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WPCA Regular Meeting 6/7/05
Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Richard Aries, Edward Havens, Jr., Carol Fletterick, and Timothy Moriarty.

Members Absent: Robert Dickinson

Alternates Present:     

Alternates Absent:      Susan Rose

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control

Others Present: Karen Isherwood, Design Professionals Inc.
        Jeff Sawyer, Generation 2 dba Wentworth Park
        Chris Cykley

Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


        April 5, 2005 – Regular Meeting

        Susan Rose should be listed as an Alternate Member.

                Motion to accept the minutes of April 5, 2005, with the corrections being made.
                Was made by Mr. Moriarty
                Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously

        April 12, 2005 – Special Meeting

        Susan Rose should be listed as an Alternate Member Present.

        On page 2 under Item 4 – sentence #4 “Lengthy discussion ensued where agreement could not be made as to whether the term of the Agreement should be changed from ten years to two years.”
        The phrase “could not be made” should be “could not be reached.”  The sentence should read as follows: “A lengthy discussion ensued where agreement could not be reached as to whether the term of the Agreement should be changed from ten years to two years.”

        Motion to accept the minutes of April 12, 2005, with the corrections being made.
        Was made by Mr. Aries
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously

        May 3, 2005 – Regular Meeting

        Susan Rose should be listed as an Alternate Member.

        Chairperson suggested having the exhibits and attachments stapled to the minutes and have it as a package.

        On page 2 - Item 4/ Carla’s Pasta, 50 Talbot Lane (Review Sewer Use Charges), 2nd line “Property related to back time of meter installation” should be changed to “related back to the time of meter installation.  The sentence should read as follows, “There have been some issues relating to the sewer usage calculation on this property related back to the time of meter installation.”

        On page 5 – Item D/Communication and Reports/O & W Heat Treat, the last sentence in the 2nd paragraph, the word “through” is misspelled “trough”.
        Motion to accept the minutes of May 3, 2005, with the corrections being made.

        Was made by Aries
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously


Wentworth Park (Approval to increase number of commercial units)

Mr. Shaw stated that there will be no changes of foot print and the lay out is still the same. The owner expressed interest in using the second floor for a separate business space.

Karen Isherwood from Design Professionals was present representing Wentworth Park application located on Oakland Road. The owner is seeking approval to allow the flexibility to increase the number of users going from a minimum of 12 to a maximum of 24 potential individual users.

Mr. Shaw expressed concern on the water meter in the service area and whether it will be a single meter or not. Mr. Jeff Sawyer, President of the association, was in attendance this evening and responded that if the building is owned by one person there will be one meter, if owned by two people is two separate water meters and will be billed separately. He also stated that the sewer and any of the utilities are common elements and owned by the association.

A lengthily discussion ensued regarding what would be the most accurate way to obtain any changes on the meters for billing purposes.  Mr. Shaw stated that a simple method more full proved would involve a single meter for the association and the Town will provide the association with details for billing purposes. There will be a bill going out to the association to distribute the bills according to the water usage recorded by the Connecticut Water Company. This way, the Town will not be involved with the changing out of meters should that happen.  Mr. Sawyer agreed to this.

Motion to approve the flexibility of commercial condominium units to be able to split buildings into two owners if and when they decide is feasible, as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Wenthworth Park, 225 Oakland Road, South Windsor, CT., Prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT: Job No. 1893, Drawing No. Jobs/18923/1893 –4.DWG, Sheet No. 4/6, Dated 10/5/04, with revision dates: 11/02/04, 11/03/04, 11/19/04, 1/10/05, 1/21/05.

Was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mr. Moriarty

Chairman Carino stated that this motion being made is based upon the understanding that is there is any problem in the record keeping between the Town Hall, the water company, and the association, those are problems that the Town Hall, the water company and the association will have to resolve; it has nothing to do with approving the division of this buildings into two ownership’s.

The motion carried unanimously

Emerald Green, Ellington Road (Approval to Connect)
Karen Isherwood from Design Professionals was present representing J & J application for a three-lot subdivision, Emerald Green, located on Ellington Road.  This requires the extension of an existing sewer manhole located in Ellington Road.  The connection from this subdivision will be to an existing manhole on Ellington Road.   It will be serving potentially three future house lot and it will also show laterals provided for two existing houses at 887 and 658 Ellington Road.  This has met full approval from the Town.  The total is of four proposed sanitary manholes at a total of 300 feet within Ellington Road.  Mr. Shaw stated that properties at 887 Ellington Road and 658 Ellington Road would not be assessed in the future because the sewers were provided for these residents units for easement rights.

