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WPCA Regular Meeting 10-1-02

MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 1
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                OCTOBER 1, 2002                        

Members present:        Joseph Carino, Chairman; Ed Havens, Jr.; Carol Fletterick;
        Matthew Davis; Richard Aries, Robert Dickinson

Members absent:         Clifford Slicer, Timothy Moriarty (alternate)

Staff present:                C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control


Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:30.

Before acceptance of the previous meeting minutes Mr. Shaw introduced Mr. Timothy Friend, the new Treatment Plant Supervisor, to the Authority.


                                        September 3, 2002

Motion to approve the minutes of September 3, 2002, as presented
        Motion was made by Mr. Havens
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously


574 Felt Road – Revised sewer connection – approval to connect

Karen Isherwood from Design Professionals was present on behalf of Kevin Driscoll to obtain a change in location of the sewer connection for property located at 574 Felt Road.
Approval was given at an earlier meeting for connection on Palmer Drive, the resident is requesting a change in the location of the connection due to the fact the previously approved connection would require a pump system.  The resident would like to tie into the gravity flow system which is located along the rear lots of the Cloutier subdivision.  The system is a private system with private easements.  The resident will be required to obtain a private easement through Lot 2.  Mr. Carino asked if this change would affect the Town easement in any way.  The easement document the Town has would have to correspond to the form that is approved.  All the other easement documents must reflect this change and give approval for this connection.  It was felt the Town easement should be reviewed.  Chairman Carino suggested the motion be contingent on the Town Attorney reviewing the easement the Town has with the property owner to be certain this document is still viable and does not need to be changed and that the property owner be able to obtain the necessary easements from the other property owners.  If the property owner fails to obtain necessary easements he would like to revert back to the original approval.


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 2
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                OCTOBER 1, 2002                        


Motion to approve the revised connection to the Town’s sewerage system for a residential lot located at 574 Felt Road, South Windsor, CT, in accordance with Drawing No. 1/1, entitled “Improvement Location Map”, prepared by Design Professionals, South Windsor, CT.; Job No. 1623, dated 5-8-02, with revisions dated 6-13-02, 6-18-02, 9-18-02 and subject to the following conditions:  the property owner obtain the necessary easements for the connection through lot #2 of the Cloutier subdivision, the Town Attorney review the previous easement between the Town and the property owner to determine if the previous document needs to be changed in any way, and subject to the technical approve of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.  
        Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Mr. Davis
        The motion carried unanimously

East Windsor Development – Rye Street (Conceptual approval)

This project involves a 14 acre parcel that lies within the Town of East Windsor.  The Town of East Windsor is the only town that South Windsor does not have an inter-town agreement with. Jay Urseri of  J. R. Russo & Associates was present on behalf of The Real Group III, LLC seeking conceptual approval for a sewer connection on Rye Street in South Windsor for a 70 unit active adult community to be located in East Windsor.  This property in East Windsor is designated as a non-sewer parcel of land, the Town of East Windsor felt uncomfortable in changing this designation.  The line would be located entirely in the Town of South Windsor. The reserve sewer capacity of South Windsor is acceptable to handle the additional flow from this development.  Chairman Carino expressed concern as to how the units would be billed, each unit would be privately owned. Discussion followed regarding the billing of this project, with the possibility of each homeowner being billed directly, or the possibility of the Town of East Windsor being billed.  Mr. Shaw felt this was a large enough project to require discussion with the Town and a written agreement be obtained. After discussion it was felt a written agreement is necessary, with review of said agreement made by the Town Attorney.  If a failure were to happen within the system in East Windsor, they would be responsible for correcting this failure. No motion was made at this time, the Authority presented their opinion to the developer and he in turn will present this information to the Town of East Windsor.


