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SWAFF Meeting Minutes 01-2011
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Last Updated: 2011/5/16

South Windsor Alliance for Families (SWAFF)
Meeting Minutes – March 15, 2011

Call Meeting to Order: Diane Gerber called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.

Roll Call
Members Present: Jennifer Anderson; Keri Apt; Arnica Breene; Elsie Diaz; Tom Field; Diane Gerber; Alicia Metzger; Kayleen Misale; Ashley Murphy; Kathy Reed; Jan Tarr; Shaylyn Young; and Dennis Sheridan

January Meeting Minutes were reviewed and approved with one revision

Student Substance Use Survey
Dennis spoke with school superintendent Kate Carter regarding redoing the survey.  Although she said that the survey could not be done this year, she is willing to revisit the plan to do it next year. ERASE will still be on board, providing the survey free of cost. Since the data from the 2008 survey is still relevant, alliance members who wants to review the results can contact Dennis or Joann.

Community Awareness Report
Kathy Reed, the School Outreach Liaison was introduced by Dennis. Some of her responsibilities will include the Jump Start Program; Lunch with the CHOICE students; Mentoring Program; SADD; Smoking Prevention Week; and overseeing the Stop Act Grant. She will also continue to chair the Community Awareness Committee Campaign. A subcommittee meeting was held where posters were created for the Medication Disposal Day along with new prescription drug abuse posters geared towards students.

Internet Safety Program Feedback
Alyssa Metzger commented that she thought the program was very informative and that response from other students was the same.

Youth Update SADD
The group is working on a public service announcement on prescription drug abuse. They are also discussing a student pledge program regarding texting and driving. On March 31 at 11 am, MADD will do a presentation to the 11th grade students.

Kayleen Misali from ERASE will meet with Kathy to discuss the Stop Act Grant funds and how they may be used for these programs.

ERASE Report
The 17th Annual PAWS (Peers Are Wonderful Support) Conference will be held at Manchester Community College on March 24 for high school students and March 25 for middle school students. The morning session keynote presentation will be by mime artist Robert Rivest followed by two workshops of the student’s choice and lunch. The afternoon keynote presentation will be by Officer Earl Middleton of the Vernon Police Department. Kayleen announced that because there will be no MADD Power Camp this year they are researching a possible summer PAWS program to replace it.

Medication Disposal Day
The South Windsor Triad will be hosting a Medication Disposal Day on Saturday, April 30 from 10 am to 2 pm at the South Windsor Police Station. Residents can just drive up and drop off their unused and expired prescription, non-prescription and over the counter medications (no needles). SWAFF will provide residents with valuable information on how these drugs are misused by students.  Members are welcome to come help out!
Alyssa commented that she felt that the dances are out of control because of the younger students drinking beforehand. She said that she heard that dances my not be held next year and feels that this measure punishes everyone. Some of the suggestions brought up to deal with the offending students were to take away privileges such as prom, etc.  Arnica Breene felt that idea would not work because it probably would not affect them the next year. Keri Apt brought up the idea of the students performing community service hours. Another suggestion was the use of a breathalyzer, but Sgt. Diaz feels that this would not be effective because the students start drinking right before they go in and are not experiencing the effects yet.

Operation Graduation will be held on Tuesday, June 14.  School ends on Friday June 17.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.  The next meeting is March 15.

Respectfully submitted,
Nancy A. Aborn, Recording Secretary