Extension (Update)

Mr. Shaw reported that a meeting was held with the residents of Lawrence Road on October 29th.  The Authority received a copy of the Agenda and map (see Exhibit E) that was provided to the residents to describe the extent of the roadwork and the sewer extension.  Mr. Shaw stated that a small area on Cliffwood Drive also needs the sewer extended.  During this meeting the residents were informed that the Town will be doing survey work, and they will need the residents' assistance in locating their wells in front of the property.  Mr. Shaw also stated that the design plans for the sewer and road will be done this winter; however, because of the combination of the two projects, the roadwork and the sewer work, the project may not begin until spring of 2009.



        Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m.

        Was made by Mr. Aries
        Seconded by Mr. Deming
        The motion carried unanimously

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Approved Date: December 4, 2007

Originally Posted: November 14, 2007