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SWALPAC Minutes 5/18/04

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Betty Warren, Bob Entigar, Tim Shepard, Sandy Jeski and Cile Decker

Meeting called to order.

ITEM:  Minutes

The March 30, 2004 minutes were approved.

ITEM:  Other Business

Farm building assessment – SWALPAC members should attend the hearing with the Town Council – to be scheduled.

Kelley parcel of Clark Street as yet is not leased for 2004.

ITEM: New Business

Tim Shepard to check with Rich Boudreault to see if all parcels have termination dates on the leases, which will allow sufficient time to find a new tenant for the season.  Perhaps a termination date of January 1, 2005 will allow the needed time.

Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Tim Shepard