Motion to approve the application as presented for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for a three lot residential subdivision located on Ellington Road, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Emerald Green Subdivision, Ellington Road, South Windsor, CT,” Prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT; Job No. 1930, Drawing No. 1930-5.DWG, Sheet No. 5A/10, Dated 9-10-04, with revision dates: 10-20-04, 11-17-04, 3-10-05, 3-30-05, 4-05-05, 4-12-05, 4-22-05, and subject to the stipulation that the two existing homes located at 887 Ellington Road, and 658 Ellington Road are not being individually assessed for the benefit of the sewer lines, but they will be charged properly according to the connection fees at time of connection.

Was made by Mr. Moriarty
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

Teaberry Estates, Ellington Road (Approval to connect)

Karen Isherwood from Design Professionals was present representing Teaberry Estates located on Ellington Road.  This is the third lot subject of the previously approved application for two lots.  With an extension of the gravity sewer main on Church Way.  It is a privately maintained system of the lateral line to reach all gravity flow.  Ms. Isherwood stated that this would provide a 1140 linear feet, to maintain a sewer line extending from the manhole in Church Way with six additional proposed manholes.

Chairperson made clear to the members that the only thing that the Agency is approving is a private line that connects to the Town sewer line on the first cul-de-sac.

Motion to approve the application as presented for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for Teaberry Estates (25 senior residence unit and club house ) located on Ellington Road, South Windsor, CT; as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Teaberry Estates, Ellington Road, South Windsor, CT” Prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT, Job No. 1930, Drawing No. 1930-5-SRD.DWG, Sheet No. 5A/10, Dated 12-15-04, with revisions dates: 2-25-05, 3-10-05, 3-30-05, 4-20-05, 5-13-05.

Was made by Mr. Moriarty
Seconded by Mr. Aries
The motion carried unanimously

Maneeley, 65 Rye Street (Approval to Connect)
Karen Isherwood from Design Professionals was present representing Maneeley located on Rye Street.  Currently they have a very large banquet facility with an existing sanitary sewer main connecting in Rye Street. They also own property located on the rear side, which connects to Commerce Way. The proposed addition involves approximately 40ft by 45ft showing on the rear side. This consist of a large open room, which is going to be use to store their catering trucks, and also a floor drain in the middle which will be collecting run off from occasional wash of vehicle and from a single bathroom. Based on the design there will be a single lateral that will be provided and a pump system with force main connection to the main sewer for the discharge.  The gravity sewer will be connected into an oil separator, which will then connect to the lateral that is exiting the building from the bathroom.

Mr. Shaw specified that the permit to be obtained will be for a vehicle maintenance permit and that is a grit interceptor rather than an oil separator will be required.

Motion to approve the application as presented for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for proposed building addition at 65 Rye Street, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Bruce A. Maneeley, Real Estate, LLC., 65 Rye Street, South Windsor, CT” Prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT, Job No. 1029, Drawing No. server/jobs/1029/1029-plan , Sheet No. 1 of 2, Dated April 26, 2005, with the additional condition that the separator be a grit separator.

        Was made by Mr. Aries
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously

Evergreen Run, Buckland Road (Approval to connect)

This item will be postponed until the next meeting.

Moe’s Southwest Grill – Evergreen Walk (Approval to connect grease interceptor)
Mr. Shaw stated that Moe's Southwest Grill and Highland Park Market applications involve approval to connect to a grease interceptor. The engineers have provided information and drawings to justify their selection of the size of the grease interceptor; this information was found sufficient.

Based upon Mr. Shaw’s presentation, Mr. Aries moved to approve both applications.

Motion to approve the connection of a grease interceptor for Moe’s Southwest Grill located at 501 Evergreen Walk, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Moe’s Southwest Grill, Suite 535, 501 Evergreen Way, South Windsor, CT  06077”, Prepared by MWT, Lawrence, GA, Project No. 04-266, Sheet No. P1, Dated 1/18/04,

Was made by Mr. Aires
Seconded by Mr. Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously

Highland Park Market - -Evergreen Walk (Approval to connect grease interceptor)

Motion to approve the connection of a grease interceptor for Highland Park Market located at Evergreen Walk, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled “A new store for: Highland Park Market, Est. 1886, Shops at Evergreen Walk, South Windsor, CT”, Prepared by Planmark, Minneapolis, MIN., Project No. 02623-0, Sheets No. P-2, P-3, and P-4, Dated 03/15/05.

