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WPCA Minutes, Regular Meeting 3/6/07

Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson, Carol Fletterick, R. Max Scheller, Richard Aries, Edward Havens, Jr.

        Members Absent: Frank Ferrero

        Alternates Present:     Susan Rose at the start and Thomas Deming sitting in for Frank Ferrero

        Alternates Absent:      

        Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control

        Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the March 6, 2007 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.

        1.      February 6, 2007

Motion to approve the minutes with corrections of the Regular Meeting of February 6, 2007

Under New Business, the last paragraph on page 1 reads, “The ambulance bay has trench bays…”, which should read, “The ambulance bay has trench drains…”.

Motion was made by Edward Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Richard Aries
The motion carried unanimously

A motion to approve the minutes of the Public Hearing was not specifically on the Agenda.  

Motion to add the minutes of the Public Hearing of February 6, 2007 to the Agenda as B. 2.

Motion was made by Richard Aries
Seconded by R. Max Scheller
The motion carried unanimously

2.              February 6, 2007 Public Hearing

Motion to approve the minutes of the Public Hearing of February 6, 2007

Motion was made by Joseph Carino
Seconded by Richard Aries
The motion carried unanimously

        1.      Chinese Baptist Church of Greater Hartford, King Street (approval to connect)

Mr. Shaw gave opening remarks and explained that this particular project is located near the East Hartford, South Windsor Town line.  Certain areas are served by the MDC system in East Hartford.  There is an area along Main Street and an area along Burnham Street that are within the Inter-Town Agreements.  This particular site is in between and not currently within the Inter-Town Agreements.  The MDC has agreed to conduct talks and amend the contract to include this area, if the Town of South Windsor chooses.  

Mr. Shaw was asked, what would happen if this can not happen? He explained that there are other options that would include onsite subsurface disposal.

Mr. Jeff Scala, an Engineer from Garg Consulting Services explained what has to be done to bring sewerage to this location.  Since this is a non-profit organization, they are looking to do this by using the shortest and cheapest direction.  He explained that the 400 feet that would be extended, would be paid for by the applicant.  

Both the Engineer and Mr. Shaw stated that they feel that in the past MDC has been in favor of this type of connection and that there should be no problem as long as the contract is modified.

Mr. Scala also pointed out that there are a few potential houses along the 400 feet, but at this point, they are not looking to connect those.

Mr. Shaw explained that they could have the modified contract by the next meeting.  Mr. Scala discussed how the Church is currently in the fundraising stage and it could be approximately 4 months, but they are trying to get everything in order.

Chairman Carino stated that they could make a motion contingent upon satisfactory contract from The MDC and South Windsor based on approval by the Town’s legal counsel.  

There was discussion regarding the grease detention that would be needed with use of a kitchen.

There was a concern with approving this motion without knowing the proper size of the pipes that are going to be used.

Mr. Aries made a motion to approve the applicants request to connect, conditioned upon the approval by East Hartford and The MDC as well as the review and approval of the grease separation system by our Town’s Staff.

After a brief discussion, Mr. Shaw also stated that this will be approved based upon the Town Attorney’s review of the draft.

Motion to approve the connection of the Chinese Baptist Church of Greater Hartford conditional upon amendment of the Sewer Agreement between the Town and The MDC and Town Staff approval of the method of grease interception

Motion made by Richard Aries
Seconded by Robert Dickinson
The motion was carried unanimously

        2.      Graham Road Re-subdivision (approval to connect)

Ms. Karen Isherwood explained where the location is.  She explained that they are going to be tying into the existing sanitary sewer main that is located in Graham Road, there is an existing lateral located at the common drive, which they will be tying into for the rear 1 acre lot (Lot 3).  The furnished Lots 1 and 2 are .49 acres and. 46 acres, which will all have their own private gravity feed, 6 inch laterals, and they all will have basement service.  Lot 3 will have an easement over Lots 1 and 2.  

Mr. Shaw stated that the Town Attorney will have to review the easement agreement.  He also said that there will probably be sewer assessments.  

Ms. Isherwood also explained that there is a frontage just over 5 feet and that it was granted a variance to the frontage, so it is not technically a rear lot, they are three traditional lots.  

Motion to approve connection of the 3 lot Graham Road Re-Subdivision, subject to the Town Attorney approval of the easement agreement

Motion made by Ed Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Thomas Deming
The motion was unanimously approved

        3.      1333 Sullivan Avenue (Approval to add to Commercial User Billing List)

Mr. Shaw explained how 1343 Sullivan Avenue use to be a single ownership, but now it is two condos (1343 and 1333) with separate addresses, but on the same parcel.  1333 is the child care center and 1343 is going to be a law office.  1333 needs to be added to the billing list.  

There is concern with having two separate owners of each commercial condo and having both connected to the same single pipe and where the liability lies.  Mr. Shaw will check on how they are connected.  There is currently only one water meter, but there will need to be a second one added.

Chairman Carino said that he will not approve this unless a satisfactory resolution of an agreement between the two property owners stating that they either independently or jointly will be responsible for that sewer line out to the street.  If they don’t want to do that, then they will have to have the other one put another pipe in.  Mr. Dickinson agreed.

