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WPCA Minutes 1-02-01

MINUTES                                         TOWN HALL                        REGULAR MEETING              
SPRENKEL ROOM                             PAGE 1                                   JANUARY 2, 2001                            

Members Present:  Thomas Hindson, Richard Aries (arrived 7:42),  Joseph Carino,             
                                 Robert  Dickinson, Carol Fletterick
Members Absent:   Wayne Tursi, Kenneth Olander

Staff Present:  Fred Shaw


Chairman Hindson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


November 8, 2000 and December 5, 2000

Motion to approve the minutes of the meetings of November 8, 2000 and December 5, 2000

        Motion was made by Mr. Hindson
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously


72 Commerce Way – Approval of Connect
Andrew Hewitt was present on behalf of Ranco Collision Repair to present the application for a sewer connection of a commercial building located at 72 Commerce Way for an area covering 1.089 acres.  Mr. Hewitt stated the building is a 5100 sq. ft. body shop, there will be no floor drains or grease interceptors.  All oil and other fluids would be drained before vehicles are brought into the building and these fluids would be recycled by Safety Clean.  Mr. Hindson asked if there was only one line leaving the building, Mr. Shaw stated that was correct and it connected to a manhole on Commerce Way in the middle of the road.  There is also a standard 6” pipe being used for this lateral.  Mr. Shaw stated there is a connection charge due at the time the permit is taken out.  The connection charge would be $2,722.50.
Motion to approve the application of Ranco Collision Repair for connection to a sewer of a commercial building located at 72 Commerce Way in accordance with Drawing No. 1, entitled “Ranco Collision Repair - Site Development Plan” prepared by Bascom/Magnotta, Inc., Durham, CT., Job No. 89821-01, Drawings No. 1 dated 9/2000, with revision dated 10/16/00 and Drawing No. 2 dated 10/2000, with no revisions, subject to the technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department and that a connection charge of $2.722.50 based on 1.089 acres will be payable at the time the permit is issued.


MINUTES                                             TOWN HALL                  REGULAR MEETING
SPRENKEL ROOM                                PAGE 2                               JANUARY 2, 2001

NEW BUSINESS, Continued – Approval to connect – 72 Commerce Way
        Motion was made by Mr. Hindson
        Seconded by Mr. Carino
        The motion carried unanimously

Reynolds Subdivision – Approval to Connect

Wayne Reynolds was present on behalf of Reynolds Subdivision to present the application for a sewer connection for a new home being built east of 161 Beelzebub Rd. The new home is to be built on the top of the hill and the appropriate slope is present to run the line into the manhole on Beelzebub Rd.

Motion was made to approve the application of Reynolds Subdivision as shown on drawing entitled “Reynolds Subdivision” located on Beelzebub Rd., South Windsor, Connecticut and prepared by Meehan & Goodin, Manchester, CT., Job # 99318, Sheet #1 entitled Key Map dated 8-31-2000, with no revisions, Sheet #2 entitled Subdivision Plan dated 8-31-2000, with revisions dated 9-22-00 and 11-29-00 for a single family residence to be built east of 161 Beelezbub Rd., subject to the technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.

        Motion was made by Mr. Carino
        Seconded by Mr. Hindson
        The motion carried unanimously

Constitution Landing – Approval to extend sewer located on Nutmeg Road, South

Mr. Raymond Nelson was present on behalf of Messier Engineers, Inc. to request approval for a mainline extension to serve 3 possibly 4 lots.  There is an existing sewer but it was found to be too shallow, it was anticipated a connection could be made from the back of the existing lot as more research was done it was found this was not feasible, therefore the decision was made to install a full gravity sewer extension from the existing manhole to serve these lots.  It would be approximately 900 feet of 10” mainline pipe at a ½ % slope with an 8” stub running to the covert crossing at the drainage ditch.  At this point whoever develops the lot(s) would tap into the line.  The line is to be installed off the road. Mr. Shaw asked if the easement is in favor of the Town maintaining the line even though the lots would be the only ones serviced by this line.  Mr. Nelson said that would be the case.  The Town did have an easement for approximately ½ of this property, but it was never officially given to anyone; as part of the re-subdivision approval it was stated the easement be in favor of the Town.  The line would be a private line connecting to a public system. It was stated that the WPCA does not want to bear the responsibility of maintaining a line on private property.


