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WPCA Regular Meeting 7-30-02

MINUTES                                                                                                           PAGE 1
SPECIAL MEETING/SPRENKEL ROOM                                            JULY 30, 2002                        

Members present:     Joseph Carino, Chairman; Richard Aries; Ed Havens, Jr.;
                                    Robert Dickinson; Carol Fletterick; Clifford Slicer;
                           Matthew Davis; Timothy Moriarty (alternate)
                             Paul Burnham – Town Council Liasion
Members absent:         None    

Staff present:            C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                                         Barry Guliano, Town Attorney


Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


June 4, 2002

Mr. Havens asked to have Mr. Aries (arrived 7:30) added to the Members Present section of the Public Hearing minutes.

Motion to approve the minutes of June 4, 2002, as amended
        Motion made by Mr. Aries
        Seconded by Mr. Havens
        The motion carried unanimously

Mr. Burnham expressed concern regarding the bill for sewer usage for Deming Hill Estates from the Town of Manchester, he expressed concern that no additional charges be paid due to the fact the Town of Manchester had not sent a bill for the past several years.  Mr. Shaw stated he is requesting information from Manchester and will review and determine the correct amount to be paid.


34 Charing Road – Sewer Connection

Mr. Shaw explained he anticipated the owner would want to attend the meeting to discuss this situation with the Authority.  A sewer lateral was not installed at this location due to the elevation of his house being below the mainline sewer– this would require a force main all the way up to the main sewer line.  This property has also not been assessed for a sewer connection.  The property owner, after meeting with Mr. Shaw, has decided to look at the current system and other options. The resident is aware that if his leaching field has


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SPECIAL MEETING/SPRENKEL ROOM                                            JULY 30, 2002                        


not failed, he is not required to connect to the system at this time. Mr. Carino asked if a caveat should have been placed against the property, the property owner should be advised to go back to the realtor and ask the reason he was not told about this situation.  Town Attorney Guliano will be asked to check on this matter.  The recommendation was made to defer action on this item pending further investigation.
Motion was made to defer action on the sewer connection request for property located at 34 Charing Road pending further investigation.
        Motion was made by Mr. Davis
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously

Attorney Guliano arrived at 7:40 and was asked to check on the issue of 34 Charing Road; he will look into this matter and report back to the Authority.  Mr. Moriarty stated he felt the issue of who was responsible for informing the new property owner about the septic system or lack of  sewer connection should not fall on the Authority; Mr. Carino stated he did not intend for the Town to be involved in this matter he felt it would be helpful to the resident if the Authority could provide him with the correct information.

574 Felt Road – Approval to connect

Galen Semprebon from Design Professionals, Inc. was present on behalf of Kevin Driscoll to obtain approval for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for property located at 574 Felt Road, South Windsor, CT.  This lot is located in the discontinued portion of Felt Road, sewer service would be from the lateral to an onsite pump station.  The pump station would pump out to an existing manhole on Palmer Drive.  The sewer line to Palmer Drive would remain a private sewer line, on a public right of way.  The driveway on this property is located on the right of way and would serve the 4 properties to be located on Felt Road.  Attorney Guliano explained an easement was in place to allow the present property owner access to the driveway in the right of way.  The Town Council amended the original easement to allow for 3 additional properties when the property owner subdivided the remaining property.  In the agreement with the Town Attorney Guliano stated this would be a private sewer and would be maintained by the property owners.  Attorney Guliano would like to have the opportunity to review the easement and present his findings to the Authority.  Chairman Carino did not feel it was appropriate to approve this application until a clear definition is given as to what is stated in the easement.  
Motion was made to postpone the action on this connection pending review of the easement made by the Town Council.
        Motion was made by Mr.Dickinson
        Seconded by Mr. Slicer
        The motion carried unanimously


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SPECIAL MEETING/SPRENKEL ROOM                                            JULY 30, 2002                        


