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PZC Minutes 11-12-2013
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bart Pacekonis, Billy Carroll, Viney Wilson, Betty Kuehnel, Kevin Foley (left at 10:20 p.m.), Frank Bonzani
STAFF PRESENT: Michele Lipe, Town Planner; Jeff Doolittle, Town Engineer; Lauren Zarambo, Recording Secretary

  • Appl. 13-52P, G&R Marine – request for renewal of a 2-year temporary and conditional permit (Section 2.13a) for boat storage on property located at 51 Glendale Road, I zone


CALL TO ORDER:  Chairman Bart Pacekonis called the Regular Meeting to order at 8:45 p.m. and welcomed Frank Bonzani as a regular member.

NEW BUSINESS: Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following:


  • Appl. 13-47P, South Windsor Food Alliance Winter Farmers Market - request for a 2-year temporary & conditional permit to allow a farmers market weekly from November 2 through December 21, offering produce and other items such as vegetables, fruits, cheeses, meats, baked goods, soaps, candles, at the St Margaret Mary’s Church, 80 Hayes Road, A-20 zone
Mr. Andy Paterna, representing the South Windsor Food Alliance, presented the request for a two year temporary & conditional permit for the winter season of the farmers market. They are looking forward to hundreds of people coming to a new venue with more room than had the summer market.

Town Planner, Michele Lipe, gave staff comments:

Request for a renewal of a temporary and conditional permit for a farmers market sponsored by the South Windsor FOOD Alliance located at St Margaret Mary’s Church, 80 Hayes Road, A-20 zone.
The proposal is to have the market weekly on Saturdays, November 2 through December 21, 2013. The market would run from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. and vendors would leave by 2 p.m.  
Parking for the event will be on-site.
All health code requirements for vendors selling food or offering food samples must be met. The applicant will be responsible for ensuring that all necessary permits are obtained and submitted to the Health Department and to coordinate an inspection of the vendor booths prior to opening for the season.The wording of the T & C permit regulation is that, “Temporary and conditional permits may be granted by the Commission for a period not to exceed 2 years. Such approval may be given after a public hearing if, in the judgment of the Commission, the public convenience and welfare will be substantially served, and the appropriate use of neighboring property will not be substantially or permanently injured, and traffic and other hazards will not result from such use.”
If this application is approved, the applicant could file the 2014 dates with the Planning Department once determined.

Town Engineer, Jeff Doolittle, had no staff comments.

Commissioners had no questions or comments.

Commissioner Carroll made a motion to approve with the following modifications:

  • The Temporary and Condition permit will expire on October 22, 2015.
  • The Health Department must be consulted and proper permits obtained for vendors selling or providing food at the market.
  • If there are buildings, structures, signs or other items that require a building permit or other Town approvals/permits, all such approvals or permits must be obtained prior to construction or use of the site.
  • All free standing signs and/or building signs (temporary or permanent) require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected
  • Future dates for the 2014 Winter Farmer Market must be submitted to the Planning Department.
Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

  • Appl. 13-39P, Aero-Med, Ltd. – request for a site plan modification for a 14,337 sf addition on the southerly side of the existing building, on property located at 571 Nutmeg Road North, I zone
Attorney Megan Alter of Alter & Pearson, LLC presented the request showing the layout of 571 Nutmeg Road North, a rear lot, on a site map. The proposed 14,000 sq ft addition to the southerly side of the existing warehouse will add a new parking area with 64 parking spaces to the easterly portion of the site measuring. John Manners of the Castle Corporation was the architect for the project. The attorney provided an illustration of a revised window configuration suggested by ADRC. The same building materials and architectural features are proposed for the addition as were used in the existing building. Lighting plans were submitted with the application. Full cut off fixtures meet regulations. The project received approval from IWA/CC on 10/16/13 and has incorporated updated drainage and landscape improvements into the revised plans.  

