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WPCA Minutes, Regular Meeting 7/17/07


Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson, Frank Ferrero, Carol Fletterick, and Edward Havens, Jr.

Members Absent: Richard Aries, R. Max Scheller

Alternates Present:     Thomas Deming sitting in for Richard Aries

Alternates Absent:      Susan Rose

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control

Others: Karen Isherwood, Design Professionals, Inc.
                James Greeson - Strawberry Fields
                James Throwe, representing 124 Long Hill Road
                Cynthia Castillo, owner of 124 Long Hill Road

Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the July 17, 2007 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.


        June 5, 2007 Public Hearing

        Motion was made to accept the minutes of the Public Hearing on June 5, 2007 as presented.

        Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
        Seconded by Mr. Ferrero
        The motion carried unanimously

        Mr. Havens stated that he had some difficulty reading the minutes; therefore, he suggested postponing any actions until the next WPCA meeting.

A discussion ensued regarding the length of the minutes.  Chairman Carino stated that he noticed that the minutes were getting lengthier.  Mr. Dickinson suggested for the Recording Secretary to copy the minutes in a double-sided page format to conserve paper and space.

        Motion was made to postpone the approval of the June 5, 2007 regular meeting minutes until next meeting.

Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously


1.      Jay's Landscaping, 473 Sullivan Avenue (Approval to connect)

Ms. Isherwood from Design Professionals, Inc was in attendance representing Jay's Landscaping and their application for a proposed new building recently approved by Inland/Wetlands Commission and the Planning & Zoning Commission.  This project will consist of 1600 square feet of office space and 4800 square feet warehouse to the rear with 23 parking spaces.  Currently there is an existing manhole.  They are proposing one lateral from the office and a separate lateral discharging from the warehouse which has an underground oil/water separator.  The garage consists of three overhead doors.  Mr. Shaw recommended installation of a grit separator for the garage area in place of the proposed oil/water separator; Ms. Isherwood will modify the details on the plans to represent the grit separator.

Answering questions from the Authority, Ms. Isherwood reported that there will be no fertilizers stored in the property.  Also, there will be two bathrooms and the trucks will be maintained at the property.

Motion to approve the application as presented for connection to the Town's sewerage system of a proposed building located at 473 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, CT, as more specifically shown on plans entitled "Jay's Landscaping, LLC, Site Plan of Development/Special Exception, Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, CT"; Prepared by Design Professionals, Inc. South Windsor, CT: Sheet: 4 of 6, No. 2401: "Topographic Plan"; Dated: 5/04/07; and subject to the following conditions: (1) a grit separator must be installed for the garage area in place of proposed oil/water separator; (2) final technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.

Motion was made by Mr. Deming
Seconded by Mrs. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

2.      Webster Commons, 1678 & 1700 Ellington Road (Approval to connect)

Ms. Isherwood from Design Professionals, Inc. came before the Authority representing the application for Webster Commons, located at 1678 and 1700 Ellington Road.  She reported that this site is going to be a mixed use development.  All of the buildings to the rear are two stories; the first story is going to be retail/commercial with the second story being residential with a mix of one and two bedrooms units.  Building C is going to be a medical office building.  So, there is a total of 19,678 square feet of retail/commercial use; a total of 12 bedrooms for residential units, and a total of 3,993 square feet for the medical office building.

Currently, there is an existing gravity sewer within the roadway.  There are a total of three proposed manholes with 6 inch diameter pipes; the last pipe from the first manhole to the existing manhole will have the least slope of 1%.  Ms. Isherwood reported that she provided other calculations as requested and they were reviewed by

the Town Engineer.  She also reported that all of the drainage is underground retention.  There will be a single lateral connection to each of the buildings which will be handled internally.  The landlord will receive a single bill for the entire complex, and then he will pass the expense to each of the tenants.

Mr. Shaw stated that for the purposes of determining a sewer user charge, MDC should provide a single water meter for the entire project.  Ms. Isherwood stated that they don't have a single water meter shown on the plans, but she will pursue it with the MDC and then modify the plans to include the single meter.

