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PZC Minutes 03-13-2012
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Patrick Kennedy, William Carroll, Mario Marrero, Elizabeth Kuehnel, Viney Wilson and Bart Pacekonis
ALTERNATES PRESENT:  William Butter, Stephanie Dexter sitting for Kevin Foley
STAFF PRESENT:          Michele Lipe, Town Planner
                Jeffrey Doolittle, Town Engineer

  • Appl 12-12P, J.E. Shepard Company– request for a 2 year temporary and conditional permit (Section 2.13.a) to allow a two-family house on property located at 2019 John Fitch Boulevard, I zone
  • Appl 12-13P, J.E. Shepard Company– request for renewal of a 2 year temporary and conditional permit (Section 2.13.a) to allow a modular office at 185 Governor’s Highway, I zone
  • Appl 12-14P, J.E. Shepard Company– request for renewal of a 2 year temporary and conditional permit (Section 2.13.a) to allow two apartments, known as Home Farm Apartments, on property located at 176 Windsorville Road, RR zone
  • Appl 12-15P, J.E. Shepard Company– request for renewal of a 2 year temporary and conditional permit (Section 2.13.a) to allow an office for the “Inspiration House Publishers” at 1865 Main Street, A-40 zone
  • Appl 12-16P, Wapping Fair, —permit for a five (5) year period commencing in 2012 to hold the annual Wapping Fair on property known as Evergreen Walk, located on the west side of Buckland Road, west of LA Fitness, Buckland Gateway Development zone
The secretary read the legal notice as it was published in the Journal Inquirer on Thursday March 1, 2012, and Thursday March 8, 2012.
  • Appl 12-07P, FTS USA – request for a special exception to Section 4.4.5.E and site plan modification to allow a 1,500 sf of outdoor storage area for telecommunications equipment, on property located at 401 Chapel Road, I-291 Interstate Corridor Development zone
Karl Isch presented the application. FTS USA wants outside storage to house cable wire, spools, etc. Many things will be kept inside but the applicant would like a place to store overflow (Exhibit A).
Lipe had a planning report.
  • Request for a special exception to Section 4.4.5.E and site plan modification to allow a 1,500 sf of outdoor storage area for telecommunications equipment, on property located at 401 Chapel Road, I-291 Interstate Corridor Development zone.
  • Outdoor storage and/or activities may be allowed only as a Special Exception use if the Commission determines that the criteria in Section 8.4, Special Standards and Procedures, as well as the following criteria, are satisfied.
  • Outdoor storage is NOT allowed for products and/or materials used in manufacturing, processing, packaging and/or assembly of components or goods for sale or distribution; construction businesses; wholesale or retail sales (except garden/nursery centers accessory to a permitted use); or product distribution.
  • Outdoor storage must be screened from public streets.  The Commission may require that outdoor storage also be screened from abutting properties.  
  • Outdoor activities must be screened from public streets and abutting properties unless the Commission determines that screening is not necessary because the outdoor activities do not detract from the character of the development and the neighborhood.
  • The applicant has provided a site layout of the proposed gravel storage area which is shown on the easterly side of the building.  There is a residential house on the lot immediately adjacent to the property – however the property is zoned industrially.
  • The applicant’s narrative indicates that the storage for large cable reels, cable peds, drop wire, conduit, and lockboxes.  The hours of operation for the business are 7 am – 7 pm, Monday through Saturday.   
  • The plan calls for privacy slats to be installed along the fence to provide privacy screening from adjacent streets.  We would recommend an approval condition that that no storage be allowed to go over six feet in height and that appropriate lighting be installed.
If this application is approved, there are no other planning modifications requested.
Doolittle had no comment on this application.
No members of the public spoke in favor or in opposition to the application.
Commissioner Wilson read an email from Michael Moriarty sent to Lipe (Exhibit B).
The Commissioners had questions. Responses will be in italics.
Commissioners were concerned with the environmental impact on the area. Isch responded that there are no fire concerns and the already cleared area will have no issues with runoff.
Commissioners asked about fencing and privacy. Isch stated the proposed storage area will have a proposed chain link fence with slatting so the public cannot see through it.