Mr. Jonathan Sczurek, PE with Megson & Heagle, discussed the drainage for the site stating the new addition will be built on top of an existing parking lot and there will not be an increase in run off resulting from the development. The proposed driveway will have catch basins where storm water will be routed into the detention pond. Almost 10,000 sq ft runoff going into the detention pond has been reduced by due to the infiltration design that has been incorporated into the plans. Water quality measures have been added to the project such as hooded outlets on all existing and proposed catch basins on site. All new catch basins will be constructed with three foot deep sumps. Erosion controls are shown on the plan. A storm water maintenance plan has been incorporated to ensure all stormwater quality systems remain functioning.

Landscape architect, Ms Stephanie Fuss of Stephanie Fuss Associates in Glastonbury went over the landscaping for the site discussing the addition of 11 shade trees in the new parking lot and two shrubs for every three parking spaces and a grass island. Two oak trees will be preserved. Planting beds were described. Along the north property line plants are being added for the wetland habitat. The existing detention basin is shady so invasive species will be removed to allow for additional light and increase variety and competition with perennial plantings. Plants will be removed at the flagpole at the building’s entrance and new ones added. The existing stone mulch on the narrow planting strip at the side of the building will be retained and more perennials added. Plantings will be added to the existing parking lot and the perimeter. The variety of plantings include 20 different shrubs, trees and perennial grasses.

Town Planner, Michele Lipe, gave staff comments:
  • Request for site plan modification to add approximately 14,300 square feet of warehouse space to the southern side of existing building for property located at 511 Nutmeg Road North, I zone. Maximum impervious coverage allowed is 65%, 63% proposed.  Proposed building height is 22.5 feet; 40 feet allowed.
  • The existing driveway will continue to service the property.
  • The addition proposed is in an area where there is currently parking.  The applicant is proposing to reconfigure the parking area to the rear of the building for employee parking as well as add additional parking in the front of the building. The new parking area in the front will also accommodate an area for tractor trailers to park while waiting to be unloaded.
  • The parking requirement for the office, manufacturing and warehouse use on this property is 104 spaces. The applicant has provided for 64 spaces however has demonstrated how the other spaces could be constructed if necessary.
  • The ADRC reviewed the plans on 9/19/13 and were had the following recommendations:
  • A dark band to be added to the front elevation to balance the building.  The elevation submitted has incorporated this recommendation.
  • New lighting will be added to the front parking area and on the building. A lighting plan has been submitted demonstrating full cut-off lighting. Landscaping has been added in compliance with the regulations.
  • There is no new signage proposed for the site.
  • There are regulated wetlands on the property.  The application received IWA/CC approval on 10/16/2013 with the following recommended conditions: $5,000 erosion and sedimentation bond.
  • Water and sewer currently serve the property.  Water Pollution Control Authority approval is not required.
  • The Fire Marshal has reviewed this proposal and is satisfied with the plan.
  • If this application is approved, there are no planning modifications requested.
Town Engineer, Jeff Doolittle stated all prior engineering comments have been addressed and there are no outstanding comments.

Commissioner Carroll asked about the parking and driveway on site. The Town Planner responded and Attorney Alter clarified. Chairman Pacekonis brought up safe traffic patterns and safe travel for employees noting there were no sidewalks proposed in the parking areas. Attorney Alter stated there are no sidewalks in the parking areas, none proposed, but there could be room for one if required.

Commissioner Carroll made a motion to approve with the following modifications:

  • Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
  • No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
  • This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission, including bonds in the amount of $5,000.
  • A landscape bond in the amount of $3000 is required and must be submitted prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy if work is not completed.
  • All bonds must be in one of the forms described in the enclosed Bond Policy.
  • An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 9.1.3 of the Zoning Regulations.
  • All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
  • This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority.
  • The building street number must be included on the final plan.
  • Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
  • All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
  • If a State Traffic Commission certificate is required, no building permits will be issued until the certificate has been issued (per CGS §14-311).
  • Engineering comments dated 10/17/13 must be incorporated into the plans.
  • A sidewalk must be added along the westerly side of the building.
Commissioner Kuehnel seconded the motion

The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


CALL TO ORDER:  Chairman Pacekonis called the Public Hearing to order at 9:16 p.m.

