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WPCA Special Meeting 4/12/05
Members present:        Joseph Carino, Richard Aries, Edward Havens, Jr., Carol Fletterick, and Timothy Moriarty

Members absent: Robert Dickinson

Alternates present:     Susan Rose sitting for Robert Dickinson

Alternates absent:      

Staff present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control

Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


        Motion to accept the minutes of March 1, 2005, as presented

        Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously


1.      1249 John Fitch Blvd., (approval to connect)

Due to a lack of a quorum of the April 5, 2005 meeting, a Special Meeting was scheduled for this evening.  The applicant presented their application on April 5, 2005 but no action was taken.  The applicants were informed, that they need not attend the Special Meeting; however, Mr. Shaw reviewed the application with the Authority members.

John Fitch Partners, requested approval for connection of a commercial building to the Town sewerage system for property located at 1249 John Fitch Boulevard.  There is an existing building in the front; they are building a driveway around to the back where the 25,000 sq. foot building is being proposed.  This will be served by a system of a gravity sewer line pump station.  Also, this project will provide electrical outlets to handle emergency situations.  The plans also provides in the last page details on the pump station.  Mr. Carino stated that in the last meeting it was discussed that this project will provide for the bathroom piping under the facility.  Mr. Charbonneau is aware that if there is any change in the project, other than originally presented, this must be brought back to the Authority for further approval.

Motion to approve the application for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for a proposed commercial building at 1249 John Fitch Boulevard, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled “John Fitch Partners, LLC & Andre L. Charbonneau, 1249 & 1269 John Fitch Blvd., South Windsor, Connecticut”, Prepared by J.R. Russo & Associates, East Windsor, CT: Sheet No. 3/9, Dated 11/15/04, with revision dates 12/10/04, 2/15/05, 2/21/05, with the understanding that any change in the project, other than originally presented, must be brought back to the Authority for further approval; and subject to final technical approval of the Town Engineering Department.

                Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
                Seconded by Ms. Rose
                The motion carried unanimously

2.      1333 & 1343 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor Child Development Center (Change in use of property          from residential to commercial)

Mr. Shaw reviewed this application with the Authority.  He explained that this is a single property that has a commercial building known as 1333 Sullivan Avenue, and an existing house know as 1343 Sullivan Avenue on the same site.  The existing house is connected to the Town’s sewerage line; and will be owned by an Attorney and converted into professional space.  The owner is requesting approval to remove 1343 Sullivan Avenue from the residential sewer-billing list and place this property on the commercial billing list.

Motion was made to remove 1343 Sullivan Avenue from the residential sewer user-billing list, and add to the commercial sewer user-billing list, as more specifically shown on plans entitled “South Windsor Development Center, Inc., General Plan-Site Plan-Special Exception, 1333 & 1343 Sullivan Avenue”, Prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT: Job No. 751, Sheet No. 3/4, Dated 11/05/2004, with revision dates 3/16/2005.

Was made by Mr. Aries
                Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
                The motion carried unanimously

3.      Fiscal Year 2005/2006 (Rate Schedule Discussion)

A discussion ensued regarding, Alternative: no rate change (exhibit A1), Alternative: 2.5% rate increase in FY 2005/2006 (exhibit A2), and Comparative Statement of Estimated Revenue and Expenditure (exhibit A3), presented by Mr. Shaw.  It was suggested by Chairperson Carino for Mr. Shaw to present this figures next time by using a projector so that it can be visualized better.

4.      Revisions of Section 13 – “Construction of Sewer By Developers” of the Regulations

This was discussed at the last regular meeting of March 1, 2005.  It was suggested to change the Term of the agreement from ten years to two years, and modifying the language.  Mr. Shaw presented to the Authority the revisions and recommendations, see attached Exhibit B.  A lengthy discussion ensued where agreement could not be reached as to whether the term of the Agreement should be changed from ten years to two years.  Therefore, Mr. Aries suggested tabling this item for further discussion.

Motion to table this item to the next meeting scheduled May 3, 2005, for further discussion.

                Was made by Ms. Aries
                Seconded by Chairman Carino
                The motion carried unanimously

5.      1527 Sullivan Avenue (Remove from User List and refund Prorated User Fee of $ 175.00)

This is a property located at 1527 Sullivan Avenue.  The property owner requested a permit in September 2003, from the Engineering Department to connect to the Town’s sewerage system.  The work should have been completed within thirty days, but it was not completed.  The actual circumstances were that this owner paid a prorated user fee and never made connection to the sewer.  One of the staff members entered a completion date, when they should have entered the expiration date.  Mr. Shaw is requesting approval to remove this property from the user list and refund prorated user fee of $175.00 that the owner paid for services that he never received.  Mr. Carino suggested to correct the Agenda Item #5 should read as follows: 1527 Sullivan Avenue (Remove from User List and refund Prorated User fee of $175.00)

Motion was made to remove property located at 1527 Sullivan Avenue from User List and refund Prorated User fee of $175.00.

                Was made by Ms. Fletterick
                Seconded by Mr. Moriarty
                The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Shaw reported that the Town opened bids this morning, for the Buckland Road Sewer Extension.  Apparently the low bidder was Gerber Construction Company.  The town is in the process of reviewing their qualifications and other information that they submitted.

E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda)



1.      Industrial/Commercial User Charges FY 2004/2005 (Final approval to bill)

Mr. Shaw explained to the Authority that due to a computer system problem he was unable to present the billing list at the previous meeting dated March 1, 2005.  However, as agreed he would provide all the information to the Authority members for review and poll members for approval of the billing list (see exhibit C).  Mr. Shaw is requesting final approval of the billing list for Industrial/Commercial User Charges FY 2004/2005.

Motion was made to approve the billing list for Industrial/Commercial Sewer User Charges for FY 2004/2005 as presented.

Was made by Ms. Fletterick
Seconded by Mr. Moriarty
The motion carried unanimously



Motion to adjourn at 9:23 p.m.

        Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
        Seconded by Mr. Moriarty
        The motion carried unanimously

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Date Approved: ______________________