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PZC Minutes 10-09-2012
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Patrick Kennedy, Viney Wilson, Mario Marrero, Elizabeth Kuehnel, William Carroll
ALTERNATES PRESENT: Stephanie Dexter (seated for Foley), Stephen Wagner (seated for Pacekonis)
STAFF PRESENT:          Jeff Folger, Senior Environmental Planner; Jeff Doolittle, Town Engineer; Lauren Zarambo, Recording Secretary


CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Kennedy called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


NEW BUSINESS: Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following:

  • Appl. 12-42P, American Eagle Federal Credit Union—request for site plan of development to construct a 2,600 sf credit union on property located at 512 and 530 Buckland Road, Buckland Road Gateway Development zone
Peter DeMallie, president of Design Professionals representing American Eagle Federal Credit Union, presented the application for a site plan approval describing 512 Buckland Road, aka the Dodd property, measuring 1.4 acres, and 530 Buckland Road, aka the Gibbs property, measuring just over an acre. Together the property measures 2.6 acres. As a requirement under Access Management Regulations by the P&Z Commission under the Gateway Development Access Management criteria the entrance to these properties to the north is to be a common entrance drive also serving the 498 Buckland Road office of Dr. Grillo’s Dental Practice. Impervious coverage measures far below the regular standard. IWA/CC approved the application on 9/19/2012. ZBA granted two variances for the Dodd property in January allowing conformance for the front yard setback of 65’. The future address of the credit union branch will be 530 Buckland Road. The building will be 2,600 sq ft with a drive thru window and 24 parking spaces. No additional curb cuts are required. The general hours of operation are expected to be 8:30 – 4:30, Thursdays until 6 pm and Saturdays until noon.
Landscape architect, Ben Wheeler, of Design Professionals discussed the layout of the site plan explaining the existing access point for Dr. Grillo’s office will be the Buckland Road access point for the credit union. Five parking spaces are intended for employee parking. The drive thru will have three lanes, one of which will serve the ATM. The sidewalk along Buckland Road will be set back within the easement granted from the credit union to the Town. The sidewalks at the north and south property lines align with Dr. Grillo’s proposed sidewalk which has been bonded but not yet installed. The dumpster location will be screened with a dumpster enclosure and plantings on 3 sides. Landscaping along Buckland Road, the interior circular driveway and along the foundation of the building was described. The air conditioning units will be located on the north side of the building surrounded by a 4’ high chain link fence and evergreen shrubbery to grow 6’ – 8’. Three deciduous trees are proposed for the parking lot. The proposed entrance sign to the north of the Buckland Road entrance measures 26 sq ft per side. The size was reduced to comply with the Town Planners direction and will have foundation landscaping and up-lighting for night time visibility. Site lighting includes seven pole mounted light fixtures on 14’ poles in a design which matches the existing lights on Dr. Grillo’s facility for contiguous effect.  
Project manager and civil engineer for Design Professionals, Andrew Krar, discussed the engineering aspects of storm drainage for the site. The two abandoned houses and barn foundation on site will be razed. The existing topography and storm runoff goes down to Plum Gully Brook which divides the site and runs southerly. When the parking lot was designed, with the addition of new pavement and building area, a way to attenuate the peak discharges and stormwater before it all enters Plum Gully Brook was needed to be found. The vast majority of the developed regions of the site have been sloped over land to a permanent detention basin approximately 18” deep. This storm water system has no catch basins or man holes. There will be a small amount of underground pipe to interconnect two small detention basins to supplement the larger detention basin before discharge out to the wetland area eventually traveling over land to Plum Gully Brook. All utilities (gas, public water, electric, communications and sanitary) will be underground.
Traffic Engineer, James Bubaris of Bubaris Traffic Associates, conducted the Site Traffic Evaluation Study dated August 30, 2012 previously distributed to the Commission members. The study area was analyzed during the weekday a.m. peak, 7 – 9 a.m., the weekday p.m. peak, 4 – 6 p.m., and the Saturday mid morning 10 – noon peak. Capacity analysis was conducted to determine loads of existing service and added traffic flow of the proposed development. The levels of service are good and will remain the same with the addition of this site’s generated traffic. The existing driveway will remain and no new driveways are being added. Site lines are excellent. The speed limit posted at 40 mph is reasonable. There are little to no accident reports for immediate area.
Ben Wheeler returned to briefly discuss New England Design Associates building design which had received a positive review from the Architecture and Design Review Committee (ADRC). All signage will require separate building permits prior to constructing any signs on the property to be applied for by the eventual developers. The main entrance will be on the south side of the building which will have a brick base with cedar siding on all facades with dark architectural shingles on the roof.
Senior Environmental Planner, Jeff Folger gave staff comments:
1. Request for site plan approval to construct a 2600 sq ft credit union at 512 and 530 Buckland Road, GD zone. Combined lot size is 2.62 acres minimum lot size allowed is 3 acres and maximum impervious coverage allowed with combined lots is 65%, 18.3% proposed.  Frontage is 359 feet; minimum required is 200 feet. Front yard setback is 66 feet, minimum of 65 feet allowed.