Secretary Commissioner Wilson read the legal notice as it was published in the Journal Inquirer on Saturday, November 2, and Thursday, November 7, 2013 into the record.

  • Appl. 13-45P, G & R Marine LLC – request for a special exception to Table 4.1.1.A and Section 4.2 and site plan modification to allow boats sales and servicing, on property located at 44 Kimberly Drive, I zone
Applicant, Mr. Ben Wheeler, landscape architect from Design Professionals Inc, presented the request for the special exception for G&R Marine for the existing building behind their facility. They are selling a building on Route 5 and consolidating into their Kimberly Drive facility which received site plan approval in 2004 and was built in 2006. Since then the boat business has changed and lessened the need for product on site. Presently the site is primarily used for service. They are proposing half will be used for sales and half for service.
Mr. Wheeler showed a board illustrating the exteriors and site map stating few changes are proposed to site plan. The entire paved area will remain but will be restriped with 7 customer spaces, 8 employee spaces and can be expanded if needed. There are 18 boat spaces, 75 boat storage spaces, 23 of such can be converted to customer spaces for parking. No new site lighting is proposed. A dumpster will be added to northern end of the building and will be added to site plan on finals. No new drainage is proposed. They will remove brush from the strip at Route 5 where there is an existing sign. A nautical flag pole is proposed at Kimberly Drive to mark where customers can turn in for the business. Mr. Wheeler stated this application is closely tied with following application.

Town Planner Michele Lipe gave staff comments:

  • Request for a special exception to Table 4.1.1.A and Section 4.2 and site plan modification to allow boats sales and servicing, on property located at 44 Kimberly Drive, I zone. The site is 3.4 acres.  The applicant is proposing to relocate his boat sales business from 1535 John Fitch Boulevard to this existing.
  • This special exception is being proposed as a similar use to automobile and farming equipment sales, new and used.  The applicant’s narrative indicated the proposed hours of operation for sales will be March 1 through September 30, Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.; October through February Monday through Friday 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. -4 p.m. and closed Sundays.
  • The applicant plans shows outdoor storage of boats for the front part of the site and boats on display on the eastern side of the site.  They have a 6-foot high chain link fence and evergreen plantings (Austrian pines) to provide screening.  Upon a recent site visit, the number of boats on the site exceeded what is shown on the plans and the site was very crowded. Staff has concern that a clear path be available for customers.
  • The applicant is proposing to add two overhead doors to the south side of the building and this area will be where customers will drop off their boats and a new door for customers entering the showroom.  Other site changes include rearranging the parking area for customers parking in front of the building and improving the aesthetics of the site.
  • The parking requirement based on the uses is 38 spaces, with 15 spaces provided with 28 spaces shown in reserve.
  • There is existing lighting on the building; however the applicant is not proposing to add any new lighting. They are proposing to add a dumpster on a concrete pad which will be screened.
  • There is no signage proposed at this time.  The applicant intends on adding a flagpole with maritime flags at the intersection of Kimberly Drive and Route 5 to provide a landmark for customers.
  • There is a buffer requirement on a portion of the northerly end of the site where this property abuts the Fitch Meadow DRZ.  The applicant is not proposing to disturb this area. There is an access drive that connects this site to G & R Marine’s existing facility located on Route 5. The applicant will be providing a gate at the property line to prohibit vehicular traffic between the two sites. The applicant had indicated at a preliminary meeting that this access would be removed however it is still shown.  Is there a need for this interconnection?
  • There is public water and sewer available to the site. Water Pollution Control Authority approval is required for the change of use for this site.
  • If this application is approved, the planning department has no modifications to request.
Town Engineer, Jeff Doolittle, gave staff comments concerning parking.