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 3
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                OCTOBER 1, 2002                        


Lots 6 & 7 Sandra Drive – Approval to Connect

This property is located on the west side of Route 5, lots 6 & 7 will be combined into one building lot.  A 20,000-sq. ft. rental warehouse facility will be constructed with the possibility of 9 units.  Laterals will be provided for each of the 9 potential units, with the connection on Sandra Drive, 2 cleanouts and a monitoring manhole will be required.  The question was asked regarding how often the monitoring manhole was used. Mr. Shaw stated if there is a problem that first appears at the treatment plant, it could be traced back to the source and investigated by way of a monitoring manhole.   The property will remain under single ownership but could potentially have as many as 9 tenants.  If in the future there are modifications to be made a discharge permit would be required and at that time the Authority would become involved. Discussion followed regarding the discharge into the system by the various tenants, it was stated no floor drains are to be installed, the laterals will be used for bathroom facilities only.
Motion for conceptual approve of the application of Andre Charbonneau for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for a commercial building to be located on Sandra Dr., South Windsor, CT, as shown on Drawing No. 3/7, entitled “Topographic Plan – Lot 6 & 7 Sandra Drive, prepared by J. R. Russo Associates, East Windsor, CT, Job. #2002-024, dated 6-19-02, with revisions dated 6-18-02, 8-12-02, and 9-18-02.  This approval is for the eventual connection of up to 9 bathrooms and is subject to the technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.
        Motion was made by Mr. Aries
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously

179 Commerce Way – Approval to Connect

Chris Eseppi from PDS Engineering & Construction, Inc. was present on behalf of Satellite Tool Company to obtain approval for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for a commercial building located at 179 Commerce Way, South Windsor, CT.  This will be a 10,000 sq. ft. building located in the industrial park, this will be adjacent to an existing building, but will remain a separate lot and building.  It is a manufacturing facility, machining large manufacturing tools.  The only discharge into the system would be domestic.  There is a monitoring manhole located in the street.  
Motion to approve the connection to the Town’s sewerage system of a commercial building located at 179 Commerce Way, as shown on Drawing No. C-101, entitled “Proposed Site Plan layout for Satellite Tool Company”, prepared by PDS Engineering & Construction, Inc., Bloomfield, CT., dated 6-10-02, with revisions dated 7-3-02, 7-24-02, 8-22-02 and subject to the technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.
        Motion was made by Mr. Davis
        Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
        The motion carried unanimously


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 4
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                OCTOBER 1, 2002                        


Residential User Charge Adjustments FY 2002/2003

Mr. Shaw distributed a memo (Attachment A) showing the recommended adjustments to the current residential sewer user billing list.  Mr. Shaw explained that the properties (19 Ann St. and 603 Kebalo Lane – which was listed 2 times) are to be removed from the billing list due to the fact the drain layers permits were issued and when the job is completed it is automatically transferred to the sewer user billing list.  In the case of these 3 addresses these were picked up as connection charges.  The property at 72 Lakewood, has been sold and divided into 2 units with two separate addresses, therefore this property should be added to the sewer user list.   The property at 14 Rockwell Ct. was connected to the system in 1992 but has never been billed user charges.  The property owner at 14 Rockwell Ct. will be contacted by the Town Attorney to make arrangements for repayment of past user charges.
Motion was made to approve the adjustments to the residential user charge-billing list for FY 2002/2003 as presented.
        Motion was made by Mr. Aries
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously

Commercial User Charge Adjustments FY 2002/2003

Mr. Shaw distributed a memo (Attachment B) showing the recommended adjustments to the current commercial sewer user billing list.  Mr. Shaw explained the adjustment is needed for 400 – 400A Chapel Road, List No. 32933 due to the reporting by the MDC as estimated flow.  The MDC reported to the Town an estimated flow, after the figures were reported to the Town the MDC reported an actual figure to the property owner. The estimated flow was stated as $1,759.63 when the property owner reported this to the Town the figure for actual usage was changed to $1,212.23.
Motion was made to approve a refund in the amount of $547.40 for List No. 32933, property located at 400 – 400A Chapel Road, as shown on the Commercial Sewer User Billing list for FY 2002/2003.
        Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously

2001-2002 Annual Report – Review & Approval

A “Draft” copy of the proposed annual report for FY 2001/2002 was sent in the packet to all Authority members.  The proposed report was reviewed, several changes were suggested and will be made before the report is forwarded to the Town Manager.