2. The subject site will be accessed through the existing entrance to 480 Buckland Road, Dr. Grillo’s Dentist office in accordance with the Town access management program. This site plan also shows an access easement for potential interconnection. If this application is approved, the applicant will be required to file an access management easement on the land records. With any proposed development that occurs directly north of this site; the possibility of interconnection will be evaluated.

3. The parking requirement for the proposed use is 15 spaces; 24 spaces are provided.  None of the parking is located between the building and Buckland Road, thereby fully embracing the Gateway Zone concepts of pedestrian-orientation and the building as the principal feature of the site rather than the parking lot.

4. A sidewalk is shown along Buckland Road as required. There is a sidewalk connection shown between the Buckland Road sidewalk and the credit union.
Architectural and Design Review Committee reviewed this proposal on September 20. ADRC recommend that a darker shade of yellow be considered for the primary part of the building.

5. The mechanical equipment is proposed on the north side of the building and will be enclosed by a four foot fence and landscaped to screen the area.
Proposed lighting is full cut off fixtures, 14’ high poles, and will match the lighting that was used on the adjacent property.

6. Parking lot landscaping requirements have been met with 22% landscaping coverage in the parking area.

7. There are regulated wetlands on the site. The applicant received approval from IWA/CC on September 19, 2012 with a $5,000 erosion & sediment control bond, and a $5,000 bond for the stormwater structures.

8. Public water and sewer will be provided. Water Pollution Control Authority approval is required.

9. The Fire Marshal has reviewed the plan and has no issues with the site layout.

10.Lt Bond of the police services has reviewed the traffic study and had the following comments: “I have reviewed the data submitted.~ I would concur that the levels of service for the surrounding area intersections (both signalized and otherwise) will not be adversely impacted.~ I would expect users of the shared dentist/credit union drive to experience a slightly lower level of service than was previously the case when the same drive served only the dentist.~ That said, the common usage is consistent with the management access goals set for the area.”

If this application is approved, the Planning Department has no additional modifications to request.

Town Engineer, Jeff Doolittle gave engineering comments:
1. The house at 530 Buckland Road must be disconnected from the sanitary sewer system before it is abandoned and demolished. The lateral may be used for this new building with a reconnection.

2. Water and gas services coming across Buckland Road must be drilled or molded across Buckland Road to minimize the road cut for this project.

3. Project Manager, Andy Krar, has been asked and has agreed to add more elevations to show clearly where the sidewalk in the front street side of the building transitions from a flush sidewalk to a side walk with a curb and to also raise the southeast corner of the parking lot by the entrance slightly to provide more room between that and the high water elevation in the detention basin.

Commissioner Marrero asked about the surrounding areas south of the property as a possible entrance area to the site and need for traffic signals. Senior Environmental Planner Folger stated the area south of the florist is a created wetland area to compensate for losses to the flood plain storage from the Berry Patch development. It is in a flood plain and also a created wetland that would not be developed. Commissioner Marrero then questioned the queuing from the drive up windows and how it might impact traffic circulation in the parking area. Mr. Wheeler responded there is room for at least 4 cars in each aisle and an additional 3 or 4 cars on the outside aisle. All of which was designed specifically for queuing and not blocking parking access. Commissioner Marrero continued asking about truck access to the dumpster area. Mr. Wheeler explained trash pick up takes place in early morning off hours and described the truck route through the parking lot. The Commissioner also asked about access driveway lighting to which Mr. Wheeler replied Dr. Grillo has provided lighting along the south side of the entrance drive and the credit union has spoken to Design Professionals about providing their own lighting in that area. The regulations, however, limit lighting to a quarter foot candle at property lines so if the credit union installs their own pole at the entrance drive it will be in violation of the zoning regulations. Commission Carroll asked if there is anything the Commission can do to allow for more lighting in a shared driveway. Attorney Al Cummings, representing American Eagle, stated the problem is a legal one, however, if all parties are in agreement it can be worked out. The site plan has been submitted to meet regulations. It is possible to work with the Planning staff to come up with an amendment to the regulations to address this issue giving this Commission the authority in cases like this to approve additional lighting. Mr. DeMallie stated the lighting in Evergreen Walk is consistent throughout and that the regulation may have not been applied. Chairman Kennedy stated the regulation could be changed through some sort of waiver provision to the regulations. Mr. Wheeler stated the credit union would like to have this site plan approved so the project can begin before weather becomes a factor and that site lighting happens later on in the process and will work with Town Staff and the Commission to address it.