Commissioner Pacekonis asked if the applicant would oppose a condition for stacking less than 6 feet. The applicant was not opposed to this suggested approval condition.
The public hearing closed at 7:40 PM.
  • Appl 12-08P, Laflamme Detached Accessory Apartment – request for a special exception to section 7.7 and site plan approval for a detached accessory apartment on property located at 1891 Main Street, A-40 zone  
This application was withdrawn.
  • Appl 12-10P, Tyler Regional Animal Care Shelter – request for a special exception to 4.1.1 Municipal Facilities and Uses and site plan of development for a regional animal care shelter, on property located at 124 Sullivan Ave., RC zone
Town Manager Matt Galligan presented the application. The Town is proposing to take the vacated Firehouse #3 and turn it into a regional animal shelter. The shelter is a big part of the disaster plan since many people will not leave their homes if their pets will not have a safe place to go. People were happy that their animals were safe during Storm Alfred. The site will be clean, and requirements will be adhered to. The Town Council has discussed and approved of the idea (Exhibit C). The State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management has authorized the requested modification (Exhibit D). CSO Robin Bond has been here for many years, and she knows what conditions the animals should be kept in. There is a very strong team.
Chief Matt Reed, Police Services, presented the operations aspect of the shelter. There will be 35 kennels on the inside. The shelter is concrete block top to bottom and sound proof. There will be one outside multipurpose area. The building will be well maintained and retain good curb appeal. He indicated they wanted to be a good neighbor, and if additional screening or fencing from adjacent property owners were necessary in the future, they would address the issue.  Animal control officers from in Town, East Hartford, and Manchester will be in and out of the facility.
Peter DeMallie of Design Professions reviewed specific aspects of the site plan. There are very few modifications, and most will be improvements. Septic tank will be replaced and tied into an existing sanitary lateral. There are no major physical appearance changes and no impact on neighborhood.
Anwar from the Lawrence Associates presented the architectural design. Former fire stations are one of the best building types for conversion into an animal shelter use. The concrete slab is suitable for laying out kennels. The building is structurally sound and sound proof. He is able to lay out the functions without disturbing the structure of the building. The building will be upgraded from an energy standpoint.
Lipe presented a Planning report.
Request for special exception to Section 4.1.1 of the zoning regulations to allow a Municipal Facility and site plan approval to renovate the existing fire department facility into a 4,239 sf regional animal shelter on a 2 acre parcel located at 124 Sullivan Ave., RC zone. Maximum impervious coverage allowed is 60%; 20% proposed. Lot size is 2 acres; minimum lot size allowed is 30,000 sf. Frontage is 225; minimum allowed is 150 ft. Front yard setback is 87 feet, 65 feet allowed.  The current structure is an existing non-conforming to the side yard setback.
Special Exception criteria include:
  • The proposal is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Plan of Conservation and Development.
  • The application has met the requirements of the zoning regulations.
  • The land is physically suited to the proposed use.
  • Minimal, if any, adverse environmental impacts are created.
No traffic or other hazards will be created.
  • The impacts on the capacity of the present and proposed utilities, street, drainage systems, sidewalks, and other elements of the infrastructure will be minimal.
There will be minimal or no adverse effects on existing uses in the area.
Surrounding property values will be conserved.
  • The character of the neighborhood will be maintained or minimally disrupted.
  • The general welfare of the community will be served.
  • There is a balance between neighborhood acceptance and community needs.
  • Historic factors are adequately protected; or due consideration to preservation of historic factors has been demonstrated.
  • The overall physical appearance of the proposed development is compatible with surrounding development and the Commission’s goals for the neighborhood/corridor.
The architectural design is aesthetically pleasing and blends well into the surrounding area.
  • The Commission may impose additional conditions in accordance with these regulations in order to ensure that all applicable criteria enumerated above and/or within a particular use category are satisfied.
Other improvements to the site include the addition of a six foot high, 30 X 35 foot fenced in area on the easterly side of the building.  The fence along the Sullivan Ave side will be made of a brick to match the existing facility and the rest is proposed to be a six feet high chain link fenced, screened with slats.
