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WPCA Special Meeting 7-24-04

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Joseph Carino, Richard Dickinson, Carol Fletterick, Edward Havens, Jr., and Timothy Moriarty


STAFF PRESENT:  Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control


Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


June 1, 2004

Motion to approve the minutes of June 1, 2004.

Was made by Commissioner Havens
Seconded by Commissioner Fletterick
The motion carried
The vote was as follows:        Commissioners Carino, Fletterick, Havens and Moriarty voting in favor of approval and Commissioner Dickinson abstained


Buckland Road Sewer Proposal

Chairperson Carino brought to the Commissions attention that on the East Side of Buckland Road there needs to be a connection made to the town sewers.  There are two options available that the Commission should take into consideration.  The first option is to have the Town install a sewer going across the street and have the businesses connect to it on an individual basis.  The second option is to have the town install the pipe going across the street and connect each business.  The town is also seeking to place all the utilities in the ground, so both utilities and sewers should be done at the same time if the town and commission opt to do things this way.  Chairperson Carino asked Mr. Shaw to gather figures on both option 1 and option 2 with the utilities going underground.  This subject will be brought up again at the September meeting for further discussion.

Visions Salon & Spa

Chairperson Carino told Commission members that this project would be requesting to connect their sewers into the Evergreen Walk project.  An application should be coming before WPCA.

Chairperson Carino has written letters to both the Democratic Town Committee and the Republican Town Committee.  The WPCA is short one regular member and two alternates.  


Mr. Shaw explained that the Town Council has passed the resolution for local funding for the Treatment Plant upgrading.  There will be a grant application submitted to DEP.  The Commission will be informed as more details arise.

Residents approached Mr. Shaw from Pleasant Valley Road.  They have concerns because their soils around their property are not suitable for new septic systems.  They would like to connect to the town sewers and will be coming before WPCA for guidance.  Chairperson Carino asked Mr. Shaw to bring a map of Pleasant Valley Road to show where the residents are proposing to place the line.  Mr. Shaw will also communicate with Bob Deptula, the Environmental Health Officer regarding one of the residents who has said their septic system has failed.

Unfinished Business

Adoption of Proposed Changes to WPCA Rules & Regulations

Mr. Shaw explained that in previous conversations with the Town Attorney it has been stated that normally by-laws do not have to be a part of the rules and regulations.  WPCA’s by-laws are part of the rules and regulations and therefore any changes that are made to the agenda need to go to public hearing.

Chairperson Carino felt that since the changes are minor, presently the Commission could make a motion to change the order of the agenda when it is necessary.  If another issue arises in the future that requires changes to the by-laws the changes discussed can be take care of at that time.  Mr. Shaw suggested that the rules and regulations be separated from the by-laws.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Havens
Seconded by Commissioner Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Deborah W. Reid, Recording Secretary

Date Approved