Commissioner Carroll asked about the sidewalks stating Dr. Grillo does not have a sidewalk as of yet and asked where it would be located. Mr. Wheeler stated it is bonded and to be located right up on the road within the right of way and that the American Eagle sidewalk connection points at the driveway line up with how the Dr’s was designed. Commissioner Carroll suggested it would be ideal if there was sidewalk going across the entire property. Mr. Wheeler explained the benefit of bringing the sidewalk back in at the entrance drives from a safety perspective to have the stop bar for the traffic behind the sidewalk to allow pedestrians to walk in front of the cars. Commissioner Carroll then asked about the permanent detention basin’s 18” of water and mosquitoes. Mr. Krar stated larvacide would be applied on a monthly basis. The reason for the permanent pool is water quality and the only things this type of larvacide will affect are mosquito and black fly larvae. The Commissioner then asked about future interconnection to the north and Mr. Wheeler explained at the request of Town Staff the plans show the exit road for the drive thru as currently one-way but could be widened to two-way allowing for traffic to exit to the left and right. If the connection was to take place it would be at the expense of future applicants on the adjacent properties. Mr. DeMallie stated the driveway is shared by ‘Taste of Texas’ and ‘Crandall and Daughter’ and at this point there does not seem to be any interest in accomplishing the connection with the present uses of the property. Commissioner Carroll asked for clarification on the height of the light poles. Mr. Wheeler stated the lights are on 14’ poles.

Commissioner Wagner asked for information on the monument sign and plantings and its impact on site lines. Mr. Wheeler stated the plantings are 18’ off the curb and 8’ back from the sidewalk. Traffic Engineer Bubaris asked about the shrubs’ height and stated a good point has been made. The sign ideally should be set back so one can see in front of it or the sign is high enough to see through it and that the height of the plantings will not fill in that space. Those plantings would be better as low lying plantings or ground cover. Mr. Wheeler replied the sign is set back far enough but will be happy to revise the planting in that area to something lower growing. Commissioner Wagner asked if there would be signage on two sides of the building and if it conforms with the regulations. Mr. Wheeler stated sign permits will be required prior to any sign being installed. The subject came up in ADRC and has not yet been resolved. If signage only on one side is allowed, the Buckland Road side is preferable. Commissioner Wagner asked if once the property is consolidated will the variance, which was granted in January, be withdrawn. Attorney Cummings replied ZBA had granted the variance then Dr. Grillo took an appeal to the granting of that variance. That case has been put on hold. If this plan is approved, the variance can be withdrawn because this location doesn’t require any variances. The appeal will then be withdrawn.

Commissioner Wilson questioned whether five spaces were enough for employee parking. Mr. Wheeler replied it is a relatively small branch and five spaces should prove adequate however there are 24 spaces total which more than exceeds the requirement for the zoning regulations.  

Commission Wilson made a motion to approve with the following modifications:

1. Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
2. No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
3. This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission, including bonds in the amount of $5,000 to ensure compliance with the erosion and sediment control measures and $5,000 to ensure establishment of storm water system.  
4. A landscape bond in the amount of $5,000 is required and must be submitted prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
5. All bonds must be in one of the forms described in the enclosed Bond Policy.
6. An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 8.1.11 of the Zoning Regulations.
7. All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
8. This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority.
9. The building street number must be included on the final plan.
10.Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
11.All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
12.If a State Traffic Commission certificate is required, no building permits will be issued until the certificate has been issued (per CGS §14-311).
13.Engineering comments must be incorporated into the final plans.
14.All access and parking lot improvements on the property must be completed prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
15.Status of tree on new town property shall be worked out with Town Staff.
16.In accordance with Section 5.5.4 of the Access Management regulations:
  • An easement allowing cross access to and from the adjacent property on Buckland Road to the north must be shown granting irrevocable permission to enter upon and perform all activities needed to construct the driveway, on both properties on which the driveway will be constructed.
  • At such time as a site plan is approved for the property to the immediate north, an interconnection shall be constructed in the area shown on the subject site plan OR as agreed by the two property owners and further approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.  Failure to allow the site interconnection shall be construed as a zoning violation and shall be pursued via the remedies available to the Town of zoning violations.
  • Also, in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.5.4E, the applicant shall record on the land records an agreement that remaining access rights along Buckland Road will be dedicated to the Town.
Commissioner Kuehnel seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