Berry Farm – Approval to Connect

Galen Semprebon, from Design Professionals, Inc. was present on behalf of Metro Group Realty to obtain approval for connection to the Town sewerage system of an elderly apartment complex to be located on the south side of Oakland Road. The connection to the sewer system will be made at Oakland Road with a new manhole, it will be a gravity flow system for 102 units with laterals from each of the buildings, this will be a private system, with 8” sewer line, and 6” laterals from each unit and cleanouts located every 100 ft.  There is an internal lateral from each building under the basement.  There was concern this complex could eventually become an owner-occupied complex; Peter DeMallie from Design Professionals, Inc. stated the apartment complex is a joint projet involving the South Windsor Housing Authority and is  required to remain rental units for at least 30 years.  A connection charge of $850 per unit will be required.  Mr. Dickinson expressed his concern with the internal laterals under the basement of these units and possible private ownership of these units in the future. It was recommended by the Town Attorney to require a notice be placed on the land records stating prior to change in ownership any and all conditions must be met as required by the planning and zoning approval.  This condition will  be placed in the land records and recorded on the mylar with the final approvals.
Motion was made to approve the application of Metro Realty Group for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for an elderly apartment complex to be located on Oakland Road (Route 30) as more specifically shown on Drawing No. 3/10, entitled “Topographic Map”, prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT., Job #1521, dated 12-10-01, with revisions dated 5-16-02, 6-13-02, 6-27-02, 7-16-02 and subject to the following conditioners: a notice be placed in the land records stating prior to change in ownership from a rental property to single ownership any and all conditions must be met as set forth by the planning and zoning approval, an easement be required stating all property owners will have access to and through laterals, this must be recorded prior to issuance of first certificate of occupancy; a connection charge of $850 per unit must be paid; and subject to the technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.
        Motion was made by Mr. Davis
        Seconded by Mr. Slicer
        The motion carried unanimously

609 Foster Street – Approval to connect

Mr. Shaw stated the above request is for a standard hook-up. This does not need to be brought before the Authority.


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SPECIAL MEETING/SPRENKEL ROOM                                            JULY 30, 2002                        

 NEW BUSINESS, Continued

Motion was made to remove Item C4 – 609 Foster St. and and move  Item C5 – 280 Sullivan Avenue to Item C4, and also to add new Item C5 – 1430 Ellington Road to agenda.
        Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Mr. Slicer
        The motion carried unanimously

280 Sullivan Avenue – Approval to connect

Galen Semprebon, from Design Professionals, Inc. was present on behalf of 280 Sullivan Ave., LLC to obtain approval for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for a commercial building located at 280 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, CT  06074.  Renovations will be made to the location to add an office on the property.  The lateral will be installed and run across the property and connect to an existing sewer line in Sullivan Avenue, clean-outs will be located every 100 ft. The Town Engineer recommended the line running north/south be an 8” line, with the line running east/west be a 6” line, and a manhole be installed at the intersection of the east/west and north/south lines in place of a clean-out as previously shown.   
Motion was made to approve the application of 280 Sullivan Ave., LLC for connection to the Town’s sewerage system of a commercial building located at 280 Sullivan Ave., South Windsor, CT., as more specifically shown on Drawing No. 3, entitled “280 Sullivan Avenue LLC”, prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT., Job # 1581, dated 3-7-02, with no revisions and subject to the following conditions: the line running north/south will be an 8” line to Sullivan Avenue, a manhole be installed at the intersection of the east/west and north/south line, and subject to the technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department and a connection charge for an area of 4.43 acres at a cost of $2,800 per acre, total connection charge in the amount of $12,404 due at the time the permit is issued.
        Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Mr. Moriarty
        The motion carried unanimously

At this time Attorney Guliano presented copies of the easements for the property located at 574 Felt Road.  The easement adopted by the Town Council clearly states the Town will allow a paved driveway and utilities and the Town will have no liability for construction and maintenance.  In fairness to the next applicant on the agenda this matter was discussed later in the meeting.


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SPECIAL MEETING/SPRENKEL ROOM                                            JULY 30, 2002                        

New Business, Continued

1430 Ellington Road - Approval to connect

Mr. Shaw explained to the Authority this project was previously approved by Planning and Zoning, but it was not explained to the resident WPCA approval would be necessary for the connection of the proposed nail salon to the Town’s sewerage system. There will be a waste-water discharge from the nail salon to be constructed on this property.  There will be a unisex toilet, and also a wash station for customers to rinse off hands.  The property owner will be assessed for the residential sewer use as well as the commercial use of the property.  The system will require a flow meter to determine the commercial flow amount of the user charge for the business, a log must be kept to record these figures.  The use and removal of chemicals used in the process was discussed.  All the chemicals used will be disposed of separately in the appropriate way, none of the items will be washed down the sink.  As part of the condition of approval the Town will investigate the chemicals being used, if they are found to be detrimental to the system pre-treatment will be required. The location will be inspected by the Superintendent of Pollution Control to confirm installation of meter to measure flow and the use and disposal of chemicals. Peter DeMallie of Design Professionals, Inc., explained to the Authority Planning and Zoning approval was issued and the condition of approval contains a stipulation the use of the property will be re-examined in five years under the condition this is being done as a major home occupation. The Authority agreed the letter from Planning and Zoning, dated July 27, 2001 would a condition of their approval.
Motion was made to approve the application of Ngan Thanh Nguyen for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for property located at 1430 Ellington Road, South Windsor, CT., as more specifically shown on Drawing No. 2, entitled “Improvement Location Plan”, prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT., Job. No. 1435, dated 7-27-01, with revisions dated 8-17-01, 8-24-01, 8-27-01, 9-24-01 and subject to the following conditions: if upon the Town’s investigation  the chemicals used are  determined to be detrimental to the system pre-treatment will be required;  a meter to measure flow for commercial use is required, a log showing the amount of flow from the commercial business must be kept an made available; use of the property is consistent with the letter from Planning & Zoning dated July 27, 2001, any discharge must comply with state and local requirements, prior and continued Planning & Zoning approval is required per requirements for major home occupation and subject to the technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.
        Motion was made by Mr. Davis
        Seconded by Mr. Moriarty
        The motion carried unanimously


