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WPCA Regular Meeting Minutes 5-06-03

MINUTES                                                                                                     PAGE 1
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                        MAY 6, 2003                        

Members present:        Joseph Carino, Chairman; Richard Aries; Timothy Moriarty; Carol Fletterick; Robert Dickinson; Clifford Slicer

Members absent:         Ed Havens, Jr., Michael Gauthier (alternate)
Staff present:                Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control


Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:32.  


                        April 1, 2003

Motion was made to approve the minutes of April 1, 2003, as presented.
        Motion was made by Mr. Slicer
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously

Mr. Aries arrived at 7:40


Shady Brook SRD – Strong Road (Approval to connect)

Galen Semprebon from Design Professionals, Inc. was present on behalf of Shady Brook Associates, LLC requesting a change in the previous approval for a Senior Residential Development to be located on Strong Road.  This project has been redesigned to accommodate 20 senior condominium units that will range in size from 1400 sq. feet to 2000 sq. feet.  The change to this development is the elimination of a previously approved single building lot and the size of the condominiums to be built.  Each unit will be connected by an individual lateral to the street.  The condominium association will be responsible for the maintenance of this private sewer line.  The roadway layout will remain the same, the sanitary sewer system will remain basically the same.  The only difference in the sanitary sewer will be the elevation in the last 4 units that will be built.  The lateral locations have shifted slightly to accommodate the different style of units.  Chairman Carino asked who would be responsible for the maintenance of the laterals in this development.  Mr. Shaw explained under the Small Systems Act they need to show there is sufficient money set aside in the association fees to handle the maintenance of the sewer system.  The condominium association will be responsible for the maintenance of this system.  On these small private systems the Town has the right, under State statute, to request some confirmation that the property owners are setting aside a sufficient amount of funds to maintain and replace any part of the sewer system.  



MINUTES                                                                                                     PAGE 2
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                        MAY 6, 2003                        


Motion to approve the application of Shady Brook Associates, LLC for connection to the Town’s sewerage system of a 20-unit senior residence development known as Shady Brook to be located on Strong Road, South Windsor in accordance with Drawing No. 6/12, entitled “Topographic Map” prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT; Job No. 98-1123, dated 2-21-03; with revisions dated 3-14-03 and 4-04-03 and subject to the following conditions:  must conform to Town and State regulations regarding the Small Systems Act and subject to the technical approval of the Town Engineering Department.
        Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously

Podunk Ridge – Ellington Road (Approval to connect)

Galen Semprebon from Design Professionals, Inc. was present on behalf of RSK-Kellco, Inc. requesting approval for connection to the Towns sewerage system of a senior residential development to be located on the west-side of Ellington Road, South Windsor, CT.  This development will be located north of Quarry Brook Rd. This development involves a pump station on the site, the system is to be a private system that will be pumped to a gravity line which is to be installed in Ellington Road.  There will be a total of 21 units and a clubhouse in this development.  The line will be a gravity flow into a pump station on the site and pump out by gravity to a new manhole to be installed on Ellington Road and there will also be a 300-foot connection to an existing manhole.  It will be a gravity flow system to the pump station, then from the pump station to a force main; to a cleanout location and a 20 foot section of 8” pipe will be installed to give the force main a chance to stabilize before it reaches the new manhole, the line will then continue down Ellington Road to an existing manhole.  Laterals will be provided for the property owners on Ellington Road to enable them to connect to the sewer line.  Chairman Carino asked what would happen if the proposed pumping station had a pump failure.  Mr. Semprebon stated there will be a backup generator, the controls for the pump station and the generator will be located in a portion of the community building.  Chairman Carino also asked what would happen if there was a failure of the pump itself.  Mr. Semprebon stated a duplex system will be installed, with two pumps, either of which would be adequate to handle the full load.  There are alarms on the pump station and an outside contractor will respond to those alarms.  A representative of the company that manufactures the pumps was present to answer questions from the Authority.  Mr. Bob Kliebas with M. J. Smith Equipment a division of Blake Equipment, the company is the New England representative of the F. E. Meyers Pump Co.  The F. E. Meyers Pump Co.