MINUTES                                          TOWN HALL                       REGULAR MEETING
SPRENKEL ROOM                            PAGE 3                                      JANUARY 2, 2001

NEW BUSINESS, Continued – Approval to extend line on Nutmeg Road, South

Motion was made to approve the application of Messier Engineers, Inc. to extend
a private line connecting to the public sewer with the proper easements being drafted
between the property owners and the Town.  The easements being subject to the approval of the Town Attorney and the line would remain a private line.

        Motion was made by Mr. Carino
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously

Town of South Windsor – Public Works Dept. – permission to remporarily discharge ground water to sanitary sewer

Mr. Shaw was present to request permission to temporarily discharge ground water to the sanitary sewer during replacement of the underground fuel tanks at the Public Works garage.
The Town has been directed to replace the underground tanks by the DEP.  In the process of removing the tanks no ground water was found – if there should be ground water it will be pumped into the sanitary sewer.  This location is adjacent to the closed landfill at the town garage.  A chart (Exhibit A) was presented with the well results and it was acknowledged this data is from 1984.  Mr. Aries asked if samples of the ground water were taken and analyzed.
Mr. Shaw stated that samples were taken recently but results were not available at this time.  Mr. Carino asked if any steps needed to be taken at the treatment plant to accept this water.  Mr. Shaw stated there was nothing special that need be done, with the small amount of water that might be discharged, it would be diluted by the large amount of water that flows through the treatment plant daily. Mr. Aries found the data unacceptable due to the fact it dated back to 1984; he felt this was not an accurate indication of what is currently in the water.  He also stated that if test results were to be available within one or two days it would be advisable to wait for test results.

Motion was made to grant permission to the Town of South Windsor, Public
Works Department to temporarily discharge ground water to the sanitary sewer
located at the Town Garage during installation of the underground fuel tanks.

        Motion was made by Mr. Carino   
        Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
        The motion carried 4 – 1, with members Hindson, Fletterick, Carino and
        Dickinson voting in favor of the motion, Mr. Aries voting against.

6 Evans Crossing – Approval to Connect

The application of Stephan Builders to connect to the Town sewer for property located at 6 Evans Crossing was discussed at the meeting of the W.P.C.A. on December 5, 2000.  Due to


MINUTES                                      TOWN HALL                     REGULAR MEETING
SPRENKEL ROOM                        PAGE 4                                     JANUARY 2, 2001

NEW BUSINESS, Continued – 6 Evans Crossing – Approval to Connect

the fact there was not a quorum available Mr. Carino polled the authority members by phone to obtain approval for this project, that approval was obtained from all the commissioners and at this time a formal motion to approve is being made.

Motion to approve the application of Stephan Builders for connection to the Town of South
Windsor sewer on Evan’s Crossing in accordance with drawing entitled “Improvement
Location Plan” dated 9-20-2000, with revisions dated 10-16-00, and 12-1-00 and subject to
the technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department
        Motion was made by Mr. Carino
        Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
        The motion carried unanimously

