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WPCA Regular Meeting Minutes 11-03-04


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 1
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM               NOVEMBER 3, 2004                     

Members present:     Joseph Carino, Chairman; Carol Fletterick; Richard Aries.
                                   Susan Rose (Alternate)

Members absent:         Robert Dickinson, Timothy Moriarty, Ed Havens, Jr.
Staff present:             Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control


Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:30.

October 5, 2004

It was noted the date of the minutes to be approved was incorrectly listed as September 7, 2004, on the agenda.  Chairman Carino requested postponement of approval of the minutes due to the fact the minutes were lengthy and he did not have sufficient time to review them.
Motion was made to postpone approval of the October 5, 2004 minutes with change as noted above.
        Motion was made by Ms. Fletterick
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously


98 Ident Road – Approval to Connect

Mr. Grajewski from Zuvic Associates was present representing the Mitchell Property Group, LLC seeking approval to use the existing connection to the Town’s sewerage system for an expansion of the property located at 38 Ident Road.  This property was formerly used by Tobacco Valley Sanitation.  Mitchell Property Group is leasing 4 of the 6 bays in the building to the Laidlaw Bus Co.  This will be used as a bus wash station and for minor maintenance, such as oil changes.  The existing building will be encircled with new construction for new office space.  The service bays will be located throughout the building to allow for ease of movement of the vehicles.  There is currently a State DEP permit for an oil separator at this property for Tobacco Valley Sanitation.  It is necessary for the new property owner to apply and receive a new permit from the State for the oil/water separator.  The current oil/water separator system with 2 catch basins and wash rack is to be eliminated.  The new oil/water separator will have 2 legs, one will be the existing floor drain in the existing building and a new floor drain in the new construction of the building to be connected to the existing lateral.  The Planning & Zoning Commission requires any additional tenant come before them for approval.  


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 2
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM               NOVEMBER 3, 2004                     

New Business, Continued

Mr. Shaw asked if there are clean-outs located on the west side of the building. The engineer is aware of  one existing clean-out, he will verify the location and number of the others.  The bathroom facilities will be moved in the new construction and there is a possibility the existing connection for these facilities will be moved.  This could be handled with a change order in the field if it is necessary to provide a new connection.  
Motion to approve connection of a new oil/water separator to be connected to the existing line for a commercial business located at 38 Ident Road, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Proposed Building Expansion – Site Plan” prepared by Zuvic Associates, Inc., Middletown, CT, Job No.  1234, Drawing No. 3, dated 7-27-04 with revisions 8-19-04, 9-14-04, 10-08-04, 10-26-04 and 11-01-04 and subject to the final technical approval of the Town Engineering Department.
        Motion was made by Mr. Aries
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously

Remove 50 Talbot Lane from residential sewer billing list and place on commercial sewer billing list – Carla’s Pasta

Mr. Shaw has requested approval to remove 50 Talbot Lane from the residential sewer billing list and place this property, known as Carla’s Pasta on the commercial billing list.  This property was incorrectly added to the residential user list, and they have been billed at the residential rate.  A condition of approval for this property was the company submitting meter readings to reflect the amount of flow going into the system.  These reports have not been received.  Mr. Shaw has attempted to contact the owners of this property, on several occasions, to resolve this matter and collect past commercial user fees.
Motion was made to remove 50 Talbot Lane from the residential sewer user-billing list and add to the commercial sewer user billing list and billing the property owner for the previous 2 years at the commercial billing rate.
        Motion was made by Mr. Aries
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick      
        The motion carried unanimously

Review and approval of the W.P.C.A. 2005 Meeting Calendar

A memo (Exhibit A) listing the dates for the W.P.C.A.for calendar year 2005 was reviewed.
Motion was made to approve the W.P.C.A. Calendar for 2005.
        Motion was made by Ms. Fletterick
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 3
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM               NOVEMBER 3, 2004                     

New Business, Continued

Strawbridge Condominiums - Mill Pond Dr. – Restore to active sewer billing list

Mr. Shaw distributed a Memo (Exhibit B) regarding the properties at 1901 – 1910 Mill Pond Dr. Strawbridge Condos that were damaged in a fire in September 2002.  These addresses were removed from the sewer user-billing list after the fire.  Certificate of Occupancies have been issued for all but three of the properties, therefore, these properties need to be placed back on the sewer user-billing list.  The properties at 1902, 1906 and 1907 do not presently have C/O’s but are occupied, they will also be placed back on the sewer user billing list
Motion was made to reinstate the properties at Strawbridge Condominiums, 1901 – 1910 Mill Pond Drive to the sewer user-billing list and bill said properties at a pro-rated fee for FY 2003/2004 and for the full user rate for 2004/2005.
        Motion was made by Ms. Rose
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously

1304 Ellington Road – Add to sewer user billing list

The above property was connected to the sewer in May 2002 and not added to the sewer user-billing list, the entry from the engineering department was not made until August 2002.  This entry was made after the billing list was run, therefore, the property did not make the billing list at that time.   Mr. Shaw is asking for approval to add the above property and billing for previous years.
Motion was made to add 1304 Ellington Road, to the residential sewer user-billing list and bill the resident for service from connection date until the present.
        Motion was made by Ms. Fletterick
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously

12 Farnham Road and 793 Main Street – Change billing status from 2 family to single family

There is no formal process of notification for 2 family houses that are changed back to single family.  The property at Farnham Road was connected to the sewer system in 1991 and was classified as a 2 family; in fact this property was a single family home with an in-law apartment.  This was entered incorrectly as a two-family and the property has received sewer user bills as such.  Due to State regulations the property owner will be reimbursed for the overcharge on the bills for the past three years.  