Chairman Pacekonis seated Commissioner Dexter to be seated for Commissioner Marrero.

Commissioner Dexter asked about boat storage. Mr. Wheeler explained long term storage of boats will be on 51 Glendale Road and the Kimberly Road site is for boats coming in or leaving for service. This is the busy season to winterize boats which is mostly what is on site presently. Commissioner Carroll asked how many boats can be stored at the 51 Glendale site. Mr. Wheeler replied 90 to 100 boats within the fenced in gravel area which has a barn on it. The application to permit that site is being received this evening.

Chairman Pacekonis asked how the entrance to the north will be secured and the interconnection to the site next door eliminated. Mr. Wheeler stated that interconnection will be fenced off to prevent driving from one site to the other. He clarified not by way of a gate, but by fencing. It is proposed to stripe both car and boat spaces. Commissioner Carroll asked how many spaces there will be for boats for sale. Mr. Wheeler replied 18 spaces along the eastern side of the parking area and 75 for long term storage and service.

Chairman Pacekonis asked where used boats will be stored for sale. Mr. Bryan Douglas from G&R explained they will be finished selling large boats by the end of the year. The service and storage of boats only happens at the later part of the year.  In the spring the area is clear for new boats getting ready for delivery. Glendale Road has not been used for overflow for approximately the last two years. He stated they are not a high traffic area for retail sales and illustrated where used boats could be displayed and stating there are 7 on site presently.

Commissioner Carroll made a motion to approve with the following modifications:

  • Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
  • No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
  • A landscape bond in the amount of $1000 is required and must be submitted prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy if work is not completed.
  • All bonds must be in one of the forms described in the enclosed Bond Policy.
  • An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 9.1.3 of the Zoning Regulations.
  • All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
  • This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority.
  • The building street number must be included on the final plan.
  • Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
  • All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
  • If a State Traffic Commission certificate is required, no building permits will be issued until the certificate has been issued (per CGS §14-311).
  • A customer travel lane must be kept clear of boats at all times.
  • A dumpster on a concrete pad and screened must be shown on the final plans
  • Engineering comments dated 11/12/13 must be incorporated into the final plans.
  • A fence must be added to the plans blocking access to the northern property.
  • Special exception form to go on file
Commissioner Dexter seconded the motion
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

The Public Hearing closed at 9:45 PM

  • Appl. 13-49P, MAX BMW Motorcycles – request for a special exception to Table 4.1.1A for sales and repair of motorcycles, a Dept of Motor Vehicles License for motorcycle sales and a site plan modification for property located at 1535 John Fitch Boulevard, GC zone  
Mr. Ben Wheeler from Design Professionals Inc. presented the request for a special exception and introduced owner Max Stratton and his general manager Rob Niel of MAX BMW Motorcycles. Their flagship dealership is in Brookfield, CT with locations in Northhampton, NH and Brunswick, NY. Mr. Wheeler referenced photographs from the narrative of their existing facilities. MAX BMW is the northeast’s only exclusive BMW motorcycle dealership and largest in the US. Few modifications are proposed to the building or the site. On the outside of building the canopy will be removed and a new sign and new windows installed. The existing monument sign will be replaced for one lower to the ground and reduced in size with illuminated reverse cut out steel BMW letters. One handicap parking space will be provided on the north side of the building per code. The existing storage trailer presently on site in violation of side yard setbacks will be relocated to the rear portion of the parking lot. Only one dumpster will remain on site in the NW corner of the parking lot. There are 4 parking spaces closest to Route 5 which have been designated for the display of motorcycles for sale. All vehicles will be brought in at night for security. No new pavement or storm drainage or site lighting is proposed.  