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SPECIAL MEETING/SPRENKEL ROOM                                            JULY 30, 2002                        

New Business, Continued

Attorney Guliano distributed to the authority a copy of the right of way/easement and maintenance agreement for the property at 574 Felt Road (See Attachment A). The easement stated the property owners would have the right of way and also the right to install, maintain and connect to water, cable, telephone, electricity, sewer lines, storm water drainage pipes and all other utilities. There will be no liability incurred on the part of the Town for maintenance or repair.  At this point and with new information provided a motion was made to place Item C2 back on the agenda for approval.

Motion to return Item C2 – 574 Felt Road to the agenda portion of the meeting for approval.
        Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously

After discussion of the right of way/easement and maintenance agreement for property located at 574 Felt Road the following motion for approval was made.
Motion was made to approve the application of Kevin Driscoll for connection the the Town’s sewerage system of one lot located at 574 Felt Road, as more specifically shown on Drawing No. 1/1, entitled “Improvement Location Map”’ prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT., Job #1623, dated 5-8-02, with revisions dated 6-13-02 and 6-18-02 and subject to the First Amendment to Right of Way/Roadway Easement and Maintenance Agreement, Vol. 1322, Page 257, dated May 30, 2002 adopted by the Town Council and subject to the technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.
        Motion was made by Mr. Davis
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Burnham brought up an issue relating to the Budget for the W.P.C.A. – he asked if the employees for the Treatment Plant were paid out of the Special Revenue Fund.  Mr. Shaw explained user charges funded the operation and all salaries and expenses (ie: insurance) were paid from the Special Revenue Fund.


Motion was made to go into Executive Session at 9:20 by Ms. Fletterick
        Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
        The motion carried unanimously

Motion to go out of Executive Session was made at 9:45 by Mr. Slicer
        The motion was carried unanimously


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SPECIAL MEETING/SPRENKEL ROOM                                            JULY 30, 2002                        

Motion to authorize the resolution of the claim made by Jennings Contractor in the amount of $1,875 subject to appropriate releases being filed by all the parties.
        Motion was made by Mr. Aries
        Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
        The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Shaw notified the Authority that the Plant Supervisor position has been filled by Mr. Timothy Friend.

Mr. Shaw also reported property located at 565 Foster St., is a vacant lot, however, sewer assessments have been paid, including the lateral charge.  This lot has been sold and it was found no lateral was provided for the property.  It is the Town’s responsibility to provide a lateral, which had been previously paid for.  Mr. Shaw has requested a plan from the Engineering Department for installation of the lateral.  The Town will now solicit proposals for installation of this lateral.  Chairman Carino felt it would be in the best interest of all concerned to approve an amount up to $4,000 for this proposal, this would make it unnecessary for Mr. Shaw to have to return for approval at a later date.

Motion was made to add 565 Foster Street as Item C6 to the agenda for approval.
        Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously
Motion was made to approve up to $4,000 for installation of a lateral at property located at 565 Foster St.
        Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously

Chairman Carino reviewed the ongoing issue regarding the statement made by Planning and Zoning regarding sewers in rural areas (Barber Hill Rd.).  As stated previously it is the responsibility of the WPCA to extend sewers to all areas of Town.  Planning and Zoning has since made a statement to the Town Council  which Chairman Carino feels resolves the issue. Chairman Carino felt it is no longer necessary to write a letter to the Planning and Zoning Commission. No further action will be taken by the WPCA with reference to this matter.



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SPECIAL MEETING/SPRENKEL ROOM                                            JULY 30, 2002                    


Strategic Plan worksheet should be completed in time for the September meeting, several members requested copies of the worksheet.  Mr. Shaw will have Michael Gantick present at the September meeting to review the Strategic Plan.

Chairman Carino requested a tour of the Treatment Plant be organized for the new members.  A calendar will be sent to all members to arrange a time in the month of September for this tour.


Motion was made to adjourn at 10:00 by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Mr. Havens
        The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah Dumas
Recording Secretary

Date approved:__________________________