There are currently two curb cuts servicing the site.  This site is subject to the access management requirements of section 5.5 as it is a change of use.  The applicant is proposing to eliminate the eastern access. The western curb cut will be for the public, staff and parking and will allow for two way traffic. There is an existing 60 foot wide travel, utilities and drainage easement of the eastern side of the property to service the adjacent industrially zoned parcel.
Parking requirement for the building based on the breakdown of square footages is 9 spaces.  
Perimeter lighting will include 4- 25 foot high poles with full cutoff fixtures.  Other lighting includes floodlighting mounted on the building.  All lighting shall meet the requirement for full cut-off, dark sky compliant fixtures.
A free standing sign is proposed along the street frontage.  That proposal is shown on sheet A1 of the set.
There is existing vegetation along the northerly boundary.  The applicant is proposing to leave the existing vegetation in that area.  I would note that the majority of the trees shown on the aerial are on the property next door and could be developed at some time in the future.
There are no regulated wetlands on the site nor is there disturbance greater that ½ acre; there fore no IWA/CC approval was required.
Public water and sewer are available to the site. Water Pollution Control Authority approval is required for the sanitary hook up.
There is a dumpster shown on a concrete pad and screened.
The State Department of Agriculture licenses animal shelters. Their requirements cover such items as floor covering materials, size of runs, water, lighting, ventilation, temperature, and sanitation. The Town Sanitarian has reviewed this application and noted that all garbage and waste must be disposed of with sufficient frequency and in such a manner as to prevent a nuisance. If weekly dumpster pick-up is not sufficient to minimize potential odor and fly problems, additional pickups may be needed.
If this application is approved, the Planning staff has no requested approved modifications.
Doolittle presented an Engineering report.
  • The concrete sidewalk should be reconstructed in front of the building where the bituminous driveway pavement will be removed.  
  • On Sheet 2, Note 17 states that a double wide swing gate will be installed in the chain link fence on the north side of the enclosure.  The architectural plan A-1 shows a single swing gate.  These sheets should agree.  
  • Any floor drains in the building should be shown.  
  • There should be a T-wye connection where the sewer lateral from the east side of the building connects to the main sewer lateral.  
  • WPCA review and approval of this application is needed.  
  • Revise the detail for the dumpster pad to show an 8” thick, 4000 psi concrete slab.  
The public had comments. George Marcotte, 24 Podunk Circle, spoke in favor of the project utilizing an existing building with minimal cost to taxpayers. One in 3 households in Town have pets, and the shelter will be beneficial.
Town Councilor Janice Snyder, 191 Bourbon Street, spoke in favor of the project. She stated receiving money from other towns that will be using the facility is an important factor and will benefit all residents in the town. She commended the research that has been made into this project.
David Patria, owner of the golf driving range on Sullivan Ave across from this facility is opposed to the shelter because of the potential noise that could come from the shelter. It could be detrimental to his business.
The Commission had questions and comments. Responses will be in italics.
Commissioners asked for clarification of additional activities in the brochure. Chief Reed replied that they are speculative activities, such as grooming classes, to integrate the community with the shelter.
Commissioners asked if those activities were currently proposed and what the impact would be on the neighborhood. Lipe said the proposed activities should be discussed so the PZC understands the potential activities on site. The back lawn area could be used for reserve parking, if necessary. Chief Reed said they were thinking outside the box regarding integration into the community. He would abide to Commission restrictions.
Commissioners asked about replacement of garage doors and sound proofing. Anwar said that unless the seals are broken, the garage doors will not be replaced. They will remain shut much of the time.
The public hearing closed at 8:30 PM.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Pat Botteron and Louise Evans spoke on behalf of the Open Space Task Force regarding the recent action of the Commission on the Dzen Farms open space. The 19 acre area is used for sledding. Holding off on mowing means many species will stay. Farming the land will deny residents access to the area, destroy topsoil, and create tractor noise.
        Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following:

  • Appl 12-07P, FTS USA – request for a special exception to Section 4.4.5.E and site plan modification to allow a 1,500 sf of outdoor storage area for telecommunications equipment, on property located at 401 Chapel Road, I-291 Interstate Corridor Development zone
Commissioner Wilson asked if lighting could be added as a condition for approval. Lipe said that it could be added.
