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WPCA --9/6/05 Regular Meeting
Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Richard Aries, Robert Dickinson, Carol Fletterick, and Edward Havens, Jr.

Members Absent: Timothy Moriarty

Alternates Present:     

Alternates Absent:      Susan Rose

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control

Others Present: Galen B. Semprebron, Design Professionals, Inc.
        Michele Carlson, Fuss & O’Neill
        Tim Coon, J. R. Russo & Associates
        Tomek Grajewski, Representing 38 Ident Road
        Mr. Dereck Pacheco, Dunkin Donuts owner.
Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.  At this time, Chairperson Carino asked the Authority to discuss Item C- New Business.

Motion to move to Item #8-New Business

Was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Aries
The motion carried unanimously


Colonial Point Christian Church – Chapel Road (Approval to connect)

Mr. Galen B. Semprebron from Design Professionals was present to represent the applicant for a proposed church to be located on Chapel Road.  The application request involved a connection into an existing manhole with a lateral at a two percent slope; no floor drain will be provided.  This project has received approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Inland Wetlands Commission.

Motion to approve the connection to the Town’s sewerage system for Colonial Point Christian Church, Chapel Road, South Windsor, CT, as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Colonial Point, Christian Church, Site Plan – Special Exception, Chapel Road, South Windsor, CT, Prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT, Job No. 2030, Drawing No. Jobs/2030/2030 – TOPO – PH1.DWG, Sheet No. 5/9, Dated 05/31/05, with revision dates: 6/24/05.

Was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

Birch Mountain Earthworks – Kimberly Drive (Approval to Connect)

Mr. Galen B. Semprebron from Design Professionals was present representing the applicant for a proposed 6000 square foot commercial building development on Kimberly Drive.  This building will be occupied by Birch Mountain Earthworks, a landscaping company.  The building will hold offices, show rooms, and a maintenance area for their trucks.  The application request involves connection to an existing lateral with a building sewer of 160 feet at two percent slope.  This project has received approval from the Inland Wetlands Commission, but not from the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Motion to approve the application as presented for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for Birch Mountain Earthworks, LLC., Kimberly Drive, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Birch Mountain Earthworks, LLC., Site Plan/Special Permit, Kimberly Drive, South Windsor, CT”, Prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT; Job No. 2140, Drawing No. JOBS/2140/2140-4.DWG., Sheet No. 4/6 “Topographic Plan”, Dated 6/13/05, with revision dates: 6/30/05, 8/01/05; subject to the Planning and Zoning Commission approval.

Was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mr. Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously

ECHN – Buckland/Deming – Revised proposed sewer connection (Approval to connect)

This project has been approved previously by the Water Pollution Control Authority for a gravity connection to the Town system on Deming Street.  However, in the course of construction, the contractor has found that the covert running underneath Deming Street was far deeper than expected and they could not achieve gravity flow.  Ms. Michele Carlson from Fuss & O’Neill was present representing the applicant who is requesting approval to connect a pump system and make connection at the corner of Deming Street and Buckland Road to accommodate the building.  Ms. Carlson stated that ECHN would not have a permanent generator in the building, but will have a portable generator available in the event of a power outage.  This has been approved by the Inland Wetlands Commission and the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Motion to approve the ECHN revised plans for connection to the Town’s sewerage system as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Eastern Connecticut Healthcare Network; Buckland Road, South Windsor, Connecticut; Final Development Plan; April 4, 2003” Prepared by Fuss & O’Neill, Manchester, CT, Project No.: 00-481C10, Page No.: CG.1.2 “Topographic Plan – Phase 1”, dated: 04/04/03, with revisions dates: 04/18/03, 04/24/03, 05/15/03, 05/22/03, 05/29/03, 06/03/03, 06/11/03, 08/14/03, 10/03/03, 11/24/04, 08/09/05, and subject to the stipulation that an external electrical outlet be supplied for an emergency generator in the event of a power outage.

Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously

Lot 4, Sandra Drive and Kimberly (Approval to connect)
This is a proposed 9600 square foot commercial development at the corner of Sandra Drive and Kimberly Drive.  Mr. Tim Coon from J. R. Russo & Associates was present representing the applicant seeking approval to connect to the Town’s sewerage system.  They will be hooking into an existing lateral off of Sandra Drive.  They are proposing floor drains which are going to be connected to an oil/water separator.  They will need to obtain a general permit for the grease/oil interceptor from the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.

Motion to approve the application as presented for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for proposed building addition at Lot 4, Sandra Drive and Kimberly Drive, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Lot 4, 75 Kimberly Drive, South Windsor, Connecticut”, Prepared by J. R. Russo & Associates, East Windsor, CT, Page NO.: 2 of 6, Dated: 06-09-05, Project No.: 2005-049, and subject to the stipulation that a general permit for the grease/oil interceptor must be obtained from the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.

        Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously

38 Ident Road – residential unit (Approval to connect)

Mr. Shaw stated that the Water Pollution Control Authority has previously approved a commercial sewer connection at this location.  The original plan included a residential unit at this site, but this was not stated in the W.P.C.A. application.  There is an existing building in this site in which Laidlaw Bus Company is moving into.  The second floor (above the office), there is a three bedroom apartment which was a part of the site plan approved by Planning and Zoning Commission (see Exhibit A.)  Mr. Tomeck Grajewski was present representing the applicant and requesting approval to connect the residential apartment to the Town’s sewerage system.

Motion to approve the connection to the Town’s sewerage system of a residential unit on the commercial property previously approved by the Authority and located at 38 Ident Road, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Status Plan Change Order Application”, Garage and Storage Area, 38 Ident Road, South Windsor, CT, Prepared by Zuvic Associate, Inc. Middletown, CT, File No.: 1234, Sheet No. 1, Dated 8/12/05, with revision date: 8/17/05.  

Was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

Bellini’s Italian Eatery – Evergreen Walk (Approval to connect)

Recently, the Water Pollution Control Authority gave approval to Ted’s Montanas Grill Restaurant for a grease oil separator.  Bellini’s Italian Eatery is located in the same building as Ted’s Montana Grill, but at the opposite end of the building.  The engineer for the applicant has provided the Town data that substantiated the size the grease interceptor that they would require.  They also propose need to pump the flow back into the building.  This will involve a small injector pump, (see Exhibit B.)  Mr. Shaw stated that it has been recently brought to his attention that in some of the other buildings there were difficulties with the way the pipes had been installed.  Therefore, the Building Department and the Engineering Department will be involved with making sure that there is a proper flow capacity in the existing interior plumbing system in terms of adequate size, condition, and slope.

Motion to approve the application for the external grease/oil separator and its pump system for Bellini’s Italian Eatery located at Evergreen Walk, South Windsor, CT, and with the condition that the Town, Engineering Department, and the Building Department are fully satisfied that the downstream 4 inch interior building pipe drain is adequate in size, condition and slope to handle anticipated plows; also it is required that the applicant’s engineer provide a design for dissipating the energy from the pump discharge prior to the building interior drain system; said design must be approved by the Town Engineer; also to obtain from the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Department a general permit for the grease separator.

        Was made by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously

Dunkin Donuts – 210 Deming Street, Manchester (Approval to connect)

This is a Dunkin Donuts located on Deming Street near to the Town line.  Mr. Pacheco, business owner, was in attendance requesting approval to connect the Town’s sewerage system.  The Dunkin Donuts will involve a distribution center, they are not actually making the donuts there, but they are connecting to a 2000 gallon grease interceptor.  Mr. Shaw stated that the plans submitted shows the connection to the main line on Deming Street, but it does not show that they are connecting to the existing manhole at station 4+00.  Therefore, it is requested to make the connections to the existing manhole at station 4+00, and to obtain the DEP appropriate permits for the grease separator.  The size of the interceptor was determined to be sufficient.

