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WPCA Regular Meeting Minutes- 10/4/05
Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Richard Aries, Robert Dickinson, Carol Fletterick, Timothy Moriarty.

Members Absent: Edward Havens, Jr.

Alternates Present:     Susan Rose

Alternates Absent:

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
        Town Attorney Barry Guliano

Others Present: Galen B. Semprebron, Design Professionals, Inc.
Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the October 4, 2005 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.

At this time, Chairperson Carino asked the Authority to discuss Item C - New Business.

Motion to move to Item C2 - New Business

Was made by Mr. Moriarty
Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously


The Authority will discuss Item C-2 first, due to the absence of the applicant for C1.

2.      Juknis Subdivision, 477 Foster Street (approval to connect)

This is a subdivision of an existing residential lot.  Mr. Galen B. Semprebron from Design Professionals was present to represent the applicant for a proposed sewer lateral to be connected to the Foster Street lateral with a minimum slope at 2%.  This project has not been approved yet by the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Motion to approve the connection to the Town’s sewerage system for Juknis Subdivision, located at 477 Foster Street, South Windsor, CT, as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Thomas S. Juknis ET. AL., Resubdivision/Special Exception, 477 Foster Street, South Windsor, Connecticut”, Prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT, Job No. 2120, Drawing No. 2120-2&3.dwg, Sheet No. 3/3, Dated 08/03/05, and subject to the Planning and Zoning Commission approval.

Was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

3.      280 Sullivan Avenue – (approval to relocate monitoring manhole)

Mr. Galen B. Semprebron from Design Professionals was present to represent the applicant for the relocation of the monitoring manhole.  Mr. Shaw stated that this project previously approved by the Authority for connection to a monitoring manhole in the right of way.  However, there were conflicts with the water main, and gas line, therefore, the owner is requesting permission to be able to relocate the monitoring manhole to avoid conflicts with utilities.  Mr. Shaw recommends the contractor obtain a new permit at no additional charge from the Town.  An easement signed by the owner is also required prior to issuance of the permit.

Motion to approve the relocation of the monitoring manhole as presented, for 280 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled “280 Sullivan Ave, LLC, 280-302 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, CT”, Prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT; Job No. 1581, Drawing No. 1581A(SH#), Sheet No. 3/4 “Topographic Plan”, Dated 3/7/02, with revision dates: 8/05/02, 10/03/05; subject to an easement allowing the Town access to manhole for monitoring purposes.  The easement must be executed and submitted to the Town before issuance of the permit.

Was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

4.      Town of Vernon – Nitrogen Reduction
5.      Feasibility Study – (Authorization to expend $640.00)

At this time, Mr. Shaw discussed item C4 and C5 together.  Mr. Shaw reported that the Town of Vernon is doing a feasibility study for nitrogen removal requirements relative to upgrading the Treatment Plants.  The Town of Vernon has selected an engineer to do a feasibility study to evaluate and recommend modifications necessary to meet the State DEP’s requirements.  Mr. Shaw is requesting the Authority to approve to expend $640.00, which is the Town of South Windsor’s share of the cost for utilizing Vernon treatment plant.  This cost is based on the percentage of flow allocated to the Town of South Windsor.  Mr. Shaw distributed a copy of the agreement that the Town of South Windsor has with the Town of Vernon; this agreement outlines the Town of South Windsor’s requirements for the contract on the 1st page, Article E (for further information see Exhibit A and B).

Motion to approve to expend $640.00, the Town’s share of the cost for the Nitrogen Reduction Feasibility Study in the Town of Vernon, (see Exhibit A and B).

Was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Aries
The motion carried unanimously

6.      Annual Report (2004/2005) – (approval)

A draft copy of the annual report for the WPCA (Exhibit C) was sent with the agenda for review.  Mr. Moriarty suggested including the pump stations improvements and including the WPCA process of reviewing projected revenues and expenditures to make sure that there are enough funds in the future to meet operational costs and debt service payments.

Motion was made to approve the WPCA annual report, based upon two revisions, to include pump station improvements and analysis of projected revenues and expenditures as a basis for establishing sewer user charges proposed by the Authority.