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 4
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM               NOVEMBER 3, 2004                     

New Business, Continued

The property at 793 Main Street was a 2-family home, which has been changed to a single family.  The property owner is entitled to a refund for one year in the amount of $210.
Motion was made to approve and make changes to the billing status of 12 Farnham Road and 793 Main Street from 2-family homes to single family homes.  A refund for property at 12 Farnham Road in the amount of $625, the maximum refund allowed by State law and a refund in the amount of $210 for property at 793 Main Street.
        Motion was made by Mr. Aries
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously

Submersible Pump Station Upgrades – Bid Results (Authorization to Fund)

The bids for the submersible pump station upgrades were opened on October 12, 2004.  The bids came in higher than expected. The reasons for the higher costs were a 15% increase in labor costs, and an increase in material cost within the past several months.  When the budget figure was arrived at in April the engineers estimate was that the construction costs would be $1.1m, this was in addition to the fees for engineering services, legal services, etc.  The construction cost estimate included a 20% contingency.  Mr. Shaw distributed a letter from Weston & Sampson (Exhibit C) explaining the bids and the possible reduction in the cost estimates received from the low bidder (Kovacs Construction Corp.).  The cost of the project came in at $166,000 over the original estimate. The consultant has worked with the low bidder and determined a number of options that will bring down the cost of this project.  The contractor was able to reduce the project costs by $144,629. The reduction in the costs of this project would include the elimination of the building to enclose the generator and the pump control systems.  The pump at the locations are presently located underground.  It would be to the Town’s advantage to eliminate having to do maintenance on the underground pumps in a confined space.  Also, the generator would be enclosed to allow for ease of maintenance.  Another reason to include the construction of a building is to allow these pump stations to blend in architecturally to the surrounding residential neighborhoods.  The plans call for a decorative PVC fence and the buildings will look like houses.  Mr. Shaw would like to keep the features described above as part of the project.  Mr. Shaw is seeking the transfer of funds in the amount of $166,000 from the Capital Reserve Fund to the Capital Projects Fund for this project and/or eliminate some of the items, as described above, from this project.  

Chairman Carino had several comments regarding this project.  Due to the fact these pump stations are located in residential areas the look of the buildings is important.  In the letter from Weston & Sampson (Exhibit D), the second paragraph from the bottom reference was made “based on conversations with Rotondo”, Chairman Carino stated this is not a professional way to obtain numbers for a project.  This information should be in writing and not stated as part of the conversation.  Chairman Carino asked that the


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 5
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM               NOVEMBER 3, 2004                     
New Business, Continued
consultant be notified that the Authority feels it is unprofessional to handle a project in this manner.  It is essential to obtain figures in writing from the consultant and not rely on conversations for any type of project.

Ms. Fletterick asked if the requested amount would work into the budget.  Mr. Shaw explained this project will be funded by a 2% - 20 year loan from the DEP.  The increase in the funds needed for this project will affect the debt service by $23,000 per year.  
Motion to approve the transfer of a minimum of $166,000. From the Capital Reserve Fund to Account No. 004-4600-4633-320.
        Motion was made by Ms. Fletterick
        Seconded by Ms. Rose
        The motion carried unanimously

Annual Report - Approval

A Draft copy of the annual report was distributed for the review of the Authority.  After a review of the annual report one correction should be made, in the paragraph about “It’s Future”, the sentence stating “it’s rules and regulations” should read “its rules and regulations.
Motion to approve the Annual Report as amended.
        Motion was made by Ms. Fletterick
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Shaw presented a report on the status of the grant application for the design work of the treatment plant.  At this point in the application process we can go no further toward obtaining DEP approval of this funding.  A grant application and copy of the draft agreement for engineering services was submitted to the DEP.  The DEP will not review and give approval for the grant application until the agreement with the engineer has been signed.  The grant funds allotted to the DEP have been cut this year.  

The agreement is to be signed by the Town Manager.  The contractor will not proceed with the work until notice to proceed from the Town is received.  It is our intent to move forward with this process and have the state review the application and approve it and make some judgement about eligibility.  The contractor has put the deadline of May 31, 2005 on the present contract for the amount specified for engineering services.  

Buckland Road Sewers

A Draft copy of the letter (Exhibit E) from Chairman Carino to Mayor Havens was distributed for review by the Authority.  Several changes were suggested and will be made.


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 6
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM               NOVEMBER 3, 2004                     



Motion to adjourn was made at 9:25 by Mr. Aries
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah Dumas, Recording Secretary

Date Approved:_______________________