Commissioner Carroll made a motion to approve the above mentioned application with conditions.  Wilson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
  • Appl 12-08P, Laflamme Detached Accessory Apartment – request for a special exception to section 7.7 and site plan approval for a detached accessory apartment on property located at 1891Main Street, A-40 zone
No action was taken; the item had been withdrawn.  
  • Appl 12-10P, Tyler Regional Animal Care Shelter – request for a special exception to 4.1.1 Municipal Facilities and Uses and site plan of development for a regional animal care shelter, on property located at 124 Sullivan Ave., RC zone
Commissioner Wilson made a motion to approve the above mentioned application with conditions.
Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 9.1.2 of the Zoning Regulations.
All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority.
The building street number must be included on the final plan.
Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
If a State Traffic Commission certificate is required, no building permits will be issued until the certificate has been issued (per CGS §14-311).
Engineering comments dated 3/12/12 must be incorporated into the plans.
If weekly dumpster pick-up is not sufficient to minimize potential odor and fly problems, additional pickups may be needed.
Kuehnel seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
  • CGS 8-24 Town Council referral for use of the former Firehouse at 124 Sullivan Ave. for use as a Regional Animal Control Facility (letter attached)
Matt Galligan, Town Manager presented the request. The shelter would be a Town-owned building to be used as an animal shelter. It is required by law that each community has a plan to house animals and it was felt that the re-use of this building would be the most economical way  for the Town to move forward.
Commissioners had questions. Replies will be in italics.
Commissioners mentioned that the zone was changed from industrial to restricted commercial. Galligan replied that there was a bid out there, but the Town Council felt the building would be better for the Town to use the facility. OPM also felt the shelter was a good use for the building.
Commissioner Pacekonis made a motion to forward a favorable review to the Town Council. Wilson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
  • Appl 12-05P, CT Studios LLC  - request for a General Plan of Development in accordance with Section 8.6.3 for a mixed use development to include a hotel, retail use, free standing restaurants, motion picture and television studio, production and post production facility, on a 40+ acre property, located at R011A and 245 Chapel Road, R008 and R008A John Fitch Boulevard, I-291 Corridor Development zone
Dave Tagleinette, VHB Engineering, presented the request. One year ago, the project was for a movie studio. This is an expansion of the project and shows the two phases. First phase will include a two of the studio and sound stages, and the hotel. The second phase will develop the last two studio buildings, the mill building, and will include the rest of the retail and restaurant space. Phase one will possibly start in May or June of this year. Robert Clinton, traffic engineer was available to review any details on the traffic report.
Lipe gave a planning report.
  • Request for approval of a General Plan of Development for CT Studios in accordance with Section 8.6.3 for a mixed use development to include a hotel, retail use, free standing restaurants, motion picture and television studio, production and post production facility, on a 40+ acre property, located at R011A and 245 Chapel Road, R008 and R008A John Fitch Boulevard, I-291 Corridor Development zone.
  • An approved General Plan is valid for up to five years. Prior to any actual building or site construction, a full site plan of development that is in conformance with the approved general plan must be submitted and approved by the Commission. The site plan will include all of the engineering details as well as final building design and site layout.
  • This project previously received site plan approval for the studio buildings and mill building.  The applicant has now submitted a general plan for the entire property along with a phasing plan. The project is now shown in two phases: two of the studio buildings and hotel as Phase I; the remaining studios and mill building as well as restaurants and retail uses in Phase II.
  • Impervious coverage for the entire site is 70%, maximum impervious coverage allowed is 65% plus a 5% impervious coverage bonus for 25 acres planned and developed as an integral site, for a total of 70% allowed. Lot size is 40 acres. The overall general plan conforms to the frontage and setback requirements.
  • There are two entrances proposed, one on Ellington Road and one on Chapel Road. Access to the actually studios will be controlled with a guard booth at each entrance. The entire studio site will be fenced for security and will be screened.
  • The fencing around the site will consist of 8-foot high ornamental wrought-iron style in the more visible areas such as the entrance from Ellington Road; and 8’ chain-link fencing with privacy slats around the remainder of the site.  We have asked the applicant to add some plantings between the chain link fence and the sidewalk.  This landscaping must be shown at the time of the site plan.