        Was made by Ms. Fletterick
        Seconded by Ms. Rose
        The motion carried unanimously

Motion to move to Item G – Unfinished Business

Was made by Ms. Moriarty
Seconded by Mr. Aries
The motion carried unanimously


1.      Town Attorney – Opinion regarding Easement and Connection Agreements.

In a previous meeting, Attorney John Malin had indicated to the Authority that an easement should be called a sewer connection agreement and not an easement.  Town Attorney Barry Guliano stated that he does not agree with Attorney Malin.  He believes that an easement is an interest in land.  The Town wants an easement that becomes an interest in the land; this easement gets filed in the records so that anybody who owns that property is subject to that same easement.  The Authority agrees that an easement is the best type of document to protect the Town and will be subject to the Town Attorney’s approval.

2.      Avery Heights Water Company – Town Attorney report regarding easement/agreement issue.

Town Attorney Barry Guliano reported that he obtained an appraisal of the property.  A copy of the appraisal was sent to Mr. Bob Conrad but the Town Attorney never received anything back from Mr. Conrad.  Chairman Carino suggested to the Town Attorney that he document the last conversation that he had with Mr. Conrad and file it in the Town Hall.  The Town Attorney will document in writing the last conversation; he will also send a follow up letter to Mr. Conrad.  The Town Attorney will send a copy of the appraisal to the Authority.  With no further discussion, Chairman Carino asked the Authority to discuss Item B – ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS.


        September 5, Regular Meeting

The following corrections were made:
On page 4, under Item C-6/Dunkin Donuts-210 Deming Street/1st paragraph on the first sentence, “Dunkin Donuts” was incorrectly typed as “Dunking Donuts.”

On page 5, under Item B/Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meetings/Motion Seconded by “Mr. Aries” was incorrectly typed as “Ms. Aries.”

Motion to accept the minutes of September 6, 2005, with the corrections being made.

                Was made by Ms. Fletterick
                Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
        The motion carried unanimously

At this time, Chairman Carino suggested to discuss Item C1.  Ms. Carlson from Fuss & O’Neill was not in attendance this evening to represent the applicant.  However, Mr. Shaw reviewed the application with the Authority.


1.      Shops at Evergreen Walk 15, 17 – (approval of new lateral/building sewer connection)

Mr. Shaw stated that the applicant is requesting approval to connect a new lateral because the internal plumbing was set at a negative pitch.  The engineer excavated out the concrete floor and found that the plumbing was improperly installed.  There are four units in this single building.  The existing lateral will serve two units; the applicant is requesting approval to install a new lateral/building sewer connection to serve the other two building units.  This application has received approval from the Authority over a poll phone call.

Motion to approve the new lateral/building sewer connection for building 700 serving street number 400 and 408 Evergreen Way as shown on Drawing No. CU.1.3. for the Shops at Evergreen Walk 15, 17, South Windsor, CT, as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Poag & McEwen Lifestyle Center Connecticut, LLC., Utility Plan, The Shops at Evergreen Walk, South Windsor, Connecticut”, Designed by Fuss & O’Neill, Inc., Manchester, CT., Project NO.:2000481P10, Sheet No. CU.1.3, Dated 05/08/03, with revision dates: 06/12/03, 06/19/03, 07/24/03, 08/21/03, 01/13/04, 03/19/04, 06/07/04, 06/16/04, 07/22/04, 08/11/04, 08/18/04, 09/10/04, 10/25/04, 12/01/04, and 09/14/05.  The existing lateral will continue to serve the other 3 street numbers – 416, 436 and 450 Evergreen Way.

        Was made by Mr. Moriarty
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Shaw reported that he had a meeting last week with the design engineer and the value engineer for the treatment plant upgrade.  The design is at the 30% completion level.  The value engineering firm looks at the consultants design plan and makes recommendations as to how they can improve the design plan and make it more cost effective.  The engineers will be reviewing those ideas with the consultants within the next week or two.

Mr. Shaw stated that the Finance Department reported that they are having some problems with the residential billing due to an error in the conversion of the computer system.  Therefore, they are seeking permission to change the due date from October 1st to November 1st.

Motion was made to add Item C7 - Proposal to alter the residential billing due date, to the agenda for the WPCA consideration.

        Was made by Aries
        Seconded by Moriarty
        The motion carried unanimously

Motion to change one time only the due date in the residential bills from October 1st, 2005 to November 1st, 2005, due to a billing problem attributed to the conversion of the Town computer system.

        Was made by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Ms. Rose
        The motion carried unanimously

E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda)




Motion to adjourn at 9:40 p.m.

        Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
        Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
        The motion carried unanimously

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Originally Posted: October 11, 2005

Date Approved: November 1, 2005