Strawberry Fields – Conceptual Approval

Peter DeMallie and Galen Semprebon from Design Professionals were present to review the application for Sullivan Town Homes, L.L.C., seeking conceptual approval for a sewer connection for an elderly housing condominium to be built on Sullivan Avenue.  At the previous meeting of December 5, 2000 a brief description of the project was given by Galen Semprebon.  This project is a 43 unit senior development with a private sewer system that will discharge to the Town sewer system on Sullivan Avenue. The internal private system includes individual laterals to each unit into a private pump station that would empty into the public system on the street.  At the previous meeting discussion included running a forced main to the existing manhole near Collins Crossing. Based on discussions with several residents, on Sullivan Avenue across from the proposed site, who are interested in potential service, the proposal has been refined and they are now looking to run a gravity line within Sullivan Avenue to allow these residents to connect at the time of construction.  The force main would connect to a manhole at the entrance road to the proposed site. Discussion followed regarding running the line south on Sullivan Avenue to Hillside.  Mr. DeMallie stated the additional cost would make this proposal prohibitive, as the additional line would not serve his project.  In the future the line being installed could be extended as the Town saw fit to do so.  It was also discussed the feasibility of running the line on the east side of Sullivan Avenue as opposed to down the center of the road.  The right of way on the east side of Sullivan Avenue belongs to the State of Connecticut and approval would have to be obtained from the State.
Motion was made to grant conceptual approval to Sullivan Home, L.L.C. to run a sewer line along the east side of Sullivan Avenue for a senior condominium complex known as Strawberry Hills with the following conditions:
Approval being obtained from the State of Connecticut to install the sewer line in
the right of way on the east side of Sullivan Avenue
Auxiliary power to be provided for the private pump station in the event a power
      outage should occur.


MINUTES                                      TOWN HALL             REGULAR MEETING
SPRENKEL ROOM                        PAGE 5                             JANUARY 2, 2001

NEW BUSINESS, Continued – Conceptual Approval – Strawberry Fields
Technical approval from the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department
Developers Agreement be considered to include the three (3) private
   residences on the east side of Sullivan Avenue for connection to the system
   at the time construction is being done.
          5.  Reserve capacity of the Town’s system is sufficient for this project.
        Motion to approve was made by Mr. Carino
        Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
        The motion carried unanimously





350 – 364 Abbe Road Extension

Discussion followed regarding several issues that were raised at the December 5, 2001 meeting.  Mr. Shaw was present to answer the questions that were raised at the last meeting.  It was stated that the flow capacity for the 8” pipe is more than sufficient.  With the slope of the pipe at 6/10th of 1% to a full 1-% a flow of approximately 786,000 gallons per day is sufficient.  Mr. Shaw was not aware of an obstruction in the cross-country line where it meets the main line, it was stated an obstruction could be present in any part of that line.  The recommendation was made to clean out this line on a more regular basis, presently the lines are cleaned every three years; the schedule would reflect a cleaning every six months to begin with and more if necessary.  It may be feasible to connect the lateral directly to the manhole but Mr. Shaw is not certain it will create less of a risk for a backup or blockage.  Mr. Carino stated he would be acceptable to more frequent cleaning of this line, but if a blockage should occur again involving these two properties a connection be installed directly to the manhole.  Mr. Carino also brought up the fact the resident has not been reimbursed for the cleaning of the blocked line; it was agreed that the resident should be reimbursed for the amount of $232.50.
        Motion was made to reimburse Mr. & Mrs. Denshick the amount of $232.50
        Which represents the cost incurred cleaning the obstruction of their line.
                Motion was made by Mr. Aries
                Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
                The motion carried unanimously


MINUTES                                      TOWN HALL             REGULAR MEETING
SPRENKEL ROOM                        PAGE 6                             JANUARY 2, 2001

UNFINISHED BUSINESS, Continued – 350 – 364 Abbe Road Extension

Mr. Carino stated the Town Attorney felt that with all the data produced no evidence was shown that the WPCA participated in filing of the two easements for the above
mentioned properties.  It was felt the Town Attorney should draft a motion stating this fact.  Mr. Aries asked if there were any factual issues between the Denshicks and the WPCA. Mr. Carino stated the property owners were under the assumption someone from the WPCA filed the easements for them, he also stated this was not the case.  Mr. Aries stated the Town Attorney should address the issue of collateral estappo, which means the Denshicks claim could be strengthened by the fact they and their attorney acted in good faith and relied upon representation by the Authority in assuming the easements would be filed properly.


Motion was made to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. by Mr. Hindson
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        Motion carried unanimously

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah Dumas,
Recording Secretary

Date approved:____