  • There are no parking requirements established for this studio use. The applicant has a similar studio in Albuquerque, NM, so that facility was used as the basis for determining the needs at CT Studios. The applicant is proposing 272 standard parking spaces plus parking spaces for RVs used during filming, plus equipment and “star” wagon storage areas for the studios in phase 1 and 121 parking spaces for the hotel.
  • All of the overhead doors on the sound stages face the interior of the site. The configuration of the site, combined with existing buildings along Chapel Road and the site screening, should result in the interior site area not being visible from any street.
  • The architecture for the studios was a part of the previously approved site plan. The architecture for the mill building and the buildings in phase II have not yet been determined.  At the time of the site plan applications, the applicant will have to submit such elevations and they would be reviewed by the ADRC.
  • Site lighting will consist of pole-mounted and building lights. The pole-mounted lights must be full cutoff fixtures as required; maximum pole height is 24 feet.
  • Pedestrian access has been provided throughout the site along the main access drive, however there is no interconnection made to the hotel or phase II commercial development.  We also want to ensure that there is a strong pedestrian connection between the studios and the hotel and retail center is created.
  • A general landscape plan has been provided for the site.  Parking lot landscaping requirements for the I-291 Corridor zone are somewhat different from other industrial & commercial zones. The I-291 zone allows up to one acre of uninterrupted non-landscaped parking area. The 10% interior landscaping requirement still applies. No buffer is required as this site is surrounded by industrial and commercial property
  • Signage has not been designed as yet.  The applicant has named the road Studio Boulevard.  This name should be put on the plans and the applicant should coordinate the street numbering of the buildings with the Assessor.
  • There are no regulated wetlands on site but there is a pond just off-site and a portion of the subject site is contained with the 80’ upland review area. IWA/CC approval will be required at the time of site plans.
  • South Windsor Police Department and Fire Marshal have been involved in site planning and review and is satisfied with the site layout.
  • There is a substantial amount of traffic associated with any development of this magnitude.
  • Public water and sewer are available. The Water Pollution Control Authority is required at the time of site plan applications.
  • This site is not within 500 feet of an adjoining town, and there are no anticipated impacts on surrounding towns, so notifications were not required.
If this application is approved, the Planning Dept has no additional modification to request.

Doolittle gave an engineering report.
  • What is the name and applicant for this general plan?  It includes the previously approved Connecticut Studios Plan.  
  • The General Utility Plan should show water lines, storm drainage, gas, and other utilities.  
  • The Phase I site plan must show details on how the unfinished spaces for Studio Blds 3, 4 and the Mill Bld will be be stabilized and left prior to Phase II.  
  • The Phase I site plan must clearly show the utilities to be installed in that phase.  
  • The Phase II site plan must show how the utilities that were installed in Phase I are protected for Phase II construction.  
  • A complete stormwater analysis and design is needed with both Phase I and II site plans.  This should include pipe sizing, hydraulic grade line calculations, gutter flow calculations, infiltration and any discharge points.  
  • The driveways to the proposed hotel from the main access road and the driveway to the south toward Phase II need to be more closely examined as part of the Phase I site plan to be sure they are located to function as best they can and do not disrupt traffic on the main access drive or on Ellington Road.  
Commissioners had questions. Replies will be in italics.
Commissioners asked about sight lines and traffic issues. Clinton said that both sides have 390 feet of sight line. There will be a right turn on Ellington Road and a proposed left turn into the site. Traffic signal timings will be adjusted. Phase 2 will need DOT approval.
Commissioners asked about structure of studios and fencing. --Craig Stevenson replied that there will be a bid with both wood frame and steel frame options. Solar energy adjacent to the complex is being explored and is not part of either phase at this time. There will be a fence just around the studio complex.
Commissioner Kuehnel made a motion to approve the above mentioned application with conditions.
  •  The Commission notes that this approval is for a General Plan of Development, which does not address all engineering and site design details. The applicant must submit an application for a site plan of development approval, at which time the Commission will review all specific details of the project, including but not limited to the following concerns raised during the General Plan application process:
  • Pedestrian interconnections must be incorporated
  • Landscaping treatment between the chain link fence and sidewalk must be incorporated
  • Driveway locations for the hotel should be more closely examined to be sure they are located to function to not disrupt traffic on the main access drive or on Ellington Road.