Town Planner Michele Lipe gave staff comments:

Request for a special exception to Table 4.1.1A for sales and repair of motorcycles, a Department of Motor Vehicles License for motorcycle sales and a site plan modification for property located at 1535 John Fitch Boulevard, GC zone  The site was previously approved for marine sales service.
This special exception is being proposed as a similar use to automobile and farming equipment sales, new and used.  The applicant’s narrative indicated the proposed hours of operation for sales will be Tuesday through Friday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. and closed most Sunday’s and Monday’s. The service technicians may start as early as 7 a.m.
The existing building is nonconforming to side yard setback requirements. Maximum impervious coverage currently allowed is 65%; at some point subsequent to the previous site plan approval to about 85% impervious coverage. A variance was obtained on May 4, 2000 to allow the 85% impervious coverage to remain.
The applicant is proposing to make minor modifications to the front façade of the building.  A new free standing and building signage is proposed. There is no new landscaping proposed.
Outdoor storage of motorcycles is proposed within the gated area; however the will not be stored outside overnight. The GC zone allows retail and wholesale sales and all inventory directly related thereto. Any outdoor storage must be screened so that it is not visible from the street.
Forty-seven parking spaces are required by our regulations. The applicant is providing a total of 66 spaces.
The site is served by public sewer and water. Water Pollution Control Authority was previously granted for this site.
This site abuts a DRZ zone to the north and west. A 50-foot buffer is normally required abutting a residential zone, however, a variance was granted in 1996 to eliminate the buffer requirement.
One dumpster is proposed in the northwest corner and will be placed on a concrete pad and screened.
There are no regulated wetlands. No conservation permit is required since there will be less than ½ acre of disturbance.
There is an existing access easement across this site to the Fitch Meadow.  There were two existing accesses that were previously used for boat storage on the adjacent properties; one drives will be closed off with a gate as a part of the GR Marine application.
If approved, Planning Department requests that the access to the southern property be addressed.

Town Engineer, Jeff Doolittle, gave no staff comments.

Secretary Commissioner Wilson read a letter into the record in support of the application from Ms Alice Dew, Zoning Enforcement Officer from Brookfield, CT. (Exhibit A)

Chairman Pacekonis asked about the curbcut to the south. Mr. Wheeler replied it can be closed off with a curb or wheel stops so that access will no longer be provided between the two properties. Town Engineer, Jeff Doolittle, stated either option will work. The Chairman asked if all service is done within the building. Mr. Wheeler stated the back portion of the building will be used for service which will be done within the building. Rear doors may be open in fair or hot weather. There have been no complaints on record from any abutting property.

Commissioner Carroll made a motion to approve with the following modifications:

  • Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
  • No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
  • An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 9.1.3 of the Zoning Regulations.
  • All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
  • This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority.
  • The building street number must be included on the final plan.
  • Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
  • All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
  • If a State Traffic Commission certificate is required, no building permits will be issued until the certificate has been issued (per CGS §14-311).
  • A curb must be added to the property to the south on the plans.
  • Special exception form to go on file
Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

The Public Hearing closed at 10:00 p.m.

  • Appl. 13-43P, Free Spirit Farm LLC – request for special exception to 7.12.2 and site plan approval for the use of existing barn and farm for boarding, breeding, training and instruction involving horses, under the Commercial Animal Agriculture regulation, on property located at 112 Pheasant Way and 1080 Avery Street, A-30 and RR zone (Continued from 10/22/13) POSTPONED until 11/26/13


  • Annual Meeting
Postponed until all elected Commissioners are in attendance

  • Town Council CGS 8-24 Referral – Review of the acquisition of 491 King Street
Postponed until 11/26/13.

  • Appl. 13-44P, Evergreen Walk LLC- request for a site plan to construct a 15, 000 sf medical office building in the Evergreen Walk development, Unit 14, on property located at 151 Buckland Road, GD zone
Attorney Chris Smith from Shipman & Goodwin LLP introduced Mr. Alan Lamson of FLB Architecture and Mr. Phil Forsley of Fuss & O’Neill.