Motion to approve the application for Webster Commons at 1678 & 1700 Ellington Road, South Windsor, CT; for connection to the Town sewerage system; as more specifically shown on plans entitled "Webster Commons, Site Plan, 1678 & 1700 Ellington Road, South Windsor, CT"  Prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT: Sheet No.:4 of 9, Job No.:1345 "Topographic Plan", Dated: 2-20-07 with revision dates of: 4/12/07 and 3/29/07; also Sheet No.:6 of 9 "Details", Dated: 2/20/07 with revision dates of 7/12/07, 4/23/07, 4/18/07, 4/12/07, and 3/29/07.  This motion is subject to the following conditions: (1) MDC should provide a single water meter for the entire project for the purposes of determining a sewer use charge; (2) final technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.

Motion was made by Mr. Deming
Seconded by Mr. Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously

3.      Strawberry Fields (Approval to share a sewer lateral between two units)

Mr. Ferrero recused himself from this application because he is a member of the association.

Mr. Shaw gave opening remarks and explained that this project was previously approved by the Authority.  Ms. Isherwood from Design Professionals, Inc. explained the project; she reported that this building was intended to have five units.  However, a change order was approved to reduce this building size to 4 units.  The revised building plans for proposed units #1001, 1002, 1003, and 1004 show that each unit has their own individual lateral tying into the main line; Units 1002, 1003, and 1004 have been connected to the sewer mainline.  During the middle of construction for this building, the contractor was unable to find the lateral for unit 1001 and there was a potential conflict with an underground gas line.  Therefore, they are seeking approval to be able have a common use of a sewer lateral between units 1001 and 1002.  This will be a 6" diameter pipe with a 5% pitch on the lateral.

Answering questions from the Authority, Ms. Isherwood responded that this is a private site; and therefore, the association has full responsibility for maintaining the lateral share.

Mr. James Greeson, President of the Association, was in attendance and showed concern as to whether sharing a lateral will increase the risk of any problems with the maintenance of the lateral.  Chairman Carino and Mr. Shaw responded no, that it will not increase any problems, however, it needs to be understood that any problems with the sewer will be full responsibility of the association.

Motion to approve the common use of a sewer lateral between units 1001 and 1002 for Strawberry Fields, as more specifically shown on plans entitled "Sullivan Town Homes, LLC., Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, CT" Prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT: Sheet No.: 1 of 1, Job No.: 1280 "Strawberry Fields Progress As-Built", Dated 11/19/02 with revision dates of 1/24/03, 4/29/03, 6/6/03, 8/20/03, 8/25/03, 10/20/03, 12/3/03, 12/24/03, 4/27/04, 4/28/07, 9/13/04, 9/28/05, 12/13/05, 4/3/06, and 5/2/06.  This motion is subject to the following condition: (1) final technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.

Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mrs. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

4.      124 Long Hill Road (Approval to Connect)

Mr. Shaw gave opening remarks and explained that this is a residential unit south of Chapel Road and to the west of Long Hill Road; they are currently connected into two septic systems shown on the plan prepared by the contractor (Exhibit A).  This property is close to the cross-country sewer line that comes off of Chapel Road.  The system has not failed yet, but the property owner, because of the number of the people living in the house, feels that it will fail soon.  So, rather than wait for the problem to occur, they want to connect to the sewer.  There is no lateral provided to that particular house; therefore, the contractor will need to install a lateral.

Mr. James Throwe was in attendance to represent the application; he reported that they will be connecting to the existing manhole.  The intent is to come across with two separate pipes.

Mr. Shaw informed the contractor to make sure that there is a distance of 25 feet between the pipe and the well in order to comply with the health regulations.  He suggested that the contractor discuss this matter with the Town Sanitarian Mr. Robert Deptula.

Motion to accept the connection to the Town sewerage system for the existing residential property located at 124 Long Hill Road, South Windsor, Connecticut as presented in Drawing Exhibit A.  The motion was subject to the following conditions: (1) connection must meet all health regulations; (2) final technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.

Motion was made Mr. Ferrero
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously

5.      729 John Fitch Blvd. (Approval to remove from Sewer User List)

Mr. Shaw reported that connection of this property to the sewer was previously approved by the Authority.  Mr. Shaw did a site inspection and it was confirmed that they are not connected yet; eventually they will make the connection to the Town sewerage system.  Therefore, Mr. Shaw recommended that this property be removed from the Sewer User List.

Motion to remove 729 John Fitch Blvd. from the Sewer User List as recommended by Mr. Shaw.

Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously

6.      Lawrence Road (Sewer Extension)

Mr. Shaw reported that he had met with the Director of the Public Works Department and the Street Services Division regarding the reconstruction of Lawrence Road.  The road pavement and drainage system are in poor condition; there is also a history of poor septic systems in this area (see Exhibit B).  The construction cost estimate is $375,000.  Mr. Shaw reported that the sewer installation will be funded by the Authority and the road reconstruction will be funded by the Public Works Department.

Chairman Carino requested Mr. Shaw to provide to the Authority with the total cost of the project, the Authority total responsibility cost on the sewer, and how much of the sewer responsibility will be recovered through the assessment process.  Mr. Shaw will provide the requested information at the next WPCA meeting.

To get a consensus to be in favor of going on with the Lawrence Road reconstruction and contribute the responsibility of putting in sewers, a roll call vote was done.  The vote was as follows:

Chairman Carino Yea
Thomas Deming   Yea
Robert Dickinson        Yea
Frank Ferrero           Yea
Carol Fletterick                Yea
Ed Havens, Jr.          Yea

7.      Exxon Mobile, 249 Oakland Road (Approval to discharge treated groundwater to sanitary sewer)

Mr. Shaw distributed a copy of the "Material Management Plan" presented by GES, the Mobil Station consultant (see Exhibit C1 Page 1-3; and Exhibit C2); he reported that their plan is to remove the underground storage tanks and excavate gasoline contaminated soil; the excavation will be approximately 15 feet below grade.  There will be some ground water that will be treated and discharged into the Town sewer system.  They will also try to limit any further contamination beyond this area; and they will clean the ground water discharge into the sewer system at a rate of about 4 gallons per minute.  Mr. Shaw also stated that this process could take up to three years to complete.

Answering questions from the Authority, Mr. Shaw responded that the Chemical Spill Division of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is involved with this project, and will be monitoring the site.  Also, the Town staff will have periodically meetings with the Exxon Mobile representatives and their consultant, GES.

Motion to approve the Exxon Mobile discharge treated groundwater to the sanitary sewer.

Motion was made by Mr. Deming
Seconded by Mr. Havens, Jr.

Further discussion ensued, Mr. Shaw recommended limiting the approval time to one year because the consultant has indicated that it might take only a year, but could also take up to three years.  The Authority agreed and the motion was modified as follows:

Motion to approve for a period of one year the Exxon Mobile discharge of treated groundwater to the sanitary sewer.

Motion was made by Mr. Deming
Seconded by Mr. Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Shaw reported that he received a phone call from the Director of Human Resources, she stated that she was approached by the Union inquiring as to whether or not the meeting schedule can be changed from 7:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  This is because there are Union members who wish to start the meeting at an earlier time so that they get home early.

Chairman Carino stated that he does not have any problem with doing that; however, he wants a consensus from every member of the Authority.  He stated that it will be discussed with those that are in absence.  To get a consensus in favor of changing the meeting time from 7:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. a roll call vote was done.  The vote was as follows:

Chairman Carino Yea
Thomas Deming   Yea
Robert Dickinson        Yea
Frank Ferrero           Yea
Carol Fletterick                Yea
Ed Havens, Jr.          Yea




        1.      1333 and 1343 Sullivan Avenue sewer connection

                This item will be postponed until next meeting.



        Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m.

        Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
        Seconded by Mr. Deming
        The motion carried unanimously

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Originally Posted: July 24, 2007

Date Approved: September 4, 2007