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PZC Minutes 02-07-2012 Special Meeting
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Patrick Kennedy, Bart Pacekonis, Elizabeth Kuehnel, Viney Wilson, Kevin Foley, William Carroll
STAFF PRESENT:          Michele Lipe, Town Planner
CONSULTANT:             Heidi Samokar


Discussion regarding the following:

  • South Windsor Planning and Zoning Commission invitation to provide input on the Plan of Conservation and Development to the following Commissions/Committees (10 minute maximum):
  • Economic Development Commission
Sue Burnham, Economic Development Chair, reviewed the Commissions concerns from the Board and Commission survey.  Some of the goals of the Commission are to help maintain the Towns rural character while increasing its tax base.  The Commission was concerned with the lack of a regional insurance office, and the number of 55 + complexes and not enough apartments.  Keeping the businesses in Evergreen Walk, upgrading the school buildings and maintaining existing open space were some of the needs of the Town that came up during the survey.  One of the major issues facing the commission was filling the existing empty buildings with viable businesses and developing the I-219 corridor.  The EDC encourages development that will bring permanent jobs to SW; hold the tax base; extend natural gas lines & underground wiring; new reliable power grids; encourage the installation of fiber optic network; and upscale apartments.  (Exhibit 1)

  • Redevelopment Agency
Not present
  • South Windsor Chamber of Commerce
Unable to attend

  • Zoning Board of Appeals
Thomas Bernstein discussed the function of ZBA and some areas that should be addressed in the new Plan of Conservation.  There are some areas where applications for variances continue to come for the same issues. A periodic review of the regulations to evaluate if the regulations still apply to that area of Town may be necessary.  

  • Board of Education
Not present

  • Public Building Commission
Not present

  • Housing Authority
Not present

  • Senior Advisory Committee
Carol Strauss, Chair discussed some of the needs of the seniors and other groups that share the Senior Center facilities.  The mission of the senior advisory committee is primarily concerned with senior programming at the center whoever the center is used by many different groups and individuals.  Some of the recommendations that the Committee came up with were as follows:

To provide a second exit on to Nevers Road from the Community Center to alleviate the congestion in the parking lot and the inability to get in and out.  The senior programming and other groups are limited based on the space.  

To provide adequate and additional space for the groups using the center from pre-school programs and recreation to human services and adult and senior programs

Seniors as a group are unable to deal with change or having to travel to multiple locations for events.  The preference is to stay at the Center.  There are some programs currently run at the center in room 205 for small children that have to use the big tables and chairs as well as the adult bathrooms and that’s not good for the children.  

The Committee had concerns with allowing the budget to have adequate maintenance of those facilities including routine cleaning and repair.  The current maintenance schedule does not address the hundreds of people that come through the building on a daily basis.  

The Committee recommends that the Town plan ahead to make space for a future all day kindergarten program.
  • Mass Transit & Highway Advisory Commission
Hugh Brower discussed the rail corridor plan and the potential for greater use of the rail in the 291 corridor.  The rail In South Windsor has the potential to serve additional businesses along route 5.  Their might be a possibility to provide a rail trail within portions of the existing rail however it would have to be discussed with the rail operator and the Department of Transportation.  Another possibility would be a South Windsor shuttle bus with a centrally-located transportation hub that could move people between the different shopping areas.  These hubs would help local businesses to bring more people into the central business district for work and shopping. (Exhibit 2)

  • SW Walk and Wheel Ways Committee
Ginny Hole, reviewed the projects, accomplishment and future goals of the SW Walk and Wheel Ways committee.  South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways is a volunteer organization of people living and working in South Windsor.  The mission of the Walk and Wheel Ways is to provide safe non-motorized passages for the community by expanding and linking trails, neighborhood and open spaces within our community and to other Towns.  

  • Water Pollution Control Authority
Richard Aries, Chair of the WPCA discussed the pump station upgrades and the importance of having an updated State map that reflects the correct sewer service area in South Windsor.  

  • South Windsor Family Alliance
Not present

  • Clean Energy Task Force
Robert Dickenson, discussed the importance of promoting clean energy in Town.  He recommends clear policies and regulations covering the installation of solar panels and other renewable energy construction.  

  • Volunteer Fire Department
Not present

  • Library Board
Not present

Wilson made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Carroll seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

The meeting ended at 8:30 PM.  

Respectfully Submitted:

Maria Acevedo
Recording Secretary
PZC Approved on 2-28-2012