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SWALPAC Minutes 01-18-05
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Betty Warren, Tim Shepard,  Cile Decker, Jim Kupchunos, Bob Entigar, and Jim Futtner

Meeting called to order.

ITEM:  Minutes

The November 16, 2004 minutes were approved.

ITEM:  Other Business

490 Letter:  SWALPAC will send a letter to 490 landowners to learn if there are any plans to sell their property with or without preservation in mind.  Even if the owner desires to sell for development SWALPAC may be able to orchestrate a scenario where preservation becomes a part.

490 Re-evaluation:  Mr. Intino informed as that the state would be determining the current assessment value for the 490 land.

ITEM: New Business

PDR:  February 22, 2005, the Council will hear a presentation on PDR.  The Open Space Task Force will have an attorney present PDR from an estate point of view.  SWALPAC will have Steve Revitsky, from the Department of Agriculture; to present the Agricultural Department point of view  It is estimated that the work session’s presentations will be 20 minutes each plus questions.
Agriculture Image:  Mr. Kupchunos volunteered to investigate – and be lead person  - to have a “corn fest” at a Town function i.e. summer concert.  The purpose will be to raise awareness of Town agriculture.  Mr. Futtner will first check with Parks & Recreation on the schedule of events.

Meeting was adjourned.

(Although the Town Hall interior temperature was comfortable, the 2 degrees temperature of our car seats and the lack of any meaningful new topic was reason enough for our Chairperson to call for adjournment.)

Respectfully submitted,

Tim Shepard