Commissioner Kuehnel made a motion to extend the order of business after 10 p.m.
Commissioner Carroll seconded the motion
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Mr. Alan Lamson, FLB Architecture, described the site for Unit 14 on the NW corner of Tamarack Avenue and Deming Street on a six acre parcel of land. Mr. Lamson showed the riparian and wetland areas on the site plan and stated there is 1.3 acres of land on the corner for use. The medical office character of the northern end of Evergreen Walk will continue with Unit 14. The entrance drive will be off of Tamarack opposite the ECHN driveway. The building will be 15,000 sq ft with parking areas. There will be pedestrian access from the sidewalk on Tamarack into the site and a green island in the center of the parking area. The main entrance for the building is on the east side with a secondary stairwell at the rear of the building which will be used for emergency access only. The architecture is similar to ECHN with a repeat of the bands within the red colored all brick façade with a forest green roof. The rear stairs for the fire egress door go down a half flight lower than the 1st floor to work with the slope toward the open detention basin to the rear. Roof top mechanicals will be located in a well and not visible from any of the four sides.

Mr. Phil Forsley of Fuss & O’Neill stated the parking lot was made as small as possible but still accommodates fire access. The site slopes from east to west and has public water and sewer and underground utilities. IWA/CC approval was given last week. A pump station is required fro the sanitary sewers subject to WPCA approval. Storm drainage is collected on site, connected to the drainage system and discharged to the detention basin. There will be one rain garden on site and deep catch basin sumps. The water quality is well covered. There are no steep slopes or erosion issues. Landscape and lighting is covered in the plans. Honey locust, red maples, berry bushes and other varieties are planned to enhance the diversity of birds in the area. Full cut off lighting on 15’ high poles are in compliance.

Town Planner, Michele Lipe, gave staff comments:

  • Request for site plan approval to construct a 2-story, 15,000 sf medical office buildings across from the first ECHN office building, south of Deming Street and west of Buckland Road, Buckland Gateway Development zone.
  • The General Plan originally showed office buildings occupying the entire area bounded by Tamarack Avenue, Deming Street, Buckland Road and Cedar Avenue, so this office building conforms with the master plan in that respect. The parking configuration is different from the General Plan but conforms with the desired Gateway Zone parking objective of distributing the parking and including the 10% interior landscaping within the parking areas.
  • I would note one change that has been made to the zoning regulations since the original general plan is the requirement for a 65 foot setback along all property frontages – in this particular situation that would include the Deming Road frontage. The original concept plan allowed for a 25 foot setback along the Deming Road frontage.  We did have discussion with the applicant’s attorney and our town attorney about the implications of the change in the regulation.  The applicant provided a letter to Kari Olson, TA and she concurs with his opinion that this is set back should be allowed based on the approval of the original General Plan.
  • Maximum impervious coverage allowed is 60%. In the Gateway zone, the entire project is treated as one lot for development purposes, so the cumulative impervious coverage on the entire 232-acre site. Proposed building height is 30 feet; 60 feet allowed. Lot size is 6 acres; minimum lot size allowed is 3 acres. Since the entire Evergreen Walk site is a consolidated lot, individual yard setbacks do not apply except around the perimeter of the site.
  • This site will be accessed solely from Evergreen Walk’s internal road network, off of Tamarack Avenue. The previously-approved Town Square project includes an interconnection via Evergreen Way with LA Fitness to the southeast. The applicant will be required to make this interconnection prior to CO’s on the first apartment building.
  • State Traffic Commission approval has been granted for the entire development as shown on the General Plan, including 650,000 square feet of office buildings.
  • Sidewalks are shown to be extended along the Deming Street to the edge of the property and along the westerly side of Tamarack Avenue and along the side of the new site driveway, ending at a crosswalk leading to the main entrance of the buildings.  
  • The parking requirement for medical office buildings is 4 spaces per 1000 square feet of gross floor area, requiring 60 spaces for this project.
  • Lighting pole height is 24 feet. Luminaires are full cutoff fixtures of the same type used for than the shorter, decorative light poles used for ECHN 1. There is no visible rooftop mechanical equipment. Architectural and Design Review Committee reviewed this plan on November 7 and was satisfied with the design.
  • A free-standing sign is proposed at the site entrance on Tamarack Drive. The applicant has indicated that the sign will be similar in style to the existing signage in the area.
  • There are regulated wetlands on site. IWA/CC approved the application on November 6 with a bond in the amount of $10,000 to ensure compliance with the erosion and sediment control.
  • Public water is available in Tamarack Avenue. Sewer will be extended along Evergreen Way. Water Pollution Control Authority approval is required.
  • There is a dumpster on a concrete pad with screening.
  • There was no notification to other towns required as this application is not within 500 feet of a town boundary.
  • If this site plan is approved, the Planning Dept. requests no additional modifications other than as already noted.
Town Engineer, Jeff Doolittle, gave engineering comments to add the street address for the building to the plans. Another catch basin needs to be installed to west side of the island in the center of the parking lot. There is a steep bank between the building and Deming Street where the slope needs to be lessened as much as possible and labeled accordingly. Details of the proposed sewer pump station need to be supplied and the WPCA application must be filed. An easement may be needed to connect to the sewer main. Work has been done on the plan for the parking lot to provide as much room as possible for emergency vehicles which has been provided for the existing fleet of fire department vehicles except for the ladder truck. Curbing around the parking island must be verified to insure the low sloped curbing remains.