        Was made by Mr. Aries
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously

Avery Street Christian Reform Church (Approval to connect)

Chris Cykley was present representing Avery Street Christian Reform Church located on Avery Street. This is a church, which burned down, and it was taken down. A new building is going to be built and they are seeking approval to connect to the Town's sewerage system.

Motion to approve the connection to the Town’s sewerage system for the Avery Street Christian Reform Church at Avery Street, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Avery Street Christian Reformed Church, Avery Street, South Windsor, CT” Prepared by Macchi Engineers, LLC, Hartford, CT  06105; Drawings No. C1.0, C3.0 and C5.1, Dated 5/16/05.

Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Aries
The motion carried unanimously

Adopt Rates for Sewer User Charges, Assessments, Connection charges, and Septic Tank Dumping Fees for FY 2005/2006

Mr. Shaw stated that the fees and charges are based upon anticipated expenses, and future debt service.  Chairperson Carino feels that the rates are reasonable.  Chairperson Carino is seeking approval to approve the rates that were discussed at the public hearing this evening.

Motion to approve the Adoption of the New Sewer User Charges, Assessments, Connection charges and Septic Tank Dumping Fees for FY 2005/2006 as outlined in the public hearing.

Was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mr. Moriarty
The motion carried unanimously

        Set time and date for July 2005 Water Pollution Control Meeting

There was a consensus that the next meeting will be held on July 12th at 7:30 p.m. in the Sprenkel Room.


Mr. Shaw stated that authorization from the Water Pollution Control Authority and the Town Council was given last year (2004) to pursue the design and construction phases of the Treatment Plant Upgrade. The engineer has completed up to 10% of the design phase and some items has been discovered that may increase the engineering scope of service. The engineers also identified some additional cost for construction based upon the increases in construction cost for materials that occurred over the past year. This engineering cost increase is currently being reviewed by Town staff.  Mr. Shaw will bring more information to the next meeting for further discussion.

E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda)


Mr. Shaw distributed a copy of a memorandum from Mr. Jeff Doolittle, Town Engineer (see exhibit A), concerning the Buckland Road Sewer Extension. The Water Pollution Control approved $40,000 for this project. The original bid price was $32,400 for the sewer installation plus $7,000 to do the permanent paving. In the course of the construction unstable soil at the bottom of the trench was encountered, which resulted of additional materials being used, and a larger permanent patch. The current estimate of the increases now is approximately $52,000. Mr. Doolittle is requesting authorization of an additional $12,000 to complete this project. This would be on the agenda of July meeting for authorization.


Carla’s Pasta, 50 Talbot Lane

Mr. Shaw met with them just before the meeting. They provided some new information and clarification of what they have provided previously. They are going to pay this year’s bill that they have been billed and they are going to come back to the Water Pollution Control Authority to finalize this situation.

Dart Hill Road Sewer Assessments

As previously discussed in the last WPCA meeting, the Town of Vernon has previously notified the Town of South Windsor that here was an outstanding balance of $91,717.07 due for the Dart Hill Road sewer benefit assessment, and now they are requesting final payment for the sewer assessment.  The Town staff has negotiated this charge to $75,397.32, and the Town of Vernon has agreed to settle in this amount.  In the last meeting the discussion centered on how the Town is going to pay this amount; and the supplemental assessment was one of the methods that was reviewed, questions were raised for Town Attorney, Barry Guliano to respond to. Mr. Shaw met with the Town Attorney, discussed the questions and respond to it. Mr. Shaw distributed the answers that the Town Attorney s exhibit has come up with (See Exhibit B).  Mr. Shaw also distributed a memo dated June 7, 2005 regarding final settlement made to Vernon concerning the assessment and the methodology for writing equitable distribution of that capital cost.

Motion to authorize Mr. Shaw to pay the Town of Vernon based upon invoice with the dollar amount not to exceed $77,000.00.

Was made by Mr. Moriarty
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

Motion being made to use the WPCA Capital Reserve funds to pay the Town of Vernon with the dollar amount not to exceed $77,000.00.

Was made by Mr. Moriarty
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
Mr. Havens did not vote due to conflict of interest
The motion passed 4 ayes to 1 abstention




Motion to adjourn at 9:45 p.m.

        Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Originally Posted: June 14, 2005

Date Approved: July 12, 2005