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WPCA Minutes, 4/4/06 Regular Meeting
Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Frank Ferrero, Carol Fletterick, Ed Havens, Jr., and Richard Scheller

Members Absent: Richard Aries, Robert Dickinson

Alternates Present:     

Alternates Absent:      Susan Rose

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control

Others Present: Karen Isherwood, Design Professionals, Inc.

Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

Chairman Carino welcomed the two new members to the Authority, Mr. Frank Ferrero and Mr. Richard Scheller.


Motion was made to postpone approval of the March 7, 2006 minutes until the next WPCA meeting.

Was made by Chairman Carino
Seconded by Mr. Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously


1.      AMK Welding (approval to connect)

Karen Isherwood from Design Professionals, Inc. was present to represent AMK Welding.  This is an existing building located in the industrial zone on Sullivan Avenue, east of Patria Road.  They are seeking to build an addition, to provide space for manufacturing purposes with a small office space and a bathroom facility.  Currently they have an existing sanitary sewer lateral that ties into the Patria Road manhole, but would not serve the building addition.  Therefore, they are requesting approval for separate connection of the proposed addition to an existing lateral located on Sullivan Avenue.  They are proposing an access easement in favor of the Town of South Windsor for monitoring purposes at the proposed manhole on the property.

The Authority was concerned whether this application of double connection will generate two separate billings.  Mr. Shaw stated that there should be no discrepancy at the time of billing.

Motion to accept Item C-1 – the application for AMK Welding for the connection to the Town’s sewerage system for commercial property located at 283 Sullivan Avenue, as more specifically shown on plans entitled “AMK Welding, Division of Dynamic Materials Corporation, Site Plan, 283 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, Connecticut; Prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT; Job No.: 1650, Drawing No.: Jobs/1650/1650-2.DWG, Sheet No.: 2/4, Dated 2-10-06 with Revision Dates: 3-9-06, 3-16-06; also Drawing No.: Jobs/1650/1650-3.DWG , Sheet No.: 3/4, Dated 1-31-06 with Revision Date: 3-9-06”; and subject to the following stipulation: an easement must be obtained and be reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney allowing the Town access to the property for monitoring purposes.

Motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

At this point, Karen Isherwood from Design Professionals, Inc. discussed Item C-3- Our Savior Lutheran Church (approval to connect.)

3.      Our Savior Lutheran Church (approval to connect)

Karen Isherwood from Design Professionals was present representing Our Savior Lutheran Church.  This is an existing building located on 239 Graham Road.  They are planning to complete a large expansion, adding a kitchen and two bathrooms facilities.  The purpose for this application is to abandon the existing septic system, and tie into the existing lateral located in Aroda Drive.  They are proposing a 500 gallon grease separator to service the new kitchen.  The proposed slope is greater than 5% slope.  Also, they are proposing two cleanouts.

The Authority expressed concern for the size of the grease separator.  The engineer stated that a 500 gallon is sufficient to handle all flows and will meet the Town rules and regulations.  Mr. Shaw stated that the requirement is for a 24 hour detention period.  Therefore, Mr. Shaw believes that a 1000 gallon will be sufficient for those flows estimated for the kitchen facility.  However, plans presented to the Authority showed only a standard size grease separator.  Therefore, Ms. Isherwood, the applicant’s Engineer, agreed to install a 1000 gallon separator.  If she decides that it is sufficient to reduce the size of the tank from 1000 gallon to a 500 gallon tank, she must provide calculations to justify the size of the interceptor.  The final plans to be submitted to the Engineering Department must reflect the size of the grease interceptor.

Motion to accept the application submitted by Our Savior Lutheran Church located at 239 Graham Road, to connect to the Town’s sewerage system; as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Our Savior Lutheran Church, Site Plan, Graham Road, South Windsor, Connecticut; Prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT, Job No.: 880, Drawing No.:/880-s.dwg, Sheet No.: 4/6 “Topographic Plan” Dated: 1-4-06, with Revision Date 3-10-06; Sheet No.: 5/6 “Landscape Plan” Dated: 1-4-06, with Revision Date: 3-10-06; and Sheet No.: 6/6 “Details” Dated 1-4-06 with no revision dates.”  With the condition that a system with an adequately sized grease separator must be provided.  Should the applicant’s Engineer decide or find that it is sufficient to reduce the size of the tank from 1000 gallon to a 500 gallon tank, the engineer must provide calculations to Mr. Shaw to justify the size of the interceptor.

Motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

At this point the Authority discussed Item C-2/Castro Subdivision/Resubdivision (Approval to connect).

2.      Castro Subdivision/Resubdivision (approval to connect)

Mr. Shaw reported that this item has not been approved by Planning and Zoning Commission.  It was placed on the agenda inadvertently; therefore, it should be postponed.

Motion to postpone any actions on Item C-2, Castro Subdivision/Resubdivision.

Motion was made by Ms. Fletterick
Seconded by Mr. Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously

4.      239 Lawrence Road (approval to connect)

Mr. Shaw reported that this is a single family house on Lawrence Road that the owners want to be connected to the sewer.  The applicant’s Engineer has proposed a pressure system; he wants to bring the pressure line through the right of way.  The Town’s Engineer has concerns because it comes close to a number of utilities poles and catch basins.  This item was placed on the agenda in the anticipation that the applicant’s engineer would provide plans satisfying the concerns of the Town’s Engineer.  Mr. Shaw met with the property owners before this meeting, and explained the situation to them.  He showed them the letter of the Town’s Engineer concerns, so they understood what their engineer needs to do to complete the plans to Town staff satisfaction.  Mr. Shaw requested to postpone any actions on this application due to the fact that the plans were incomplete.

Motion to remove Item C-4, 239 Lawrence Road from the Agenda, and be added to the subsequent Agenda.

Motion was made by Ms. Fletterick
Seconded by Mr. Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously

5.      1527 Sullivan Avenue (approval to remove from sewer billing list)

Mr. Shaw reported that the property owner had taken out a permit to connect to sewer.  He extended the building sewer unto his property, but never connected to the house.  The Engineering Division has indicated that in processing the paper work it was added to the billing list in error.  For the past two years the property owner has being charged for sewer user fees, although the property was not connected to the sewer.  Mr. Shaw is satisfied that the property is not connected (as supported by Engineering inspection reports) to the sewer, and that this address should be removed from the sewer billing list.

Motion to remove 1527 Sullivan Avenue from the sewer billing list.

Motion was made by Ms. Fletterick
Seconded by Mr. Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Shaw gave a brief summary of the Clean Water Fund to fully inform the two new members of the Authority.

Chairman Carino stated that at the last WPCA meeting, adjustments of the user charge for 1235 Sullivan Avenue were approved.  However, the motion was made with a condition; therefore, it does not come under Unfinished Business.  The condition was that there will be adjustments of the user charge to $0, if the Building Department provides reasonable proof that there is a demolition permit prior to July 1st, 2005 and demolition was within the first six months.  If the Building Department does not provide such information, the property owner will be charged for half of the year in the amount of $111.00.  Mr. Shaw reported that the Town Chief Building Inspector did provided information stating that the demolition was completed on May 2005.  Therefore, the adjustments of the user charge will be $0 balance for the sewer user bill for property located at 1235 Sullivan Avenue.  No motion is needed at this time because is been conditional approved at the last WPCA meeting.

Chairman Carino briefly reported that the General Manager for the Shops at Evergreen Walk attended the last Economic Development Commission meeting.  The General Manager commented that they are proposing new buildings with various restaurants and supported shops on the first floor.  They are proposing apartments on the second floor with the concept that the people who work there would live in these apartments.  She also commented that within this development, they are planning to lease a building to the Town of South Windsor for town use.  A question was raised as to whether the treatment plant would be able to handle the flow that would be generated from this development.  It was stated that the flow requirements of this whole area would be met by the existing trunk sewer line.

E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda)



1.      Secretary – Water Pollution Control Authority

Mr. Shaw reported that a public hearing was held on June 1, 2004 proposing changes to rules and regulations which included the revised duties of the WPCA Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary (see Chronology of the Secretary Exhibit A.)  At the regular meeting following the public hearing, the adoption of the rules and regulations was postpone until opinion could be obtained from the Town Attorney on a separate matter.  It was not until December 7, 2004, when those revisions proposed on June 1, 2004, were finally adopted by the Water Pollution Control Authority (see Chronology of the Secretary, Exhibit C).  Hence, there is a Secretary position that should be voted on by members of the Water Pollution Control Authority.

A request was made by Chairman Carino such that if a WPCA member is interested in being considered for the position of Secretary.  They should express their interest at the next WPCA meeting.



Motion to adjourn at 8:40 p.m.

        Was made by Mr. Ferrero
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Date Approved: July 18, 2006