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 5
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                OCTOBER 1, 2002                        


Motion to accept the WPCA Annual Report for FY 2001/2002, as amended.
        Motion was made by Mr. Havens
        Seconded by Mr. Davis
        The motion carried unanimously

Facility Plan – Interim Nitrogen Removal Project

Mr. Shaw distributed the Facility Plan, prepared by CDM to Authority members.  He requested the report be reviewed and a special meeting be set for Monday, October 21, 2002.  The engineering firm, CDM, will be present to discuss the plan and answer any questions the Authority might have.  After this meeting the Facility Plan will then be presented to the Town Council for review and due to the grant process a Public Hearing will be scheduled.  The comments from the Public Hearing must be included in the document, at that time the document is sent to DEP for review.  

Mr. Shaw also spoke to the Authority regarding the Town paying for nitrogen credits until the Facility Plan upgrades are completed.  The State is attempting to reduce the amount of nitrogen in Long Island Sound.  Facilities will need to be upgraded or nitrogen credits will need to be purchased, until our Facility is upgraded and running.  The exact figure has not yet been determined; we should be notified within the next month what the amount will be.  The engineers have offered an interim solution for nitrogen removal, which would incorporate some nitrogen removal capability in our plant now.  This would help us next year in reducing our cost for nitrogen removal, reducing the amount of nitrogen credits we will have to purchase.  Without considering any grant eligibility for this there will be a net savings to the Town over a three-year period, it could be four years or more before we have our system up and operating.  The State will consider this interim project grant eligible, they will consider in advance certain equipment that will be purchased for this.  The expenditure is estimated to be approximately $54,000. This requires the WPCA to authorize a transfer from the Capital Fund Balance to pay for this project. This will be done at the time the State has granted approval for this project. The chances are good we will be reimbursed by the State next spring or when the Facility Plan is approved and we are given authority to begin the design phase of this project.  This project involves grants of 20% for upgrades to the facility and 30% grants to for specific upgrades to nitrogen removal.  We expect to have more than 21% of this project funded through grants and the balance to be low interest (2%) 20-year loans.  At this time Mr. Shaw is asking for a motion to proceed with a request to the Department of Environmental Protection making the request for consideration interim funding of this project and approval that it would be eligible for grant funding.  


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 6
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                OCTOBER 1, 2002                        


Motion was made to authorize a request be sent to DEP for permission to pursue the interim nitrogen removal project, which would be grant eligible.
        Motion was made by Ms. Fletterick
        Seconded by Mr. Havens  
        The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Shaw informed the Authority that nameplates are to be ordered.  The decision was made to order the 10” nameplates with gold holders.

Chairman Carino received an invitation from DST Output to attend their Grand Opening ceremony on Friday, November 1, 2002.  He asked if anyone would be interested in attending this function.  

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda) – None



Evergreen Walk – Draft memorandum of agreement

A “Draft” Memorandum of Agreement was sent in the packet to all Authority members.  This was prepared by the Town Attorney and submitted to the Authority for review and comment.  The intent of this is to specify the Town incur no costs in regards to the permits, construction costs, engineering costs.  This will eventually be a public sewer; it will be necessary for the developer to obtain all easements, extend the sewer to Buckland Road, with at least two connection points.  Discussion followed regarding the location and extension of the sewer line.  Mr. Davis expressed concern that Exhibit A was mentioned as an attachment, but was not included with the memorandum.  Mr. Davis also expressed concern regarding the language of the memo not being specific enough regarding payment of all fees.  There will be no cost incurred by the Town for this project.  At the time the sewer line is completed and approved by the Town it will be taken over by the Town.  Chairman Carino will compose a letter to the Planning & Zoning Authority, including a copy of the draft memorandum, to keep them updated on this project.  It was decided to forward the “Draft” copy of this memorandum to the engineering firm, Fuss & O’Neill to their review and comments.  


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 7
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                OCTOBER 1, 2002                        



Motion to adjourn was made at 9:37 by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah Dumas
Recording Secretary

Date Approved:_____________________________