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REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                        MAY 6, 2003                        


is located in Ohio and the pumps are manufactured entirely in the United States.  The representative provided the Authority with a copy of the full submittal regarding the pumps, which includes information on the pumps, warranties and all the information regarding the system.  

A condition of approval will require the developer to install laterals to allow the property owners the ability to connect to the sewer system along the 300 feet of new line.  A discussion followed regarding the installation of laterals to the property locations.  It was decided the Town would send letters to the property owners who would be served by this sewer line and the developer would contact the property owners at a later time to provide them with information regarding the cost to hook in at this time.  A Developers Agreement would be obtained allowing the developer to recoup a portion of the construction cost over a 10-year period as these residents hookup.
Motion to approve the application of RSK-Kellco, Inc. for connection to the Town’s sewerage system of a Senior Residential Development known as Podunk Ridge to be located on Ellington Road, South Windsor, CT in accordance with Drawing No. 5/9, entitled “Plan and Profile – Podunk Ridge”, Job #1520, dated 1-30-03, with revisions dated 2-13-03, 3-6-03, 4-07-03; Drawing No. 7/9, entitled “Detail Sheet 1 – Podunk Ridge”, Job #1520, dated 1-30-03, with revisions dated 2-13-03 and 3-06-03;  Drawing No. 8/9, entitled “Detail Sheet 2 – Podunk Ridge”, Job #1520, dated 1-30-03, with revisions dated 2-13-03 and 3-06-03; Drawing No. 9/9, entitled “Pump Station Plan – Podunk Ridge”, Job #1520, dated 1-30-03, with revisions dated 2-13-03, 4-28-03 and 4-29-03 and subject to the following conditions:  Engineering Department approval of the 8” gravity feed from the force main on the plan listed as  4” PVC  or other type to be approved by the engineering department, installation of 6” laterals to end of right of way on all abutting properties to the 300 feet of sewer line to be located on Ellington Road; a new manhole to be located on Ellington Road to include stub heading northbound for tie in of future expansion; engineering approval of the pump station and backup system; conform with Town and State regulations regarding the Small Systems Act;  Developers Agreement will be drawn up, reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney; the Town will send letters to current homeowners advising them of the ability to connect to the Town sewerage system with the installation of the laterals and final technical approval of the Town Engineering Department.
        Motion was made by Mr. Moriarty
        Seconded by Mr. Slicer
        The motion carried unanimously

431 Governors Highway – Approval to prepare Release and Notice of Payment of Outstanding Charges

Mr. Shaw asked the Authority to approve the release and notice of payment of outstanding charges for the property located at 431 Governors Highway.  It was explained that on the property records a number of years ago when both residential and commercial properties had unpaid sewer user bills, a notice of outstanding


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REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                        MAY 6, 2003                        


charges was placed on the land records.  As these back charges have been paid a release of the notice of outstanding charges was issued.  Mr. Shaw asked if it was possible to get approval from the Authority to allow Chairman Carino to sign off on these as they come along rather than have to come before the Authority every time the outstanding charges have been paid off on the properties involved.
Motion was made to approve the release of outstanding charges on property located at 431 Governors Highway and authorize the Chairman to sign off on future items as payments of outstanding charges are completed.
        Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously

713 John Fitch Blvd., List No. 35088 – Approval to adjust sewer user bill FY 2002/2003

A memo was sent to all Authority members (Attachment A) with the agenda explaining the request for an adjustment to the sewer user bill for property located at 713 John Fitch Blvd.  The property owner reported a leak in the water line serving said property during the first quarter of calendar year 2002.  It has been confirmed by the MDC that such a leak did occur and the estimated amount of water used during that time was incorrect.  The following adjustment needs to be made:

      Flow (gallons)                                       User Charge 
     From             To                                       From            To
 1,195,304     150,348                         $2,699.07      $339.50

Mr. Shaw is asking for approval to adjust the sewer user bill for the above-mentioned property, by reducing the amount due from $2,699.07 to $339.50..
Motion was made to approve the adjustment, in the amount of $2,359.57, for the sewer user bill FY 2002/2003 for property located at 713 John Fitch Blvd.
        Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously

Capital Improvements Budget FY 2003/2004 – Approve appropriation to cover increased project costs for Pleasant Valley Pump Station upgrade

Mr. Shaw explained in the budget previously approved by the Authority, a capital project was approved to upgrade the Pleasant Valley Pump Station, the amount approved was $209,000, since that time we have gone through the design phase and gone out to bid on


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REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                        MAY 6, 2003                        


this project.  The price came in higher than the engineer had estimated it to be, the figure was off by $137,775.  The engineer in putting together the costs did a very bare bones estimate in what was needed at the pump stations.  When the design phase began the improvements that needed to be done were not factored in to the engineers facility plan.  The effort being made when upgrading the pump stations is to make them more attractive to their surroundings.  These various requirements were not taken into consideration by the engineering firm.  Mr. Shaw has met with the firm and made it clear that they must go back and do a better job at no additional cost to us, this has been done.  The discussion followed with the Authority expressing their concern for the ability of this firm to handle this project.  Mr. Shaw stated he has a high confidence level in this firm due to the previous work they have completed for the Town.  
Motion was made to approve the additional expenditure of $137,775 to cover the increased project costs for the Pleasant Valley Pump Station upgrade.
        Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Mr. Slicer
        The motion carried unanimously


The members decided to discuss both the sewer user charge rate and the matter of setting the date for the public hearing and make a motion on both matters at the same time.  

Mr. Shaw explained the change in the rate schedules (Attachment B).  The Sewer User Charge rate for both residential and commercial will not be increased this year.  After surveying the area Town’s it was proposed to increase the Septic Dumping Fees from $60/1500 gal. to $80/1500 gal.  This increase will keep us in line with the rate currently being charged by area towns.  It was proposed the Sewer Assessment Schedule be increased as shown on the attachment (A). As shown on Attachment B Proposed Rate Schedule FY 2003/2004 the resident base charge  would increase $90, the per foot frontage charge would increase $1.00, cost of lateral would increase $45 and the connection charge would increase $45. Mr. Moriarty expressed his concern about raising the rates for sewer assessment connection charges at this time.  He felt it was not prudent to raise the rates to offset the value of the dollar.
The proposed rates are to be approved at this meeting and a date and time set for the Public Hearing.  The Public Hearing is to be scheduled for Tuesday, June 3, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. with the regular meeting to follow at 7:30 p.m.


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REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                        MAY 6, 2003                        


Motion was made to approve the proposed FY 2003/2004 increase in the Sewer Assessment Schedule and Septic Dumping Fees, for presentation at the Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday June 3, 2003 at 7:00, with a regular meeting to follow at 7:30 p.m.
        Motion was made by Mr. Aries
        Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
        The motion carried with a vote of  5 to 1, with Mr. Moriarty voting no on the
        increase in the sewer assessment schedule.

Motion was made to add 1249 John Fitch Blvd. to New Business portion of the agenda.
        Motion was made by Mr. Aries
        Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
        The motion carried unanimously

1249 John Fitch Blvd. - Approval to remove property from Sewer User List (property never connected to the sewer)

Mr. Shaw explained that the property located at 1249 John Fitch Blvd. has never been connected to the sewer, but the property owner has been receiving bills.  A permit was issued in 1981 but the wrong number was used on the permit.  The system has been tested and it has been verified by Town staff that there is no connection to the sewer system.  
Motion was made to approve removing the property located at 1249 John Fitch Blvd. from the sewer user list and refund user fee if it has been paid.
        Motion was made by Mr. Aries
        Seconded by Mr. Slicer
        The motion carried unanimously


Chairman Carino mention to the Authority the Leadership Roundtable meeting scheduled for May 22, 2003 at 7:00.  Chairman Carino will be speaking on the WPCA initative for sewers and invited all the members to attend if they wish to do so.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda) – None




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REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                        MAY 6, 2003                        


Motion was made to adjourn at 9:55 by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Mr. Slicer
        The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah Dumas, Recording Secretary

Date Approved_____________________________