Chairman Pacekonis made a request for the front sidewalk to be brought out to Deming Street so employees can walk out to the street. It was determined to be too steep a drop without a set of stairs installed.

Commissioner Carroll made a motion to approve with the following modifications:

  • Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
  • No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
  • This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission, including bonds in the amount of  $50,000 to ensure proper placement and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls; $50,000 for construction of stormwater systems; and $30,000 for wetland plantings.
  • A landscape bond in the amount of $50,000 is required and must be submitted prior to filing of mylars.
  • All bonds must be in one of the forms described in the enclosed Bond Policy.
  • An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Article 9.1.2.B of the Zoning Regulations.
  • All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
  • This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority.
  • The building street number must be included on the final plan.
  • Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
  • All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
  • If a State Traffic Commission certificate is required, no building permits will be issued until the certificate has been issued (per CGS §14-311).
  • The Town Engineer’s review comments dated November 12, 2013 must be incorporated into the final plans.
Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Commissioner Kevin Foley left at 10:20 p.m.

Chairman Pacekonis voiced appreciation to Commissioner Butter for serving on the Commission.

Mr. Ben Wheeler distributed a request for a waiver for the location of a utility pole to service the assisted living facility called The Residence at South Windsor Farms which the Commissioners discussed with the Town Planner.

Commissioner Kuehnel made a motion to grant the waiver.
Commissioner Dexter seconded the motion
The motion passed 5 -1 with Commissioners Dexter, Kuehnel, Wilson, Pacekonis and Bonzani voting for and Commissioner Carroll voting against.

  • Appl. 13-37P, DeMallie Coverage Zoning Amendment – request to amend Article 3 Residential Zones, Table 3.1.1A, Residential Area, Density and Dimensional Requirements, to modify Impervious Coverage and Lot Coverage in MFA/AA and A-20 zones; to modify Article 7, Special Regulations, Open Space Subdivisions, Table 7.14.5A to add Maximum Lot Coverage, RR, A-40, AA-30, A-30 -20%;  and to add to Article 10, Definitions a definition for “Lot Coverage (building)” and modify existing the definition of ”Building Area”
Postponed until 11/26/13.

BONDS: Callings/Reductions/Settings:


Commissioner Wilson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:43 p.m.
Commissioner Kuehnel seconded the motion
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lauren L Zarambo
Recording Secretary