  • The general utility plan must show water lines, storm drainage, gas and other utilities.
  • The name of the project and street name must be shown on the plans.
Carroll seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
  • Appl 11-22P, Neary Interior Lot – request for approval of a site restoration plan to resolve a pending zoning violation related to the site plan approval granted on 6/16/11 (continued discussion from 2/28/12)
Greg Neary, homeowner addressed the Commission. He presented pictures of the trees that were taken down. 31 to 35 feet of the lot has been taken by the neighbors. Pins were marked, but they kept being taken out. His neighbor built a trench on his property, and he did not know there were wetlands there because they were not marked on the Town map. He agrees to do what the Town requires of him.
Lipe clarified that the fence is no longer an option. What is being proposed is on the plan.
Commissioner Wilson read into the record a letter from the Historic District Commission.
Commissioner had questions. Replies will be in italics.
Commissioners asked about adding more trees and substituting weeping willows for maple. Neary is willing to add more trees.
Commissioners asked if there would be adequate screening and wetland restoration. Doolittle clarified that the trees will eventually screen the home from other properties; Jeff Folger is satisfied that the wetlands will be restored with what is proposed.
Public had comments. Pat Colabrese, 110 Old Parish Drive, says that some folks are concerned that there is not adequate screening and asked if a conservation easement would be considered.
Neary indicated that he would not offer a conservation easement.
Jane Colabrese, 110 Old Parish Drive, was also going to ask for a conservation easement until the screening and buffering grew in so that nobody could disturb it.
Roger Carchrie-Feltus, 50 Old Parish Drive abuts Neary’s property to the east and is worried about getting water in his cellar because Neary’s lot slopes towards his land. He suggested a retaining wall to prevent runoff. Doolittle said that there is a berm in the plan on the eastern property boundary.

Nathaniel Mays, 30 Oxbow Lane, feels more can be done; more trees and shrubs can be planted. He asked the commission to reconsider and add more trees and shrubs to give back privacy.

Lipe read the conditions for approval and recommended that understory plantings, such as mountain laurel, could be planted to help with screening. Chairperson Kennedy suggested planting one mountain laurel for every two mature trees, to be approved by Town staff.
Commissioner Pacekonis made a motion to approve the above mentioned application with modifications:
  • Drainage and construction for this lot is subject to the approval of the Town Engineer.
  • No building permits will be issued until all modifications have been complied with, and the final plans have been filed in the Town Clerk's office and a certificate of zoning compliance with the planting plan has been issued.
  • Erosion and Sedimentation bond in the amount of $2,500 and a wetlands planting bond in the amount of $5,000 are required prior to any work on site.
  • Mylars of the final approved site plan modification from August 2011 as well as the grading and planting plan must be put on file in the office of the town clerk.
Any additional trees to be removed must be flagged in the field and subject to town staff review and approval before being cut.
The north arrow must be corrected on the plans.
Additional trees to be added along the front of house to driveway area.
Additional understory plantings of mountain laurel should be interplanted – 1 bush for each 2 mature trees being planted.
Marrero seconded the motion.  The motion carried.  The vote was 4-3.  Kennedy, Pacekonis, Dexter and Marrero were in favor; Wilson, Kuehnel and Carroll opposed.

        BONDS: None
The minutes of 2/28/12 were approved by consensus with minor changes.
        OLD BUSINESS: None
Commissioner Wilson made a motion to reconsider the action taken by the PZC at the 2/28/12 meeting regarding the change to allow farming on the 19 acres subdivision open space in the Dzen Tree Farm.  Commissioner Pacekonis seconded the motion.
The Commissioners discussed the motion. They want other commissions to have the opportunity to be heard on this request. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.
Commissioner Wilson made a motion to table this request to a future meeting.  Kuehnel seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.
Commissioner Pacekonis made a motion to extend the meeting past 10:00 PM.  Wilson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
Commissioner Wilson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:03 PM. Commissioner Carroll seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

Respectfully Submitted:

Michele Lipe
Town Planner