Motion to approve the connection to the Town’s sewerage system for the Dunkin Donuts located at 210 Deming Street, Manchester, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Dunkin Donuts, Special Exception Site Plan, Special Design Commercial Business Zone, 210 Deming Street (S.R. 30), Manchester, Connecticut”, Page No.: CS 1.1, Project No.: 89-110P11, Dated: 03/12/04, with revision dates: 03/18/04, 04/28/04, 05/10/04, 06/10/04, 11/23/04, 02/16/05; also, Page No.: CS 1.2, Project No.: 89-110 P11, Dated: 03/12/04, with revision dates: 03/18/04, 04/28/04, 05/10/04, 06/10/04, 02/16/05, 05/26/05, 05/31/05; and with the condition upon that the connections be made to the existing manhole at station 4+00; also to obtain from the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Department a general permit for the grease separator.

Was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Aries
The motion carried unanimously

Resolution Authorizing Chairman to Execute Documents for Submersible Pump Station Upgrades Financed by State of Connecticut Clean Water Fund Program.

Mr. Shaw is requesting from the Authority to give the authorization to the Chairman of the WPCA to sign and execute the documents in connection with the designing construction of upgrading the four submersible pump station and financing (see Exhibit C).

Resolution with respect to authorization of the chairman of the Water Pollution Control Authority of the Town of South Windsor to execute documents in connection with the design and construction of upgrade to four submersible wastewater pump stations and financing of same through the State of Connecticut Clean Water Fund Program.

Was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Aries
The motion carried unanimously

Residential Sewer User Billing for FY 2005/2006 (Approval to Bill)

Mr. Shaw stated that the Town is in the process of converting to a new system.  There were 121 new residential connections that occurred during the past year.  This represents an increase of 1.6% as compared with the previous year.

Motion was made to approve the Residential Sewer User Billing for FY2005/2006 as presented, (see Exhibit D).

Was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Aries
The motion carried unanimously


        July 12, 2005 – Regular Meeting

                Motion to accept the minutes of July 12, 2005 as presented.
                Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
                Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously
Mr. Shaw reported that the construction phase for the submersible pump station upgrade is proceeding well and the project is anticipated to be finished by May of next year if not sooner.  Also, the upgrade to the Pleasant Valley Pump Station is almost finished.  Mr. Shaw also reported that the design continues on the Treatment Plant Upgrade.  Later this month another engineering firm will be evaluating the consultant design at 30% completion.  This is a standard requirement as part of the DEP grant program.  This process will be from 8:00 am to early evening and will take place at the Town Hall, Madden Room from Tuesday, September 27th through Friday, September 30th.

Also, a lengthy discussion ensued regarding the Avery High Water Association.  Chairman Carino expressed concern about the Avery High Water Association matter not being resolved.  He suggested having the Town Attorney write another letter and make clear that the Town would like to obtain a resolution.

E.      PUBLIC PARTICIATION (Items not on the agenda)



1.      Town Attorney – Opinion regarding Easement and Connection Agreements

In previous meeting when the Evergreen Run application was presented, Attorney John Mallin raised the issue that the agreement allowing Evergreen Run to connect to the Evergreen Walk private sewer would require a connection agreement rather than an easement agreement that the Authority requested.  Mr. Shaw stated that the Town Attorney, Barry Guliano was to contact Atty. Mallin concerning his position.  The Town Attorney’s first impression was that such an agreement should be on the Land Records, and therefore, should be an easement agreement.  However, Mr. Shaw has not yet received a written opinion from the Town Attorney.

2.      Evergreen Walk Private Sewer (Discussion)

Also, at the time that Evergreen Run application was presented to the Authority, the Engineer, Jay Giles from Fuss & O’Neill Associates again brought the issue of the Town taking ownership of those sewer lines on Tamarack Lane and Evergreen Way.  Mr. Shaw distributed and reviewed with the Authority a list of pros and cons that he was asked to provide (see Exhibit E.)  At this moment, Chairman Carino called for a vote on leaving the sewer line on Tamarack and Evergreen Way remain a private sewer.  It was unanimously approved, 5 ayes and 0 nays.


Motion to adjourn at 9:30 p.m.

        Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
        Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
        The motion carried unanimously

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Originally Posted: September 13, 2005

Date Approved: October 4, 2005