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SWAFF Meeting Minutes 10-2011
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Last Updated: 2011/12/23
South Windsor Alliance for Families (SWAFF)
Meeting Minutes – October 18, 2011

Call Meeting to Order: Joann Moriarty called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.

Members Present: Keri Apt; Elsie Diaz; Tom Field; Sue Gerich; Penny Hill; Ali Jennings; Joann Moriarty; Ashley Murphy; Kathy Reed; Rebecca Schroder; and Dennis Sheridan

September Meeting Minutes were reviewed and approved.

Meeting with Superintendent Kate Carter
Joann had a brief impromptu meeting with Kate where the subject of the student survey was discussed. Kate commented that she saw value in resurveying students but did not want the survey to be a response to a drug incident.  She did agree to reconvene the original focus group that met two years ago.  That group could then recommend resurveying the students. Joann and Ashley will meet to discuss the survey before another meeting with Kate.

Open Discussion on Community Events
The target audience for these events is middle and high school students, but we do not want to miss the younger groups that are coming up, therefore the key is to educate parents early and to keep the focus on healthy and safe families.
  • The September middle school program was a success with 37 students in attendance, including 22 new ones who got their first exposure to the teen center.
  • Please keep your eyes and ears open for Jan.-Mar. events.
  • Consider SWAFF goodie bags that can be handed out at elementary events.
  • Keri will report back with possible recreation events in spring, but many of the programs are geared more towards younger children.
  • Super Sixty’s fishing derby in April. In the past this event was called “Get Hooked on Fishing not Drugs”
  • Recreation in conjunction with the Junior Women’s Club holds an Egg Hunt on Good Friday. Goodie bags are handed out and could contain SWAFF items.
  • PAWS in the Park is held in May, an event that SWAFF and SADD can work together on.
  • Rentschler Homecoming Game in fall 2012.
LPC Grant
The grant will be distributed as follows:  Smoking Prevention Week $1500, SADD $745, and Broken Dreams $2000, this amount may change as the cost for this event is $7000 and may not be funded.

Smoking Cessation Group
Three high school students are currently enrolled in the American Lung Association’s voluntary program Not On Tobacco (N-O-T) for teens who want to quit smoking. It is a ten session program and the students are currently in their third session.

Drug Free Communities Grant Update:
If any member has any suggestions for environmental strategies for drug and alcohol events should bring them to the next meeting. The focus is to raise awareness and encourage enforcement.

SADD Activities/STOP ACT Projects
There was a great turn out for the first meeting. The goal is to get the students involved in what project they want to work on, with parameters ready for the Oct. 19 meeting. A seat belt safety check will be held on Wed. Oct. 26 at the high school.  All cars will be checked and anyone with their seatbelt on will get a bag of Smartfood.

Future Activities/Projects
Responsible Alcohol Sales: Kathy and Joann are working on writing a letter to local liquor stores to see if they are willing to volunteer to receive the kit.
Medication Disposal Day: Saturday October 29 from 10 am-2 pm at the SWPD.  Volunteers are needed to help with handouts etc. A flyer will be distributed to elementary and middle school parents.

ERASE Update:
The Family Wellness Expo held in September was successful with over 170 people in attendance.
Bonnie Smith has purchased Medication Disposal Boxes for distribution on a first-come first-served basis. Their availability is expected in January.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.  The next meeting is November 15 at 5:30.

Respectfully submitted,
Nancy A. Aborn, Recording Secretary