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Public Building Commission Minutes 03/04/2015
South Windsor Public Building Commission
Minutes – Special Meeting – March 4, 2015

A special meeting of the Public Building Commission was held on March 4, 2015 in Room 106 at Ellsworth School, 1737 Main Street.  The following people were in attendance:

Members Present:  Howard (Hap) Fitts, Carol Kelley, Jim Neary, Charley Lyons

Also Present: Patrick Hankard

Chairman Fitts called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.

Executive Session:   A motion was made by Mrs. Kelley, seconded by Mr. Lyons to enter into executive session to discuss and conduct interviews concerning the responses to the request for proposals for commissioning agent services.  Such executive session shall include Director of Facilities Patrick Hankard and shall also include the individual respondents during the time of their interview only.  Motion passed unanimously.

The following three firms participated in the interviews:

  • AKF Engineers
  • Strategic Building Solutions
  • Sustainable Engineering Solutions
The commission adjourned the executive session following the interviews by consensus at 8:30 PM.

Possible action concerning request for proposals for Commissioning Agent for Orchard Hill Elementary School Project
Chairman Fitts requested the commission’s preference regarding the decision for commissioning agent.  Mr. Neary indicated his preference to take the time to consider the information and make a decision at the March 11 meeting.  Mr. Neary also noted his concern with the current deficit in the project of $774,000 and his desire not to see that deficit rise.  Mr. Hankard reminded the commission members that in order to receive state reimbursement, given that they have determined to build a high performance building, a commissioning agent is required.  Mr. Hankard also noted that the budgeted amount in the project for the commissioning agent is $70,000 and that any one of the three firms would be within that range.  Commission members continued to discuss information gathered during the interviews and posed questions for further clarification, to which Mr. Hankard indicated he would follow up with the respondents.
There being no other business being brought before the commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann Walsh