  • Discussion concerning Dzen Tree Farm Subdivision , Appl. 07-69, phasing requirements of Phase III and Phase IV
Robert Mannarino of Mannarino Builders introduced a proposal for a change to the Dzen Tree Farm Subdivision approval for Phases 3 and 4 citing economic constraints with financing. Phases 1 and 2 were completed with full funding. Mr. Mannarino is now proposing reducing Phase 3 to 10 lots. Commissioner Carroll asked if Phase 4 would then become larger. Mr. Mannarino confirmed that no lots would be reduced or added and that it is only the phasing which would be changing. Commissioner Marrero asked if making the change would create a cul de sac and if so, what would be its length. Mr. Mannarino replied it would be a temporary cul de sac. Comments were made that a permanent cul de sac can be no longer than 600’ in length and this would be much longer. Senior Environmental Planner Folger stated the Fire Marshal commented if this change is approved some hardened connection like a gravel road from Barber Hill to the end of the new cul de sac be made for the passage of emergency vehicles. Mr. Mannarino stated there is a farm road from Dzen that does exist to which a connection can be made. A traffic study was done for the original approval and at the time had Phase 3 ending about where this change is proposed. Mr. Mannarino stated he tried knocking on doors on Maskel Road but was unsuccessful in talking to many people but did talk to 3 or 4. Some had concerns, some felt it would just be for one year and they were already dealing with the traffic that’s out here, some were not concerned at all and some that were concerned. We do not own this section which is a stumbling block for us right now. Our purchase agreement with the land owner is that we buy as we go along.

Commissioner Wagner asked for clarification on the phasing. Mr. Mannarino directed the Commissioners to a map explaining originally Phase 3 was to go all the way to Barber Hill Road but we are here to make a change in that phasing so we can complete the project. Mr. Mannarino stated the connector farm road is already a gravel road and would only require a small connector to it. He stated he would have to speak with Mrs. Dzen to be sure the connection road would remain open and plowed through the winter months. Ralph Pelletier, resident of 120 Maskel Road, stated he had been approached by Mr. Mannarino and had let him know it has been two years that they have been impacted by the traffic of Phases 1 and 2 and with this change all the traffic would have to come by Maskel Road creating concerns about safety, hassles and invasion of privacy. The cul de sac which has been created is ½ mile long and even though was proposed as temporary it is now going on four years already. Mr. Pelletier stated concerns with the weather that was experienced last October and what this winter will bring with only one access for traffic and especially in emergency situations. He presented a petition signed by 16 residents of Maskel Road in opposition to the proposal stating he understands the financial burden on Mr. Mannerino but does not believe residents should be put in harms way and have their lives impacted on a daily basis because of the situation. Commissioner Carroll asked if there should be a public hearing and Chairman Kennedy directed Mr. Mannarino to submit a change order to be brought before the Commission for public comment.

  • Plan of Conservation and Development Update –Finalization of survey question
Commissioners were in agreement about the great job Heidi Samokar did in capturing all that the Commissioners raised and creating the survey draft noting minor changes in wording / typos to be forwarded to her.

  • Bond Setting: Engineering recommends a bond in the amount of $96,500 for subdivision improvements associated with Appl. 12-28P, Nutmeg Village Resubdivision
Commissioner Carroll made a motion to set bond. Commissioner Wilson 2nded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

  • Bond Reduction: Appl. 10-27P J.R. Russo & Associates (Guarino Subdivision) $132,000 Engineering Bond reduction of $117,000 for a balance of $15,000
Senior Environmental Planner Folger stated one of the requirements of approval for the Guarino Subdivision was to install screening plantings along their property and their established neighbor to the west. They installed a line of 40 Arborvitae trees one year ago and, according to Mr. Guarino, the neighbor sprayed them with herbicide and killed them. He has replanted them with new Arborvitae and he has photographed the neighbor again spraying the trees with herbicide apparently because the neighbor wanted a fence. Mr. Folger has strongly requested that Mr. Guarino call the police given that these trees are part of his approval requirements. However we are holding back some moneys from this bond release for this and maintenance of stormwater infrastructure.
Commissioner Carroll made a motion to set bond. Commissioner Knehnel 2nded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

MINUTES:  09/11/2012 and 09/18/2012 were adopted by consensus

1. 863 Main Street In Law Apartment
Senior Environmental Planner, Jeff Folger, showed a site plan for a proposed 900 sq ft in law apartment over a proposed three-bay garage which was determined to be addressed as a zoning permit for approval at staff level.

   2. Winter Farmers Market at Unity Church
Chairman Kennedy and Commissioners discussed the South Windsor Food Alliance and South Windsor Historical Society’s plan to extend the Summer Farmers Market season to a Winter Farmers Market at Unity Church, 919 Ellington Road. All agreed a temporary and conditional permit was not necessary for an indoor church activity.

3. Request from Virginia Macro, Chairman of South Windsor Historic District Commission, for PZC appointment to the Demolition Delay Committee
Commissioner Wilson volunteered to fill the Demolition Delay Committee position.

Commissioner Wagner submitted two articles from the Hartford Courant concerning growth and sale of medical marijuana already being addressed by two Connecticut towns for future discussion.

Commissioner Kuehnel made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 PM. Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

Respectfully Submitted,

Lauren L Zarambo
Recording Secretary