Mr. Shaw explained that they want to add 1333 to the commercial billing list so that they can be billed for last fiscal year, because 1343 was taken off the billing list because it wasn’t occupied, but they discovered that there was a flow that was coming from 1333.  This will allow the Town to bill 1333 for last fiscal year and this fiscal year.  

Chairman Carino stated again, the idea that assuming that there is a single pipe, he thinks that this group should not approve it without the condition that there is some kind of agreement that states that the owners are solely responsible for that single pipe.

The idea was brought up that by not adding them, it is delaying the Town from billing them.  It was decided that this needs to be brought to the Town Attorney.

Chairman Carino said that the vote is based a separate line for 1333 and that Mr. Shaw will check with the Town Attorney to see what should be required.

Motion to add 1333 Sullivan Avenue to the commercial utility billing list, subject to confirmation of connection to a single lateral

Motion made by Richard Aries
Seconded by Thomas Deming
The motion was unanimously carried

        4.      Pollution Control Budget FY 2007/2008 (approval)

Mr. Shaw gave an explanation of the changes.  He explained that a big portion of the increase is for an additional position at the Treatment Plant and why this position is needed.  He also explained that the second biggest increase in the budget is in terms of the electrical costs.  He continued to go over the proposed budget, which is attached as Exhibit A.  

The policy for resurfacing roads in regard to how manholes are handled, was discussed.

Mr. Aries asked a question regarding Debt Services.  Mr. Shaw said that it was anticipated.

Motion to approve the Pollution Control Budget for FY 2007/2008

Motion made by Robert Dickenson
Seconded by Thomas Deming
The motion was unanimously carried

Later in the meeting Mr. Shaw explained that approximately $48,000 for debt service for the Pleasant Valley Pump Station was inadvertently left out of the proposed budget and needs to be put back in.  

Chairman Carino suggested that a motion be made to accept this proposal with the understanding that there will be an additional amount for debt service for the Pleasant Valley Pump Station.

Motion to amend Pollution Control Budget FY 2007/2008 to include debt service for the Pleasant Valley Pump Station

Motion made by Carol Fletterick
Seconded by Robert Dickinson
Motion was unanimously carried

        5.      Industrial/Commercial User Charges FY2006/2007 (approval to bill)

Mr. Shaw stated that they usually send the list out with the agenda, but it was incomplete, it is attached as Exhibit B.  He said that the bills usually go out in late March with an April 1 due date, so it is time sensitive.  He explained that some of the readings are lower than they were last year, so they have asked the water company to go back and check those readings to make sure that they are accurate.  

Mr. Shaw said that he would like the approval to bill these figures, but if the water company comes back with different figures he would like to be allowed to use the updated figures, this way there does not have to be a special meeting.  

Chairman Carino asked for a motion to approve this list with the understanding that there may be a few questionable readings that are now being investigated, but the majority of the list is acceptable as is.  Time is running short and the billing is mandatory, so he is asking for a motion to approve this with that understanding.  He also asked that Mr. Shaw come back to them indicating an items that were adjusted.

Motion to approve for billing the Industrial/Commercial User Charges 2006/2007, and subject to confirming water consumption reading for several accounts; any changes in flow will be reported at the next meeting

Motion made by Robert Dickinson
Seconded by Edward Havens, Jr.
Motion was unanimously carried

        6.      Collection of Outstanding Sewer Charges – 1562 Main Street (Town Attorney Legal Opinion)

Mr. Shaw discussed the legal opinion (attached as Exhibit C) that was received from Attorney Forsyth concerning the issue that was raised by a multi family unit at 1562 Main Street when they received a bill for back fees from when they were being billed as a single family unit.  

Motion to bill 1562 Main Street $841.00

Motion made by Edward Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Thomas Deming
Motion was unanimously carried

Mr. Shaw had raised the issue of precedence, which was discussed by various members.  Chairman Carino suggested that the Motion be modified to state that the motion to bill 1562 Main Street $841 is due to unique circumstances of the fact that the owner only owned this property for 2 years.

Motion to modify the original motion

Motion made by Edward Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Fletterick
Motion was unanimously carried

Motion to approve the modified motion

Motion made by Edward Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Fletterick
Motion was unanimously carried

Mr. Shaw discussed the packages that are prepared to go out to restaurants in Town on the FOG program.  He discussed having the compliance time be 60 days.  That would allow them the opportunity to come before the WPCA to ask for an extension.  

Mr. Aries asked Mr. Shaw to provide them with a draft of the letter before they get sent out.

E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda)


Mr. Shaw discussed a letter that was received by a property owner objecting to a back buried lot that was going to be assessed that is on subdivided property on Foster Street.  The letter has been forwarded to the Town Attorney for review and will hopefully have an opinion before the next meeting.

Chairman Carino discussed how important it is to attend these meetings.



Motion was made to adjourn the meeting  at 9:05 p.m.

        Was made by Edward Havens, Jr.
        Seconded by Thomas Deming
        The motion was carried unanimously

Vanessa Perry
Acting Recording Secretary

Attmts:  Exhibits A, B, and C