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WPCA Minutes, Regular Meeting 5/1/07
Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson, Frank Ferrero, Carol Fletterick, Edward Havens, Jr., and R. Max Scheller

Members Absent: Richard Aries

Alternates Present:     Thomas Deming sitting in for Richard Aries; and Susan Rose

Alternates Absent:      

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control

Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the May 1, 2007 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.


April 3, 2007

Mr. Deming stated that the Roll Call was wrong, because there were people absent listed as present.  Mr. Aries and Ms. Fletterick should be listed as absent.  The minutes also should reflect that Mr. Deming was sitting in for Mr. Aries, and Ms. Rose was sitting in for Ms. Fletterick.

Chairman Carino stated that on page 3, 4th paragraph, Chairman Carino suggested for the Recording Secretary to review the recorded meeting of April 3, 2007 to better specify what was said at this meeting.

Also, on Page 6, Item 2 the word server is listed many times, it should be sewer.

Motion to approve the minutes subject to correcting those items that were discussed this evening.

Was made by Mr. Ferrero
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously


1.      487 Foster Street – Deferred Benefit Assessment (Town Attorney written opinion)

Mr. Shaw reported that this property was originally owned by Mr. Juknis’ father, who paid the sewer assessment for 477 Foster Street.  Mr. Juknis came to the Water Pollution Control Authority to obtain approval to connect to the sewers the new 1st lot created as a result of a subdivision approval.  The approval was conditional upon paying an assessment fee.  Mr. Juknis later objected to the condition, and there was an exchange of correspondence.  A copy of these correspondences was previously sent with the agenda for review by the Authority (see Exhibit A1 and A2.)  The Town Attorney has reviewed this matter and his decision was that this property owner is subject to a benefit assessment (see Exhibit A3.)  Based on the response that the Authority received from the Town Attorney, Mr. Shaw will write a letter to Mr. Juknis informing him of the Water Pollution Control Authority decision.  Mr. Shaw was also asking approval to pursue the benefit assessments for property located at 487 Foster Street.

Motion to pursue the benefit assessments for property at 487 Foster Street with the calculated amount according to the Water Pollution Control Authority regulations.

Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously

2.      Adjustments to Industrial/Commercial User Charges Billing List for FY2006/2007

Mr. Shaw indicated that he received the corrected flow figures from the water companies (MDC and CWS) for 339 Chapel Road and 1 South Satellite Road (see Exhibit B).  Apparently they submitted the wrong flows the first time for 339 Chapel Road; it should be 31, 416 gallons; therefore, the property owner should have been billed $240 not $2,947.97.  Also, 1 South Satellite should be 96, 492 gallons not 300,070 gallons; therefore, the property owner should have been billed $249.01 not $774.45.

Mr. Shaw also indicated that there was also a problem with the MUNIS bills that went out this year.  This is the second year that the Town used the new computer system to send out commercial bills, and apparently when the bills went out this year, the bills did not indicate the flow figures.  Mr. Shaw is asking for approval of the adjustments to the Industrial/Commercial User Charges Billing List.

Motion to approve the adjustments to Industrial/Commercial User Charges Billing List for FY2006/2007, in accordance with the memorandum from Mr. Shaw dated May 1, 2007 (see Exhibit B).

Motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

3.      Establish Sewer User Charges and Benefit Assessment Rates for FY 2007/2008

A discussion ensued regarding the Comparative Statement of Estimated Revenue and Expenditures Alternatives, which is used to make projections of revenues and expenditures in the future.  The projection of an 8% increase rate was discussed last year (Exhibit C1a, C1b).  The alternative is a 10% increase rate per year over the next eight years (see Exhibit C2a, C2b).  Mr. Shaw reported that in the time since he presented to the Authority the projection of 8% increase, the consulting engineers updated their estimate of probable construction cost from $25 million to $35.2 million.  The 10% rate increases is made under the assumption that the Town will be able to get a grant from the state which will cover 23% of sewer plant construction cost.  Also, when he made these projections, he looked at “what if scenarios.”  He considered what the Town will need to be able to meet their future debt service obligations.

Answering questions from Mr. Deming, Mr. Shaw responded that the capacity of the treatment plant has not been increased.  The original plant design is sufficient to handle the future growth of the Town for the next twenty plus years.

Mr. Havens, Jr. asked if the items listed on the projections are mandated by the state.  Mr. Shaw responded yes; the Town is trying to achieve mandated regulations by the state.  The state requires treating wastewater; also, there is a requirement for nitrogen removal.  Mr. Shaw indicated that the Department of Environmental Protection extended the opportunity to the Town of South Windsor to preserve grant eligibility while proceeding with the construction of the treatment plant upgrade.  However, the Town must request a deviation from Clean Water Fund regulations in order for DEP to review the design plans.  The consensus of the Authority was to request a deviation so as to keep the project moving forward while maintaining grant eligibility.  Therefore, Mr. Shaw suggested the Authority have a meeting with the Town Council to further discuss this matter.

Mr. Shaw also discussed the revenues for assessments in the septic dumping fees.  Mr. Shaw recommended an increase by 2.1%.

Motion to present for purposes of a public hearing the proposed increase rate of user charges by 10%.

Motion was made by Mr. Deming
Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
The motion failed

Chairman Carino further discussed Mr. Shaw’s recommendations for the public hearing.  Mr. Dickinson suggested having a higher increase on the septic dumping fees; therefore, a brief discussion ensued and it was decided that Mr. Shaw will propose an increase of approximately to or equal to 2.1%.  A copy of the legal notice with the recommended figures will be sent to the Authority for review.  Should any member have a strong objection to the numbers, they can request a special meeting for further discussion; otherwise, it will be presented at the public hearing.

Motion was made to present for purposes of a public hearing the proposed increase of the assessment schedule by approximately 2.1%, and increase the rate of user charges by 10%, from $240.00 to $264.00 as recommended by Mr. Shaw (see Exhibit C2-C4).

Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously

4.      Set time and date for Public Hearing

Motion to schedule the WPCA Public Hearing for Tuesday, June 5, 2007 at 7:00 pm.

Motion was made by Mr. Deming
Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Shaw reported that the Town has pursued the course of litigation with the Maguire Group – the Town’s consulting engineer for the odor control project.  The Town has hired an engineering firm that made recommendations and prepared the design plans for provision of an odor control system design.  Unfortunately, it didn’t work.  The Town Attorney is now in the process of pursuing a complaint for damages.

Chairman Carino asked Mr. Shaw what will happen with the status or ownership of the pumping station located on Benedict Drive, now that the Avery Heights Water Company is going to be served by the Connecticut Water Company.

Mr. Shaw responded that the Town is working with Avery Heights Water Company, which is willing to donate the entire property to the Town.  The Town has visited the site, and is in the process of preparing a report and completing Phase I Environment site assessment.  Mr. Shaw is meeting with the Town engineers to discuss the items that need to be done at this site.




1.      1333 and 1343 Sullivan Avenue sewer connection

Mr. Shaw will report on this item at a later meeting.



Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m.

        Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
        Seconded by Mr. Deming
        The motion carried unanimously

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary